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if under paragraph Id hereof the PI•opert~' is sold or the Propert~~ is othern-ise acquired 1?v Lender, Lender <br />shall apply, no Inter than intmediateh• Iu•iar to rho sale of rile Yr:,{lcrtx' ur is acquisition he bender. um~ Fonds <br />held by Lender st the time of application a~ a credit against the .unu secured L~• Lois \Iortgu,~e. <br />3. Application of Payments, finless sppiicablo talc pro?-ides och2rwist. all pavntrnte received 6}• Lender <br />under the T_dote and paragraphs I and ?hereof shall hr :y,l,lieri h~' Lomirr first in pax'ment of amount: payable to <br />Letlder hl Barrower under paragraph '? hereaf, then to intcrost {~a}-able on tLe Sote cool on Fntum ,1dc•ances, if <br />an}•, and then to the nrineipai of the \otr sari in the ,nincipal of but-are :i,ir;u;:•c~. ii .ulc <br />#. Charges, Liens. Borrat<•er shall {,ar alt taS2s. assessments and other charges, #ines sari imnasitians attriL- <br />ut~'b?e to the Prapertr which sls}- attain a ;Ir:ot•itc aver this AIorr<,;:.g2. and ground teats, if any, at Lenders <br />optian in the manner procidt~ under haragra;.ii ~ herea~ a~ i,~ Rorr~,cer making uacment. when. due, direetdy to <br />+ti. the paFee thereof. Borraccer ahsii prontpri.' funii:i. ~ i.cndcr alI notices of amounts due ender this paragraph, <br />snd in tiie 2rent Bornwer siu!1 make ns?rlent direr;~}. Borroacr sitar! prcnlptly iuenish to Lender receipts avi- <br />is dencing such payments. Barrower sLsli rromntic diecitarge ::n}' lie<: „bleb hs ;,riari}• oL er this \Iort{;age; Pra- <br />~ vided, InsA Barron~er shall ssaf i,e required to dischsrge snd- sue!, lice. sa long as Borro,ver =hal, agree in ,eriting t-0 <br />;hn paym~at of rile obii~ticn secures; hr ?lit?I lien ie .: ]nnnu2r seeel'>*,ai,le Lo Lender. or shall in good faith contest <br />sueh lien hr, or defend enfareerarnL of nech hell ir., }egai ;~n,ceedulga which operate m pr,-L-rri the enforcemem of <br />Lhe Tier. or forfeiture of the Yraper#y ar and ;>art t::;reoi. <br />~ 5. hazard Insurance. B.?rrnwer sL:=':! keg{~ t'lc iiaprorenarts nm: existing or aeresftcr erteted on the Ylrop- <br />{~ rrtr It>,eurea against ?oss b~- *re. ha_ards inciade.: witi:ill t12 term °2xtcnded carerage". and su111 itthCr hazards ss <br />• Lender n:a}- require :...;, ... _.ueh a aunts a: for s., ~riais ens Lender nnlc remlim: urocideri, that Lender shall <br />oat require tiler rile antotmt of such ca~eraee eace~i :'la~ stnaunt of coverage ]t-ql;irrd to rah the sums seeured'by <br />tIna _'liaR~3g2. <br />The in_ur>anca c_rr~i2r nrovidiag rile lsuran_~> shell i)e' chasrl: he 8orral,er sltiriect to spprocsi v}~ Lender: <br />ur'~•:IdPd, that each ap rova! shall oat he n 2aso I~ -} tx lth} c ~ ~" rem:ums a,I insnrantc :.icir..hali be psid <br />st Lender'-: aptii,r t] e I,rot- Set , . „ a{ ,1 _ h~n.