<br />Tg... ~°~3~`t
<br />To HavE a.rn To IIoLD the same unto Use Ttiiortgagee, as herein provided- Mortgagar• represents to,
<br />and cavenants ~:-ith, the Mortgagee. that tlxr~ Mortgagar has goixi right to sell and Canvey said premises;
<br />that they are free fram encumbrance, e>cept as }terelnat-beets ise rcciied ; ;.hat- the Mortgagar trill warrant
<br />and defend the saute against the latcful claims of all persons tcitonxsocver. Mortgagor hereby relintiuishes
<br />all rights of homestead, al} marital rights. either in late ox• in egoist, and all uthm- contingent interests of
<br />the Oortgagor itx and to the abate-clescr ;bed l~rentises.
<br />PROPIAED ~Ltvat's, and i:hese presents are executed and delivex•ed upon the fol}owing conditions, to
<br />left:
<br />3lartgagar.,gr,°vs to t?:3y to the Mortgagee, ar order, the aforesaid principal sort tt ith interest troxn date
<br />at the rate of Eleven ~ one halfper rentum Ql . 5~ 1 per annum on the unpaid balance until paid.
<br />Tlte;aidprincipalandinterestshaltbepacableattheodiceaf~ortgage Plus Incorporated
<br />in Enr'lewaod, Colorado , ar at Bach ether place as the balder of the note map designate in
<br />wx•iting deiirer•ed or m:xilcvi to the 3ortgagor, in tnonthh- installments of Three Hundred Fprty Qne
<br />90~ l OOthI)allars i~ 34l . 90 ). ct>mmercing on the first da}- of January , I9 R 0, and continuing on
<br />the first der of cant month t;tex•eafter until Bait. note is ftilh- paid, except that, if not sooner paid, the Tina}
<br />payment at' prlncil><•xl ,sd interest s1:al} be due and parable an the #irst day of December 2009 :ail
<br />according to the terms of a certain prontissor}- note of even date herewith executed by the said biori.gagor.
<br />Tle Martgagor torsi<er agues:
<br />i. He n-ill pay the ind~bt~~dtte~e, as hereimbe;arc• provided. i'ri~•ile~ is reserved to prepay at any
<br />time, is iwtxaut premium or f,Y, the entire indebtedness or am part thereof not lev than tie amount of ane
<br />xn>taAtnent, ar one hundred dallars ($100.00), whichever is less. Prepayment ht full shall be credited on
<br />the date rer:eived. Partial prepayment, other than on an installment due dale, need not ba credited until
<br />the ne_ct following in_ctallment due date or shirt}= days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier.
<br />1'.. Together with, and in addition to, #}ie nwntitlp payments of principal and interest payable under
<br />fire serene of the Hate sr<uxti>d hereby, Mortgagror tviil pay to Diartgtgt~t, as tnrsti~c, (under the terms of this
<br />trust as hereinafter stated) an the first day of each month until .aid note is fully paid:
<br />(~) ~ sum ~~ual to the ground rents, if env, next slue, plus the premiums that will next become due
<br />and pavable on Iwlieie, of fire and afher hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property,
<br />plus taffies anti asessntents next due on the mortgaged property {all as estimated by the ~iort-
<br />gsgee,arxd of tvlyirhihe!',icu-igagarisrntirrdl less <<^_ll sums already paid therefar divided by
<br />rite number of mt,ntl:s to elapse Ik=fore an~~ month prier tx~ the date when such ground rents,
<br />pr+zmium_z, tales and assessments a ill lit tense delinquent, surf; sums to be held by 14lo.tgagee
<br />in trti_st io }ta}- .-aid gxY=unei x1 nts, premiums, laves and ~necial a.,sessments.
<br />{b1 The a~*regate of the amounts pa1-able pursuant to subparsgraph {a) and 'those payable an the
<br />note secuttid hereh}°, shall 1x naid in a single payment earl manth, to be applied to the foilow-
<br />ingitem: in tleorder state d
<br />{ll grotmd r~-Has, tast•:. asse_sn:enL~, fire and other hazard insurance premiums;
<br />st) i+-tt,>rrst eta ih_> Hate s~ux iKi lrat>iiy ,and
<br />itu) ~;nttx-ti~atiun of tie principal of said note.
