��`W - �-� -- _. _ _w.._��
<br /> ' • � Borrow�• m�y oun wcA � d�bwH �nd ralnslat�, u provW�d in panqnph 1B, by cau�afl th� �ctlon or prx»dinp to b�
<br /> disrntsud wllh r ruNnp tlut, in L�nd�r's pood I�ih dM�rmhatkn. pr�cMuMa 1aMitur�of th�B�row�r'� Int�r»t in th� Prop�ty or
<br /> o1h�r;+�tri�al Yr�p�irmril of th�li�i a�rt�d by lhia S�auky InsUununt or lrcirr'� s�uulry k�tKatl. Bortowr�haM �ko b�In
<br /> � ���H M Bartaww.c4++1r�tt�s lan�pikat�an prorau. q+,v�m�t�riaYy hlc� a ktiaccur�t� inbrmaUa�or ttrt�nb tc+ L�cd�r(or
<br /> - ; !!Wk� t+► p►oviM+ 1 wxiw wMn Mn,� n�s1�M h4xmrJonl li conr►�ction witn IM iwn wk,iwicf�.: by th�t�tot�. 'nclu.iic�.but not s�► `
<br /> � WNted to. n�xsa�n4lwnf cor�earw►q Eiorcowri 1 oca+pancy ol lh� Prop�.4y � � pnc�tul r�ul�+ua. It thf� SacurtN�
<br /> Inswm�nt w a► � IMaahold. Bortwvar ahsW cor�ipy with a!I th� provisbns d th� Nas�. B Barowor acqufr�n la� tltla to th+ q
<br />� � I Prop«ty,th�Iw�ssBofd�nd tTa Iw Ws sha11 not m�rp� unl�si Lencle�9r�a to !h�mw�r b wrkinfl -
<br /> � '. Pc:::::.°r.ro c! l�::de�b Nl�ht� In th� Pro�rty.M aarowr �w. 10 p«lorm ch. uv«u�nt�W+a a��r.arnr+ta _
<br /> oa,� �, uw sacw��cy �nsu-w�naat, a thar� Is a kq�l pro:acdktiq tM1a: snay s�canuy�tt.c���a«�s �nte r+ en.Prop«t� � -
<br />-_ � (wch a• proca�dinp In 6anlwptcy,probats, tor anci:�rc,oalWn o� torleiture a to�ntoro�Yws or rpul�ttons�.then L«+d�r n►�y _
<br /> �d d0 �f1d pay 10►whativa�17 n�Cassary f0 prot�C!th1 Yslw ol th� F�1opM1y and LYnd�l'e IiQhti G1 lhi PropYity. lY��di�7'�iCtio.7�
<br /> � nuy IncM�da WY�+O �ny sums Nau�d by � li�n whlch hai priority ovar tNs S�curity kuUumrnt, appwrinfl In couA. P+Y��
<br />-- � r�aso+i:bta ��t�nay�s'f�u�.�d w�Sx�►�or tha P��rty to mxa�pars.AlLl.�u�h Lend_s nuy take nctlon under thid pu��h _
<br /> 7,LM►d�t daa no1 havQ to do so.
<br /> � My arTwunts disbuns�d by Lendar unci�r p�s�qraph 7 slwy becoT�ss aditiaru! dabi of Bortowar wcurad by tha S�curiry
<br /> Instrument. Unlass Bormw� and L�ntkr aqns to olhar torna ot p�ynwnt. Ihts�anwunte shaY baar Intarsat kom th� daU of
<br /> ditbursament�t the Noto rnta and shIJE ba payaDis.wlth fntarQSi, upon notic�kom Undar W Bortower rpwstlny pay►n�nt.
