<br />79- ai~~3~t~
<br />9•hc sthuiu); .wd .+ i:aualcYt};in}~ .d thi, fl};rrrutent 1>y the htrew above uppulnted •I'rustera
<br />„t the ,t}tum~, •un1 .+ckuuw!rd};uti; ul appropriate miuutta by 'i rustccs suhsirlueutly elated
<br />ur appointed, ,hall cunstiutu•ihrii ucce•ptauccoE'I'itiS'1•ItUS'I'; :utd tltrtr acknuwledgntent
<br />ui 1'I ;S cotn"n~hi, and u,t;uuauuu i l ~.5. l:uent l)Iltre (it)8 111) G/18155, I'!•ti protcctfuu
<br />bout hrut~ u,iiti+n,d upon, .n +, !•: ti 1' •, I~:duratiuual PruFr,uu l:upyri};61, used lu pnple-
<br />ntent 7-:IiS I~lil']~I~; •unl -I~hc Iru,t property, assn, and rnu,lumruts tlxreuf shall inr
<br />tttedtatrly rc,a ut the ucw 1 ntsa•c ur 'Crustres widtuut any lurthrr act or conveyance.
<br />
<br />lty a reye$.u act ..t the Tnnster, Ux't may pruvtdc lot uurtings at stated iutcrvals without
<br />nutur srd ,},c. s.al utrcungs m.ty be called ut any tune 6y two or tuurr '!'rosters upon three
<br />d:tt•,' M7ilten 11utiH', w"Inc11 nary Ix• w:uvcti.:~t any regular ur special ntrctiug a 1v1AJOKITY
<br />of ihr ! east,-r•s ,It:til cuusnunc a c}uonnm Eur cuuductiug husiucss, I'Kt)\'1llEL~, alllrmative
<br />acttou unsP ooh' t++' had ttlx:n a \1:1jt)1t1'!•1' yule ul rite -Prusiecs, whether prrsetll ur absent,
<br />rxtrpt tl,:nt .n .part:rl mcrtiuka called fur a special purpose thr i\IAJUKI'Cl' present may
<br />allinnatica•h sn n; cutctgcncy mourn.
<br />~~~ a#~ ~Tn~cateee
<br />lrustcr, ntey do autlltiug soy itxlividual may legally du in arty state ur country, Subject
<br />to the n:~trutnou. ln•rritt owed- '1•hry shall cuttUttur ut bwittess, conserve the property,
<br />ct,wittrrciahzr tttr resources, exte~dsny rstablishtd titre of busittrss itt industry or ittvest-
<br />mrxu, as Itc•reut slx-cially nwrd, at !brit discmluu Cw tix hettrlit o,E TI11S "fRLtST, sudt tu,
<br />vtr- buy, ,e1i ,>t lease 1-and tar the sttrlacr ur mineral rights; buy ur seil mortgagffi, so-
<br />curnirs, lu,ud., nair•,, Ir. xs t,! a!1 kinds. cwttraa-ts ur credos uE any Ewnt, paKnts, vade-
<br />nwt ks, un ..,p>,"t nyhta, buy, sell ur wtuEuat ntatl-atrdcr busirlos, ur brooches thermE; operate
<br />stores, shops, lsauttrn, warrltousrs ur other uadiug rsiabitshmetus w piacts uE bwiacss
<br />uE any kutd; c.,ttstrucc, buy, sell, Ieax ur mu suitable buiWit~s ur other places of btutaesa;
<br />advetatx• diNcrsrtt artxlts ur busittrss projects; :,arrow motley Eur any btislncu paojeet,
<br />plcdgutg "l7tc Trust pxupenv !w ihr paymau thcmtF, hyptttltecatr assets, property. or both.
<br />of `i'ltr 'I ru>t to busutas prujexts; own stuck ut, ur ratite charters ul curporuUom, or other
<br />,uclt pruprrr,c~, cwt:panics, ur nsx>ctauatty as they tnay deem advamagcuus-
<br />_y Rdu,uk ut Krwluttutu ui '1'1x• Kusnl uE'1 rusteen auttturitutg what g is they drtermwe to
<br />du ur hay, dusty shall be ev=dencr tltet atteh ati ra is within their putver_ Anyone kadLtg
<br />ur payutg motley to 1'Etc Trtwra sltail aui 6e ubligid su ser the applicaUotl thtreof, aU
<br />Foredo pard t,uo the ircastuy are .tad 6ecutac a pan ctE the CtlitYUS of THIS TBUST.
<br />-~ ` ' tom:
<br />1'ltc lruston, ,It.,I1 regard tltt> msttuutctn as t!u•u suEEictau guide. supplcmrttted Erom time
<br />to trttr I,c~ tla-tt rr..,lutturtsisatd rrxlwiurttu be ratdied AL1i:r1Y5 by a lt1AJORITY oEthe
<br />"iruatrc> t1A-tt t+: .ttlxe slid partu';p3tuey, bt t31e tasultig utsritttgl cuvettui[ conUtt~taeJo at
<br />they wr;$x- arnl a:t• r~-c+rdcd iu illy ulutuw u1 tbdr matawgs, whkh are the Iry-Iatet. rulat
<br />and rtytulaln,us uI 'i"}I!S T~L9J?',
<br />
<br />f..J
<br />4.... s Lam. .....J
<br />1__•_
<br />