~~ 1 r 3 tTga~~t n I"_ wive, b t r .--,~s_r fe, ~ ~ ~~,~i wYi991r ~~. -r-, tax ~ 7., ~ ~. J,~ a~ i ~ ~ rr ~rt-„ an~ fsf a tla
<br />i a raxl,n; lturoprn-nm,: a. h.re.nba~.or= r ~v ~^?, a ~1: r~~ pear i ar r a.. i; r~Wrg anca~p~Yn ~ttfn„ of ~anyY ]'vase',
<br />. 'p rnrit„~, '~ilaepsp r;ir pC~i:vilege; ~sr Ya*'tgagad, Ss {AUir+?i~i. ~~a„ in..si iexpl=r~~sws f,>r arUt_act -,eat, at~~,~rney twes~~d,~ cisGts,.
<br />expensas, an:unther cha,^ges Ln cnnnect,an w:.h 1~"iga:in:, ttdrtgagee may *,ase such ^ayment or prov3e much 'ns~.~^ance.
<br />o^ lreur such oral'-gatlcn, and Lhe aairnnits pair ,herefrr shall become a ^_ t f she indebte.^,~:ess secured herey+ due
<br />~:d payable i~ed'ately, and :,hall bear lnteres-_ from use date of pa;{;=_entAaL Lhe same .ate as „rovided for defaal„
<br />in the Hots.
<br />{5} Tiiat Sn the evert a.-iy awards are made to the MarLga3ors or their successors in irate*est fcr taking or damag±ng
<br />by the eierels<_ o` eminent domain the whsle ar a.y pert of the moa^tga3ad premises or any easement therein, the said
<br />axarfls are hereby assigned to the Mortgagee; the Mortgagee is hereby auttarized to collect, r=.^.eive, and receipt
<br />therefor and to a„pIy the same in Faymen*. o` 77_v indebtedness, matured er unmatured, secured ray this mar.asge.
<br />(3) TY,at in the went Y.artgagors default in the payment of said principal sum, or of any installs=rat thereof, or
<br />of any SnLerest ti.ereon, at tine tare when the sa,e stall be due, or with resp~r_t to any caver_an*. er condlticn here-
<br />ef, then, at the option of Mortgagee, the entire _ndettedness secured hereby shall forthwith become due and payable,
<br />si:ell Dear SnteresL at the default rate described 1n saki note, and the Mortgagee may immediately-foreclose this
<br />m~rtgdge or pursue any ather available legal come ,y.
<br />(~} Tha*, in the event action is brought to fare close this mortgage, Lhe Mortgagee shall be entitle3 Lo immediate
<br />p:~ssession of the mortgaged premises, and the coin r:ay appoint a rose±ver to take possession of said premises, with
<br />the usual powers cf receivers In like cases.
<br />(3} That failure or delay of Mortgagee Lo exercise any o2 its rights or privileges sha71 not be construed as a
<br />wa2ver thereof; that any act of Mortgagee waiving any specific default of Martgagors shall not be construed as a
<br />wv.iver of gray future defaults; that in case of default in Lhe payment of any amertlzaticn installments or Snterest,
<br />or in case of paysent by Mortgagee of any lien„ judgment,tax, insurance, cost or expense, or rents, fees er charges,
<br />said Mortgagee shall have the privilege, without declaring Lhe whole indebtedness due and payable, to foreclose on
<br />account o_* svch specific default for such sums as are la default and such foreclosure procee3ings may be had and
<br />Lhe land descr=bed herein may be sold, subject to the unpaid Sndebtedness hereby secured, and this mortgage shall
<br />ccntlnue ns a lien, for any unpaid balance.
<br />{y) That the Mortgagee may extend and defer the maturity of and renew and reamortlze said indebtedness, release
<br />from liability any party liable 'hereon, and release from the lien hereof portions of the property covered hereby,
<br />without affecting the priority hereof o^ the 113bility of Mortgagors or any other party for the payment of said
<br />Srdebtedness, all such extensions, deferments, renewals, and reamartlzatlons to be secured hereby.
<br />(10) Transfer of Security. It is agreed between the parties hereto, their heirs, legal representatives and assigns,
<br />that the integrity and responsibility of the Mortgagars constitutes a part of the consideration for the note securefl
<br />hereby, and-that to the event the Mor*_gagors shall sell, transfer, or convey the property described herein, the
<br />Mortgagee may at its option declare theentlre indebtedness immiediately due and payable and may proceed in the en-
<br />forcement of its rights as on any arbor default in the terms of the note and mortgage. -
<br />(;/ords and yhrases herein, irrcludinF the acknowledFment hereof shatZ be cor~.s~frued as ir, the singular or plural
<br />nuwbers and as mascui>,rae, feminine, r neuter gerde, according ~o the come
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<br />tc me knonn tabe ti:e pereans pruned ;n and whn execute; the foregoing 1?istrument,and acknawledged that L.`:ey executed ' _ -
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