~ ,. ,,~' I3orr ,,, rr ntsn:nL , a~ n,ent rx hen due. <br />dStYttlti° to the insurance career. - <br />In the ergot an pa?ice is not renrcred an or before ten days of i#s expiration, the Lender, to pn~tect <br />its merest- ear procure irsuranre an the imprarelre:,is, pay the premiums and such sum shalt Ilerame <br />isn^ecSiaiel}- due and parable n~t!I interest st the ratt• set forth in said note until paid and shalt be <br />secured by this :tfaztgage. ';ai3ure by Bormcrer to comply may, at option of Lender, constitute a defau?t <br />under the terms of this \iangage. <br />~? Iaaarsnce lK,iietes snd rrn2,ra;< a:e:r:,I >i~,;i: '. ~ ;n i .... ~;.tah;e n: Lr~._. - . .,.. ?:.u! ..,!•.ld,~ :: standsni <br />tuc?I*.gsgr elsuse is : roe of •tn : iori 1 th.:.o Lerdrr 1 : 1 i,; !lal o;:i tl r 1 o,icie< :md <br />reueu'x; tnesroi. sac Ba:rorce: s!tai }+rotn},t~', •urnisli ,o Lets.?~°h:. .::.rlcai :.. ... . .:.... sl: _ -lyre ~ -paid { <br />miums. in the ~,~2nt of ?pas. Barrawe_~ .::ail _ :m;vt notice a tae •,._ararc~ r~srrer and Lender. ar-d Lender <br />max- mske penal of :ass not r:ad promr :~ :t ~Bt.r;o:«•. <br />?=mess Lr.~der and Be-aver o.^.ernis_ ...,a'rtin:~ _..-urn;, ;,rc. <br />eri15 ai?&'i ~ a},,*:led to rc-stcration ar <br />re~.alF of rile Yh"}'2ril' CS9m3L2i:. E,R~t'Id _.. .- .c=.i. ..._ rr; ate ., iC,?nJ,... i':l:~i x- ..: .. , - - <br />1t LTIL S' nL <br />this \iasiga;e Is oat ti;ereb; :mnalr23 S _t.. roLt,.:.:o.: 2;•atr i~ I,a*, _.ror ...~,,:.x c.i_,. ;: v. .. t.le ~ecuriir <br />~~i t,ft'_s pare, u,t, r ^ ~ a_.~ ,,: o:rrd, t atr~i:;',: :,~ =ecr~i t,ti• thts \lartgage <br />R=2L the fs ea .? s-ix taatnTtti? Barro,i2 I....I Yro{rtnti .; ar.t.,.:c: i,~' $ornl ti,,rn,tcer ictlls to Rsl,onu <br />to i,en>ier cr;- _^. 30 usy= aster I.arcr l,x _.:.,, - .,, Rc•rrowe. that the 'nsl;i`.it, , <br />;:curs:-re'_,eneata. ? goner - ;;thor.=e,:. ~;ect Ord ~x ~ -,:race .r<<-sr .. or:er. tai ;2tt,e :; ~!slm far <br />- '_ spy. c i-., p. c-e.d. ... .gouge - armor: either to <br />IIe:-tarstinn ar rer-air of rile Y.^a},ertr ar *.a;=...~ sums ,er:,r d hy` *, Lis ?fartea~e <br />Ltniess Lender a:,: Berratxrr ~:. 2n. _. Ygr2r ... _vrltine_ . r,1 cl: .{u :i.:... ,.. , , <br />-. < .- ~,. cv1 . ~ pr:t;:;:ila, cnSti <br />oat eYtentl ire tN}Stp+'nr Lc due .IaLP }i ftlP - l.I??:`le `;::.t:ci (I?irn~• .^rlrr^'-C '~ ;,a...~ :_.. .~ 1 a'!t,t ' !1rr20i aT CPIBnE,Y <br />t.~JC YIDtY.:IIt- ai S3e}7 ?r25T-k1:m2.^..~. <br />~: tint"tr }~.CT'SgrSy.lii 7G ax:^2D; t.i: r'-ape.^.\' 1~ uPilLlr P~.'. 1,~ L en;lr:.:... .. .. .sP:;l '..^.?rrCa: l; BCrSJw2t i7'~ <br />sttd .., sLr A*tsursrLr , o~ e_es .: is .o the ; , ......; ti'r,ro~ to ;-n.r,.. ,... .<< ,r~•,: i,x' ~l•ts llart- <br />gage ,Iy. t t.stsr ,. .t: ,c .. _a,.• . ~..i ._;_r.. -..- : ~ .., ... -.,,.. _~ ., ...,}*r - - .u ._z sa.u° c; <br />ac<;uis:ti•cn s*•sll ; -ss to L~r:der <br />6. Presere;~ian ~ Meintenan~ ai Praperrg. Lease>;alds~ Candamniusc .. , -. - . . - :~•, *,. > Yrtu,- <br />-L ~ _ ~~ 2 - ...._- ... ._.. ..nv_, ~..._tc. , a.r,. r. , .. .r..-I .... ..~ Yea:, anti shah <br />rompir u .. ;_ } ~, . ~,.:_ I, seer-- :.r:7- \t *t_agc I> : a > ',:- I= ~I°..,st, , , ndo-i, <br />fire ~,-.rn,a•.•_ . - , t':.; n--,_,......,. 'a . °iniun: <br />_.._ .... ..~.~...,. .. ~,..-.~ ~_ z. E ..- `x ,..t , :o::dc ] r.urt ,.r master dxd, <br />:+:Fv^S 3R's snd t .;.6::..I': -:r t~,n ... I:.:17„-. - -' .~.,,t l.t .. ..p~'::.,.r~.... <br />9. Frateetica +r Lzn>ner`s ~tLtrity -Beer - .~ ,.~... , <br />," 1 ~, KI ::ts to:ltstned in <br />this ~ioztgagr ~= i s x ~etins er Itr3rz -`I..