Lender's written agreement or app}icabie law. Bormwer shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph Z hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become addi;ionat
<br />irtdebtednzss of Borrower secured by ibis t+fortgage. L`nless Borroaer and I-ender agree to other trots of payment, such
<br />amounts shall tee payable upon no*.ire from Lender t o Bormwer reuuesting payment thereof, and ;hall bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outsiandine principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest of such rate would be con[ran• to appticah?e lain. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at thg highest rate
<br />permissible under applicab}e ]aw. Nothing contained in thin paragraph 7 shall require l.erdzr to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. Inspectiirnt. Lender map make or cause to he made rcasor.ablr entries spot, and in;ptrNons of the Property, previ.ded
<br />that Lender shall giro Borrower nonce prior to anc such inspection sprcifping reasonable cause therefor related to i endrr's
<br />intere-st in the Pn,pern°.
<br />~ 9, Condemnation. The pn,cecds of any aacard or claim far damages. direct or consequentiah in canneaion «itfi anc
<br />condemnstion or other taking of the Pmnem-. or part thereof. or for cona•ecance in lieu of condemnation, are herche_ assigned
<br />v~k and shad he paid to Lender.
<br />In rite .vent of a total talon, of the Pn,prrty, the proceeds shall hs` appiird to the sums secured hp this \torigage.
<br />.~ with the e~-ecs, if an}', paid to Borroacrr In the event cf a partial taking of the Pmpert }•, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />>~ otiteru~isr agree in avriting, there shall 1>e app}ir_-I to ihz sums secured by this Ainrtgage such pmportie+n of the proceeds
<br />2s is tqual to That pzoportion which the amount of the sum; ,eatrcd ht' this \t:+rtgagr immtdiatelc pri.,r !o the date of
<br />~ iakiag brats to tl:r fair market vale: of the Pmtrrtc immrdiateh~ prior to the alit; of taking, with the halanre c+f the pr,ceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />li the Pmprm is abandoned be Bormwer. a`r ii. afrer notice he Lender to Bormwer that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award o* sett}e a claim for damages. B:+rrnu~zr tai!. to res{w+nd to I ;ndzr withirz ?0 dac> after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lcndrr is authorized to catleci and apph the rr.,ccetis, at t rnder's option. either to rrsiaration or repair of the
<br />Prnperte' or to the sums secured he thi> ~tongagz
<br />L?r.Iess Lender and S.'•m,u-rr othrru~i;c acre` in uritin~. an~~ ;nch appiiration of pra•+_reds tc principal shah not zvtend
<br />or postpone the -due dart of t?tr m..^.nt?:h~ ir,.ta?lntrnts n,.^ed t=~ in ncrngrspha and ~ hzreaf <r change the amount cf
<br />;ir:h instatlrnent~
<br />18. Bormwer mot Releaeed. Fatensn~n of the t:mr fa i+.ttment or modifi.afion of amortization of the sumc secured
<br />be :bin Mort~agr grarird by }-ender t., any cu:crcv,r vn ~:trc.a»t +f Ba+r,:+uer cha!I not operate t., micas.:. in any manner,
<br />?t!c'tia2tlliit' ~i ihr orgtn3l Baz-r, ucr and iih rr.,u cT. .,. .a'+.+r, ir, inirR';i. lender ctt3ll tint hr regltlR'cl tai eOmmenCe
<br />prht~xiir+gs sgainct such sua`r;aor or refscr to r,rena:~rmr for t avmem ,+r othrrw ice modify amortization of the sumc
<br />;sZ Urrd he this blortgagc by rea;an of .:ny drmsnd made ht the o:ig:~;a? Bornns c`r : nd Rorrawrr's succe;con in intereu.
<br />li. Fnrbcatynee be Leader \at a Raiser. >na tor!+ratar..r he I ender in earre:s,rc any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />o[hrtx'isc atTordrd ha' apphcat+ir law,,h.:ll m,t ?,•: a waiaer a,t ,+r p.*e.:lude the r,rrcise of am~ such right or remedy.
<br />'F#>; ; T•c+curcmeez of insurance nr the pa}~ttrnt of ta,c'> :+ .+ihrr !;en..x charge; M_~ I ender ch.11 not t>z a aa~aiver of 1-ender's
<br />right ta, sae}crate thz matur,'n• of th.° indehtednecc -czctrrrd h} thy; !t7oril:acr.
