<br />8. CARE OF PROPERTY. Buyers shall not injure, destroy or remove the improvements or fixtures or make arty
<br />material alterations thereof without the written consent of Sellers, anti! final payment is made.
<br />4. DEER. Upon peymert of ail sums owing by Buyers to Sellers Ey virtue of this contract, Sellers agree to con-
<br />temporaneously execute and deliver to Buyers a warcanty deed upon the form approved by The Iowa State Bar Asso-
<br />datian and which steal( be subject to:
<br />(aj Liens and encumbrances suffered or permitted by Buyers, and texas end assessments payable by Buyers.
<br />(bj Rpplicabla zoning regulations and easements of record for public utilities and established roads end high-
<br />ways.
<br />!4. FQR;~tlitRE AND PORECIOStIRE, t# Buyers fail to perform this agreement in any respect, bane being
<br />made tfie essenra of this agreement, then Sellers may forfeit this contract as provided by Chapter b56 of the Iowa Code
<br />and aB payments made card improvements made on said premises shat' be forfeited; or Sellers may declare the fuq
<br />balance wring due and payable and proceed by suit et law or in equity to foreclose this contract, in which eveltf
<br />Buven agree to pay costs and attorney fees and any other expense incurred by Sellers.
<br />ti. JOlY- T61a1NCT NI KOCEEDS Aaf- IN S[Ca[tTT [lGNT IN [EAi ESTdTE. % .¢ Sei!cs, ~rnmedi¢tely p^ec¢d'uW thi{ a¢1¢, hold te¢
<br />e;t;e >e tir oboe yesc..x a - to ~_ - ~• '+a '. .:q .n a +ne Sailer .n
<br />fli.~ tetleett, rM p-eKepe: tie ~ei --.q r'r niave ha. x'a d colhwe .a 5etlan a~ rm¢t tW¢fi
<br />- . ' hh -«-,.ors n ~ e d , er. _o~_ ~q_ . ~ _ u-h -r~ z h qrx to p+v Yp ;son d 1M
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<br />eboe..
<br />2 "56185.'• Syo.•u. fi aot tA{¢hpl3er im.:ev: at¢%y procatl~np ih:a sa ahail be p'ef.-re<_ 'a Nava noted tku ~ettru,mnf only }w iM ~¢ d
<br />~ a1J nphh e* dow., bpmeataei an7 tlSfi:tut:rca sta^e any(pr n rn- - w~ih sac' n 50 i.:i Cede o' i .a; ¢ad the W a? the wa,d ' $¢I
<br />the -+ated ne<'we p= tits coanaa, w ~aoct +n+r¢, aha:i net roSs:t u:t~ ~ ~.-~c+~a-.tea enr •ar = :a.Qe or ¢a¢~.~i. the yar:ara tnt¢.¢at ea rve!' wows in u:d
<br />pnWaetr, or :w He uie p~ocrt¢da, ex ties wtA epo=s eaxpt ea a+orecad. ro t^c *er-m. and nra..sw+s of ihit tonirect.
<br />dA ttieN add soatuer temss pr p=oriawma)
<br />that Seller agztees to execute a warranty c:..~ed to the buyers and deposit
<br />said geed 3.n esesn~ to be held by FYancis L. Goodwin as agent with directions
<br />to deliver said deed upon fulfillment by the bt;rers of the terns of the sales
<br />contract.
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