~ 7. ~,? ., ...~ : a ~ .: t;,s ....:~~ 3'i _ ; > 1:,1 . - it:terr=t In tttr Yrop- <br />rr€y, .n, as .. :. a ~.:,r : -:. - _., t--rc ,,,._. ,.c-rre~! r. ,_ I,t,e~r•rt_ ur raed- <br />:ngs~n,°ac = a t. a-s.rl rte- -;=de,7t- e~~ L:r,:r -.t :.~t.~ ~. ~3. _ _ .. I~~ ,- , , $orra~'er ,..,Lr maKe •uatl <br />app~arsrrr~ -1 as .- .1: s r - Ord is :t~1:: -. .,_ e--...s.*} _o Inc:~-* l.rr..ier~'- ntx•*i~,t~..l.]uding. but <br />oat I:_rr;Lci ~ ,h,lr_.t --tat ~ n tit*.,?r ,.,r .. .., P:-r,rri~ <br />- } --. ~ `. i < . Iske retss;rs.:1n~' <br />anlaLnts tii_t steer; ati Lcn:'e- ,:sot r...: I:s ~g.u..... „]ti ~. ,/,ann., ,t-a;; ':Yilanle xa:iitlans, indek;t- <br />ednrac c._ Ian-n.t€~r c- ' 'try ~ ;,are, ~. I'n e-:- t,-,rrc:crer ar.,:~I. aura- to at her ',eon- ~i }ta}' such <br />::un3.c, '- ',-• ~:s t -- -. .i.. .. r nn ~ lx e ~ r L_ :tt ~ - ~erc-o ar `Sa - o ar inter- <br />fmr~ the us,e o ;~_ ~:..:.... ~t ... _.~t: .._. _ ... ,.._ \otr ~..~ ,. x n:e,: .l.r.^evt s..Latl. rate txautd be <br />eantrsr3- :c appiicst~;2 a:x -c: ,ri:i.t: <rs:~ s,,,t: amount- _.,~.. , _.~. .:rerz:t ;. ...r nigi:est rate prrini5sihie by <br />spp?icab=c ;nu. !c r_ . ;ts _-..r.. .x,;rat . . ...- _i:,T ~::,ire ri*',rcur r,v ex},el:se ar da ani' aci <br />hrre.tnder. <br />S. Htipat~aa e .ter ;t '~ :raise - sU c ..:a,t• . -sw* a;, ~ .-....,_. t ... tn:i t•: ,., ...... the Pruu- <br />enr, an?vlt;ed txat L~-aces ~t;a:i g,t~e sio~r:,a-er ..a .. ~-:i, ~•• .. <br />- -~ ...:}- •.~:t v ~I,<-c-.i...r -~.=oa .b!,- came <br />theretaf ze3Atetr *~ I.enzer nt~zF--,_ : c:~e 'r'; tl,,err <br />9. Con, T=ee ;,tror~~ e; stir sitar ` ~ .slot ?r z :nsz,e direr 3r U.lsr {,ie ti&.. ill canneetion <br />w:Lh stet- .cndr:unstlar• or other tak.m-~ o* t?.e Yea{-ett~ ur ;art ..,e n~: .,• ;or o..'„_}--,I.te. ire 3trt, r,. , au,lemn:i- <br />are 3tereb-; sssi.~ta~7 snd ;;ail t~ }~sid to 3,rndt-T <br />in th=event t? a tots: taking of the F'rarzrt3. tr. nn,ce±-:1, .i:vii i.r: &yr;>lSe,1 tr, th=~ -nuns .arcurec hv~ rhic ~Iort- <br />g~ge, tvith tkie teens: I' say. }raid to BaP^vter I , ;.:_ rx•e*.: c7 t t:arta,si tak .g t] ti Yr~t rrtx Lui(rss Borrax'er <br />snd Leader athetsttra agree in tt-riting, tale e .t:si; I.t at?{}liY ? ., tl.r >u.r_ -rcur~,1 1 c hi- 'iiartgage .uih propor- <br />tian of the p,-acc,e.ts ;~ is equal co ihst prop`,r;avn able;, the !unuunt of t}le cum= ~rrurrd i,~ this iSv_rtgsge <br />diately pear to the Rate of;~zara to rile ;sir sasT'stK ,slue of Liie Yro{,rap iumlu:liatric prior to the date of <br />t~kia°s, ~;r~: sh~'&ai$tlte of the prrxeeda paed to Bc.rra°a rr. <br />If the Prapetiv is sban~ted br Bnrrox•er ar tf .after trance nv 1_euder to Bm'ra,lt-r si;at tae cc=rdemnor aver` <br />`.o mske as sward ar settle a claim for damages, $ormts er iai;.o r, t+on,t to I.endrr ccrtin:: 30 d=ive ai the date <br />of such aciu~er, Ioender s autharixed to callee•t and apply the- prOrficdz ~~r is v,c_~,-r'- ,,;,t iui. ,ai i:er 'a ~rr~taratian or <br />repair of Li>e Property ar to the auras securc>d Gv this \IangsGe. <br />Liniess Ixt.der and Barrower oulorni=c agree ir: ,t-.*iting, an}• =well application of proceeds to {,rii„ i,~ ii -h7,1 <br />