<br />79- ~'~~49
<br />6. If he fails to pay any sum or keep any covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br />its option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum
<br />ntving on the above note, shah be secured hereby, and shall bear 9!!terest until paid at the rate provided
<br />for in the principal indebtedness.
<br />i. upon request of the 7tlortgagee, 14iortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes
<br />for the sum or sunxs advanced by &io!•tgagee for tlxe alteraiion, modern9zatiocr, or improvement made at
<br />the 1ltertgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises, or for taxes ar assessments against the
<br />same, and for any otiter purpwe elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said Hate or notes shall be secured
<br />`te!•eby an a parity with and as fulls as if the advance evidenced thereby tcere included in the note first
<br />described above. Said supplemental note or notes shal9 bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin-
<br />cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in app!roximafeh• equal monthly payments far such period as may
<br />be agreed upon by the lfortgagce and ltiortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whale of the sum
<br />or runts so advanced shs11 be due and payable thirty (3Q) days after demand by the \iortgagee. In no
<br />e~ et~t shaII tlxe ma.turit}- extend i>eyand the ultimaie maturit}- of fire note first described aboce.
<br />?. He hereby aaigns, transfers and sets over to the 3ortgagee, to be applied tott•ard thz: payment of
<br />the note. and alI runts secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of sac of the terms and condi-
<br />tions of this mortgage or the said note, all the rents, revenues and income to lx> dcriccd from the mort-
<br />ga~~~d premises during such time as flee mortgage Sndebteciness shalt remain unpaid ;and the 3ortgagee
<br />shall have patver to nppoint anc agent or agents it ntac desire for the purpose of rcrrting the same and col-
<br />?erting the rents, rc~eenues and incante, and it ma}• pay nut of said incc?mes:!11 n<>, e:csar} commissions and
<br />exiR~t~~s i:.ettrred is reutirtg and managing the same and of eal]ecting rentals thereft•cem; the balance
<br />rrntaining- if an}-, to t~ appiic~ ton'ard the discharge of said mortgage lad=.•btedn<:ss.
<br />~. He w911 cantinuausly maintain hazard insuranec, of such tc~ or t}~Iatis and antount_: as Mortgagee
<br />ii a=` a aaaz _ .-v -->. ._ --.>c, i>i ihi =nipri.'. a.wa-nt~ ..a,-. a-: 1:2"--.. aaft~r i~?- ~w:i',. }.ia.,>>. c w> :: ix~ .`.`h°cctx
<br />pa}me:a-;i~xr a31 such pr,miums has therstafore been made un,ler !Ex) of paragraph ,' hereof, tic•ill pay
<br />prrmptly tvhc n due one pr<•ntiums therefor. Lipan default thereof. ~iortga~tcv~ cony pa}• the same. dil
<br />irtsux:3nc:= shall b<= tarri<•<i in c<e.•rtpanies appmced by the \lortgag±>e and thc> lwel9cits and renetcals thereof
<br />shall lxe he9d 'txr ihe'.linrtgagee turd have attached thereto h>,;s pa}-able clans,-s in favor of xnd in forth
<br />ac.~piab3e to the liortgagz~. in eceni of loss'_liortgagor trill give immediat. nonce !xy mail ut the Idort-
<br />gagce, a-ho r~tay make prr~tf of Ina; if not made pmmptl}- be ~i~trtgagar, a!rii each insurance company con-
<br />xz-rued is i:t_r~xy auiho!-ized and directed t~? make payment for such loss dire-~t1} to the _lio!•igagae instaead
<br />of to the liorigagor as=d the ?x{ortgagee jointly, antj the insurance pros; ~~<3s. ,tr anc part thereof,
<br />mac lxe agr;ic~i by il,e Morgagee at its option either to the reduet9on of the indc~btrtlness hereby sexur•ed
<br />,~r to the risioratian or repair bi #lxe prtperty damaged. In event of fareciz~strre ai ibis mortgage, or other
<br />transfer c,f title to the nnu•igaged property in ettinguishment of the indelxti>dneu serur«i hereby, all
<br />right, iiUe and interest of the 'tiarigagor fu and tcx any insurance pohcic>s thr>n in Corte shall pass to the
<br />pu!~ehaser zee grantee.
