<br /> ::. .. :.�:.�--- - �..._ _ -- --
<br /> � �...- - � - _ - -- - --
<br />.. �y... .. _ _r...._. . . . ...'= ` _ __ _-
<br /> I . • -
<br /> � ' • 17'. Yruutu of t1w Pra�rty or a E3�nnfi�tal Int�»st In (fiorr�ror. it .M or �ny parl of the Rropwty or
<br /> ; �ny intr�sl h M I� add or translrroo (a M �ha�;�..�al Intrat h BarowK ta wld a tramfarr�d and Borroww Is not� naNnl
<br /> parwn) wMhout Lsnd�r'� p+1or wrAt�n c�nt�nl,l.kuiw'may,a!Rs option. �rquko Irr��n�liat�ptym�nt in fuq ot aM wms ��curod by
<br /> � thb S�cu�ily InaWmnt. HcwwM,thht opllon �hall not W �x�rcts�d by landir q ��r41�t�Is prohlbFlW by hd�al 4w u ot ttu
<br /> d�u+aS lhli S�GUkN Inslrunwnt. '
<br /> . M L�ndx a+wc'��a thls optl�n.L�ndrr ah�Y plrt Bortowa natkv ot�cc�i�rrtlort. TM no11u sAW provid�� p�rlai d na� :.
<br /> � ' � 1�a� th�u► � di}�R kntn tha drU th� notic� a d�W�nd or maii�d w�h1n whlrJi Borr�ww mual pay oN awiw s�cxuad 5y th�i
<br /> S�curiry In�uumcnl, tl 8cwruw�r falla to p�y th�s�wmi pria t�th��xpk�tioo of thls p�rbd. l�nc��n�y Invok� i►nv�wiwt;la� _
<br /> I P�tii�tt�hy thL:�C�rtiy M9ln!ltlenl wNhout ltxth�r notto�a►d�rtw►d on BarowK. _
<br /> � 9d. 61o:�r�t'� Rt�it�� f.I� F?�lnt��. n Oorro�x maxr cxts�n ccnC+ilans, eorsaux stwl hav. tha rtyht to ha�.�
<br /> i �nttKCOrtiPnl aF tt�19 Sarrrity Ins�UUmant d�contkw�d �t sny W»� prbr to th��uiiar of: (a) 5 day� (or wch oth�r pwicd au _.
<br /> z7 i �ia kw m:y ap�oity for��inst�t�rtNnl) EMar�I,w of th� Propary pursuant to any powar of sala contahed h thh Sacurity -
<br /> . � Inshumem:or (b} �nl��of a judym�nt �nfordnq thu S�cu�ity InsTrum�nG Thos�conditlo+i�u� tlut 9ortower: (a) payn Lendr a11 -
<br /> • ; swiw wt�kA than woui�! Ca dua und�r thU S�curity tns',�umant and tha M1tot� as ii no s�ccebrutian hao cccurred; (b) curta�ny -
<br /> dNkult oi�ny otMr cov�nxnt ar Rqrwtrunts: (c) p�Yi W expensu k�curted lri�r►forcfn9 lhls S�curiry Instrummt. Indudit��,twt
<br /> � nM 4nttqd to, nason�blo otro�ncr�s'IMS;�nd(d) taka wch�cUon u Lende�r m+�y reasonaby rpuko to assun ttud tha Wn of -
<br /> _ ` th:a 3ecurity tnatrumant, Landtar's dphts In th� Propwty snd Borrower's obW9atlon to pay tha cums :cr.und by thu Sewrity �
<br /> � M�tn�m�nt shwll conUnua unchanyed. Upon r�instatMn�nt by Borrower, th(a Sacurily InaWmanl and th� obliyatlona securad
<br /> hwWy sh�3 rsxnairi t�1ty effecW�oa N no acc�iaratlon had accurred Howovu,ti�iss�iyht to�at�sia.a sh�l not ap;.y in tha csa:
<br /> ` qt Rccoi�rrti,in undnr parapraph 17.
