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79-~ `~~~.~: <br />TO HavE aND TO }.OLD the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein pro': ided. :t4ortgagor represcnts to, <br />snd covettattts n-ith, the Mortgagee, that the 3Im•tgagor La; ;seed ririht to _,<,,li and cum•ey said premises; <br />that they are free from encumbrance, e~eept as he'reir,,rther«~i.r recited; that the \turtgagor xeill xcarrant <br />atxl defend the same againsi flee ia,cful elainxs oY all person. ,~ L•ntn.o.cer. Jftn-tgngor hex•eby rt'linquis}n-s` <br />all rights of homestead, all *_narital rights, either in hew or in e,tuit~, and atl utlter contingent interests of <br />the ~Iortgagar in and to the above-dent:ribezl pr,•mises. <br />PROVt4I?D rlt.xc,x15, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the fOllon•ing conditions, to <br />a-it <br />Mortgagor agrees to pay to the 3kn•tna,,ee, c,r.u-,ier, the a£uresaid principal cant frith intersst from date <br />at ihc' ? 4te of £le~ er_ & one hali~er centum {ll . 3c) per amtum on the unl>sid balance tutt.ii paid. <br />The said principal an8 interest shadl he payable at the tialice of Mortgage Plus Incorporated <br />'•n Englewood , Colorado • ~~t' at such other place as the holder of the note nxay designate in <br />rc~itirg de`si.ered ornaailed ic? the tilot-tgagtn-, in tnostthl}- lost:=llutents of Three Eundred Thirty Six <br />94/'1QOl~oiIat~ {$ 336. 9~I 1. ~~^u;mencing on flee to-:t dac of Ja ;nary . 1tJ 3 ~ and cartinuing on <br />tl?e nest da}- of writ ntontL thereat err until said note is fulls paid, except that, if net sooner paid, the final <br />S_,2yntent of principal an,i interest :hall be duo and payahk oft the first dac of December 2 009 ;all <br />accarding is the term; of a r~~rtain promissory r.c2e of even date ]teren-ith executed t,y the saki ~Sortgagur- <br />'fhe?liortgagcn- further a,~t•ees: <br />?, He ,till }~}- iitci irdebtt~,i;acss, as 1:_^r•inb~.i,,ar pr,zcSdetl. Friraegc is reserved tt, prepay at anc <br />time. rcithout premium ,~r t ~-, the entire ind~~bte;loess nr ap.> ps,±-~ thereof not less than 'the anxount of one <br />u~s.allment, or one hundt~d dollat~ {100.001, whichever is 1e_;s. Prepayment in full sha21 be credited on <br />tlx date re.^eivzd, Partial pre}ra~°meni, other thatx on an it;stslltnent due date, nh~d nt,t be credited until <br />the rest. folioFS-ing installment due date ar thiriy days after sui•h prepat•ment, rrhii~hever ;s earlier. <br />a m_-~_. b_~_ v;.x, ~ ; il.~a;.;.„, t et,~ „ ,: t,t., .,e , .,.mot .s .of,rr , ..•~_.., <br />t]te terms ofthe pate scturc~d ltenby, ~lor#gagur >cill ;,,i> t:, \i.,r-tg;tgee,.t,; ta-ustee. tunrier tl:,• term: of this <br />trust as hereinafter statc'^ti} an the tirs# day of each month anti! ti,i note is fu}1>- p:uti: <br />(a) 3 ,rm egtta; t„ the gr~,und rents. i'i attl-, n~-~t ,iu~~, p':u_c t,,t• prenxn:ms that will best Iti~rame dtte <br />a nd ~ral.,ie c,n }h.liei~•s c,f fire snd outer 1:a_;t;-d cocerittg Ehe rnart}*aged prapert}•, <br />plus tales and assessm c nts next ,i u, ~ ~ ,_.. , . .. , ,;-t era g~-~1 p rc,l M r? ~- t a l: a_~: est i mated bs the ?ltart- <br />gage2, and of ;~ hi_°h the ~4ortgan~.r is r:~„* i c. d; !~ ss a;i stem: sirradc }kaid therg^itar divided by <br />tt;e axan?l:,rr i,; mori'r.. t;, ~-lapse i,t for,- r>::, mr,::th pr,,° tc, *.hr date «-hrn such ground rants, <br />premiums, uaxi's and ac,,_~,m~-nt= ,,, ,,, ,, ;,,, ,,, ,:::c,t,,~nt, such ,oral to be held by '4fo:tgagee <br />in trust tt~ par :ai,l grounn r,~:.ts, pr,ar~:ant=. t:,s~>;and spei:al rsse~ments. <br />{h} The a~;ragate,•f theau:,,tn;t_: pad;i9th~ l:arsetarn t„ atLparagrxph fa: and th~,.,e payable on the <br />s,;it? serur,~d hrrrbr, shai3 ar. l+a;d in a sine's,, payment esih month, to t+e applied to the follow- <br />iag items in t lee order stat<~d <br />tt) grovand r=nt_s. taxe=. a_.,.,r.,~~nts. t:r ~• an,l „thee 1>,ic.