<br /> , �:.� 8. �ROI't�[i� (t�ttr�ltCO. h 4.�natr rpu�r�d morty�qe inwranco a a cond'4ion ot nwkiri{� 1hQ ba� s�curod by lhls
<br /> �,. ;+(� Sacurity Instrumw�t, Bo7rawx�haU pay th�ptMdutiru requlrod to rrtaL�taln the martyaga insurutce In pHOCt u, for ony rwaon,lM
<br /> � mortgapa Inswir►c� covasye requked by Lendar lapses or cases to bc i� �fc�ct 8ortowK sFiall pay lhe prwnkrm9 �tqu(rod to
<br />�-� obtak� wv�nq� wbsl�ntidlk �quiv�Mnt lo th� mortp�pe ktiaurWtct pnvlousty In �I(acF� wt I cost substu►tkMy pu(vslint to th�
<br /> _�� c�at to Bortoww of thc cm�.�tq�p�hsutancs prwkut.iy h Nlact, irom an �n�to mortg�g� Insurer approv�d yy lmd�r. It
<br /> wbstanttaliy p�:lvakr.t�'tg�4e inawaric� covra9a l� nnt ati•aitabh,Barowr shW pay to Lendar aach montA� sura eqwl W
<br /> - c ona�twwYth o!the Y�fY��4e Insuru�ce pranium br�hp PnW dy Borrow�r wh�n tha inwr�na covMw�i��ud W wr�i to
<br /> �Q�f1 �1M�. �N11�T Wil�CC�1. US��fld �ili�Il t�131� Qi}i191Mt4: AS Y IQV1 fliiiY��I1 KOL 0�R1Wt�iQ9�flSUiif1CR. L0�9 I�tW�
<br />-- paNn�nte r.uy no lons,�b� requind,at th�optbn ol L�nda,tl ma+ty�a iriwranc�covenp� (In tM �rnouM and icx•th� period
<br /> = that L�nd�r nquwa) p►ov(ci�d by �n inwrr a�pprov�d by tmddr a�k�bscanw�vaYabi�u�Is obt�d. Bar�e�r MaM P�Y
<br /> � tM p+yr►Ru+m requked to matnt�M� mort�aya hwrance in�fitaca. or to pmvidi Q lass ressrve, w�fil the r�quireisn�2 f�,�'r mortprfle
<br /> Inwranc;e en�in accordanu wkh m�wriM1ten�yrwrtwnt betwa�n Rurtawar �nd l�ndK ar�pplicaWr law.
<br /> -.,�,,� 9. 11T.�8iCtlOn. Lender or ita a�anl m�y m�k�resson�ble�nGks u�wn uzd Insp�ctlons ot tha Ropaty, ler►�er tball�ive -
<br /> Borrower ad;�at the Um�ot or prior k�a;�inaPsetla► sPec+Mnfl rwsa�xbk�uuse tor tha hspectieuo.
<br /> 10. Colld�mnatiRit. Th� procw�ds ot any rw.�ed or cla:m fa d�rnap�s. dnct w con�erva;a: �cckv+wie�an with+u�y
<br /> ca►denuutlo�or othr tokf+p o1 any�wt ot the P�op�rN. cx br conv�y�nca h Iwu c1 cond�ati�++.an hanhY��ed�nd
<br /> :� shall D�paid to L�ttdar.
<br /> --- tn me event ot � cosa! s� ot tne Propen��� 'iu procu.cfe s4a11 a apoT�d a the wn,s wcuroa by thta saauity
<br />= Instrum�M. wh�thar or not then du�,wqh �ny�xc�as{�r'd to Bor.es+�a. 1n th� au�rtit of a partta!taWny oi tho Prop�►ry In whkh
<br /> �� tM fak m�rkel vaiue o1 fha Prop�ry kmNdittMy befac3 tl+�t�kinQ b�u�1 10 or yre�tar thln th� arnount of th�sutsa s�cur�d
<br /> by thl� S�cwity k►siruaw-� imn�talyr b�fora the 1�sc�3. untess Bortower usd lasr9er otherwls� aqree h writlrg. ths swns
<br />--� s�curad by thls Seauity-Naolrunwnt�haY be nduced try ths anount of tho proce�ds^�ied by ths toNuwing tracLiw�: (�)th�
<br /> total amotud ot the surns s.�rod knmediat�ty b�Ton th�takln9, divld�d bY ro) the�r m�k�t v�lue of th�HroFvriJt imnNdiataiy
<br /> be(on ths t�khp.MY���be pald to Bortawe►.In the evanl 01 a putial Ukhy o1 the P►opaty In whkA ti�hk m�r{cN
<br />--= v�Wa W tha Roprty Ynrbdi�t�iy bNo�.th�taWny b la� th�n the►*�our�t of ih�sums ucund ir+�rwrdiaUy b�lore th�takY�y.
<br /> --', unNss Boirow�r and L�nda► othMwisa ayrM h wrkinp or ur�tess �Lc�.abw kw otherwl�� Ptrv�,`tie, th� procwds shal ba
<br /> - appiied to the suma sacuc*d by thb Seairity Instrumrnt whethr or not tha wms va tha�due.
