liNIFORM CovfxAt-r't's, Borrower and Lender Covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Payment of Princlgal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when duc the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal Of and interest
<br />Ott any Future Advances solaced by this MOrtgage.
<br />2. Funds for Taxes artd Irssrirance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are parable under the Note. until the Note is paid in fulh
<br />a sinit (herein "Funds") equal t0 one-twelfth of the yearly tapes and assessments which mat• att;tin prinriq' over this
<br />Mortg~re, and ground rents on the Properly, if any, plus nve-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus One-twelfth Of yearly premiiun installments nor mortgage insurance. if anv, all as reasonably estimated initiallp~ and from
<br />rfrt time to time by Lender un the basis of assessments and bills and reasonaclr es.timatcs thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution rtes depasiis or accounts ai which arc insured or guaramced by a Federal cr
<br />-=. stale atctits i intiuding Lender if Lender is such an itn-tiiutian i. Lender ,hail apple tfie Funds to pay said ta>•,es, assessments,
<br />itstuance premiums and Ground sera. Lender ma}' not charge t, r so holding and apply9ng the Funds, analczing said account,
<br /># or vtrify7ng aed compiling said aoessmtnts and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law'
<br />r permits Lertder to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender ma. agree in wrihng at the time of tvewtion Of this
<br />{}~ h{a;-tg~ge that ~interrsz on the Funds shall k+r paid to Borr.,wrr, and unless ,u.h agrremeni is made or applicable law
<br />~' rtquir'es sxh in!errst to be paid, Lender shall not tar reyuired ;., pay 8.~rr.,w'r; any into rest of earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />sltail give fo Botn'wtr, w'iihaut charge. an annual atcouniing of the Funds shawmg credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />' purpose for which each debit t0 the Funds wits made. 77ie Funds arc pledged as additional security for the sums solaced
<br />by this Sortgage.
<br />ii the arnaunt Of the Funds held by Lender, *.ogethtr ,:ith the future mnmhh~ installments of Fund: payable: prior to
<br />the dtie dates of Saxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents. shall rsxrd the amount reyuired to pay said tarts,
<br />assessmenu, insurance premiums and ground rem: as they call due. such evCrss shall be, at Borrowers option, tither
<br />pnzaptlc trr=,aid to Bonnu~tr or crrd;ted to Barmwrr on monthly instalimtnis of Funds. [f the timpani of the Funds
<br />hdd by Lender shall oat be sutLeicat t0 pay raves. assessments. irzsurantr premiums and ground rents as [her fall duc,
<br />Bwsow-7c shall pay ie Lender tine amount nr:rssary to ;Hake ur. the deficiencc within 30 days from the dace notice rs marl-d
<br />by Leader to $armwer requesting payment thereof
<br />Upem payment in full of all sums secured by this Sf ortgage. Lender shall promptly reiuud to Bnrrawer any Funds
<br />head by Lstider. If under paragraph 7 i+ here0i the Praptm is .old or the Prap<'m +s otherw isc aCgiurrd by £ ender, Louder
<br />Shall daFl_y', eta 3alrr Than immediately oriar :o 'hr sale at the Prapctts er its aCUUisetiap by Lender, ant Fund held hi'
<br />Lender a[ the time Of spplicatioa as a credit against the sum.:,Cured hr tills Siartgage.
<br />3. Aatioa of pikvmrata, limes, apphcsble laN pro,r,ks otherwise. ail payments rticiscd by I tndrr under the
<br />tiOte and paragraphs 1 and ? hetm,f shah I+e appittd b} L.rndrr first m pay moot of amounts pay.,blr to Lender by Borrower
<br />urxier paragraph 2 hern,I, then to inirrest ps}'able an the \otr, then to the principal of the ::ate. and ihcn is inierrst and
<br />principal On any Future Advances.
