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9E3° '�(�il� - <br /> 7'U(iL'i'NER WI i'}i:ill thr inMro��tnrtnts rn►w ur Iwercatkr ere�.�tal cu�the property,surl ull ra�cax�ns. .i{1EKtftCIL'ikY�.;ukl <br /> fixtur�.. �x►w on c�re�Rcr u put uF thr pr�►peny. Atl re��{��enx,as u�d adJiciMtc chaJl alui t+e �utiera! b�� thia ''.,u��urity <br /> In:lrum:rt. .4lI nf ih:t:+rrbo;nd i.rcfr�m! lhiz tiec�,ri�� ln��run�r!N N+�he'1'r�y�r�1}•." <br /> iwRk��WFSi tCY;:l:�iN:S th.: uJifOli:i ia lar:full} s:is�:i o:th::s:rt:ts:nb}�:.�nt•:}':.�ar�:.' h•�:t�»ritht sc:�,r_r.!e�± � <br /> :.►mc} �h� ifii{��cy arw3 th:t thc f�n�xny is unc�u.��beral. �r��t fur rrkuu�+ra,w�c. ai'rr�rnl. B•.rr��Ktr warrr�t�wti3 will _ <br /> dctcrxf�encrally ti�e�i11t tu tht Pn�+ert�•s�ainu uil�Ixin�.�wxl Jenuuxl.,.�ub.irYt���W>>•ci�:umt+rwk��s ui r��nl. -� <br /> TtiIS SI;:CURI'PY'INSTitUb1EN7�MI11N1tIC�W1llil�ill lY►VelYiIltS `�lf IldlI��IWI 4�i1ihJ IkMI-YIUIiI=ill�'U�'C11iliL� U11�1 I1/IIIWtJ � <br /> v:uiaii�t�,;hy,juti:cl:c:i:m t��ci�iutiiutc:unif�srm saurity ii�ctrument co�•cdn�rc�! pn�{x ny. - <br /> 11P3UE7Rb1 COYEh,�NTS. Burr.��cr suut l.crukr a,ceiu►u a�ui:tFrcc as fuUm��s: - <br /> 1. Pwyra�cut af{'►-iwl�af s►od iatrresi: 4h�e�a�a�eat aad l.ate Ch��ts. Bcirm�ccr shall prnn;�xlf• paY wixn due t!x - <br /> priiuipal of:nxl inter��st on tht debt e�•idenccd by th�N�xe and anY prcpa!me�u wxl I�t�chuges due u:xfer the hate. = <br /> 2. Eunds for'i'ues wtd I�curan�'e.Suhject to u}�{�lirable law vr tn x wri¢ten a�;�ivrr by Lcixi�r,&►��uw�:r s1►�ii �ay[o ' <br /> Lcixler on thr day nwn�hly paynxnts Are du:wxicr the Notc. until tt►i hote i�paiel i�full,a surn('Furxis') fur:(a)}�euiy taxes <br /> uul ussessments which nu���itai��priariry o�cr this Security Iiutrument as a lien un�he Property:Ibl yearly Icaschc�l�p�ynxnts <br /> or graurul�:nis on Ihe Pro�eny, if any; (cl y�c�rly Iw�rd or pmpeny in.wn�kx p�cmiums;(dl year{y f1:.,ocl iiuurance prenuunu. <br /> if an�': (el yearly nwrtg�e incurance premiernu. if any: � !� aiy sun�s pay�ble by Borrow•er to L�.�rKier, in xcc�r�l:�ncc with <br /> th�:provido�u�f pamgraph 8. in(icu of the pzymeiu of mongzge inwranoe premiunu. Ttuse items are c�llcxi "Escrow Itenu." <br /> L,�ndee nuy. �t any ame, mUcct and 6old Funds in �n amount not ta exceed the maximum anwunt a lender for u f�cterally <br /> rclAtad nwrtgago lcuin may rcquim for Borrower's�xrow acrac:u under th�faderal Rezl Estate Settlenxnt Pmcedurcs AcE of <br /> 197�as suneixlcd fmm timc to time, 12 U.5.C. Section 2fi01 et s�q. ('[tFSPA').unless aiwthcr law that a�plies to the Funtls <br /> sets a lessec a�e�nunt. If so. Len+ier mzy, ot any time. cc�llc�ci and hntd Funds in an anwunt nat ta exceod the lesser zmount. <br /> l,cixlcr may cstim�tc thc s�ixwnt of Fut�.s duc on thc bacis of curretu d�ta :u�d reason.tble esti��atzs aF expenditures of futuce <br /> Fxruw Itc�ns ur acrordark�c:wi�h s►�plicable I�w. <br /> Thc Funde shall �e held in an institution w•hose de�sits arc inwrod by a fed°ral ag��.�y, instrumentalit}•, or e�xity <br /> (incNding L.c�xfcv� if'L.ender is such an iusti�uuon)or in a��y Federal Hume Loan Bank. Lrender�l�rl[�ply�the Fund�to pa4 tl� <br /> Escrow Iwms. L•�,^��3er may�xu charge Bnrrov;er for holding and applying the Fu� aiuZ►ris�g the escrow accxwnt,or <br /> verifying the Escrow Iterns,unless lznder Fays Borcowtr interrst on the Funds a�x!applicabie law pennits L.ender to ma{:e such <br /> a charge.Howe��er. Lender►rap zxquire Borrower to pay a one-time d�� for an incfa�xnden�real estace tax rtport�ng service <br /> uuxl by Lender in coniee..ttrvb wi;h this loan. unless applicable !aw providcx otherwise. Unless an agree.