<br />79-'®~~S'~~
<br />n tract of la :d comprising a part of the East i-Ta14 (E 1) of Section
<br />^_wenty Fo•~.r (24), Township Eleven (11) :worth, Rance Ten (10), F7est
<br />o~ the 6th P.M., in Hall County, D;ebraska, more Particularly des-
<br />cribed as follows:
<br />Beginning at the Northeast eorner of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br />Northeast Quarter {SE'4NE~); thence Southerly alc.g the East lire
<br />cf said Section Twenty-Four (24), a distance of Thirty-Three
<br />(33.0) feat; thence. Westerly parallel to the North line of said
<br />SE%NE3= a distance of One Hundra3 Thirty-Three ;133,0} seat;
<br />thence Southerly parallel to the East lire of said Section
<br />Twenty-Four (24), a distance of Twa Hundred Eighty and rr^our
<br />Tenths {2$0,4) feet; thence daflecting left 89°42' and n:nning
<br />Eastarly a distance of One Hundred Thirty-Three (133.0} feet,
<br />tc the East lire of said Section Twenty-Four (24); t'rence
<br />Southerly along the East line of said Section Twenty-Four (24),
<br />a distance of Forty-One (41.0) feet; thenca Southwesterly along
<br />a line Fosr Hundred Eighty (480.01 feet Northwesterly from and
<br />paraii~ei to the Northwesterly right-of-way line of the Union
<br />Pacific Railroad, a 3istance of One Thousand One Fiurdred Fifty
<br />arc: Sever. riurdredths (1,150.07) feet; thence deflecting left
<br />90°00 and running Southeasterly, a distances of Two Hundred
<br />Eighty (280.6) feat; thence deflecting right 90°00 and rurrirg
<br />Southwesterly a distance Sf dour Hundred Fifty ($50.0) feet;
<br />th,:^ce deflecting left 90 00 and ~~nning Southeasterly, a
<br />distance of Two Hundred (200.0) feet, to said U.F.R.R. Right-of-
<br />way line; thence Southwesterly, along said right-of-way lira, a
<br />di~tapce of Sixty-Six (bb.0) feat; thence deflecting rig`:t
<br />90 00 a :d run :ing Northwesterly, a distance of One F.u.,dred
<br />Ninety-?•ive ar.3 >;.ig?1t Tenths (195.8) feet to the Easterly right-
<br />of-way lire cf L'.S. Highway No. 221; thence daflactiny right
<br />30°35' a:d rzrning Northerly along said highway right-of_way
<br />~~ne, a dish:ce o~ Eight Iiunare~: jour and Two Tenths (804.2} feet;
<br />t..~:-ic_ -=1e~tir_ right 02°_4' &..c n::r.irg Nor~naastar ala:g
<br />~. _... ~~-.;..::.` __ C-a~-d:= li..c ._ ~.~...:_ ::L'~_'- J. :i ~:; ,u:±,~~ci: .:<iiy-.
<br />~_:. (~9.0; ~- ~ ~o ~:za~Nor-~h~ii._ o~ysain S,.'-.i\::'i; r:.enca,east-
<br />erlY along =: e~Nor_;: Line of sai.~ SE=~N3?~, a dis::anca o O: e
<br />Thousa:d Twa Hu::.:~ad Fifty-Nine and Six Tent:^.s (1,259,6) feat to
<br />the place of i~gi.ring, ~~~
<br />F tract of lard camprising a part of the Southeast Quarter o: the
<br />Nora :cast s0uaxter (SE?~Nr'l<) of Sectio:: Twa. ~y-FO:xr (24} , Towrs ip
<br />Eleven (ll} tiarth, Range Ten (10} Bast of-thc bth P.M„ in Hall
<br />County, 1e:,ras;:a, ::.ore particularly dzscribad as follows:
<br />Begir_ni ng at the Northeast eorner of said S;;'.;\E3`; thence Southerly
<br />alor_g t::e East li.e of said Suction .,:enty-:our (24) , a distarea
<br />o= Three Hu:3red Fifty-Four and N'_ne 2erths (354.9) feet; thence
<br />Scut:-.:,asterly aiorg a line Four 3undrea digrt (480.0) leaf North-
<br />westarly fro.:, and uarallel to the Northwesterly right-of-way lire
<br />o£ ,.he ;Trion Pacific Railroad, a distance o_° iiva F3urdrad Eighty-
<br />ro:1r L.. Save: Hur..re.lt:;s (584.6?) =eat; t'rence deflecting left
<br />96°GO'-a. d ru.:.._ :g Southeasterly, aldist...: ca of Two :Tua::raa r^orty
<br />(24.0} feet to the actual places of heginnin5, thence ca :ti .wing
<br />Soutr.aasterly along tha last desc,i~ed course a cistance o~
<br />Forty (40.0) feet; thanes deflecti^g right 90ou0' and running
<br />Sauthwastarly, a distance of Gi.a TTundred Sixty-Six (1bii.Oj fast;
<br />thence deflecting riGnt 90oG0' a..^.d rsnnirg Nort:-iwestarly oa
<br />oistarca of Forty (40.0} feetl t::ence defler_tir.g sight 40 s,0'
<br />a .d runri:xg tiort easterly, a distance o£ Ona Hundred Sixty Six
<br />(166.0) =eat to the actual place o£ beginning.
<br />