<br />1ta. As additional anti ce,llateral security for the payment of the note de_~rrd}-s«i, _ Hai a91 sunxs fa become
<br />duL under Phis martg,tge, the 3iortgagnr hereby assigns to the lioetgaget> all Ieasi= ixsuusea, pmfits, reve-
<br />nues, tvralves, rights, 2nd other benefits accruing to t_he Mortgagor under anc and ail oil and gas leases
<br />Hera-, ;zr during fire life of this trntrtgage, esrc•uted on said premises, v. ith the right to r•<<c- 9ce and receipt
<br />fur the same and appl} ilrem to ,aid indebtedn~;s as welt before aS after default in floe candii9otcs of this
<br />m+!rtg•.~=, and tlxr ~ii~r•tgagre Wray demand, sue for and roeover anc such parment_; trhen due and paY-
<br />ablc, but shall not br reyuirt~l so to do. Phis a_.signment is to terminate and }xrome null and veld upon
<br />release of this mortgage.
<br />71. He shall not comm9t or permit ,va<,te; and shall maintain the prapert}' in as ~nxxl condition as at
<br />pros-ent, rewconablr freer and tear excepted. I'I.ran an}• failure to so maintain. lFfortgagre. at its option,
<br />may cause x•easc,nablr maintenance work tcx he perfox-med at the cast at Martgagtu•. any artxrunts paid
<br />themfor b}' 1~[x>x-tgaa~ shall hear- inierfst at the ;atz pravidc~'t ft-,r in the. p:-ineipal indrbtrdnass. sha)1
<br />thexeuptm bec-a~mr a Izari. a}f`.he indabta dn~s s~eurod by this ins*.rument, ratably <inii ~,n a parity yrith all
<br />other indebtrdnr v sr>cured hex<-by, and shall be payable thirty (34) days after demand.
<br />1'r. if the premises- or an}' part tlterrai, be crtndemned under the pr,tver of eminent domain, or
<br />acquired for a public: use, rho tsmages awarded, the procxYls far the taking of, ar the considerstion for
<br />such acquisition, tt, the i•alcnt ~ f ilea full anxeunt of the rema9ring unpaid inddel,t.-dness recur°ed by this
<br />mortgage, or herrbv assigned to tl;e Mnrtga~e, and shall be paid forthtcith Lie said I1i~_u•tgagee, to be
<br />applied txxx aces+unt of i4:e last ntaiuring installments of such indebtedness.
<br />i3. if the Ma!•tgagc,r fails to make any pavmr-nts when due, or to canfcu-m La and comply with any
<br />of tltz• t~nditions ar agr<~ar~nts iYxttained in this mortgage, or the notes trhich it secures, then the
<br />entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at ease become due and pa3 able, at the election of the
<br />'mortgagee; and #lxis maxtgage array thetrupnn be foreclosed immediately for the whale of the indebted-
<br />uess hereby secured.,inrluding the cost of extending the abstract of title from the date of this mort-
<br />gage to tree time of commencing such suit, a reasonable attorney's fee, and any sums paid by the Veterans
<br />Administration on arenrxnt of the gtr~rarrty or insurance of the indebtedness secured herela}', all of which
<br />shall he iseluded in tlta d~r~ of fnretlosure.
<br />lA. if the indebtedness secured hereby be guaranteed or insured under Title 38, United States Code,
<br />such Title and Regulations issued thereunder and in aR•ect an tlxe date lxereof shall govern the rights, duties
<br />sad liakxilities txf the p~at#ci~ trr'rettx, and any provisions of this or other instruments executed in connection
<br />with said h~ which are inconsistent with said Title or Regulations are hereby amended to
<br />eanfarm thereto.
<br />The covetuwts herein contained shall bind, and the benefrts and advantages shall inure to, the
<br />