~9-~, dlt3((~
<br />THAT RICHARD B. HEIKEN and TWXLLA J. HEIKEN, husband and wife,
<br />each contracting in his own right and as spouse of the other
<br />of the County of $AI,I, and Stare of Nebraska; martgoctors, in crosiderotim of the sum of
<br />FORTY THREE THOUSAND STX HUNDRED AND NOf100ths---------------------.{5 S43,b00.00 )DOLLARS
<br />the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby SELL AND CONVEY to State Federal Savings and Loon Associatior:, Beatrice, Nebraska, mortgagee,
<br />the Following described real estate situated, in H~+L County. State of Nebraska, to wih
<br />Lot Thirty-three (?3), Block Four (4) in Pleasant View Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />Together with all b,,;ldirtgs, razemants, irnpravamants, Fixtures err gppurtanoncas now w hereafter erected thereon, including, oil apparatus, etryipment,
<br />fixtures c wticks, whether .n single units or cantmlly controlled, used to wpply heat, gas, air cmdiiiming, water, light, power, refrigaratim, venti latim,
<br />dishwashing, dispowl, or other services, rind any other thing now or hereafter therein a thereon, the furnishing of which by lessors ro Imsees is wstomary err
<br />gsprapriata, inc.Iuding screens, window shades, storm door and windows, Fiaw coverings- screen doom, inro-door bads, awnirsgt, stoves and water hooters {oli
<br />of which are declarod to 'be c port of sold real estate whether physically attached thereto w not). The Mortgagee is hereby wbrogated to the righfi of all ma-
<br />tgogeas, limhaldar: and ~awrsers paid off 6y the proceeds of the loon hereby secured. This morfggga consetufes o security ogrcemsnf with respell to the choHSls
<br />wvered hereby an6 with respect to the fixtures attached td the above described real estate in which mortgggee has m ardirwry security interest.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the will property, with will buildings, easements, improvements, fix`.•res, r~pvrtenmca:, apparatus and aquipmast, unto said
<br />Mortgagee, ets wccessws roll assigns forever.
<br />Tha mortgagorx ropresent roll <ovenmt with the mortgagee that thay are lawfully seized in tea simple of will premises; that they have goad right roll ieatvt
<br />authority to wll and convavthe same; that they we free and clew from encumbrmces; that there we no whtmding security interests ogainat any fixhxes; and
<br />that they will warrant and defend the title to will premixs ggaimt the <loems of oti persons, and that there are no wMmding security interests as to my roll 4H
<br />of fire -e drteribe~d fixtures.
<br />PROVIDED, always and thaw precasts rue upm exprau ccvsdltim: That, Wherew the said mortgagors Nava this gay executed and dativered to tM sold
<br />Assaoia!{m, one cattalo note 'sa the ommust of the above crnsiderMim, which scan with intareN as provided by will t>~a tsr any mutual modification or extension -
<br />attd allsu-m.s wni . - _
<br />tket*rflf __, €n , _ _ axl? ter toxss, :nwrntce err repairs ~: tf~ ~rspeny -~s=r't~f it3r:d=. ~:rre a~sd:~~=
<br />mints made hp the mwt~aS~Idtlrl'CaCe.}arY~flili }lavtsFlntL Ala, far my purassae of any time before the aeleme arsd cmcellat:m of kAis mertrsage {gravid=
<br />_. -- - - £ Fem.. 3t_ _ .. _ ~smr:^_ ~-. r„a >:,.~ v€ tka wie ad•43nce~n#, s:,ail r~# aa~c~d ;"a .~i-i.:i ~.:a:- of r
<br />t'~ t!s tasd ~-~.€;.. ~ _- -~ ~. _-= r ~~ b a^-:eye
<br />and provided furfhe-, that rsafhtt~.nrf?.!rTPC,~-Bl•~'°t'~x.~edm limiting the omounfi that shall ba secured hereby when aavmced ro protect the security
<br />~..~ , ~i, a ~.ri ,_ ~ _~ _ -.
