not extend or postpone the due date of the manthk iustallment~ referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br />change the amount of such installments.
<br />1t1. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time fm• payment or modification of amortization of the sums
<br />:~ secured by this Jortgage granted by Lender to am• successor in intc,trsi of Borrower shall not operate to release,
<br />4~! in any manner, the iiabilsty of the original Borrower and Rnn•o++,=r's successors in interest. i.ender shall not be
<br />4~ required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse ur ascend time. for payment or otherwise modify
<br />(~ snlortis{stion of the sums secured be this \iortgstte be reason of arc demand made br tllc original Borrower and
<br />,"`,, Borrower's successors in interes#.
<br />11. Farbaa;~ce by Lender Not a Waiver. :1nr forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br />hereunder, or other+-ise afforded b}• applicable ia+c, shall not i,e a ++ai~er of or ureclude the exercise of any right
<br />~ or remedy hereunder. The procurement of inurauce or the pa}-nlent of Luxes or other liens or charges be Lender
<br />~ shall roi be s wsiser of Lender's right- to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage.
<br />lZ. $emedies Cumulative. ill rerledies proridn3 in ti: \lortgsge are distinct snd cumulaiireco any other
<br />right or remedy under rltis lloregage or sffotdnl he ta+t or equity, and matt- he exerefsed concurrently. independ-
<br />enily or sueeessirely.
<br />13. Sum^essaas and lissigas Bound: Joint and Several Liability: Captions. The eo,enants and agreements
<br />herein con#aintd shall bind, and rlre rights hereunder shall inure to, #bc respective successors and avigns of Lender
<br />srld Borrower, subject to the;Tmrisiom of lraragrsnh l: hereof. ill covenants and agmcnlents of Borrower shall
<br />be joint and sececai. The captions and headings of the lrara~rn;ahs of this \lortgn~e are. ior convenicnre onh• and
<br />are ntet #o be used to interpret cr define the provi?ion: i;enY,i.
<br />l4. No5ce. ~n}• notice to Bnrnnrer;,mvided ier in thi= \lortgage s1taH lrr gl.ert he trailing stu'h notice by
<br />certified lna,il addtY.~:ed to Borrower st t!;r Yrc>pcrv .ati++re~~ .t:,trtl ht~lotc. t•xct'pt for :iu~ ntrtice required under
<br />panlg~lph lS tleretli to ix' girrn to $carro+n•r ir: {.., rtsrner orea'ril,t~; by app':irable isw. An}' notice llrorided
<br />for in this \iartgsge shah bo detin:t i zo !.rn e i>tt'n rn en to Bay woe +cia'u ~icen in r lx• murner :l~igtutted herein.
<br />15. IIni7orffi Mortgage: Governing Law: Severalli$ty. "1` fonrr of nortgage t=ombine, uniform roti-enants
<br />for nations! u~• snd nor.-uniform corenslxs ++it?: ?unite:: +artions by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />ritt• instzt:luent catering real propert}-. This Mortgage .^:,':; l:c t;ott=rneti i,}- the late of the jurisdictian in which
<br />tlxe Praperiy is located. In ±he event that :try lTro+isior: or c;suse of this \longst;e nr fix- \nte coniticts with
<br />applicable lsa, such conflict .hail rot scect oti:or ;~ro+ision~ ++f chi= \lartgage or the \ote t+hiclt can he piton
<br />offset c•i##out the eonilietirg;rruTisien, :end to this c,... the ;'t:,visiors of the \lortgage and the \ote are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />lS Barroaver's Gopy. Bormwer shat! l.e iurnishcvi a ~ onformt=d t'on.• of ibis .`.Iartgat;e at the time of eaecu-
<br />ti6n sat afi+er rYt`o2ti#3#ior. hero?. - -
<br />17. Tiaos[er of the 1':operty; Assumption. Ii sl: or any ;:an :.; the Pronenv or an interest therein is sold
<br />ortrar~ien+ed 1*y Borrower without iender~ nrior nrin~=r, consent. ixriading is1 t1:c creation of s lien or eneum-
<br />ilrant~ sutttardiaste to =.his \iortgse. ~br the ctYSti-nn o: a pr..ehase rnurer security inten`~i it+r household appli-
<br />snto;. tc~ szra:>z-ier by de1-ise-drseent or by o;reration e: ia~- ulmn t;.e death of a foist truant or idi the grant of
<br />z,r ?+zasehc?u' sntert=-t of three years er Irss *.:e, t~erraint:t:- ,.. +tit„a tt, ,aurchsse. Lrndrr may. at Lender':, option.
