<br />(6) To use the loan evidenced by xhe Wore solely for purposes authorized by the Government.
<br />(7) To pay when due all taxes, lien;, judgments, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attachi..g to or assessed
<br />against the property, including all charges and assessments in connection with water, water rights, and water stock
<br />pertaining to or reasonably necessuy to the use of the r^al property described above, and all taxes and assessments levied
<br />upon this mortgage or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured or aganst any legal holder hereof or of the note or of
<br />said indebtedt•.ess under the laws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing
<br />such payments.
<br />(8) To keep the property insured as required by and under insurance policies approved by the Governrrtent and, at its
<br />'~Rr request, to deliver such policies to the Government.
<br />(9) To maintain improvements in goad repair and make repairs required by the Government, operate *_he property in a
<br />good and husbandmanlike manner; comply with such Earm consen•ation practices and farm and home management plans as
<br />the Government from time to time may prescribe; and nut to abandon the propperty, or cause or permit waste, lessenurg or
<br />~°. impairmepC: o€. security covered hereby, or, without the written consent of the Government, cut remove, or lease any
<br />0 timbeq g~ave6 g3s~ coal, or other minerals except u may be necessary for ordinary domestic purposes.
<br />(14} * oiF l_tvith aIl laws, ordinances, and regulations affecting the proper[}.
<br />~ (11) To pay or reitnburse the Governmett Eor expenses reasonably necessary or incidental to the protection of the lien
<br />~ and priority hereof and to the enforcement of or rite compliance with t}te provistons hereof and of the note and any supple-
<br />mentary agreement (whether before or after default), including but not Iimited to costs of evidence of title to and survey of
<br />the property, costs of recording this and other inscrtnnents, attorneys' fees, trustees' fees, court costs, and expenses of
<br />advertising, selling, and conveying the property.
<br />(12) Neither the property nor any portion thereof or interest therein shall 6e leased, assigned, sold, transferred, or
<br />enctunbered, voluntarily or otherwise, without the written consent of the Government. The Government shall have the sole
<br />anu exclusive righu as mortgagee hereunder, including but nor 1united to the power to grant consents, putial releases.
<br />subordinations, and satisfaction, and no insured holder shall have any right, title or interest in or to the lien or any brnrtits
<br />hereof.
<br />(13) At aL reasonable times the Government and its agents may inspect the property to ascertain whether the. covenants
<br />and agreements contained herein or in any supplementary agreement ue being performed.
<br />(14) The Government may (a) estend or defer the maturity oE, and renew and reschedule the payments on, the debt
<br />evidenced by the note or env indebtedness to the Government secured by this instrument, fh} release any parts why is
<br />liable under the note or for t)te debt Erom liability to the Government, (c) release portions of the property and subordinate
<br />i[s lien, and (d) waive any other of its rights under this instrument. Any and all this can and will be done without affteting
<br />the lien or the priority of this instrument or Borrower's or any other party's liability to the Government fee payment of the
<br />note or debt secured by this instrument unless the Government says otherwise in writing. HOWEVER, any forbeazance 6v
<br />the Government-whether once or oEren-in exercising any right or remedy ender this instrument, or otherwise afforded by
<br />applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of an}' such tight ar remedy.
<br />f151 lE at env time it shall appear to the Government chat Borrower may be able tc obtain a loan From a production
<br />credit association, a Federal land 'Dank, or other responsible cooperative or private credit source, at reasonable rates and irnns
<br />for Ioans for similar purposes and periods of time, Borrower txirl, upon the Government's reautst, apply for and accept such
<br />loan in sufficient amount to pay the note and any indebtedness secured hereby and to pay fur any stock ntcessazy to be
<br />purchased in a cooperative lending agency in connection with such loan.
<br />(16) Default hereunder shall constitute default under any ether real estate, oc under any persona! propttty ac other,
<br />security instrument held ar insured by the Government and executed or assumed by Borrower, acrd dcfauk vadtr any such
<br />other security instrument shall constitute default heretutdrr.
<br />{17) SHOULh DEFAULT occur in the performance or ducharge of an}' obligation in this instrutent or secured by this
<br />instrument, or should the parties named as Borrower die ar be declared an incompetent, or should any one of the pubes
<br />named as Harrower be declared a bankrupt, or sn ittsafvettt oc make an assignment for the benefit of utditars, thz Garern-
<br />rncnt. ar its option, with or without rrat~a, may: (ai dtclaze the entire amount unpaid under the note and any indebtedtte_ss
<br />to the Govettunent hereby secured immediare}p due and paysblt, (b) far the account of Bursowee incur and pay rsawnabie
<br />-tapensss far r~p_'- ar rita?rtrnanct of and taint iasscss;on af, ~ggtraxe or rent the prepeary, c; upa<n apply€ation-e~.:r and
<br />_prad_u_ctioc of this iastc,unsnt, without artier tvu{encs and witkiaut Wetter ~f hzaring of saitl appL 3ticaa, have a _eceive_r
<br />ap uinted far the praperey, wieh the usual powers of rtctivtn in like vests, (d) foreclose this instrument as provided'netein
<br />or~y law, and (c) tnEarcr any and all other rights anti rtrnedies p[uvided herein oc by prrsrnt or future law.
<br />(18) 1'ht proceeds ul tcreclusure sale shall be applied in the following order w the payment af: (a) casts and txptttsts
<br />incident to enforcing or complying with the provisions hereof, (b) any prior inns required by law or a competent court t++
<br />be so paid, (c) the debt evidenced by the note and all indebtedness to the Govtnunent secured hereby, 1 ) infector liens
<br />of record required by law or a competent court to br sa paid, (r} at the GavernmenE s option, any attire indebtedness of
<br />Borrower owrng to or utsured 6p the Guverrtment, and f f) any balance to Harrower. At fareciosure or other sale of all ar any
<br />part o£ thn pxoperty, the Government and its agents may bid and urchase as a stranger and may pay [tin Gervemmenr's share
<br />of the purchase price by ere+'fting such amwnt on any debts of Borrower awing to or insured by the Governmtnt, in the
<br />order pceuribed above.
<br />(14} Borrawar agrees that the Government wfll not bs bt:und by arty prts.°,nt ar furors State taw, a ptsYiding far
<br />valuation, appraisal, homestead ar exemp[ion of the property, (bt prohibiting tnaintrnance of an action Eor a deficiency
<br />judgment or Ihniring the amoun[ thereof or the time within which such actfan must be brougght, jw) prascribtn~~tt any ether
<br />statute of limitations, {d) allowing any right of redemption ar possession fallowing arty fortclasurs safe, ar (e) iimieing ehr
<br />conditions which tht Governmtn[ may by regulation imposs, including ehr interest rats it mayy charge, ar a condition of
<br />approving a .transfer of the property [o a new Borrower. Borrower zxpressly waives ehr bsnsftt of any such Stare laws.
<br />Borrownt hereby rtlinquialies, waives, and conveys all rights, inchoate ur consummate, of descent, dowor, and curtsy.
<br />~. ~.J
<br />