<br />79-~ ~~'73:3~3
<br />~ff~,e and, Ma,~.a~e~nen~
<br />`the `!•rustees tuav ++: ti+rir tkiscrrtiun elect among their number a k'rrsident, Secretary and
<br />'t'reasurer, or any ,>tirr ulkiccrs tire}• tnay deem expedient kur proper kunttiioning. Any
<br />Trustee may lsuid tscu_ u+ more, u!}}trs simultattrously,eheir duties beutg such as are usuak
<br />ar are prrscribeei. "i i+et au.t}' employ agents, executives, or other employees, or designate
<br />third perwns to hold i,t++d, kur specitic purposes.
<br />~~!
<br />'k'tx• 'k'rustttw si+al! I+s .+nd p.q~ curssi,rnsatiua of a0 otliars, employees ur agmtts iu their
<br />discrtvws, attd ns.+~ 1..+t +),rn+vrtrrs suih n;t.unablr cumpeoxatiuu fur thrtr servkes as may
<br />6r dttrrmitx-d 1t~' ., ~k.l~tldtk fl' ul the Ikuard ul 'lYusters.
<br />ConeUua;ctivn,
<br />k'hc 'frustcia, <xiistrs., .+k;rut. ur rut}slv,~xes possess only such authority as awarded them
<br />beretu.:lutkturit} ,s oudxa.ts>uik and turam to br similar to that awarded an executor ui an
<br />estate whrtriu tku trst.uut drn~ts (kilttstraUUn}: 'that my }?xecutur is dirrp~ to hattdlc the
<br />extate us rite ntantrr ltr thuds to be to the best interest, fintitsd by thr terttu hertroi, wkshout
<br />the ntxxssny ui enure w the court iur perwissiou ur approvsl o: arty traasaRiun, mending
<br />6rrrin to krat•r upt•u iur the cyan the qurstkun uE co~cietuiuus dealtag of my Ezautor
<br />.xtkv '
<br />Tnueteee ~De~anniinn, cf ~wipo~
<br />of tl,;a E,r~nea~ Eq,~t,~~unET,wat
<br />`k'IiF; 111•-('k ~}tt•.}t i•k itl't~h. t!4"fllk: 'fHt1>'f6.b:~ OF TI}i~ '1'Hlk5"C sl[alk fie w accept
<br />r'tgiks, title aid ua<t<.: u,a+wk tv teak and irtsuuak ktruprrtirs, whdhrr tattgkblr of intiA-
<br />,r, ~„~. gt. k ikk•. t';ti•~~`1`tkh 1lk;l(1•:ttl•' ANl) 1:i1.4t~k'lYl11 ii}~b:'I't} to br the cwptts
<br />of THIS '}'lll'~1 l,..lxai<Yi t}xrreur is the raakttater use t,l ht~ tiitttete services sod AI,L
<br />ui~l.:L l~+.ltivlakl }ti`:all`lF:IiATIC)N ACCRLS1kUG'CHk.111iFRi)1N,
<br />~~-,~~~~€~Li
<br />}[cwt airF~ current ~. ~„i,- wk.xtaw-e~cr, w d<at t~Lw,
<br />eau ittaxtrutrr h~ ttlt•n+nr tdlt<rts ihrutty,}+ tku• w <A h12_ t=ttttstuutkwal lttghta;
<br />iur the pruttxstaux e+! }+y~ i:<utt{y na the putsua t,k h~hass thrtwgh hs.=~airt to
<br />prut[wtr t$r grurr..k r<x!l,,:r, akl .a} wbxl) '~<~'~t~~ ~"` 6eds
<br />lea will adttnr ksn-.tux- rla-~ are sautauuti Gy h tillGittl}S lik: ):}~.
<br />__
<br />J
<br />
<br />