<br />decisln: sei the saris s+'.:lmi by this \Iorttsgr to be irunod s•r h :iue a.,.i :tai soli L+•nrior si:sll ila~re usived such
<br />u~sc>s to a~lerste ii, r: tint to the sale fir rransirr, Lwrit;- _n;ri tSaa• ;K_~nn u, ,+iiom the' Ft~.pem- i; to to :~;d or
<br />:~useracd :esclr aglYenaent in +vritiug tz:st the starlit ni <:.:c;: ,,er~on i< sstisfartnr+ to Lender sat? that tl:e interest
<br />peraUle on * ,e _.ulas ~ ured ?+y this _llortga~e sha?! f,e st :cis: r~ru~ 3 1_ender alts!: rec;ue_ t- I f I Winder list u-sired
<br />the aptiota so srrrie*ate pn+,zd<e in tllrs ;tsngra;tit ] ~ slld i' $orm+cer'= . t --_++r :n rntel~st has esecutri s wrii-
<br />t~ ssi-urur.:ptaan agn+eruent ar~uteri in +. ntirr by Lrllde~r. Lrnrier >iea!1 rrlea_-r Bttrr+Twer t'rn{n sli obligations under
<br />:ham tiartgsgz and rile \ote.
<br />la Lender eser>•+~ net eptlan ze arceierlte. Lender stall Iaail Borrowe_ uclt~re of screleration in sesardanco
<br />++3tI1}~r3~,apit 1: ieen~f-;`vtii not:. s:;.ili ;,rn;dam .: ; o; v;t*: 1 .. ci,xa :rtt+sys irorv the- daft. the notice is
<br />ruaiini witlan xvi:tel: $urrowrz tray l,a_: the. aunts ,itY;:crrd duo. li Borrrr;+rr fat!- to ;,i+ .aril sun/s ;rriur to the
<br />eSplSUnr: GI ~rh ;,enc~-i, L£`L-ti<•''lai- r"r{);tilt' ?nT(':*.'r iii,t lt'e it ::eTl:::ll,t Uri Bor n?il tr. 6!e .'Uric' :. `: 31'm°d1C~ pPr-
<br />mltted rr :rar;;gtxxl:: Ih barest
<br />~{r5-~ S'if^t')P.\t C'd?5'£_4'.{\~, }~i,3'ri,lCrr :2Hd I.Cndl'1' ii;?'131i-S' r'i,+-YllzinL 3nl~l :I~fc't' ?ice IO~IaTw-~
<br />i~. Ts6L. '~i~; ~emC+a'Se~• Tit t'iai .- ,+: ts~F~it`r: lT; :+:I r`S=,'*,':1_,,:: .. .:i .R'~I- ::;IOr, ISt,; ri,wt'r~ b7PaCI: OI an\'
<br />rasensnt ar agr~tt;etxt o= Bout>+rt^~ ir; :-,.~ A!r,^~gr . v{s?ailing ti,: rmt~nant~ tea ;,ar wl:on due any semi, wcumd
<br />ray this ~lortgagc. Lecdrr :'nor to a<v~rh-tarot, >isii a,ar1 rtou'.r u+ Itarrox+el ;,, r'r,:+r,lrti in ;aaragraph ld hereof
<br />yxcifrit~: ell ti;o hrr,r=.;. ,:'r tl:e aruo{s r-.IUarrti tt: r:rrr wch l,ri-ter3:: i3r s dslr`. trot ]es. than ±hirtr day
<br />frul: ehe-datt~ *.IIe~ nc*trt~~ it {;,:;±;.~~1 *.u Si~rr,a<..- !~ .. _t-- -,.,,, ?,rt~:rii :uusc iat~ ,~ua,3~ ur;,l :4 ~ rlt:.r ssiltrrr to rum
<br />,,acct iar+ererl: un a,r i~Serr ti,r tiara s,~-cr r:i n. t., :.r,nrc n.ur {t_ air iti scceletmtioti of tS,r ~uuls -eeu.~•ci i„• this
<br />'_llortg~~•t.nd :,ate of tt-= Yl~yrm- If tl~e• hn•ari; t.- nor rum: o=., cr Leforr Lire d:nom .;teelfie:i rz; the nntit'e, Ixnder
<br />at I.rrndes' aprion a~~ , -.°f3-, ;l c . , ~rruttti 1, ilv'°t ~t;r to he nntn~Y.ia .r oar nnl ltayabi°r
<br />n•tt31oL, turtixrr dt~utiud and tray 7ortria ~ inl- 1la-'1g:~= ur =:rdrria.i ;,,re>ak ,dirt Lrntirr ahnli L.e rratitiesl to callert