~r,9 ittsuranre premiums: <br />ill) intrrrsT on tl.~- xoic :_-~ uro<i tt.~r..•b) ; ,end <br />;Ili} ;i1.+t?:~2itiut; :; tits } t lntlly?1 ~ a...u ttete. <br />3nv detiri, t.r}~ ia: tht~ ::,,,..~-,_ .: an? -... ,- sg~s;rrgat:• manthly payment shall.. ;iless made good <br />b. the \}ca^pr~-,.~ }:r',rr'c+ t=°=r,::- ~.._. . , th r,~°ct sv.;t lxavment, i-onstitute ssrvent of default <br />under ?......, .t t~*.~ge- ~*. 'tint :g::~~, is .,+n. ,l1„+-tk;..i;~~r xiil l,,~y a "late charge" not exceed- <br />~, , <br />ing r ~_ ;h r ~ .._::m t ! ~ .) ~ ~ _t 3 __. r., ,: }:, ., ;±aid afore titan tsfte~n (1f,) u'acs after the <br />cue date tl,~-=<,,; ti, c„tier t?:.. ~.v:,.: , ..p, ;:~: ;t. „=i+::.^ ±::tne3li-tg ::,~li.xtluer,t }>i:>-menu. bvt such <br />.•3at~'.';':ii g~ 'l :.II ~... +..; i[:.. .,. ..~ , z:: - . _ . t-: : i' ~a; saiiaf: nc~ .-dcbted- <br />ne> sc•r:t.~-~.9l,rn•b3, uri~Ras sc. ?: ,, _., ...,~ _-.t,:?;,:t;t t:, ,.isrl.argx~th~revtire indebtedness and <br />all pPC>p.•r . , 4SU doll t'S}R'n:t~s 5z^. 4. ~, ? ~, : i•b} . <br />3. If the fatal irf the pay-menis made bt' fire ?,iartgahtjr un,er =al ~,f paragraph ° preceding shall <br />exceed t3te amount of pay'merts actually inade b>- the ~i„rt~~xc.,-, as tr:LCt«~, fr,r gr:,ttn~9 rent.;, taxes cad <br />asscssmeents ar irsutarce premiums, as flee r:asr mar t,~•, sort exceaS shall ~• rreditr,.i t;y the Aiot•tgagee <br />an sub.>:eegnen# pagments *.o be made by the 4Iartg•,~g`.gr fc;r sue}=_ sec=nts ,,r. 3t '_!1<}rtgagfr.'s reptian. as ttatstee, <br />shall be refunded tts Aiartgagc~r If, hau-rct•r, sorb monthly- p;tymentc }aril n;,t tsr sutTicieixt to pay such <br />iterna cchen dxe same shall bee:_;ate due arad pa,•ablc-, tlt,•n the \Sc,rti;.~;ar shall p:~> *.n t}xe Siortgagc~, as <br />tralrS~, any amannt nrcessxrv to make up the ::cieney cabin t$it"[y° t:lir) as}~s after i. rittan naticefrtxm <br />the ~lartgagee slating the amount of the defer iency, ~;•hirh n,>ticz• mar he givt~n by- mail- If at and- time <br />flee 9iartgagar shall tender to the 3Sartgagee, in acur•.iarce a ith the prurisions of t}xe note secured <br />hereby, full garment of t3te enYare indebtainess r•eprese-need therr•be, the Rlartgagee, as trustee, shall. <br />in cartputirtg the 3~~+taent ~f such indeb?, credit ts~ tnhe account of the ~tangagar any credit balance <br />a~uaxu}atzd under the prarisiatss of {$} of paragraph '_' hereof. If there shall be a default under any <br />tsf tit2 gms3siatu of this ttxartgagx~ resulting in a public sale of the- premixs €arerecl hereby, or if the <br />Mtrrt~ sequirea the property a#terwise after dzfaslt., the 3lortga6ree, as trustee, snail apply, at the <br />ties of the commencement of sorb proeeediiYgs, ar at the time the property is otherwise acquired, the <br />amwrnt then remaining to ttedit the Mortgagee under {n) of paragraph ° preceding, as a credit an the <br />interest srtrued sad unpaid acid t}te balant'e W the principal t,'ren mtttaining unpaid an said note. <br />A. The lien of this insirumeni sha}I remain in full farce and effect during anti pactponement or e_cten- <br />sic>~n of the time of payment of the indebtetiaess ar any part thereof secured hereby. <br />~_ $e witl pa„r all ground rents, faxes, as~+essments, ix^ater caeca, and other g+arernmental or muniei- <br />pal e1>..argeea, fixes, ar impasitiaus, levied upon said premise3 and that he will pay fill taxes levied upon this <br />arartgsge, ar the debt secured the.~~ty, together with any other taxes ar assessments which may be levied <br />under tl+a' lags of Nebraska against the 33artgagee, or the Legal holder of said principal note, on account of <br />this indebtedness, except when pa}~rrtent for all such items leas theretofore been made under {n) of para- <br />graph =hereof, and he x•ilI pramptly deliver the afftcial receipts tlxerefor to the Mortgagee. In default <br />there-of the ;~Sortgagee may pay the same. <br />