<br /> -# � 19. S�l� ot Nob; Clt�rt� of L�wn S�v�e�r. TM No� or •r P�tir�Inta�st tn th� Nat� (to�ath�r�;ch thla
<br />; � � SMCU�it�+ ktWurswt►t) rn�y bo sokl on� or mor�timu wAhoui priw noUc�W Btxro�o►.A sawe rruy r�wit In a chanpa In ttt�anttiy _
<br /> ., � (ia�orwi aa Uw 'Loan�rvlcr') that coMecta montihN WY�u+c�w tu+cbsr t►+a !�.��e&.�:'.7�1s S+�xlty Instn►r��t. T�o;::�may _
<br /> be one or mor� clunQe� ot the Loan Seevicer �x+rert�d k+ a sa� ot t� Pwt�. M Y1�ar� is �cliangQ o! tha Loan S�vk:er,
<br /> Borrawer wiY t�piwn vrritW�notic�ot the cP�arrp�in acc�rd�r+c��witl� p��arayh 14 abo�e snd��pYca�7e la�v. Tha notic�wil
<br />���L �,c stat�the r�ne and addr�t�ot th�n�w Loatt Senkw�nd i!x a��i,��as W whlcn pay�net�ta shouW be msda Tha notico wLl�so
<br /> U`' 9 cor:th any other Intomtitkm rvr,�tir�d Dy t�ppiicabla law. -
<br /> ZO. H�zirdOtts Sub�CSl. Bwrow�sha8 �ot causa or pemtit tha proswica,cs�,disposal, stora�e. or releaa ol
<br />'.�.� any Hazardouc S�L�stanca �n w in the Propxty. Bo►rowar shall noi do. rxx�lWwr snyona abe to da. w^vRhln� aftedlny th� _
<br /> Proprty th�t ts�rn�iotation ai any Emkonnwntal law. Th�pr�ce�inp tv�o sQntanc�s thal nW apply W the presance, usa or
<br />�� storay� on Iha F►v�ty of srnw;�GwntiNa o1 Flazudoua Substanca that crs�SenaaNy�aco�nlud W b��propriate to normal
<br /> ��-s na{d�ntLl usas and to m�Yt[�n�O!th�Propeny.
<br /> �� Bo�rowr shaA prompty �b�� Lsnder wr4t�n noNc� ot �ny Invsstipatlon, datsn, demon�f, ywsWt or otlw actlon dy�ny
<br /> yovsmrr,enW«rsyul.:ory a�,cy or prir.t�p�rty invon+hy ui. Prop�rcy.nd any Hazardous SuDst�ncs or Envroiun�ntal �aw a
<br /> whbh BoRaxer has actual fawwMd�a. N Barow�r k�ms. or is not�d by any qovemrtMnL!a repulatory authairy.that�ny _
<br /> rmawJ a oth�r r�tion o1 any Haudous Sub�tancw�tt�tJnp Property Is neceswy. BoROwer shatl prompUy take al
<br /> nocasary mwdial actions In a�cord�na with Enviraru�wntal law.
<br /> As us�d in thls paraqnph �0,'Ftarardow SuDst�nees'u4 thoa�aubstances defined as tadc or he-,ardous substar�ca by
<br /> :.,� Envka►rtwnid Law and the rallowh9 wbsWc�s: g�soi.n�. karosana. otiw tl�rt�rt�e ur toxk p�troVwm producis. Swdo
<br /> " pesttdde�md herbkldee,vot��ila sotv�r►b, m�t�iab contak►inp asbatoa or�om�fdohyde.�nd r�d'ioacWe a�.aWs. As used in
<br /> � p�rayraph 20. 'Envkonmental Law'maani f�dra! �ws and 4ws ot ths jutis�xon wtwo th�Proprty is lo�st�i that reiW to
<br /> hMMh, aaiUSl or�nviro++m�nta!prot�dlon.
<br /> _ — NON-UNlFORM COVENIW'T5.Bartow�r and Lw�d�►A�Ah+�covawft and agM u totows:
<br /> --- - 21. AecN�rat3oa; R�m�dta. L�nder shall piw notic� tn Borro�w�r prior to acc�lsratlon
<br /> -_-- tollowieg Baraw�la brrach ai any cownant oe apn�n�wtt in tnia s�cutity tnsttttm�nt (� nd .. .
