II ultdet• psragrapL 18 !tereof the Propert-v ii sold or the Property- is otherwise acquired be Lender. Lender
<br />shall apply, na !stet ittan im,nedistely prior to the sale of the Pntper,~- ar ith acquisitian hi- I,.endcr. sm Funds
<br />held by Lender at the time of apnlicatio^ its a crzdit agiin>t the annex securrc! ht this Atortgnge.
<br />3. Application of Payments. Inless applkal.,lc law prot•idca athcr=tiso, sll payment rereite,l by Lender
<br />under the ATOte and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof sb;til he ;yap!ied h~~ Lcndc~r fit~t in payment of amaunts payable to
<br />~~ Lender by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof, rhea to interest payshle otI the Sotc and on Future :1di;tntes, if
<br />say, snd then to t-he pritteipai ai the late and to tlx~ t,rinci}sl o; future a,li•:iures, i; sne-
<br />4. Charges; Liens. Borroner shay! pa} ail taxes. assessments and other eharges, tines and impositions nttrib-
<br />utsbte to the Property which ma}- attains }artoritr Deer thts \tartgar,c, and ground rents, if any, at Lender's
<br />agtion in the manner prot•ided under paragran!t '2 hereai or be Borroner Snaking nacment. ,t•hen due, dirceth• to
<br />the gsyee khereof. Borroner =hall proxnpti}- furni-l: ;o Lender s?[ notic•es ot" smounts due under this paragraph,
<br />and in the et•ent Borroner shsli ntakc payn..ent r=tr::`.y, Iarrower sha?[ prompt!r ittrnish to Leader receipts evi-
<br />dencing such paements, Harrower shall p-,=ntptly disrtsrge our lien which has prtoritc over this Mortgage; pra-
<br />~ tided, thai Borma•er shall not be required to disr!targe snd- such iicn so long ss Harrower shsil agree in writing io
<br />` the pt3ymeut of the obligaiimt secun~ci iay such Tier, ii: <, rnsratzr acceptable to Lender. or shai? in goad faint contest
<br />such 3ien lay, or deierd enforcement of st;ch lien i=... 3ensi pnaceedin~s t. hirh oneraie to prei enf the. enforcement of
<br />the Iien or iorieiture of the Property or ant- l:srt t hereai.
<br />5. Hazard Insurance. Bat•ICrszr s!ta?! kt4=r ts;:~ impratente:tts noii cxistin~ or f,eresftcr ereeted on the Ytrop-
<br />zrty hxst>_~'. against- lam by lure. hsrsnis inclndc~ within the term "extended cot•emge". snd such other hazsrds as
<br />Lender xuay requim and in such autaurts a:.,i for such }=eriads as Lender mad reauim: Prot idcd, that Lender shall
<br />oat require ihst the smaunt of sur':t covzrage exrez,i t'ttst sntount ci cot•ertgz required to pad the runts secured'by
<br />this liortgsge.
<br />Tate in_;ursnce csrrier nmriding ttte insttrarce shall Le chosen by Borrmczr suf.;ert to approt•al lay Lender:
<br />provided, that sari: sppravsl sitsil oat be unreasanably Withheld. all }>retniums or, insurance }~oiicii:. shall be grid
<br />at Lender's atatiar. in the ntsnnzr pmcidcri t,,.,., ;=srsgrtnit _' hereof or ?ar liorrott er ;uakin~ pscntent, tt hen due,
<br />ditretly W tee insurance rsrrier.
<br />In the even*. ant policy is not renewed an or laeiore fen day, of it.s expiration, the Lender, to proiect
<br />its intere_St, may procure insurance nn thn impmrementc, pat' the premiums and such sum s};all become
<br />irtxmediately dtxe and parable with interest at the rate set Earth in said note un#il gaid and chap be
<br />cectxt+ed by ibis !Mortgage. Failure by BormWer to comph• may, at option of Lender, constitute a default
<br />isn[toi ~tfP S ~C _ni' Z}]1v 'ittuiFBUQ
<br />~w.~I] insursnre policies snd IYrtzwsls the=rd°u: ~ . ...: Sn farm aci•rluahle to L1vria•t• snd shall include ;t standard
<br />snart~ cis3x in fst-~tr ai snd in ion:, :.ccel>tal;ie to Len,ier- lender =}tsll hate the r„ht to bald rte paficies and
<br />renewsis Eitereat, sttd Bormaer si;sl ;emmrt!~' iuntish *a I_,~r.,irr ail reneit::? Wolfe+~s ana xll receipa. ctf psid }=rc-
<br />raium In the scent of ':ors. Barxewer aril ~i~r :=rampt native to the irsnranez ,carrier snd Lender, sad Lender
<br />mar tasks proof ai tam if not tttsde t=ramgtly ~a_- iiorrower.
