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<br /> ���;v-- pericds that Lendcr reNuirc�. The in�uraxc corrier providiog ihe inturun��e Khall b�ctwscn by Bortawer wbjoct l0 4soderl�
<br /> '�� � r�►rnval which siwtl nM be umraca�ably withhcld. If B�xn►wer fuik ta mafntain caveragc describod above.L.ender rtay.u
<br /> �_�-�� Lendc�i:oplion.abtaln caveruge��protoct l.etMier��ighlc in Ihe Propetty in accardsukr wlth�ragraph 7.
<br /> _ `''r All inwr�nrc policies wNl retrcwulv�twil be u�replablc Io Lrnder nnd shnll include a�:tandud mcxtgage clAUSe. LctNler
<br /> ., • � '�� rhall huve�he right ta h�ld thc policiex anJ rrnrwal.r. If l.cader nquin�.Borrower xhall promptiy givr Io l.ender all receipts
<br /> af paid premiums and nnewal noticea. In lhe evrM of losx,Boaawer shall yive promp�nolice In�he inwr�e carrkr aM
<br /> � ` L.e�Wer. f.encie�may owlce prcwf of Icnx If nw mude pramptly by&xmwer.
<br /> �,,: � •, Unless Lcndcr and Borroacr ath�n�•i�ugr��in w•rfting,inwr:utic�prac•udc ah�ll be vpplied ta restamtion or repair of �-
<br /> _ tF�e �rty d�maged, if�he re�t�xa�ion or mp•ri� :� eran��nicully feasibie onJ Lenderk securily ix nW lesc�ned. If the
<br /> � � . .� nh1� ar repair i� nut ecc►nomicatly feacible or l.enderk r,ecwity wauld 6e lessened. �he ln+urance pmceeds shall be
<br /> if,:., .
<br /> ', �ay° - ;�;:; upplied tu Ihc sumx s��und b�• ihi�Secudty In.trumem, whether or nw then dua, wilh smy excess paid to Bwrower. If
<br /> ' �' .�+''•�, Bt►m�wer ubandims 1he I'ropeny,or d��cs na an�wer wi�hin i(1 duys n notice from l.cnder thu the inwrance carrier hAs
<br /> ; � =`" ' offend to scttle�rluim,thcn 4cnder may collect �he in�urance praceeds. l.ernler may use ihe proceeds�o rcpair or restore
<br /> ,. �' ��
<br /> ;.:s�_, . .{,��'�. the PropeAy or to pay aume r�ecured by this Security Insuument,whether or na then due. Tt�e 30�day period will be�in when
<br />_.� ,.=*�,,�.�-_3ar���V. the naticc in givcn. -
<br /> �" ' " y Unlecs l.ende�und Borrawe�wherwi�a R��in writin an a lica�ian of eeds Io rinci 1 stwll tMt extend or
<br /> �� R,-... i B B• Y PP P� P P�
<br /> _ �,;,,• ; pnstpone the due Jae�of�he nxmthly paymenla refeme�llo In pamgruph� I and 2 ur change Ihe amount of the payments. If
<br /> �����. . -'. wNlrr pr�agr.iph 21 the Praperty is oryui�ed by Letxicr,Borrow•er's• rigbt to any insurance pulicies und procee�l�rc�ulling -
<br /> �,�'�� �` iram damage to the Propeny prior�o the ucquisi�ion schall paxs ta Lender to the eztent of the sums secured by thiR Secur�ty
<br /> _ ��s:'1.�,_,���_�;�, Instrument immediately prior ta the ucquisition. � _..
<br /> ���. 6. Occnpancy. Preservatlan. MalnteaAnce and PrMeclion of the Property; Borrower'e La�a A .
<br /> �_ ���,_'_. �� _
<br /> .,y�: �,�_;�i.°� l.easeholds. Bamawer xhal)accupy,r�tubli�li,unJ uce�he Praperty uh Burrower's principal residenre wi�hin�ixty days aflec
<br /> _- `� „„� `:�'"��,- the execution of thiti Securiry Instrument pnd�Itull cantinue to occupy the Pr+opert�•ax Borrower's principul residence for a�l `
<br />--W��� .� .. `'._
<br />----_.-;�,�, "yr••�..•• �, leust one year afler �he dute of occupancy, unles, Lender ai�erwise agm�s in writing, whtcb consent shull not be
<br />