<br />crossa.'tg the Platte River sc~th fxtim said IAt Seven {7) , and €urther except
<br />i>:Iq (2~ ~ cx>rttainir€~ 2.16-:acres ar~3 12.12 acres ~i fcsr road
<br />nt*~a and score fuller set forth in the ccmdeannation return of appraisers
<br />and ~+oceedis~gs sho~ar in >~ak 9 at page 289 of the a?S.i.sc. Records of Ha11
<br />~aultYr '~hrasisar Ind further subject te> file advert sing' contract easenerit
<br />in favor. of the State of H~,~aka as set forth in Book 12 at page 165 of the
<br />Misc. I~cords of HaI1 Cbtmtyr Nebraska.
<br />tc>~crha rs~lt a`d rigftts, interests, rasemenx, hrrtditamenu and sgpttrtenancrs ihrrrunto bciaaging, the rears, issues, and
<br />tsto~ss th,aeaf and rrnnues and income thrz_£ram, all imgrocrments and pasanal grogertt• nau ar later attached thereto ar
<br />e*_as~nahdY atstssary ra the fur thereof, ialudin~, bus oat limited ta, ranges, refiigtrato~s., clothes washers, clathcs dreers,
<br />or putrbastd ar f'ntnanced itt whole or its gars with loan funds, aII water, watu rights, and waxer atoce aaatag
<br />tfiaein, and all }up'rrsrnu st any rime owing to $arrasvcr br virtue of nay sale, lrasc, tnasfer, canvcyance, or can~tian
<br />ai atsp pars thetraf ar imxerest thcrrin-all of wirish arc hr_ein caifed "the arraget;y'•;
<br />~'~ HAVE AND Tt? HOLD the praQtrty unto tha L;avernmrat and its aari~tts forever it; fee simple.
<br />f3ORRt'k~v'ER [ar FSanovter's srff, Rarrowcr's heirs, txtcutota, administratan, sue_osso^> and assigns WARRANTS 7H6
<br />TITl£ to flat grogrrty to the (,uvrras;cnt a~Tain<t all iatt'fvi claiz~is and dctnands v.-hat2:se-rr rxCrDt ans wens. racvmbrancrs,
<br />..+tf, -rxcrvarina<, or canveranc~ >gr.~.tird hetrinabcve_ and C~1t'£NAri'TS AFiD ?~GRE£S a> fc~lluxs:
<br />{~,1 Ta Pag promptly when due ant iadcbtrdness to rhr Gos~ernment hereby srrtred and to ;adeaanitr and nvr #tarm-
<br />kss the E',avxanmeat agaitzu sag loss tendzr its insztraatt of gaemust of the Hate by reason of ary W;fauh by Burrovrsz.
<br />Ax >~ xiraes adsea the note is held ls~ aft insx_zrd holdu, Bcrrtxarer shat canr'sttue to [Halts garracnts as ti:r Wort to xhe isovats-
<br />tneax, as t~ nt fxe the ha3der.
<br />?2l '7a ngv t4 r~ ~ov+~>sm~t f[~s Intl o~cr ~ar~rs as n~az ns,Q ~ 1_~t~h-ir l.r rr~gsrd br err L.;.~~.,Ft~
<br />a"~ss Her ,Srlmisisrrat~.n. .
<br />#32 ~ t~:riree by~ the C>3vanmrnt. to make addaieaal csantbly gavtatau of 1[I? of the ettimared annual xazes,
<br />~^~sts, insursznzc grrraittms znd athrr cltargca upon the mar~agrd premises.
<br />(45 ~ ar tx+t slat nose is into-rd by r$r Gasxznmrnt, the Gavernmcnt matt az any time gay any other amounts
<br />nxluirt~ burmA ra br paid by $cavsvrt and nisi paid by Botr~ wrr r;.-lsea due, ae wrlf as an}' rats and ezgonses fsr the prr-
<br />srrvatitai, pratcctiar., os rnfarccmtnt of this iirn, u :d.-.acts for *.fit acca,trt of Tiarrowrr. All such advracrs shaA bear
<br />interest u tit,e ra[s borne oy flat tsa[e which Isar tits highest itstrrrn taxr.
<br />5+ Ail avdvarm bs tl+r Govrsttrneax as descriDcd is this instrument, vrirh incr. cat, shall be immediately due and ltttablr
<br />$oer~eet"r 6ff Site C.~ernmert eithout deruand ac [he glare dcsignatrd in the L-ttst Hate and shall be sccurrd lterebp. Ida
<br />welt advassce by the Gorrrnmrnt siu3 rtlitve Barrowrr fsum brrrch of 3kusowet'= tevrnant to gay. Svrh advances, wi[fi
<br />iaur~, s ~1c *.~paid dam :l:r `~st availybir coi~cttans rr;.cived Pram 13orr€:wrs, vtfiestcise, ane~ gayment made by
<br />$orrawex atav ifs alspidcd an the ~::e a• aa~ isdebxrdarss se the vavrrnmu~t <_rcvre~d Hereby ifl any order tl;r Govemmcat
<br />devczssrr_ss,
<br />
<br />
<br />