<br />1"nie~ L~*:--des snd BarraWer arhzndse sgr:^e in wrairg.::z.uraliee }aroeeeds shall I=e spl=lied to rzstomtion or
<br />repsiroi the Property dsmstni, providr.i =lief: n.tar:ttuatt or rz}:air i ecnnatnic:tiir 'essihlz :;nd the seruritr ai
<br />this ~Iorfgagc r.ot thereby intpsit•cd- Ii surf: restorilto:t c.r IYnsir i= oat cronatnirslir ieasii;lc or if the security
<br />ai tnis'ffartgage aY,uId L*z i>vparc-,Z. =_fte=.nsaran~•u }=raceed~ s:caIl Ire sppiied to the soars secured by ehis \iortgage,
<br />a-ith the excess, ii ant-, }wid to Borratcer.: ,ire Pr~pznr is si,sndori i by BarroWer ar ii Borratcer fails to resgand
<br />to Lander'<t-it-ilia 3#1 rises sitar native e,r ender to Borrower thst the ius.,rattvY esrrirr a?iers eo setti'e a clsim for
<br />^~^x benefits. Lender is sutltor~ed to collect snd sppfy tits insurtt:re pm,~*ed: st Lenders .agtion either to
<br />rectteraticta or repair of rite Proazrtti- ar to *.he. sums serumi i,y this \Sortgsge.
<br />IInless Lender sac $arrawer athznrise sglee ut tcritittg. sr.~ ;uc}: xppiicattelt ai .,rttcaeiis to principal shall
<br />sot etuesd or pas#.pone the due <}ate of tllc caoatitly- instsiintrnts reiermi to ie }=arsgrsphs l snd ? itereat- or change
<br />tl3e-sctount of inch installmeztz:-
<br />:i larder parsersph It3 bexof =.~e- I'r~ttery- is aequtred by Lends. • c ?right. zitlr and interest ai Bar:aw-er in
<br />audEAalti lII3llrancY S':£12aC]?c:1nL 7n 31tr, to ti,e pSi?i`Ttx?E'lti`:YH1; !ii, flit' c'\2tni a.- (!7C ~L'll:~ ~c'C:iri'II ht' tiik~ ~IaS:-
<br />gaga imtncaiatey }trsr is - _.. ss;r ., _Z_:}ut=itt,n+ tt etitets:; iron: ~._tns~'r tit tttc- l;-opertt- t,r:r ii the Ali or
<br />sexiuiaitian shall pis tt, Lender-
<br />s. sad Irtlment~®ce of Property: Le~sholda. Candaminitttas Iit,z^oit ez _!t~;': ''+eep the Prap-
<br />trty m gtuxt repair _nc sII;:li oat ;~rmit <v .. Trt;: '.tsste. tntrstrncn*, r 3eterso.*s*.iau ~_ tl:r I'mlxrt~ slid shall
<br />ecxnply a;*?~ *.i_a r-roitsiatts of my Iesst•, i• ,..-_ fir^gstc^ ;- .... --:tszita!a? 1f t3tis ~lattga~e :; at: a rottdamiuiunt
<br />unit, ]3arroWES YtaII pe*iarn7 311 of liaFri,R'i~_ - i,,,_ES+.°J:.~ '...,vc-, ~_ a' dreiaratiar: Oi :-l.t:d3l'.linitlti: i,r m8`'ler deed,
<br />IhC br -I3RE 3IIQ reglliat3an~ OI ttiP Ca;t:l~r.ltr'iI ~t:' ,~Iia.-i; :i.,.- ~C.nst7tlielti aaranleP,t.=.