<br /> priar to�cc�as und�r par�rapt� 17 unlas appllcaki�I�w pro�vld�s c�tiwrwis�). Tfw n�dc�
<br /> shdl sP�cHy: (s� th� drhuf� (b) th� sctlon raqulr�!to cus�th� d�fauf� (c) • dat�, nat Iass than
<br />:_� 30 from t1� dat�� nat7c� Is n to Borrorwr, which ttN dNwft must 6� cunal; �nd
<br /> �5fs � �Y
<br />_—� (d) that hilun to curo th� d�fwk on or b�lo« th� dat� �p�tfl�d [n th� nodc� may r�wit in
<br /> _-- acafwndon of th� sums s�cauid bgl thU S�curily ItutrumsM and sab of th�Prop�r[y. Th�notico
<br />--� ahatl furtl�s Enioam Borrorwr of t!►s ripM to niastab a�ee�ccNsratlon �nd th� ri�ht to brin� �
<br /> --i ��ur� actlon do sas��t ttN non-exlshnc� cf a d�fwft or �ny athK d�hns� o# 8orrow�� to
<br /> _ sccN�dioo and asl�. 7fi ti� d�fauK la not cuhd o0 or b�fon ttw dsH sprctfl�d In tt� notic�,
<br /> �� I.�nd�r �! ih opdon may nepuiro Imm�diab psymo�t In fuU a� W sums t�cund by thb S�cw�ity
<br /> - !nslrum�nt without furth�r d�mand and tna�/ Invoic� tfw powa� of sat� �rsd any oRMr nm�dia
<br /> � p�r� by appltcabl� �r. L.�nd�r shall bo Mtitl�d ta colUet all �xp�nws incurr�d in pursuln�
<br /> - ttM r�nwdiws provid�d in this pua�niph 21, (ncludln�, but nat UtnbLd t0. n�o�s�� �ton�/s�
<br />�a fia and cods o�!tid�nrid�rtc�.
<br /> _-- If th� po�wW of s� i� Itev�d, Trustw �hall r�ord a natica of d�fauit in �ach county 3n
<br /> ��� which anY i�rt af tM fFBropsrty ia locabd and st�all mail copl�s of �uch �otl�� In 4h� rnantN►
<br /> P�*�� �'!► �PPUcabl� taw to Bonotiwr sn�4o thr oth�r P��� P��� bY=PP�icabl� law.
<br />� A!!W t!w tiaaw� r�qui»d b9l�PP�Icabl� law.Tru� shall piw puWlc na�tic� af sal�to tiw parson�
<br /> �-� ae�d in th� noae�n�r �'ibad bY �PPUcabl� faw. TrustM� wkhout d�msnd �n Borraiwr. shalt sall
<br />-•""'=�! li�s�rop�rtp at puWic acr,cHon to tlr� hl�t t�t'ald�r at tE�tim� atsd�si�ca �nd und�r th� �eena
<br /> n=:;� d�lqnt�! ia th� na� of s�la In � or eaa�r� parcN� and In ngc ord� TrustN d�brrr�inq.
<br /> TrutiN ne� podpo+a sal� of �Lt or anY P�%� � � ��I► b'Y PuWk at th�
<br />?� tim� and ptmc� af any prwiotisi}� sed�d s�l�. Lu�dsr or ib d�slpn� n� purchts� ttM
<br />-—;� Pen¢�:RY s! eny sale.
<br /> - Urpon r�ipft of paym�r� af i�to prica "tstr,i. i�ustw si�fl dsiiv� io fn� ptuc�ass� '�nas�'�
<br /> :;��i� dMd convoyin�th� Prop�rty. TE�e r�cEiat�[cr 1�TrustN's ds�d shatl br prima fsci� ovic�nc� of
<br />����° th� truth af ttw sta�m�nb �ada tibw�En. TrustM shall apply th� procNds of ttw sata in th�
<br />�I�s� fdlowiny ard�r. (a) to a!I cods and wc�niss of �wrci�in� ttN paw�r of �al�. a�nd th� t�,
<br /> �% includlnp th� psymatt of th� TruslN's fMS �ctu�lly incurrod, not to�xcMd - -- ---
<br /> �„��, Ten (1�)-------.-_------..-------------- - 9� af tfw pri�ciRa1 amaunt of�w
<br /> �-;,,.. not� a!th�tim� W th� d�claratlor9 af d�fwk,a�d r�uo�abb atfom�y's iNS as psrmitted by law;
<br /> - (b) to aq aums wcur�d by this S�cairiiy Instrum�n� and (c)any axc�to ttw psrson or peraons
<br /> . lpatly�n4idrd to it.
<br /> 4
<br /> �
<br /> � F�3t�uw p�s� wa��a s
<br /> �ooaonss
<br />