<br />oP FIa11 _ounty, Nebraska _. Sr• consideration of
<br />the advance of the principal su.:: recited in the rote hereinafter described, ^?c?lptuf '::filch iS ac'tnuwledged, hereby
<br />mortgage and convey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LANO BANK OF OF!ANA, a Corona tion,
<br />of 8maha, Douglas County, Nebraska, ++hose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 6$100,
<br />Mortgageetsublect to o1I, gas, and minerzl righ*.s o~aned Cy parties other than Mortgagura; existing easements ci
<br />record; reservations 1n United Stites and Stztepatants; and the rights of the publi-: in ail highways), the foliawing-
<br />described real estate in Hall county, Nebraska
<br />SEC. lY1P. 72G.
<br />The Northerly twenty feet of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3,
<br />in Block. 1, West North Lawn Second Addition to the
<br />City of Wood River, Aall County, Nebraska - - - - - - - - 19 lON 11 W 6th P.M.
<br />r
<br />F;
<br />r
<br />---to$aGlier with ail of the right, titl?, and SateresL uT the Mortgagors in.said property, including all huildin$s,
<br />improvements, Tixttn•es cr appurtenances now or hereafter acnuired, including all apparatus, equipment, fixtures or
<br />articles used to supply neat-, gas, air conditioning, water, light, power, refrigeration, ventilation, ar ether serv-
<br />lees, and the furnishings customarily or appropriately included by lessors to lessees including, Dut not limited ta,
<br />mlrrors,scre?ns, windows, storm windows and doors, carpeting and oche*.- ..*Ioor coverings, in-a-door beds, awnings,
<br />-slaves, refrigeraGOrs, water heat?rs, air cunditidners, humidifiers, hearLn aC.d fireplace ?quipm?nL, ail of welch
<br />3 e declared Ge be a gar+„ at the real estate, wStetner pY>_: sisal ly atLached thereto ar naG, and deemed a pardon cf
<br />. for ;he inuebtednes h_.__r._~tt. _e_~._~?d. -
<br />4 -YPn- -4 .ter --
<br />.::This-mortgage Ss given t., s?~,.~e ~ Frumiseor} n., _.. of ev?n date harewiGh, e..__!Ged of .._.t-gagor-s t ~.tgagee,-, -
<br />TFARTY~~NE TFFE}LSANi} SiX HUNDRHD AND N©/I00 _ _ _-_ _ _ - - --__ _ - -- --
<br />the principal sum cf S;J .,Afis,
<br />.payable ±n installments with interest according to cha Leans of said note, Lhe last Snstailaent being due and pay-
<br />able on the first day of October, 2004 This conveyance shall be void upon Lhe payvnent of said
<br />promissory note.
<br />The t4artgagors agree to pay, Sf requesteC by Mortgagee, on each installment date, Sn addltlCn t~ the sums required
<br />Sn the above-described promissory note, a sum equal to the amount determined by the Mortgagee required to accu;malate,
<br />and pay *.he insurance premiums on Aollcies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged premises, and
<br />th? real estate taxes and assessments due oh Lha mortgaged premises 15 days prior to the due Oates thereof. In
<br />the event rttat the sums accru?~ for Lhe payraer.[ of the said pr?mS.ums, taxes, ur assessments are irsufflci?nt, the
<br />Mortgagors will, uAen request, pay such addttloral sums prior to the due date thereof. All sums received therefor
<br />snail tre agpl2ed oa the principal balance until such time as they are withdrawn by Mortgagee for the payment of
<br />said premi~uns, Gaxes, qr assessments.
<br />This mortgage is subJeet to Lhe provisions of THE FARM CRE;UIT ACT and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental
<br />thereto. 1Rlo proceeds of the lean secured hereby will tae us?d for the purposes speeifi?d Sn the Mortgagors appll-
<br />caLion for said Ioan and authorized by said Act.
<br />The Mortgagors, and each of them, hereby warrant that they are fee owners of the mortgaged real property; teat 'hey
<br />will defend the title against all claimants whomsoever, an4 that. said Rroperty is free from all encumbrances; that
<br />they will keep all the improvements, fixtures, and appurtenances occupied and In good repair and permit na acts of
<br />waste;- acid they will relinqulsti-alt rtgnts of homestead in said promises, and eov?cant and agree-with the Martgag??,
<br />as tallows:
<br />{.i} ThaL Ghey will pay when due all taxes, liens, ,Sudgments, or assessments wnlnh may tre lawfully assessed against
<br />the-properry herein mortgaged. - - - - -
<br />- (2} ThaC they will insure and keep insured buildings or other Snpravements now on or which may hereafter be placed
<br />on sal d.premises;ta:the satlstactl_on at the Mortgagee,-such insurance policy shall tae endorsed with a mortgage clause
<br />wlth.the loss-thereunder to be payatrle to.tha Mortgagee. .Any sums received may be used to pay for reconstruction
<br />-of-the destroyed improvements: or, Sf not so applied,, may, at the option of-the Mortgagee, be applied in payment of
<br />'I,-_atyg indebtedness-, maLUred~-or-unmatured, secured-Dy toys mortgage. -
<br />r:
<br />~ ~ (3}, That in the Cvent the Iortgagee 1's a party to any llt,igatldn atferting the security ar Lhe lien Of its mort-
<br />g~ga; lnoludin$-any suit try-the Mortgagee toforeelose-this mortgage or aqy salt in which the Mortgagee may be named
<br />~ a,party-defendant .n-which St is obligated to protect its rights or lien, including condemnation and bankruptcy
<br />--;-proceed:tags,-Ehe--Mortgagee-tufty-Sneur-8xpenses and--advance-paymentfor abstract fees, attorney fees (except to the
<br />j extent Prnt?l$ited by ,.aw},-costs; expenses and otrier charges;--
<br />i
<br />
<br />