<br />?. PratectienofLender's5ee,Etity. li $arroae:st;s to periorn the rairurtta st:ai :ztt>r-n;rnt; rantained in
<br />this mortgage, ar ii &nr art3an ar pzacet•dtn~ is ra:.sn~rtsr.-+i whtrf::ttatrriaiiy atie~^ts l.rrcier s ir,tenst In the Prap-
<br />trt}, inzluding; i+ut oat itnitcti ta. seaters^t ._--,.:>...- :::-~,,z,t;~. r air sniun~rment. or :urstrs;eattent or praaeed-
<br />itxgs inrolt*ing s bankrup=. ar .rent t;et: Lr`c:,:t•r :>: 1_r~n,icr-s a};ti.,:.. uptn notice to Barrawer, nest' make sudt
<br />app~tsozes. disbursz such stuns sad tale ,Lr?: ac*twr.:,, :, area-,:sn ca prete.~ Itnzrz:'= i;uerrst. including, but
<br />sot irnitai tn, d'aausint st ai :eusarstir z,tar:3ey - :rr- :_ eEtt_*c apart tlta= I'ro{aerty to make repairs. any
<br />atnountatVSbtlrsed ay Lender }».1rKttYtat tot%=ts ,~srag:~},!::. n5ul~ interz;t titeraou, shall I,ecotue additional indebt-
<br />ednesa nt Bnrmncer setttm7 it' this ~Iazt,;rgt Tare; karma e•r 5rd Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts &-+asl.1 I+e patials~ apnr :eau:~ i:~?.u I.Y:=:ue, to 2a:>.*rtaer rrilueststsg }aaymrnt tltztc*o. sttd :.ball bear inter-
<br />est. iromtbe Sate of disbtusement s: tz;e rstr -tste~ in t?rc _~ate 4riz=s nsi-n3ent of i,terert at such cafe would be
<br />~trar3` to applieabk ?aa-, in a^iut'a scent -urh sn,aunts si,a?? txsr irter~t st the ltighesz. rate permissible by
<br />lax,. ?a'otiturg cvntaine~d ir. ?tis ; ~ragrsl,i: ' ~h:xl? fcKiut;r L:~sder to incur any exp,=nse nr do an~• set
<br />fir- -
<br />!. L>r~er Inaa• rt;.ake or rst~-r :,a '.u mai{• rra=onakalr <- :leis; ;;pan and inspections of the Pmp-
<br />erty',prorided .hat Lerner s1tall lie Ba're,wer nt,t.cc t=a^IC:r to cry -urh ir±l,ertian ~laecitying reasonable cattsz
<br />therefor related to Lesder•'s itstere=,t is tlxe Pioswrxy.
<br />9. Gaodemmtion. 'I7:e ptoeaeds ni say anard or Plaint for damages, direct or consequential, in connection
<br />wat# sap roxsd+amnatiort ar other taking cat tie Ymlaenr, ar part thrreai, or far cat:veyanre itt lieu of eandemu:t-
<br />taon,'are hemby asssgned and :shall Ise paid to Lender.
<br />Is the eE•ent of a tads: takingai 3#u Pritpetty, the ;=roceecl- ;l;al, ?,e al;ghc~cl to : be :art:> sacurtil 6s this \lort-
<br />g~, _at?L13 the e~aeas. ii arty, paid #o Bartxsa•er•. In the et=eat of ea 1*artial taking of the Property., unless Borrnwer
<br />sad if; eAkx~triae agree in ~rriting, there sltsll Ire apitlied to the sums szcured 6t' this ~Sortgage such progor-
<br />. tarts of ~ psi as ~ t;quat3 #o tttai prvpnrzinn vrhicb Ilse smount ai the sums secured by this yiartgage imm~-
<br />diatelyp~to Ilse date of taking bases to Elie lair tttarket t•aiue of the Property itnrnediateh~ prior to the date ai
<br />tiitirtg, uiph t~ bslasce of the prona¢da paid to Borrower.
<br />Ii Pri~tg ie -`a-'--, by Harrower ar if niter notice by Lender to Borroner that the condemnor offers
<br />to make an atvataf or s~tde a daint ion damages, Borroner fails to respond to I_endPr n•;t.F,in 30 days of the date
<br />of attar no~oe, Lr~det i> atttboriatd to collz;et snd apply- the l;rctceerlr st Lander'- agtion either to restoration ar
<br />~+tr• of tlEse Property are to the urns cured by this ]lorigage.
<br />TJn#cas 7.ertder• and Borratcer at3tet•Wise agree in Writing, any such spplication ai proceeds to prinripai shall
<br />