<br />~~ FQRM Na. 72n-47J __-
<br />Loan NumDer_ ?3567______ 199 _- _ 1
<br />7g~. .'£'~;~~ X11 {~ ~ T G .~ G E
<br />`"PHIS \•fORTG9GE, made snd executed this __ _i3th ._ .. day of _. Qctobe, _ , ___,. .. A.D.,
<br />19_. `~~_., between the \torfgagor, -- . G?axsen- H,-. Houghkizk. and. E11en r,. Houghkirk,..husband. - ..
<br />_ ..and- wi~es_jointly-_and...°ach_.?.n..t..hest..Vii?[t..~'fight.-.c-----_----------.----_--------------
<br />of -._.~Xand_ Island...-,_.,_, Count}• of _.. _._ .- -- .._..HahJ._.-, State of - ~lebraaka. _- ,hereinafter referred
<br />to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee. FIRST FEDERAL SA~'I\l:S A_~D LOAti' ASBi~CiATION OF
<br />LI\COL\,_ 13:;6 "N" Street. Lincoln, Nebraska 6S6Q1, its successors and assigns. hereinafter referred to
<br />as Lender.
<br />SGt•r~?~csrx: That the said Borrower for snd in consideration of the sum of SEZ?Eiv- THOLTSA~tI'i,..,, _
<br />AR'D ~0/100 ------ ----------° ----- ------~Jollars tZ'S g.7,00~.00 - _...._ 1
<br />paid by said Lender, does hemby morrgage, grant and comet' to Lender, its successors and assigns; the
<br />___ _.
<br />#ollow-ing descrit+ed propertc located in the Caunrc of .-..-Hall ,State of \ebraska~
<br />t •rk,-~ t;~ r~uQr;,,n S„',.x3itisiaa_ in the cites of Grand Island, Aall C.ount~, Ne'~.raska
<br />i`tcsrxre with all the irnpmrement_c noc+ or hereafter erected on the t~mperty. and all ea>ements,
<br />rigfZts, aggttrtenane~. ren~, mcaltie_c, nairteral, oil and gas rights srd tmfit_s, crater, rater rights. and
<br />water stock, and all Mums nos ar iaereafier attached to the prortzrt~. s!i of cchich, including mplace-
<br />tnents snd addition thereto, ;half he deemed to be and remain a part of t?te property cocerecf by this
<br />\dortEage: and aIl of the fore;;airg, tarether with :aid property for the leasehold rstate in the .-cent tlai.
<br />'+fort.gage is on a le~,ehold? are herein arferned to as the "Pmpert}"
<br />Bormtc'er cacenants that Borrower is iawfullo- seised of the estate herrb~ ~ame~ed and hs~ the right
<br />to niort.gage. gran: and t~~rvel~ the ?mpert-, that the Propert}' is unencutnbet~tt, and that BorrowNr will
<br />warrant and defend. generally the title ze the Property against all :laim; and demand,, subject to anc
<br />ease;*a~znta and -z,tnrtions listed in s sct:~dule of exceptions to covers,e in sn~~ title insurance rx,tirti' in-
<br />sarring Lerader'< Ira:e^z~z in zhe Pmm-m, or t2? sttorne}•'; opirdan of *.itle fmtn ab•traet of rifle certified
<br />b~ ?a3ndet: st,strar.~~r.
<br />Pat*;~>rxb .~! w_e~':,. and *.hee presents arc exr<uted and deiicered utx~n the follexing cc,nditfons, sgrzz-
<br />naents and ~t=Ltes?ii;ns of tl;e tk~-rotc°er, tc,-wit:
<br />ih~ 33orr_wcr agree; tea pai• u_ the Llnarr, or order. the ysrinri;3ai sum of SL~~~ iziOi:SA:yu -.
