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- �- - . . �: .'::v�:_.. <br /> � ..,.,�:,-,�,__ <br /> . .. --- - ._, _ -- — <br /> 9�--Y�lQ�iO� <br /> S. �iaturd u• Pro¢terty tnwrwu�e. &�rr:�ucr shall C.�rp �he in�prncenxnls �x�w• rxi�tin� ar htrezfter eratecl s���tlir <br /> Frupeny i�uu<<�ci�aii.0 1�� bp �r�, twrr�l> i.ti;IwkJ within tttic tc.m"cxtencl��1 �u�•eraL." �ux! w>>�cutur hetir�.c, i�kltuli�� <br /> t1.x,S,��. fkr�i:���t,f.��,.;��.t�t..,a:r�-�.,�uti�c�►n.��.�k,. r;,�;inwrar«:slu:l!b:iizsintiii�.°d in th:. rztk�snh and for tt��eriai� : <br /> ihrt Icikkr rcyuirt. 1'ik in�ura�kr rarnec pnn�Juig thc inwran:e�Full tti rtu�.�n b}• R��r�uuer ,uu�ni tu Lc,��'� �p.o�'a! - <br /> which �tiall�x�t t+c unre.�.xwubh MIlI1Ill'I�I. II B�NiIIM�I' fJII�t�� uui��t.�in�.�<<�'.+�� if.�crihr�l aM��•c, l.t:�xlcr a�ay,ui Lcnutt''s <br /> optiwi.��t+liin c.n�tr�e to p�c�t�tit[.e�xie�'+�i�ht�in the Pr.iF+erty in nceurJ:uuc uith Euragr.�i►7. <br /> Ali iiiwra.N�{�.�li.•i:;ar�J ::n;�:•_!�: tih�sl! f+r estccpt:eblt to Le��.lrr a►kl �hall irxludr a �trrxi�r.1 r►x�rtg•r¢e clyu�e. l.c�xtec <br /> ��IAI)IqYr Illt IibIN(�t Ik�W�hr�x��i reneuah. If t.�ixi�����yuir��rnra•er�Swll prumpily gi�•�tu l.etulcr�II receipts of _ <br /> p�id prcmiums andrenewal�x�ticcs. (n thc etrnt of ta�.,&,�i�e pr.a�ipt �x�tice tc�the ensuiarke carricr en�I.cnd:.r. __. <br /> Lett�r rtLy n�.i:epccwf af lasc if txx ntiacie pro�nptl}•by Fi�rrow�cr. <br /> Unic�:Lee�der:�tnJ[i��rcower cxherwisc;�rc�c iit writinF. i�uur,ux.�.pn�ceocls sh�l be appliai to restoration or repair of th.. <br /> Fn�+cn�� S�nugc.�d,iF thr rzstar:etio�i or rep:iir is cruix�mir,►lly fauible:uxl L��xier's.ecurit��is nc�t lessened. If the mtaratian or <br /> Rp:ur is noi cc�s�wmir�lly f�dblc or Lei�r's�eaurit�•w•.w1J be le.sscacd. the iiuurance pmceecic shall bc ap}�lied to tlx sums <br /> �erutal by thi� Sa�srity Instrum:nl, w�hether��� ix� di.n �ue, w-ith :u�y cxcc.tis paid to Ilu�rower. lf Fi�rrow•cr abarxlons the <br /> Pruperty, or ck�cs nc►t u�uw�er within 30 d�ys a�u�ti�ti from Lcncitr that tl►c iacur�uu:e carrier has offered to setdc u claim, then <br /> 4;;�r ::�y ca2lr:t .fi� inwras�Y pt�.�s.�:r tnay use the prc*cctd� h, re;�ai��N r.Ktor� the Pmperty or to o�y sum� _ <br /> secured by this Sauriry Instrument,w•hecher or ncu the�i d4e.The 30-d:►y period will begin u•hen the nWice is given. <br /> Unl�s Le.ndtr a�xl Burraaer oilterwisc agrec in w�itinS• anY applic.�tion of proc�xls to pricuipal si�all no1 e�c�rxi ar <br /> portpaie the due daate of the mcx�thly pa�•n�ents refcrrod to in parugraphs 1 and 2 or ch�nfie the anxwnt of the paynmuu. If <br /> under para,gr.�h 21 the Pmperty is xyuired by Lender,Rorrou�er's righl ta nny insurance palicies und procecdc ra.wltit� from <br /> da�►uge to ih:Property prior to th:acquisitinn stwll pa.�.s ta L.endtr to the extent of't{u swns securecl by this Security Inst�un�ene <br /> iauucdiately priorto the acquisition. . <br /> 6.Occupxncy,l�nsen•Atiou,]ltaintenaxe and['rotoction of tlt�Huperty; Bonr►w•er's I.ayw Appltcation:LeuscfaukL.. <br /> Barraw•er shall cxcup,y,est�bfish,and use the Aroperty us Borroa•er's principal residence withen sixty d�ys after�he execv[is,�n uf <br /> this Socuriry insirument and s}iall continue lu axupy tt►e Propeny ua Borcower's princiaal residenee for at least one yt�r �fter <br /> the dite of o�up�►ey,unlcss Lender ottterwise :�r�,=es in writing, whieh corisa:nt sh�ll nw be unrracw�ably withheld, or unless <br /> exte�wating cireumstances exist which :u�e bcy�xx,t Bo�rower's cantrol. BcK.ruwer sh�ll not de.stroy, darnage or irrr;;iir the <br /> Property, �Ilow• th;, Ptoperty to deteriorate, or waste on the