<br />USDA-Fst7HA Position 5
<br />Form FmHA 427-1 N$
<br />,Rem. s-IS-~~~ REAL ESTATE i<riolx~-GAC>r Foiz ti~sxASxA
<br />79~- ~'#~3tt~oia~~3
<br />THIS MORTGAGE is made and entered into b}' ~ D~ _~$$~AN-.!3Ih~._JAC{t„X1FL~JE,-Cr__D~2vA~V.r,_-,,,_,_-____
<br />- °-------hzzsbaz>a_atni wifet.- each_in_his and tees aan- right and -as__sFouse of the otl~s,
<br />residing in ~__._.-____--__~__ ~_~ _-_---___-___--,--____-_ Cotmty, Nebraska, whose post office address is
<br />___.__._~?u_te_ IE. 5~ _7_2 -_--- ~~? - -,--,_.--- , Nebraska -, 68810
<br />heron raileu "Borrower," and:
<br />t'rHER£AS Ba .owtr is indebted to thr United Stares of America, acting through the Farmers Home Administration,
<br />United Stags i?epartment of Agricultttrc, herein railed the "Governmenc;' as evidrnced by one ar mare promissory rotes;
<br />at assompdon agreement(s!, herein called "note;' which has been executed by Borrower, is payab;e to the order of xhe
<br />Government, authorizes acceieratio^ of the entirt indebtedness at xhe option of the Government upon any default by
<br />$orovue:, and is described as follows:
<br />.{nrrual Rate Ihae I7ute a{Firtnl
<br />I~te~fltsstnasnenr PrireciP;z1_{rnuunt oflntemsr Irtst,xflrnenr
<br />ocmber lo, ls7s. ~9a,ooo.oo g.o$ rxtober lo, ao19.
<br />If the iaterest rate is a-ss thzn ______-_._'€r for farm ownership or oprrarinp roan's' secured be the insxrument, then the
<br />ra:e mac be ~aann~-_d a pri+•id.,-d in +~ke Horn.? .
<br />And x'itr aazt evidences a loan xo Borrower, and ~:r Governmrnt, at anv time, mav' assiF7; the note and insert the pav-
<br />nxnt thereof pursuarx to the Consolidated Fare and Rural Or.~eiapmeat Act, ar Titre V o! the Housing Act of 3949 or anv
<br />asft~ star.:te administered by the Farmcss Home Admirutratian;
<br />And it is thr purpau and error of utti:, "strstr-untnt that, among othzt thil•te~~. ar all t~mts whrr. tht Here s htld by the
<br />Govetrsrsent, ar in the tvrnt the Gavrrnmenc should assign thi; instrument wi out insurance of the rate, this iutrumtnt
<br />shall xxuzt pagtnent of tht Hate; but whta rise note is helc ?~{ an i.surtd holder, rho izstrumen=. shall not srcure payment
<br />of the note or ar_aeh xa thr debt ecsdtnce3 r.nereby, but as to :he Hate anal such dtb*, si:all constitute an indemnity mortgage
<br />to secwr the Governmtnt against lesa undtr its :nsurante con:rac*. by reason ai anv dezat:4t be Bar.,~w•er;
<br />And r3tis instrut*tent also sectsrs thr recapture of one inttrrst m.•di: ar subside yvhich mac 4 sranttd to the 9e*ttawtr by
<br />;[seGovrrtae~*_ gttrsuant to 42 Lt.S.C. jfY9f?a.
<br />~`O~V, TH~ILEFORE, in consadt..aon of z!te lawn:. s', anY a', at all tun's when tltr Hat: is laid by xhe Goyetnruuent, ar i+n
<br />the rs~rt tz?e Gacrrnmrnt shz«.rld assi4-n this ensxTimrnt v,thaut irs•.:ranc: a' err pa}mrnt o the Hate, ca ucura prompt
<br />fZarrneat of xhr note and anc rtrtwa?v and rxtrasians rherR f and anv- ;;,rersneata cantaia:d theteir_, includits~ any provision
<br />tar ~t parrrsrnt of as: ;astrrancr er utter, ~targt, bl at ail runts why-n tl.t Hate is held bv~ an insures holdr:, ro~srcurt acr-
<br />fbQSnanr.2 a#" Borrower's ay~tenxrnt l:trrin to initmniry and savr harmless t3:e Go:ernrnrnt at;nsr lass undez ins irs,:rate^,e
<br />ma,rr,.-r by :rasoa of aay default be $orrovv*er, and :t~ is one twat and at all tints tc secure the l.r:_mpt paymtrtt of aLt
<br />~sar~cas and rxpf udi=.:res nta.~e ,t ttt L,ac+eraairnt- w:t=e it wrest, ai hrreirs'trr .esct-i~t~, ana t:. _~~a;r^-.1ticc :?i rv-~-y
<br />aavrnant and at3ttastnt. of Bam3w•er c,.ntained herein ar in an_v supplrmenra:ry~ a~ettrrnx, Barsawrr does hereby grartt_
<br />?vary., sell, tanves° a_nd a>si3-~, ~'n trnzrai v.•a,:arrr. :mro thr ~av.rnmrnt the fol#owiag ~: rot>Pzn- ssru.ttd i~ the Sratc of
<br />Ntbrassa.Cansttv~ies~of '.~.lt
<br />die i~st Ei~L csf the ~ Quaztes ~~ atYi pert of Zat Set-en {7j of
<br />~+ Ly-e~izt f). ~ ~'~t (10} , "~rtti Pange ~n (IO? , t+~est of
<br />~ bt3t P.ks!., e®aeptiag a ~~ ~ ~ fz. (5D} feet aide altz~g the
<br />~caxth R?~ pf iott Sever {?) ~ ~ dlY~1S]g `ire 1/E.f'}'2~: ?~t*y~-
<br />ti~3xt t26~ air3 'tt~- {2y} tss ##~e z~theri.~ a~vadi of tt~e tu'idge
<br />
<br />
<br />U
<br />
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