<br />1. Z'iyu~ Isess. $amwer shs- pay all lasts asxssmtnts and other cfiargts, tines and impositions aitr~btitable u,
<br />dtt Ptvpert}° which may attain a pii0iin' aver this Mortgage, and ieasrhold paymems nr ground rents if any, in the mancer
<br />pssss~d faille paragraph 2 het•eoi ar, if not paid in sulk manner, by &,r;ow.r mailing pay~rtrnt, when due, directly to the
<br />pnyroe sheronf. Borr,3wrr shall ptnmptly famish t0 Lender ail nott.:s of ameunu due under this paragraph. and in the event
<br />Btx-_>~cv shsli malt payment directly, Eorrow~rr sha'1 promptly iumish to lender rtreipts evidentmg such payments.
<br />Bturawer shall pttxapih' discharge any lira which has prianty a,er this Mortgage; prav:dc~i_ that &vn,w~er shall no[ be
<br />t~tgtiued to discharge any sub lien 4 k,t:g as Barrow•er shall agree in writing to the nsyrren[ of the abhcatian .feared by
<br />sin_@ lien in a mansxr areeptabk w Lender, o* shall in ga,d faith contest such lien hy. or defend eofvicement of suet lien in,
<br />dal pr.~-ca3ittgs w$iclt operate to ptateni tiiz enf.,r>^ement of ihr tern or forfrnur- at rho Propzrty~ ar any part thereof.
<br />3. Haaud Iaateatoee. Borraw~er steal! trop the empn,semrnts now rvisvng ar hereafter erected on the Property insured
<br />against lose, Ivy' hie, hazatifs atctuded rvithm the trtnt `euendrd covrragt`. and such tither h:uards as Lender may rtyuire
<br />and its stash atnounu acrd tar stash periods ss Leader may zrquur; pre,idrd, that Leader shall oat require that the amount of
<br />stx^.h tt+vxrege tticts3'3 tt18i atnOUnt of Coverage rtyuit>'d to pay ilte .wins secured l,y thrs Alortgagt.
<br />the t>asitratite t:arrirr prosidiug i}x iasuraact shall be cftostn by BxrOwrr strb3z:t r,, approval by' 3_endrr, provided.
<br />that such apprava! shall not he unteasuiably aithbeld. .311 prtmtum: an insurance policies shall by pal: +n the marina
<br />p.~vidr~ umier para~aph ? heaa~f ar. tf oat paid in such manner. M B.imwer mating payrnem, when d~=e. dirtttly to ihr
<br />ittistaratxx carrier.
<br />Ail htsurantt pales-res arni renewaazs rhere.,t shadt,r in f.,rnt a..tpt.,bl: to Lcn.icr =ad,rall rncludr a tandani marigage
<br />clause in favor of and in farm atxptshk a, L.endtr. Lender shall ha,r the right t.~ hold the policies sod renewals thertai.
<br />.~ $+tsi;t>wer shall prataptly furt~slt its Lender ail rznc war tran:cam.- and sll rei~ipts of paid prtmtumc In t;tz event of la:..
<br />smrtwrer shall give prompt natitr to the insurance Oar reel and Lender, Lendr; cony male n: k,t ai l.,ss tf oat made nramptiy
<br />6y Barrowet.