<br />m ~lt3t gisxreerGtn>; .a11 rzru~n .:,tt ;=ur,• ~n -:rn< :'vr nr,t ~„lrt~d tr- io~t, ui riorr:;:,rntsn~ t~id~n~=e-
<br />=~-yrza- and tier rtivg,or*..~
<br />18. Isaetow+c"s ~ to Raixtsgaie. \e?!uiti:-t:.n,#Ir;g lxndrl ~ ac;•eirratian u: ti:t- nutti- __ .;red by tlti>
<br />~torigagr, $otroR•er :hall bare xl::e right to ha•.'r :~n}~ l,r~.srei,3in.., lrrgu:: 'hr i.eniicr tr, et:iorce chi-; .lloregage d;r-
<br />r:umt~eu at any ;ice pziar isa entn• e:i ~, ruder.: t`nfti7Ymg t:r>r ?iortgage :f: ca, Btsrrow~rr hays Ixnder al'_
<br />shirts ~alld ere alxtr t3ue under chi= \lnrtt_:3;t-. tl.i° ~ittr anti note- ~reurnr_~ Future advaneea. ¢I ans- triad llo
<br />rcettl6'atstas/ aceurtcd: tear I3tatxla><r eurr_- Ys i+rri,.i:e. of anv +_+tl-ter co+c•r,nnt- cr -en+:~rne•nt, of Bcrrox°er ron-
<br />taiaed sa t~ 3ortgage: ?c# Bas*ps-er pas.. ail r:a,~-via.3r rvg-.a<~ :nr-acre-;i E,y 1 .•n,it-s to :=;iarrre,i; r:rt• eoi•enanr-..
<br />sail agteeeta aril $arrower ramtamet3 in t7~ 11trx~a;;i~ and rr: rruurcin;,' l n~rr,is~r', rrniPdlr>= ar r'rt+c r,Ierl irl {aTlm-
<br />grer~l+ 3$ liexoi, iaxhlding. bui rem Iimitci '. o. rra~rs':ir attctrnrr': ier>: xnA rd r Borrower takes -urh action ss
<br />Ixnder may rea~xlabh tr_~tauraK to assure t%~it the' ue.r of tl>i ~Iortrsga-. i_,.n ier , srtr;i•st in tho Yre;lerrr and
<br />13~ obii~tatm to pa721~ st•^•= se`r;srrsl by t}ci- y3urtgurir .halt ceultl/rut a r.,aairavl. t'l,un ,uc•h ;ueyrnent
<br />sail eat3e b# Bt~r6rarer, iit~'~i~ sad flee tslhgatiall...-°rurnrt hrrFhc :frail r,rmain in fr:lt fort,,. and r•t`Iz=ct .is if
<br />m~ had oerur:ed-
<br />30. ai ilt>~; dppoio~t oil Bea*~r: leader in Poa4easioo. .a- additions{ ;ecuritr here-
<br />:; Stnvosrr hstela~r to Lender else reti2r of file Yr'olmny. providcrl that Bnrrcru°er !,hall, prior to acceler-
<br />atiw~ tinder parBBrdph 38 beaeoi or abandonment of the Yrol>erty. #sare the right to colleet and retain =urh rents
<br />as t~ became due sad payable.
<br />Upon aerclerattorl tender paragraph IS leereof ur ahanuontnent of the Property Lender. in pe=rson. by agent
<br />ar' be judaeiadis apptrirlted receiver sls~'1 tx entitled to enter ulaon, take pavsessinn of and nrxnage the Ympcr#y
<br />sad ties eoiJeet the rents of tIx I'roprrtr: iac•ludin{ these paF7 €It>e- :lli rents collectett l,. Lender nr the n=reirs•r
<br />shall be appliediits2to payment of the eo-ts ai ala~nage^rent of tl,e Prcr;x•riy and collection o' rent.. including. Lot
<br />not limitzd to, rrceirer's lees, premiums. on reec•iser`s i„,nd> and ten-unable attornrc'' i<.,•-. sail then to the >.um.
<br />seeut~ by this'tfortgage. 7.ender and the receiver alts!! he• liable to arcrrunt rnh ior tiurve rent. actualh rect~irod-
<br />