<br />Say derlriz-,xey in tic- axn+.iunt of am loci a~.m~rate monthly payment shall, ::mess made good
<br />by tie 31~~Ftgag,;r pri~•r tip the due sate of the next ,uih payment, constitute an event of default
<br />under this me>rtgage- At '+Iax•tgag~ s option, \icartgzgor trill pay a `.late charge,. not exceed-
<br />irtg fe,tar ;t. r c;-ntum (-i'= i c+f any ixxstall anent :Then paid more than fifteen (I5) days after the
<br />sue ,late therv~t,f trt tvcc•r the i-x?ra ~±:p<~t.st> ins alt-t~d in landlingdellnautnt payments, but such
<br />"late zhsr~., ~ha'_i n~.t i~r pad -.h'2, €,ut t ; i}+-.= ljx' _ -~-,'s of ant :,al: made tr: ,atisfy the indebted-
<br />ness s~,-vr•~1 }:~t•i,t•, un3,-s= e arh pn~erds arti• sutlicirnt to disclxarge i he entire indebtedness and
<br />all proper ryas: and expenses sc,rumd tlereh}-.
<br />9. If the i-.tal ryf the payments made by the Aiorlg~agar under ta) of paragraph '' preceding shall
<br />esr~+e+d the amount ref payments aetuaily made by the \iax a,-agee. as trustee. far ground rent-,, lases and
<br />- ~ayyny.Zg ar insrrra:tce premiums, as the ease fuss be, such egress shall be era'dited by the Mortgagee
<br />cyn s>sbsequent ps~vttx~nts to be made by the Mortgagor for such items ar, at Martga~'s option, as trustee,
<br />shall lye retxrrrded to `aartgage.r. If, Ixo>b-ev~r, sorb mcttthly paymients shall not be sufttcient to pay such
<br />i•--- ~' the ram;= s1vll b~~anye d'~ sad payable, then tI-ie Mar'ygs~or shall p:y}° t., the 3fartgagee, ~
<br />trtyst,ce, any amount a€ressar~• to make up Ltte denriency within thirty {30) days after written notice fram
<br />~ Morigagc~ stating the amount of the defyeieney, u•hic-h nntire may be given by mail- If at any time
<br />2dQrigicg4a shall tender t+~ the Mortgagee, in arcordancr tt-itl the prtvisians of fire note secured
<br />her~yy, fall paymerxt of the entire indebtedtxac represextted thereby, the Aortgagee, as trustee, shall,
<br />ire canting the atrryottt,: of raydx ice, credit to the account of the ijdartgagUr any credit tyalance
<br />tccl u€xdder r~x proti°isians of {a} of patagragh 2 hercvf. If there shaA be a default under any
<br />~ the prrn'isions tzf this mortgage r~ui_t~ in a public sale of the premises covered hereby, or if the
<br />Hart~tgae acrfttires #hr pmperty otherwise after default, the 3ortgagee, as trustee, slap apply, at the
<br />t~ of the t of such proceedirxga, or at the time lire property is otherwise acquired, the
<br />aaaosutt they remaining to credit the Mortgagar under {a) of paragraph ? preceding, a& a credit on the
<br />irt#ereRfi atsrued and unpaid sled the balance to the principal then remaining unpaid on said note.
<br />#, The lien of this instrument shall mmain in full force and effect during any postponement ar exten-
<br />siaa;yf the t~ of p>tyment of itxe irxiehtedness or any part thereof secured hereby.
<br />5• He wi3l pRg ali ground rents, tales, assessments, water rates, and afher governmental or muni~i-
<br />pal fines, or impositions, k-;ied upon said premises and that he will pay all taxes levied upon this
<br />mrxs't, or the debt secured thereby, together azf}x any ether taxes or assessments x-hich may be levied
<br />under#-elawsofAvebraskaagainsttheMortgagee,or the legal holder of said principal note, on account of
<br />this indehted~s, except when payaxent for aIl such items has theretofore been made under {a) of para-
<br />graph ~ hereof, and he will promptly deliver the otftcial receipts therefor to the :liortgagee. In default
<br />thereat the Mortgagee tray pay the same.
<br />