<br />Srrhen,uver ttua conraxY hart ai reywiras, reFarance heralor snad~e to Xho piura~ plumber shall be understood os .nduddng the s;ngulor, crr+d 1=ke r,riuet, rmne s:npia.ll ar
<br />sl,rslf oa unelorstaod cs the p9ura1.
<br />Th+s nnn•tgoge y of rh¢ option ai the soid ~norrgogea be sold, in °whole a- in pct., or may bt assigned ro a c ration created by aurhari:v of t'+,e United
<br />~'~+tates Government or a: an inshumeniality of the United Sfatez Government as provided by the laws of the United Stares.
<br />'',~,.,.ee <din Se commenced ro Foreclose this mortgage or to collect the debt ser;red he:eb~ io which aciiw or er of thtz
<br />wMlfgoge is mode a party er in w w r to uphold or defend the lien of this mortgage, all er cf this morigaae for the e -
<br />pense of any litigation to prosecute or defend the rights on y t e mortgagors, together with [merest thereon of the
<br />mte of eleven per oenr (l1 of per annum, and any wch su arson s a a ed premises, prior to any right or title to, in-
<br />terest in, or claim upm, soid m' ccruiny subsequent to the lien of this mortgage, end shad be acme marl ag d note.
<br />In an o oreclase this motgage, or to cover or tallest the deb! secured tfrereby, the provisions of law resoe<tirsg the rec~ov~lq"~hlgHA
<br />i vsements and atlavrances sho{I prevail unaffected 6y this corenanf.
<br />'This marrgage is alxo to be and continue ro be from time to time, security For the payment of such men or sums of money as the mortgagee may from rime to
<br />limp in the futuce advance to the mortgoyoq and evidenced by o supplemental note or notes, bvf the total indebtedness se red by this mortgage shall nor exceed
<br />one hundred twenty (i20) per cent of the amount now owing, axceot far any cdvonces that may b¢ made to protect the security in accordance with the terms of
<br />this mortgsge."
<br />NOYJ, if the. said mertgagon shall comp{y with cll the terms and conditions is mortgage, and t,~h[7et(~t~j>note recur d herab~ this abligarior, is to ba
<br />void; othe.-visa +o ba asd r¢maininy in Fult farce and effect. , `^~ 'F-v' r
<br />D.yatad AUGOST 23, 1979 R RD ~ H
<br />Y J. K N
<br />G
<br />i ss.
<br />C7. ~ L3/ 19 ~ before mx:, the wbscribor, a NWOY Public duly commisaimed and qualified for and reel din? in said
<br />county, persanail appeared the above nomad hue band and wife,
<br />known fo be the identical person ~ described in and who exeauted the foregoing instrument os grantor,a ,and :1.~,. 6xiv.~_ several ly
<br />~ 7
<br />ocknawladged said imerunaer±t ro la Chair voluntary act «rd deed.
<br />iN WITNESS K41ER anal Seal of HASTINGS in said County tM day and year
<br />irat abcsro svrfrtaa.~ - - - s
<br />~~u~>*.i..~... G
<br /># X ~l ~~ ~~
<br />// J ,~ ~ ~ NOTARY PU6klC
<br />My cammissian Expires ~__,~/„~ J / / ..
<br />iThis space For additionoi real estoM description; addendum to morfgoga ar odditipgl acknowladgmant,)
<br />- _ lT any ¢it2c-~ of pTacet.i[~ bt coa~tnced to foracloSS this ~rceaAe or to ~plleCt the dCbt scooted hsTebv
<br />;: 'r.':l3=:; action ar proceeding t*a h~ldzr of this mortgAga is made a party or in which it becwezs netesaarv to
<br />ug;sa l3 nr d¢ferd the lion of mnrtbage, ail sues paid by the holder of this tmrtgaf;e for the expense of any
<br />.ic,#a.;--a to rv~-~c.ut:a ;<r .d€(erd t?~=ightg an3 :Ian created b, thi mertgag~ shall ~a ^a#d >•y c..4 ~rt~agss~,
<br />rs ~atii$Y y1 L:: it.g Bets ~f~r€{3^. $r tGl rata of tR:e~va and one hai# peY cePC i`~?.7=} per lnnca=. aRd ?isr Saco ;9=
<br />~s€g `,- =z;aq# t:;`s:~ s.=ll to a lien en said mnrtga$ed prtesi zee, j>Tlcr tC any Cigs,r rr t![!t ta, !- Ta§€
<br />-_ _ _ ay~Rhi a~ a ..{nua ,.°-.°.@4`- ..~ ~v rho ]ign nF thi _ x.d aka 11 !a
<br />dtlL;ed to ~C s¢[uTtdgLy rtria D;Rtt~"agt And ROCa?4YlnianypACtian~OT praCCCdFng Ca FUSCCT S2 rCt Y.s4:aTC~ai(2, ~aY !a
<br />- -_
<br />u.s-r ar z,3.:.cot- the d t+t ~ •:~x?<II th~'rabFr, the pYaviatons o€ lass re-prcttt.-, t'te rccatmr_r- of iscuiuea+:n:z
<br />and allawrrtts almll preuall ur:af fatted by [his covenant.
<br />3+ AAVVV ~
<br />_ ~ ~ O~ Vt v ( I~ ~ "t"
<br />~ u -7
<br />~ '? ~ ~] 3
<br />210511449 *~ „ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ til 1
<br />RECORDINfi ` r~ m `- - - ~ ro
<br />+~ '~' n
<br />~ ~ 1
<br />-Stott sf Nebraska ~ s. ~ -
<br />EMSred on Nvnrericaf fnda~ ord filed for record A,D., 19 of o'clock M
<br />-md ratFardad in Book _ of hlaAgagas, Page
<br />Recorder
<br />When Recorded Return to
<br />0ax I30
<br />Baotrica, NabfaSka 58g I0
<br />