<br />`i
<br />' _~.; O1fiC?al Form Na. 2?.2 ~q>~..ia.,a any„>.,e. s,.r. er ,o..>. ,ac=, OF THIS FORM, CONSU67 YOUR IAWYER
<br />- --~.--_ _T~_____ _.___.._.
<br />i
<br />~$
<br />~t .tl~ ~[grePb between ~~ B- a single person
<br />of ` Hall County, 'awe. S¢Sters, an;, BICdi.4RD Ai. A1C~II.. artd SA'VDRA K. ;,
<br />husband and wife as joint tenants with full rights of survivorship and not
<br />as tenants ui ccsu?csi
<br />o{ ~? - County, lewa. egy¢rs:
<br />Tna, 5e.ars fie.ebY ac'ee ...,~e? ne-e~y aq, _ `o ...:y t^s .ea- _~....,, , ,;;area in H311
<br />Int ~iirt}=-One X31) , Sloc3: Tiro (2! *?arris~daition to GYand
<br />Island, Hall C.o?,aity, i3ebraska
<br />alkJa 114 Fast 1$tti Street
<br />tageaher wi±l! af! easements and sapient estates appurtar:ant thereto, upon the fol!awinq farms:
<br />i. T't3TAi Piiitt'1iASf rRiCf #ar said property is ?he sum a# ~1r~ 7~~sand aid riO; lt?0
<br />Dollars ~$ -~
<br />uala> ~$ -Q- )has bear. paid herewith, rece;pt of whicfi is hereby acknawigdged vy Serer,- and $uyers
<br />agrei to pay the valance to Sellars at residercn c{ Sailers, ar as directed vy Sellers, as follows:
<br />B?svezs agree to maica> :~xithly interest paymaars i.?i the aacamt of tsY~
<br />hissdr+ed dollars (S2(X}.C~3} beginning July 1, 1979. Sua*? mc~ithly
<br />~ shall cmtinue until Juiv 1, 2~4 = at wY:i.h time , the ~+.~? r1j rf~
<br />arrci?sal it the arxxa?r ;?f Thirty '~TCa~sand tbllars (S30,r1Q{1-t1O) shall
<br />becc~ at cam, due a~ pay=able..
<br />2. ilil'tERp#~ST. $uyen aurae r~ pay +nterast t'rrm 3uly 1, ~47y aeon tnc ^~a~d b..anees, ar
<br />r}ae ra?e ar orb p@r Lent Der annu^`. DayDDI~ TlY4it~'1~ a,,.
<br />3_ l~t5. Se>~s agr~ ?a ray -- ?mil estate taxes to date tTf sessioEi
<br />. and
<br />any,lnpaid gazes fltaraon payable i.. prior years and any and ail spet;a' assess.~,en+s for .rnprovaments which have been
<br />irlstafad at #ne date of this contract; and $uyars Tyree to pay be{are thzy Decarne ~e1;rquznt, a l otfier current and
<br />s~t #a,las gad assasanents agaiuut said prernisrs. ~ pra'olioe ad #oses s ire based arP~ tM ions
<br />iw i111e Year gEeEw#iY toy~ie oobxs R!e poEiies stoic etierwite.•
<br />i'~i. Setters agree to give $uyMrs passess;an of said prem'isas cr. ar ba*are .,Ttily 1
<br />;4
<br />~. 1~fiRAIii7e, Satba agree to carry eris#ing insurance un?il date of rassess;an ana BJYc'S agrez .. acted +he
<br />isssurartte tocevery inSteeSd of rs~3xfrag Qs r'aP••i*~ ~:ildings or ;mprovamtnts. Thereafter uatif ii^a; szr+Semen- 5uye=s
<br />a9roe to ~ the ie~rsraen~ts upon said pr~rrisas insured agairlSt k>ss Ly firs, tarnadr ana exte;,~ad coverage for a sum
<br />^Ot ~ # nr tlYe bnlanca owing under this contract, Wieichavar ;s less: w;t3; insurance pavab'se to
<br />5e$ars ar>d Bvyars as #he',r interests may appear, and to da:ever poliuas there{or to SEflers.
<br />~• A~ACT. SoYms agree to #arttsrith deliver to $uyan far ttrair examination abstract of title +o said prem-
<br />rses cm?~inuad fa tlvs data of ilus contract shoaring snerchan#aMa title in accordance with Iowa i itle Standard>. After
<br />~ i'l! ~+ ~ aitxtrect s~ be vi' Sa>ias until deGvary of deed. Sellars agree to pay far an zd-
<br />rnel-a~sg-r'lsidl asa3' ~ ragwrod by arts, omissions, death or incompetency of Sel(en, v-r either of them,
<br />occwrilag bs#ars cieiiwxy of clued.
<br />T- Il$ {'iz3ur~• electric sarvrce cable and apparatus, shades, -ods, blinds, venetian blinds, awm
<br />'n9s• storm one screen doors end w'irtdanrs, attached i'u~oleum, attached carpeting, water heater, wa>er softener. eut-
<br /> TN fwae' and antanae, attached #ancing and gates, pump jacks, trees, shrubs and flowers and any ether arta~hed
<br />fixt~rras art ;Part of the roal estate and aro iacluded in #hiz sale except
<br />'DeLCOE T;m '.'^/r:s1'1 i' ?35jfi ipPm ula +. ia,r r( $~ar> M1re fl,<rCF.35iM1q ~ ~:! '..:i:'' -_,..
<br />laiY p 7'!e lava Btaa gar AaaeLtba i1.i
<br />ELl EETATt tOI/TEACT IS-M bra)
<br />Th:, +tinunx. an.m4r, i4r? ,
<br />