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'1F . �. . S,.. . <br /> , .' �-i,-.. • . ,. <br /> � • .. .�...,�+a��c. �.,y., -. - • — <br /> �� •,,�i�3lM�A��r��►' °— _ <br /> � ,w.......:..... .« • � -- - � <br /> ...�..�......�_,. . ___ _ <br /> .. .� ., vJ V. <br /> �.Y(w5) <br /> � ��:�� y�� 92--100502 <br /> �� �_ . <br /> .' . " 7'O(;ErHER WITH all d�e improvememv now ar hemuf�er erected on �he�ny,and�11 ea.�ementx.uppunenancea. <br /> - ;� and fixtum now or hereafter a pwt of�he Property. All replxemenls�nd additians shall�Ico be covNred by this Security <br /> a'r ,�,.... ',. �., . Instrumem. All of�he foregoing is rePemed�a in�hia Securiry In��rument as the.•Property" <br /> ��n'-•��-•;,•. ��?�F BORROWER CUVENAN'i'S that Burraw•er is luwfully seised oi the eslwe hereby canveycd an�1 hus the right to gront <br /> - • � �,:,�';, and convey lhe PropertY and thut the Property ic unencumbered,eacept for encumbrcu�ceg af recard. eomawer wamnts and <br /> ����"� • will defend generally the title to the Property ugainst nll claima w�d demands.subject to�u►y encumbrances of record. <br /> ° , ��;�+!� <br /> .••u..-•-w==r#w=-� THIS SECURITY INSTItUMENT cambines unifam cavenants ior nutiunul use and non•unifomi covenant� wilh <br /> ' ���. 'S�f�-.. . �._ . . . <br /> �,•:,s+��� limited vari�tions by juriuliction to constiwte a unifomi security imuumeni covering�e�+ propehy. <br /> `�n'"�'��j UN IFORM COVENANTS. Barrower and Lender covenant and agree us fallows: <br /> K�"� J� �, payment of Prtncipsd And latensls Prep�yment pnd Late Clwrges. Borrower sh�ll promptly pay when duc the <br /> ..:.�`� prinripat oiand interest on tho debt evidenced by Ihe Nute and any prepaymem and late churges due under the Nate. - <br /> ���•.: �, <br />� -��' µ•'• °. � `;�� 2, Fl�nds for 73wxes and Insurance. Subject to applicAble IAw or�o n written wuive�by Lender.Bamwer shall pay to �_ <br />�,� � � Lender on�he duy man�h�Y ppyments arc duc under the Notc,until the Note is paid in full,u sum l"Funds")foe(a)yeurly - <br /> ;�,;�.,_,,.,;.., • uues and assessments which may anain priori�y over�his Securi�y inurument as a lien on�he Property;(b)yearly leasehold � <br /> • ..:, . . ° paYments or ground rents on the Propeny. if any: (c) ye�rly haz�ud or propeny insurance premlums: ld) Yearly fload <br />�;_ insurance premiums,if nny; (e) yearly mangage msurnnce premiums, if uny: and (�any sums payable by Borrower to <br />�,. _ .�: �: ; ,, ,: Lender, in accordance with �he provisions of paragruph ii,in lieu of the paymem of murtg�ge insurance premiums. 'Il�ese �___ <br /> � -�- :N•:;:; items are cnlled"Escrow Items." L.ender may,at uny time,collect und hold Funds in an nmaunt not to exceed che max�mum - <br />�.�y` �.;,.:_"���:;.ti.`�{��r_> amount a lender for u federally related mortgage loan may requine for Borrower!s escrow account under�he federal [teul _ _-- <br />.�• �- d° �•� '�'"'� Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time tu time, 12 U.S.C.$2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unlesc nm►ther �� -- <br /> �i�., <br /> �`�* °�� �``�� � law Uiet applies to the Funds rets u lesser nmounl. If so.Lender may,nt any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to ___ <br />�•":'>" ��`"' eaceed che lesser amount. Lender may estimuie [he amaunt of Funds due an the basis of cument data and res�vonable � �_. <br />'` ` ' °:��°.��',� es�irnates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or othenvise in accordsince with npplicable law. - <br /> i':'' �.� ,;s;'�;�,��:, ,.." <br /> .,t.�,";�„ The Funds siiall be held in nn inslitutian whore depo�ils are insured by a federal agency. inswmentality.a'entity <br /> r �<�`+':i' " (including Les�der.if Lender is such an insti�utionl or in any Federa�Home Loan Bunk. Lender shall Apply�he Funds ta puy �A <br />� '�•• �� °",�;;�`.:r;• the Escrow Items. Lender may not chtuge BoRawer far holding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow "`,�;�__._ <br /> �i� �•'= <br /> �.,. .. <br />�, s��-�• '• , accounl, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Le�der pays Borrawer interes�on the Funds sind applicable law� permits �,, <br /> ° Lendcr to make such a charge. However. Lendcr may require Bonower tfl pay n one-tirnc chsirge for an independent reAI �._ <br /> � ° �� � estate tax repoefng scrvice uscd by l.ender in connection with this loan.untess Applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an a::__ <br />'` • , � � ;' �`,'I� agreement is made or applicuble law requires interes�to be paid.l.ender shall not be required to pay Horrower nny interest or E__ <br /> .;'��_i�'� eomin S on the Funds. Borrow�r s�nJ I.ender mny agree in wnting,however.that intcres[shnll be paid on the Funds. Lender <br /> . ,;�„r, . ,, g: ��r e=— <br />�'3 �•;:;;,,. r�° �•' shall give a Barrower,without chArge,nn unnual uccounting of�he Funds, ahowing credits ond debits to the Fun ds and the <br /> :r.