<br />1? RemesSes Camulstive. .Ali rzmediz; proa:ded m ibis 'tforteage are distinct and cumulative to anq Diner right or
<br />rztrt=~'}~ under this MonnaCr e.* arTordrd l+v ?a>+ ar zauita. and mac he cerrc::rd mn.-urremh~. ind:pindenih~ or snc:rssis~ety.
<br />li_ Sxrrssots atuf was Batxrd; Joint and $rseral i:ratxlih~: Capstans. The covenants and agrremrntc herein
<br />a,ntairteU shelf bind. and the rights hereunder shall inuze to, !hr rr;prctitr suceresnt~ and assigns a~f Lender and Bormwer.
<br />su}t~tcr. to ihr pra+dsiotn of paragraph f? 'zrr~af. .311 rovrnants and agrrrmrnts of Borrower :hall he joins and severs}.
<br />The caaaans sod headings n= the paragraah~ a. :his S1a+ngage art for :onvrnitnce an3_s aed are m+t t.> t+r used t.
<br />inrcrptet or 3efine the rrosisions here, f
<br />Id, otire. E'<,xpi for an} tit+tz:r required undo appiirah3e tau t., br darn in ara,thrr manner. sal and notice to
<br />&+rrnw~er provided for in thin Vlar[eage shall f>e riff-c-n ha mailing su:h n.,tisc• Fti ..rti6cd mail addresnid r., B~+rrower at
<br />itft Pr,pcm' .address or at such other xddrr.c ss Sorr,,wer ma, dre:gn:ttr by notice tam t rndzr as provided herein, and
<br />(h? aa} notice to Lender shall ttr givzr. h~ rertifir' ma;i, rrtu-± rrcr:pt rrqurctrd. ,++ 1 ender'; address stated herer. or to
<br />st+~h otttcr addn-ss as I_eade; ma}~ dzsignatz ht tic ti:^r ta, Bor-,.»ser as pr.»,3zd hereto Am n.,ti is pr,,s'ided t:vr ;n ihac
<br />'4}.+rtgage i*.a?i he deemed to hsae hzrn g:vrn to Borra~wrr ,~r 2 a^nda°r uhrn darn in the manner >i<esi;natc-d herein.
<br />IS. i~aifst>n !Nssst;a~r: Gasrraietg Lax: St.erahilita. Th:. f.=rm :+t mortgage r,mt+inrs toff^rn: c:+ve,ants for national
<br />u;z and ~~t-uniform covenant; unfi ]imzmd raratia+m ha ice;cd,ction t.+ a+n.unne a un~fornt skurity ir,irumrm sv_ring
<br />teal , .,petty This '.lorteage xhai7 t+r ea»-rrned h} the tau ihr iuri..iicii.,n in which ih~' Pr. lx rtti t; ,: aced- [n the
<br />sent that anv ^rnvistc+n ., : suer .~f thic \lnrtgsgr . * the \nie :onflt:tc .aith arp:ics?+k Saw. su:h cont?ict shat} not atTe-ct
<br />oLhrt prnttsiam o +,t:zs ?t,,n,.aer or the 'raj*.r wl,.;h :~.+ h gtvrn rttrct without the conilictine proyisian, and to this
<br />et+d the pn,t tsiotis a+! the 9~€ongaee and the \a,fr art .#z.iard t.` hr cevYraT+?e
<br />iC )demax~s Cag.. Borrower shat} h 1-rn:sit~d ? .nr-i,,mted ropa of the tietr and ,,f this ?sfort,~age at the tame
<br />,,t exr.tztirm or after moz8siinn hereof
<br />i~. Traasirr of fhe Prapc;h: Assymrptian. 2 f ai..ar am pan of the Pmprm~ or an mtrrest thezeir, is sold or transfetrrd
<br />h}' fk~rr.*wrt w:tb.,ut Ltndrr's ;+ri,,r u;ina•n ,.,n.rn:. rv.iu3ing :at tha- ~rzati.,n ,, l;en <+r en.umbran.e .utw+rdinatr to
<br />:h» Ma,rtgsee. !b; the c.*eaut+n n! ;. n:u.Sa.e m.+ne, ,:;;rri:a :n:.rrs: t:,: h.+u>en,id applian:e.. ~.r 1 trsn,irr t+v deafer.