<br />3~_ ~Ot-~ ----... -_--_-_-_----------- lh,ilars tl > 7,fQ0.L?0 . .. )
<br />3rayab!r as t,mc?ded in ?note exeea<ed and ce:i.ereii. ~„n:urrtn='} tart.-t.iti=.. the final payment t+f principal,
<br />if nCft SOL)ni'r paid. Ctrl E1}e -~"-'*S t :31' tit -\~1'C"`°r 1:;
<br />L"~f~,s!4: C~_aG'efat~-ri. Burrt+urr :~r,1 l~rfdc~r ~;~,z~::art t~=i :rt~Y• a, :~:!iuti,<
<br />;. Pcymsnt ci PrL*3citxl and Interest Iit~r;t+t:rr •t'r=;i; I=n<t:a,tls Vie' ttlarn slur the t+rin,::t>a! of and in-
<br />=zyt:t vn the indebtt'„nzs> rridencect l,r th~• \„tc•, :,rcl=a•:r.<t~r,t~ana=iat< ~har,r~ as !=:~„ixs~~i in the \uie,
<br />and tine pt=m~pal of and i,terrst t,a ant- Fu:~.~-~ _k~;zarx« -~;u:tKi : .... .i;szt;.ttrr•.
<br />z. Fuasie ~: Tmres trod lasu*~ce. Sut,iet'f ii: Lr•n_ier • :..1±ti. n vn. let ;~,rs~nal;h ar=c.` ;.er~,f. !to*-
<br />rozc~ 3i*sll pa}- to Lander ar_ the da>° tnc>nthl}- ins2a11rarasz- Ott nnnre_ja! and intrrrwt are uaca!31e undrr then
<br />\ote, until a6e :the is Isaid Ira full. s ism ;herzir, -'Fund-"~ ez;;3al tt+ c,nc•-turlfth cif the >rarl} zasrs ant!
<br />as_s~,-smears w•t:icb :na3- attzsitt rrsarit~' c,t• r ibis '_t9or2gagc~. and f^z~unt? rent.w c, ;he 1'rol+ert if ant p!u
<br />one-tire!#;!: of ti~ic pa4,mium installrnents far hassrd insurance. },[u; of ~t-arl~ premium in-
<br />ctaL'.~tt. fcr trrartg~sz irn-crr-nn~, if any, ail ~: r~asr:.rabl: ~Tiiriatt-d : ~t:;a„~ a `rm t„ + ti~z;z tat
<br />LNrader vtt the basis of a"-•~-~*~,R,+t2; and 2*ilis and reasananie e.-ti:trate; that~,f. Lzndt~r hal ap it•~2 hr Func
<br />as pa}- ~itl rases, a~„aerzats, ;n.°uzanc~ zrtrstrr.;s and crotznd rents. L,endzr shall craft na charge fcr _,
<br />laokfirag snd appiy°ing t3te Fund: nr ~=erifi-ing and compiling :aid a:~~fn<-nts anti hills. The Lender shall
<br />glue w t2ae Harrower. w3thotrt charge, sn anmral accounting of rite Funds showing etedat•: a,~td debits to the
<br />Ft.rrda cad the p ftx t.ttic_h e~eh deGit to z_he F>-tad: w~ made, 'Phz F'~nds are uledetl as additional
<br />security far the sums aeeumi by ttai>3~ ?.9ortgage_ The Bnrtrswer agrees that the Funds ms}' lx ttel+l bti• the
<br />Lsxtdei and cit_~rtuaingleri with ot}~r funds and the Lendei s ow-n futatls and **=he !,ender tray pa} t=act: items
<br />from its otxn funds and the Lender shall not be liable far intermit or div°idends on such FuntLs.
<br />If the amount of the Ftmds held by Lender, together x~i#h the futtue :tttsnthly instaittnenu; of Funds
<br />payable poor ttr the d~ dates of taxes, ;:s~asmments, insurance premiums and s Quad rents, shall exceed
<br />the aaxrunt regaur+ed to pay said fazes, asc~rnents, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />such ez shall be, at $saa^ra~wer's option, either gmmptly repaid to Bc,rmwer or credited to Harrower nn
<br />rtatattthly ins#allmen#s of Funds. 3f the amvuni of the Farads held by Lender shall not l,e :sutlicient ro pay
<br />fazes, atatts, iastrtarr~ pre.>uums and ground rents as they fall due, Hormwer shall pay to Lender
<br />any amount nece~aary to make up the defici~ncv within tlairt}• days after notice from Lender to Borrower
<br />r~uesting parntetat thereof, ur $orrotcer shall, •by an increase in monthly installmrnts of Funds required,
<br />reFay the deGcienry w-ithita the Fund a~rnunting period.
<br />C?pun pa}-meat in full of all sums >~ured bs this 14Rortgage. Lender shall a{iply Funds held as a t•redit
<br />against ai3 sums due.
<br />