<br /> N tM Prop�ty b abandonb by 6oROww.or tl,attr notlee by landsr lo BarowK ttyt the ccetdermc� �ers to rt�aiu�n
<br /> — �ward or sMtM a dvm tor da�n�. Bo�row�r taio to nspond to I.�nd�witlQn 3,`, clayi a't�r t�s csti i�+�t r,d5ca b p1wn,
<br /> - � Lendc!.: �hoeizM W eoNect�nd�ppy ti��xeceds,at k� option� �lth�r w n�toration or npir a[t!� Prop«ty or to th� "
<br /> � sums s�c�d by this Seaxity Insl�un�nt,wMtl►K or not than du�.
<br /> —_ UnMss Gnd�r �nd Borrowe► otherwise �qree h writlnp� anY �FP�� � P��s to pri'xaPsl :haY not �xt.nd or
<br /> _� postpau th�dua clote ol°t!w monthty payments rotMro+rd to in parayrlpha i �nd 2 or chanpe the atnount d auch paynwnts.
<br /> = 11. Borrc�war IG�t R�as�d: Forb�u�roca E�y t�ndu Nat a Wafve�.Extansion ot th�time 1ar P+�Yn+�►t or
<br /> = modiie.tion a amo�or u,.wma s.wr.a by cnq securiey k�saun+�t a.i+:.a by �«id.r m.ny a,cc�ssa in hcer.nt ot
<br /> - eortawK slwY not opu�.�a niMS. u�e n.biiiry a u►s ori�k�i sarowar o.axrowars successas�intenst. I.�naar st,a1 not
<br /> - b. roquis�b w eom„«u. proes�die�x n�tM�st .ny s+,c�ssor tn huenst w nfus. so rQ«,a� tor p.y.iw�t or otnawise
<br />-- mod�iN.rnor.aWon ot s�.ewn�s.airsa by u�Es sea�ciry Inawm«�a Cy nason o1.ny a«,wid mwe by ct,e orty��a1 eomow�r or
<br /> Bortowr's sua:�ssora �r int�nct My torbMra�la�.y L�dK h �►cisirq�y ri�ht a nnwdy stul not b�a wakK ol a
<br /> — areauae n,e�d�o��,y�nt a��ay.
<br /> - 12. Succ�ssors and As�lg�ss Bound; .Botnt and S�vonl LJ�bility; Co-siqn�t�.Ths mvwnts and
<br /> � s9n�rtNnCS al thla Ssawity Insttumrtt s4a9 Wnd and Pa�nrG!the suCassora md atsi�s of L�ndar ottd 6ortvwM,subJ�et to tM
<br /> - provisiors Ot paraqraph 17. BorrowK'e coVerw�ts md�prwrNnts shal b��oint�r1d srvrd. ktyT L3�xtower who co-tipns thb
<br /> - S�aufry ksstrurtwni but does not �wait�th�Nota: (:�b caslpnkx;this S�eariay Instrumant only�o eaatg�pe.g'sr�2 and convey
<br /> —_ that Ba�rowr's int�nsi in th�PropMty undr the t�as of thls Securicy Ins�k (b) b not P�«�+YY� �P�Y�
<br /> wrns s�curod by tt�Seeurityr InaLurnent; �nd (e% agrea tha! Lend�r and sny other Barower rt►ay aQee ts ar.snd� rtwdrfy,
<br /> lotbe�r or m�k� �nY ac�rt�rsadWons with npud to tl�e tenns ot t�is S�w+h/ Ins�wewa or tho Not�wilitaA tAa3 BoROV�e's
<br /> consent.
<br /> � 13. Co�f ChaP�s. H th�la�r� s�cuted by tt�i Sectu'ri Instrurmt b subj�c!to a iaw which sets cna�dnwm ba�t
<br /> � ctwyes,and that kw Is fmaly htuprabd so that the int�nsi or othK ban charges coYed�d a ta-4e co114Ged in cav�estion
<br /> _ with th�loan ncc�ed the pertriKed fntits.thrr. (a)ury wch ioan cliarse sh�M Ee reduced by tAe smount neoessa1v to nduce
<br /> _�� ths charge to the parntitf�ed IYni� and (D) any sua�a dra�dy coA�ctad t�am 8c�ar wNch �occNded p�m�i5e��aits wil b�
<br /> "—'- ►iMx�tl�d to BonowK. lin�c m�y cpoos�to ir�{c�tF�ia r��d byr t�duck�y th�e pe�y:,+pai pv�d u��tlts[�3WS or Oy makt�p�
<br />--- dir�c! p�fmnt to Barawr. N a�e€und nduoss prindpal,the � wi be L�wi�d�s a P+��P��W►Y�t ���s'
<br />