<br />drw,em ar t~y-ol'Grati~r+n of ia.. up.,n tfie death :+t ~ x„nt trnam er .=2+ ih=' era-~* of ,,m lras.haid mterrst of thee.- }tars or t
<br />n„i comaining xn optian !ate pt:rhssr. Lrndrr maa. at i code*\ ,,puon. dr,l:,re .;r.i ±hc ,umc cr.utrd ht thts !storigage to t+e
<br />!nstnrdisir2a due god pa}'ahie Lender shalt base w,i+aed c,_.. op;,nn t.= ~,,:elrratr i:_ prior t,+ the safe ,,r transfer I.endrr
<br />and xhe Iasss',tt is w~h. nn the i'ra~rt{ t, !.~ hr >o!d .,r tr narrrr3 rra.h ogres°mrni ,n~ rrrtmg that the :re.9it . f curb person
<br />is ;iisracton io Lender and ;,.. , ..._,r. ;+-. -}c . .h. -nt. gyred -^. ,ht- St^ air h3:! '~ z.,:!; rate as I ender
<br />shat2 rep~~st. If I.tnder has w'anev ihr .+ptx,n t,'ac.ekr.t!c ,r.++:dr is n =.hi> pa raera;.h ?'. and :( Botr,+u rr'c .ts. erssor in
<br />intetst has txa-uted a wrirYtn assumptton Igrrzmrnt a~crptrd in uritang he tender. Lrn3r. ;ha?i rrirsu B. rrouer from a}I
<br />ohligaii_~its reader this Alortgagr a*-xd zhe tioir.
<br />if Lxntler ercercisc~ such optsar. to a;relerrte. Lc,edcr >*ai! mail Snrtoarr not:;c .+ -~.Ier:atic n n a.:nrdancr with
<br />paragraph 3~ hereof Stt:lt r,. t, +ltali t+-.v,dt :, per+.+.i :' n.: !. than ?zY da}; in>sn :hr date the nati:c ac mailed u~ithir.
<br />ss'huh B.•trrow•er Wray pat tM sums declared due It Bc:rr,,urr :l:i. ,a, pa} su.h s..tm: p-i:v in t`te c+.piraua+n ni such period.
<br />Ler!der mav. a~ithnut Torther aoiiCe or drmaod .x. Borra••.+er.:r.a.*kc ar, •. n~rrtedtzs t+?rm:ned ha paragraph l f; hereof.
<br />Isa?a-L+t~[net~t C+~'z:-~.*. ;s B:+rt+r.cr 3n:+ I-en;3rr rurrhrr c,.arnant and srec s> foil, a•=_~.
<br />3R Acr3etsttinat Rcmtdies Esrrpt ~. prsris€ed is paragraph 1? hrreaf, apwt Barrssxer's breath of say ro+:easn! ar
<br />aBsertsest of Eorrowtt is this lfartRaGe, iarladitotR (hr raseaaMS (o pox rhea dac aa} sums securtd by tbis Mortgage,
<br />?' at~t". ffi x>r a #v ~:rfwt-: ss ~=sidrd es psrsprsph !8 +aerestf sp:rifri~: ! 11 the b:rarh:
<br />1~1 the xtini surd ffi em+e ~•h brsych; tat a Byte. fret Ie3s: ehwt .iU days ftxsm the date the notice is tnsikd to Sot•mxer,
<br />Ifry ~rltlrh tmKb htnch cost Ire owed: amid i#I that faitwe to rare sisc6 breaeh as ar before the date specified in the netire
<br />ttmtry r~dt ffi acmm of the stems aerated by this Natt8age, farecbsarr by Itrdirial proceeding and sale of the Property.
<br />2Le ttmtiee ~ Etutffi!r adore Ewtswer of the tiRM to relgstrtr after acceleration and the right to assert in the foreelwure
<br />fhe eeatzi9etre of a defa~t ~ amt other defense of Bprrawer to scre/crafGas and faeeelosure. tl the breach
<br />Im sat cares tat ~ before the dam t~clRed ffi the satire. t,eader si Lettdtr's nptioa may declare art of the sums secured by
<br />tthis ~ m ht ~~el)' Qsre amd payybde srithrwt farther detaaad and matt €areciase b} ;:tdicial proceeding. Leader
<br />sYsR t4 ta~#ed ffi esBect in Birch praMCCdis;w ~ expeRCes of farectosare, incted'tng. bat oat limited to, costs of documentary
<br />ms'Idratca. tdat:aeK sled title repasts.
<br />19. larrowet's flitiQkt ffi 1R~estate, Nptasilhstanding L.rnder's acceleraton of the sums secured by thi: isfortgage,
<br />Barrmver shall have the rigtti to have any preczedings begun by Lender ti= rn force shin Mnngnge di>continurd at any time
<br />