Propenf. Borrowtr shail be in defaul! if any t�*c�teiture <br /> xtion ar proceeding.whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lerxier's gr,-c�rJ faith judgmetu eould result in forfeitetr;of the <br /> Propeny ur otherwise materially impair�he lien cre�ted hy this Security Insuwa�knt or I.endec's cecurity interat.Borrawer mzy <br /> curc such a default a�d reinctate,as providad in paragraph 18,by causing the�.Ycon or proaeding to be dismiss�xl with a ruling <br /> that, in Letufer's good faith determicution, precludes forfciture of thc Borrower'c interest in the Praperty or other materia! <br /> impaimrent of the lien c�ated hy thu Securiry lnurument or l.ender's securi:y interest. Borrower shall zlso be in clefwlt if <br /> R�►-rowu.during the lozn applic�tion ptocess,gave�t�atcrially false or itwccurate infom�ation or statertrnts to I.ender(w failod <br /> to provicSc!.u►drxwit��y material inforniatiou)in ca�ection with the lo3n evideiued b3�the Note.i�r�sding.but not lirnittd <br /> to.reprzsentations a7u�trning Borrower's occupa-j:y of the I'roperty as�prin�.ipzl residence. If this Sec^tuiiv lrutrument is on a <br /> lcasetwld. Bomow•er shall comply with all the provisions of tht leau. If Borrower xquices fce titG,:Ga tbe Proper�y, the <br /> lr�sehold�nd the fx title shall not merge unless I.ender ugrees tc�t�rrer�er in writing. <br /> 7.P�ntatioa o!'Le�IaPs Ai�hts iu the Prc►pe�ty.If Bom*.�rer fails to perform the rnves�nts acd�gnoanaus cousuuied in <br /> �his Security Lssmrrsent, or there is a kgal procc�ii�that may significantly affert Lrnder's rights in t3e Property(such ac a <br /> ptv+�x+pding in Isyu�kn��icy.�te, for condernnati,�n or farfeiture ar tn enforce laws or reguiations),fha� leader may do iad - -� <br /> paY for whue�er is necessazy to prota�c tfie�a:ir�of the Property and{.er+der's rigi►ts in the Pnoperty. L.ender's actions may <br /> iryclude Qaying �ny sums t�• a {ien which has priority over this Security Ii�sm:ttuau, ��pearing in court, paying <br /> neasurubl=attorneps' foes and enteriJaa on the Property to ma3ce repairs.Although l.ender�n:;�ta3ce action under this parqgrapb <br /> 7.Ieader does nd hace to do so. <br /> Any tinounts �das�rxd by LerKier e:acfirr;tfJis puagraph 7 shall beeome additicxtial 'ubt of �rr.�wu soa�rod by this <br /> Sec.vrity Inurumeut. �:r��.;s Borrower and Lea�nr�:�n�e to otber tenns of payrneru. these 2.^���..^:�5 v.1IG i�Cai iotC`1t51 fi0ill Il1e <br /> datc df ci�sbur,sr.�.�:,ac the Note a�r:�ad sl�ll be payable. wit,b iaterac. upoa �wtice Ci�su�i.eader w Bonnwcr cequatin� - <br /> PaYmaac,. , <br /> 8.Matgage Iawrance.If Lender roquired mongage insurance as�cor�dicion oi mzking the lozn secured by tlus Security <br /> Inurument,8orrowu shall pay tl�e premiuins required to maintain the mnrtgage insur�nce in effxt. If. for any rcason,the <br /> mortgage insuram coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effact,Borrowu st�all p�y the pramiumi�+equired to <br /> obt�in coverage subst�tially equiu•.�t to d�e mortgage in:urarwe previously in effoct,at a cost substu►tially equivalent to We <br /> oast tu 5�orrowu of Utie mort��sus�nu�ce previauly in effect, from an �Itemate mortgage insurer approved by I,ender. If <br /> subsi-mtia;ly oquiv�lrnt mort�age ia.:c:rance oaveraEe is not�vailable. Borcower shall p�y to Lendu exh month a sum equ�l to <br /> oae-nveifth of the y�e�.iy mortgage incuranoe p�mium Ixing paid by Botroa�when the inwrance oava�e lapsod or oe�sed to <br /> ' be ia ef�t.I,e�cla w�ili:�cxpt. use and r�tain tizc��e payme�ts as a loss r��ve iu 1'sw of nxutgaYs i�..�raz�ce. I.oss rauva <br /> Fara 30?� �I�O <br /> h�{!e 3 d 6 <br /> .. � � <br />