<br />'14ze West Half (L~`i) of Section Thirty-one (3lj , in Ttxmship Ten (10)
<br />North, Range Twelve (12}, West of the 6th P.M.r except a strip of land
<br />lying across the West Half aixi acaross the Soutiavest ~aarter of ti:e South-
<br />east Quarter, all in Section 31, T'~wctship 10 North, dt3txJe l2, West of the
<br />6th P.M., described as follows: Referring to the Sotitttwest corner of said
<br />Section 31; tF-re*tce assteriy on the south line of said Secti-on 3i a distan.^,e
<br />of 490.5 feet to the point of beginnirfg; thence continuing easterly on the
<br />`,~ last describe' c:wx'se a distance of 1,363.8 ft~t to a point on the north-
<br />K~ westerly right of way line of tFbe Chalon Pacific Pailmaci tl~ce
<br />~j nortlaoasterly on said Railroad o~ny's ra~~ly right of vray line a
<br />3istance of 2,255.1 fact, more or less, to the point on the east line of
<br />a~ the Sout2~a[test Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 31; thence
<br />tt~ northerly on said east line a distance of 21.45 feet; thence soutYn~esterly
<br />on a line 20.0 fit mrthwesterly fmn and parallel to said Rai.ltaad Cottt-
<br />~1 pony's northwesterly right of way line a distance of 1,6:8.8 feet to point
<br />` n of curvature; theru:e continuing southwesterly on a 3,175.4 radius crave to
<br />the right (initial tatx3erlt of which coincides with the last described tburse
<br />produced} a distance of 1,181.4 feet to point of tangerxq said point beirfg
<br />13.5 feet northerly fmn said sotrth line; tht~stce westerly, tangent, a dis-
<br />tance of 527.4 feet to a point of Mature said point being 11.5 feet
<br />northerly from said south tine; thence oontinuitx3 westerly cat a 2,390.3 foot
<br />radius crave to the left (initial tangent of whit~t coincides with the last
<br />deSC-ibc~ Cv3s-'Se ~Odta~d} a di.sta`::~ of 218.9 feo , m~ or less, to t2~
<br />point of },~ginnir[~r, oonta;nirm 2.11 acres, mare or less, which includes 0.53
<br />acxe, more or less, prc~eviously oca~pied .~ a Public hig~Yr the >rmain;r,~,
<br />1.48 acres, more or less, being the at~iitional acreage hereby secured.
<br />SU&717C'P TO the unpaid balance, incltrlitxJ any past-due intertest, not to exceed
<br />$130,000.00 on the present mt~jages to: E'ederal sand Bank of $80,000.00 and
<br />Sma11 ~. -~~s Ate.-in; ration of $50,000.00.
<br />together with all rights, interests, easements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, [he rents, issues, and
<br />profits thereof and revenues and income therefrom, all improvements and personal property rtow or later atbched thereto ar
<br />reasonably necessary to the use thereof, including, bur nor limited to, rangges, refrigera[ors, clothes washers, clothes dryers,
<br />~ carpeting purchased ar fmanttd in whole ar itt pate wieh town fends, a€I watt,, water rights, and water stock ~ptrtaittittg
<br />thereto, and alI papmenu a any rims owing to Harrower by virtue of any sale, lease, transfer, conveyance, or conetemnation
<br />of any part ihareof or inttresc rharein-all of which are herein called "the property";
<br />Tt7 HAYS ANC[ Tip H(3i..p the proptrty unto the Government and its assigt[s farorer in fre simple.
<br />BfiAAQt4'EA lcxr Bgrrc~wer"s self, Borra-,srer`s heirs, executors, administrators, sticcessorg and 3aU"Z~,na iVAAAANTs. TIi;,=
<br />TITLE. ro the praptrty to she Government aRains[ ail IswYut claims and demands whatsoevee cacept any Beni, fneumbrsitess,
<br />easements, rescrvattans, or :anvtyane~ spee:Pad l:arairy;bv-rF, and CO`.'E.~s'Af:T~ ~t.,:I} AGA€€~ as }'a;',.aws;
<br />(Ij To pay promptly when d_ue any indabtedaass ra the Gavernment_ hexe_by aae_ured and ra-iadertsaifv_a-t[d ~vc_ l~rret.
<br />fesa the tiryrernmtnt a~ninst -any loss undtr its inauranee of payment of the Hare by reason of any defatilt by Borrower.
<br />At all times when the note is held by an inaurod holder, Borrower shat continue to make payments on tht Hoff to the C.avtrn-
<br />ment, as collection agerst for the holder.
<br />(2j To pay to the Government such fees and other chuges u may now or hereafter bt rtquired by regulations of the
<br />Farmers Home Administration,
<br />(3) if required by the Government, to make additional cnonthly payments of 1112 of the estimated annual fazes,
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and other charges upon the mortgaged premises.
<br />(4j Whether or not the note is insured by the Government, the Government may at any time pay any other amounts
<br />requited herein to bt paid byy Borrower and not paid by Borrowtr whin due, as weil~as any cas[s and ezptnsas for the ksre-
<br />servation, protection, or enforcement oC this lion, as advances for the aceoune of Borrower. All such advances shalt beat
<br />interest at the rate borne by the pate which has the higher[ interest rate.
<br />(5} AO advances by the Government as described in Chia instrturtent, with interest, shall be immediately duo and payable
<br />by Bongwer to the Government without ders[and at the place designated in the latast note and shad be secured hereby. No
<br />such advance by the C;avernment shall relii:ve Borrower tram brerch of Borrower's covenant to pax. flush advances, with
<br />interest, shalt ht repaid from tht first available ealiectiuns received from Borrower. t7therwise, any pay[nent mad, by
<br />Borrower may bt applied an the Hatt or any indebtedness ea the Governnrenc secured hereby in any order rho t;overoment
<br />determines.
<br />'+
<br />
<br />