����, � <br />�•�:,. ,. ��,,;-:, purpose for which euch debit to the Funds w�s mude. The Fund�are pledged as udditionul security for all sums secured by �'y�y=1-=- <br /> ' �:�'`' � �his Security lnstrument. � - <br /> .._- _ - .--:- <br /> �� If the Fundc held by l.ender exceed the amounts permitted ro be heid by upplicublr iaw, Lender shall arcauni to �" -- <br /> '�- � ` � Bonower for the excess Funds in Accordance with the requirementx of applicabk law. If the umount of the Funds held by s ` <br /> a` � l.ender ut any time is not sufficient ta pay the Escrow Items when due,l.ender muy so notify Bormwer in wri�ing,and, in �, <br /> .,�y , ., such cuse Borrower shall pay to Lender the umount neceswry to make up the deficiency. Bortower shull make up the _� ' ' <br /> ;...,,� deficiency in na more than twelve manthly payments.ut l..ender's sole discretion. __ <br /> �:;ti,�� � Upon payment in full of all hums secured by this Securily Ins�rument.Lender shull promptly refund lo Bo�rower any r„�l�„- <br /> � � . Funds held by Lender. If,under pnragraph�I,Lendcr rh�ll urquire ix sell the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisition or .s-•�"�'�%� <br /> � ° •• e af the ,shall apply any Funds h�:ld by Lender ut �he Ume of ucyuisition or wle as u credit a ainst the sums �'`'T w <br /> sal PropertY � •:•�`�:�s- <br /> �S secured by this Security Instrument. ��Y ' ' <br /> � n 3. Applicalion ot Payments. Unlrsti upplicuble law provide� otherwise, ull puyments rcceived by Lender under "�i - <br /> : paragraphs I and 2 shnll be applied:fir+t,to any prcpayment churges due under�he Note; amounts payable under <br /> , paragmph 2;third,to interest due:founh,to prinripal duc;und lasl,to;�ny late chnrges due under the Note. ;,��;�_�� <br /> r_ 4. Charges: Liens. Bomowcr shnll puy ull taxes, ass�.sments,charges, �nes c+nd impositions attributabl� to thc _ ,.��,_ <br /> ' FYopeny which may nttain priority aver�his Security Imtrument,und leuschold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower ,.,;;;�- <br /> "�"n=-- <br /> shall pay Ihese obligotion+in the mnnner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thAl munncr.Bortowcr shull pay them on �•:�r,e,��=--- <br /> - a�,. - :� <br />'+� time direc�ly to the persan owed payment. Bamwcr shall prcxnptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under •;.,.+.�..�r .•� <br />�_ " �his par�gmph. If Borrower makes these payments dircctly.Borrower slwll promptly furni�h�o Lender rereipts evidencing � t'�;;�_ =-'= <br />�. ' • the payments. �•!r'�����5��' <br />'" Borrower shall prumptly diacharge any lirn which h•rti priuriry over Ihi�Security Inxtrument unless Borrower:(u)agrees r'b��{';}r- <br />',,,:_ '.' _ <br /> in writing to the payment of�he obligution s�wured by Ihc lien in•r m,�nner arceptablc to Lender;Ih1 conte�ts in good faith the ,_ ry�;:,:±r.:�. <br />�: ' lien by, ordefends�gninst enforcenxnt af the lien in.Ieg•rl pn►cceJings which in ihe Lender's opinion operate to prevent the � �'' , <br /> enforcement of the lien;or Ic)secures from the halder of the licn an�greement�titifartory to Lender subordinating the lien <br />- lo this Security Insuumem. If Lcndcr delerminc+that uny pan o(the Propeny i+.uhjert to a licn which muy attuin priority <br /> • ��,� � overlhis Security Instrument.Lender mliy give Borrower•r naticc idcntifying the lien. Borrower�ihall sotisfy thc lien or tuke •,•.x,�,�»�;_�, <br /> � . • one ar more of the f�xth alxwe within 10 dnys of thr giving of notire. � � <br /> 5. H�zard or Properly Insurance. Borro��•er shull keep thr improvement. now cxi,ting or hereaflcr erected on thc f <br /> � .. property insured a�nim�1��..hy tirr,h•riard�inrludrd u�i�hin�hc�crm°rxlrnJed ro�•cragr"and am�olhcr hazards,including <br /> ' floods or flooding, for whirh Lender rcyuires in.urunrc. 'Ihiti inwrance .hall h� maintamed in the umountc ond for the j. <br /> !'.��� t ,> �ormJ02R 9/90 ��u¢e:��/n/w+.¢esi ` . <br /> . C <br /> t, <br /> j ' ' r <br /> . � t ,.,. ,,:�.5.•. i �. <br /> . �` <br />,. .`1b. � ;; , . <br /> �� <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> � I <br />