<br />Liitiesc Linder and B.~rrOwer otlitrai,e agrre ui w ru,ag, msurantr ;,rwetds shall hr applied u, restoration or repair of
<br />ttu PropG:y dama~. pravii~d such restoraton or rcpser is rturtomttally ,•ras:hir attd the ;rcurity of this llartgagr is
<br />teat thwrhy impatrcd.. if such rrstaranan or ter air is oat ca»nuni ally feasthir or !i the srcunty of this Sh,rtgaga wntdd
<br />... a~pratrtd, the insura[ttt praeatds shall be applied to the sums srcurtd b, this '.S,*^brgr. the exarss, if any. pntd
<br />t0 Born',wer- L the PrOptrty is ahand:,rted by &vmwrr. r+r ~i Bom,wer ia+ls to rrsln»nl to Ltn.+,°r within ~i+ days t.*+,m t!n
<br />daft ntmce is mailed ht' Leader =.o Borrower that tilt :2vutsncr csrner otftn to son-ie s claim for tasurance henrfits, Lender
<br />is attihnriaed so attiktz and shy ihr tnsuranx prsxr:+,s at l.rndrr s opsian nether to restarauan ar repair ai ihr Property
<br />~ iii ihr suss sectartd lt}' this 3darivgage
<br />LrnltssLeader and $ar'towtr nihrr.:st agree u: uratrrg, ant such application ,,f pt~etds to prmttpal ,hill oat r,.tend
<br />or pctatpsvx the due 3att ti the mnnthi. instaLlmrms referred to m paragraphs 1 and_ hereof or change the amount of
<br />crick installasnis_ L under par~rapti 1>? Ixra.> the Pr.,ntny i> acyuued by Lender, al', right, tde and interest of BOrrawtr
<br />in and to an}- iffiurante policies anti to and t:~ the praccrds therev,i resulting from damage to the Praptrty pear tc the .ale
<br />as acquisitiaa r+.sail pass to Lutdu to the tsttn=. of uhr sumo seecut~d ht this .~iortgaet :;err=;ediateh urine t, such sate or
<br />i. Prnessafioa aed of Ptmperit: Leasen+>ids; toadamioiums; Planned unit Dev rioptmats. Borrower
<br />scull lap the i'n~petn+ in goal repair and shall rent camtrtit waste or ptr'mtt impairmem or deteriorataen at the Property
<br />atsd shat` voasply' with the provisiotss of are tt.. ij this S{angage a on a ltasehot3 if this Scurf gags is on .r trait in a
<br />~. to a plantatx u~t devrlapiuttxi. Barti:a.~r shah p<.f.}rm ail rf Barruwrr's .,b?;gauons under ifit d:°::larauan
<br />ar :xtveearNS crcattrta ar governing the tOndomintum or planned ~,eni[ devtiopmrnt, the by-laws and regulations of the
<br />w.A ....~,. ,.aw i ;tine, •- p;n
<br />..•~•:••..~ ±r p~s~ ~ •.v..~.nt, '~.+ ~. .. .,• d....u„na:s. li - .-.a:v~minium or ed ;,,,,t .irvr-let em
<br />rids is us>=wind !r Btas'awu i~ ra'•ordtxl together with this Mo;igage, the taVCRai1t3 and agreements of sorb ride;
<br />chrdl ba.imx+rpr~d info and siiaM amend and supplement the rnvenan[s and agreements of this Dfartgage as if ihr rider
<br />were a part itetaiaL
<br />7, TeeMtlioe a( I,aaitr'a Seeter~tj. if Borrower fasts to perform the covenants and agreemenu contained in this
<br />lfatasga¢, oe $ tiny Or proeeodin6 is ccuntuenxd which materially a$ects Larder's uuerest in trio Progeny,
<br />ID„ brit rat limited w, emietets dcnnaitt. iHas'tivetu:y, code mfarxment, nr arrangements or proceedings irvnlrine a
<br />1>f~sitR ~ decedent, tlaee Lmtder at L.mder's option, upon notices to Borrawtr, may male such appearances, disburse such
<br />sums and take stKh aL3.ian ~ is aetts+ar}- to erruut Lender's interest. inciudtng, but oat 3imited to. dtshursetttem of
<br />rentiealSle attotnry's feee and exttry ttpoa the Prapeny to male repairs, li Lender required mortgage insurance as a
<br />condition of snaking the loan soctu'td by this Mortgage, Barn,wer shall pay the premiums reauired to maintain such
<br />itt~aatx in t$ott until stub tine as the ra~uiremeut for state insurance terminates in accordance wash Btzrn?wer's end
<br />