��;:uc is cnade or <br /> applicsblc luw mjrzims intem�t to be�ler sl�aZl not be required ta pay Borrowes any interest ur r�rnin�ti u�i the Funds. <br /> BoRUU•er and ie�r;4u m�y agree in writinp., tyawevcr. that interest st�ll be psid on the Funds. LenBer shall give ta Bormwer. <br /> withaut charge.;�;�iui:iF s,.�.�c►unting af th: Funds, st�.awing cmdits su�d debits to the Funds and the purpos� for which each <br /> debit to the Funds was r�,ie. '1 t�r�uMs are pledged as additional sacuriry far all sums secured by this Security Irutrument. <br /> If the FunQ��;�by Le►�er execed the amounts permitted to be held by app�icaSle law. Leixier shall xcount to Bwrow•u <br /> for the exo�s�ucx��in acrard.:ncc with thL rrquircmentc of applirable law. 1f the amount of tht Funds held by I.e+xkr at�.zr <br /> time is not sa�cie:tii to p�y che Escrow Iteanc when due.I.ender n�ay so notify Borrower in writing,:u�d,in wch case Borrawe�; <br /> shall pay to I.endor the anxwnt nacessary to�n�ke up the deficiency. Borrow•er shalt cnake up the deficirney in no more than <br /> twd�e nbnthly payments, at L�:�ader's sole discretion. <br /> UPat PaYment in i'up oE zll sums securod by this Serarity Instrun�esst. i.eusier s}�all PromptlY refund to Etramni!er any <br /> Funds fxld by Lu�der.Ff, ti:odcr puagraph 21,l.ender shall acquira or sell the Property.Lender,prios to the xquisition or s�te <br /> - bf t�F[upertY.6�11 a}�I}�aAy Fwk1s i1Cld Gy L�Cacter at ci�e tiutie of aequisition or sa:e as a czedit�tae sams soaued'vg. . <br /> thls Socurity Iturnune�t. � <br /> 3.Applic�tion of Paymeaic.Ucdess applicable law Ptuvides o�iieawise.all paymcnu received by Lender un3:x parag�s <br /> 1 nuck 2 shall(x appliod: first, to any prcpayment chargcs du�under tht Note;seoond, to amounts p�yable urnkr psr�ygrapit 2; <br /> intenst ds� principal due:and any tate charges due un�der the Note. <br /> 4.Ct�ar�: ��5. Borrowu shall pay all tues,a�sessments. chuges. fina and impasitions atvibuta5le to the Propaty <br /> whidi nuy �itain priority over this Secure�r- instiuir�uu. ud leasehoid�paynwus or ground rcnts, if any. Borrower shall Pxy <br /> these obligatioos in the n�nnE�:pcv�•ided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that muuier,Borrowu st�l1 p3y ttxm on time diroctly. <br /> to the persoa owod paym�au.$::rtower shall pmmptly fum'ssh ta I.endet�ll notioes oY�utaunts to be pYid undcr this pus�nph. <br /> If Harrowcr malcc�these paymettits direcdy.Borrower shall protr.ptl�•furaish to Lenctzr rxeipts evidencing[I�e pz}m�ents. - <br /> Botrouu shall prompdy disclnrge�ny lien which hu priarity o�ec this Security Ia,�it unless Borrower: (a)�gras i�. � <br /> writiag to the��ment of the okiligation sacured by the lien in a n�na►�r xceptzble w L.erWer;(b)contests ic�good faith t3�e t,eac <br /> by, or defends�tinst enforctment of the lieo ia. legal prx�eedings w•hich in the Lender's opinioo operate to pre���tt�ae <br /> Cgs.`''�mt+c�i�etlE of lhe litxs;or(c)secures from the holde:af{hc lien an agmesnuu satisfactory to Lender subo�inztiII�the lia to <br /> t�.:s Security Ic►ttrunxnt. If l.etxier detem�ines that any part of the Property is subjax to�lien which mry atta:n�riarity aver <br /> this Secutity Ir.ututnetu. Lender m�y give Borrower a notice identifying the lim. Borrawer sball satisfy the lieo or talce aa a�c <br /> morc of tho attWas set fdrth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. . <br /> ' . Forw 302� 9f�0 <br /> ,. iV.tae <br /> . • `� .� <br />