<br />e: 3n .~ wiH: the ccs•~•.-':.._.. .-.. -..., a f A d.~..t aw h fa ,.. tiia#;~. and by }a:d - rya - ? ~r..~}g~~t F -- - _ ,g ~y_sciir
<br />_ sa a wa
<br />dot and rnfere,t fa the Assacyten in manthl nttq!_mr.w aw aravrded in said owe of even dot hetawith L~nla~ ~dff: d.,~ a=:e.,,'~, st = € .t T-.,,,,~.s_=y._
<br />3~8 months From data.
<br />Mortgagors further agree to pay. betas dalirsgwncy, the wms sac•.rred hereby, roll all foxes and charge of evwy chwacta assessed or new i<rr, vrsder
<br />the laws of Nebraska, upon sped rew) exmta, and upm this matggge or the note w debt xcwrd hereby; to keep the buildups upon will premises inwred *or Rro
<br />and extended coverage .n scxne company rw campmies gccaptal:le to mortgagee far m amount not Lau ikon the value of the building, os detannirsrd 6y the nsar^
<br />tgagee err the unpaid 6almco of rho loon, whichavrr is feu, to keep ail improvements .n gagd ropgir and condiiim, without worts durirp the life of this martgapa;
<br />poll (4 pmrmit mortgggea w ifs agar? ra enter upon wed premises ro a=amine the conditim of will improvemrnts in ardor to atwro cosr,s+3imer herewith,
<br />Should M(ault tse made en pgyment of the wgs ucured hereby, w any Part thereof, roll said default emtinua tw sixty (60) days, err should wld irwrance
<br />not ba prompNy effsded, W taxe cr ossaeursents oat ba paid before delinryuency, w defqult in my of the terms of the note far which th£s mortgage is security,
<br />w wad Rraperty wld or lrgn5ferrad hY deed, cor:tracr, ~tiass, e~emert, a Wherwix,'xit!;aut opprrnq! cd a wpplemant-vi appl;c4tiar. tu. aswrysfian of this mx-
<br />tgaga asd the debt avidaneed thereby, by 8ro Auociaiim, qr in cgsa of fglluro to duly observe ord ba governed 6y the provisirxss roll ~canditims of rfw Ciswta,
<br />By-Lows of said Auociwfa,, msf rules poll regulotims of The Pelletal Savings roll Lom System, or if insured by mortgage inwronce cwp«grims, +o pay (n add-
<br />itfon at the aptim of the Au4ciatlrvs, the premiums far said insurance, nr the discovery by the AssoclINion, err its afticars, tlwt any o} Me atatemants em#a£ned
<br />In the application for !hs loan executed by mortgagors era false, or if o tax Ilen, additianat morFggge, mechanics tier., a other enevm6rarsce is filed a£ record
<br />which imposes a lion against the aktov das+:ribad reaV elate, then the whgle of will indebtednes remaining unpaid shall of the optlaa of the said Asusc;at£m,
<br />become dot and payable without rwtica, rime being the essence of this contract,
<br />Should mwegagors fail fa keep the buildings inwrrd, of terrain agrrrdr w fail to par real esivta truces and yteulat wsessmasfi an the said mw+gagad pea-
<br />perty Letare delirpuaacy, mortgagee m4y eFfecr w+d tnsur4nte, Pay taxes and £nwrance premiums, and alt such lwyments, with inferasf w provided in the ffnF
<br />ar4ttgaQb note Saco»d by this rraattgo9A, shall be a 1 ten upm oriel premise roll soowad hereby.
<br />the mortgagors hereby re£inqui,h all homestawl and marital rights of every kind in dsd to the sold premises,
<br />For the purpose of Pvmishirsg further sacwity for the debt »curad hereby, lix mortgagors hvroby ooitin, transfer roll set over to the mortgagee, to be gsplied
<br />wword the payment of 'ho owe and all o1Mr wms sacurod hereby, in Seca of o default in the parfmnance of my of iha tams roll cardiHons of this mortgage w
<br />the will note, aII the rents, twenuesr ant! Incarse trs ha delved from the mortgq~ed premisea dwing wch time as the nwrtgoge indeb»dnass shat! tomato unpold;
<br />aM the moHgnBee rlsatl hove purer fo appafr+t any agent, err agerds,- it may Aasiro for tha purpose of repairing will premise and of ranting the Satre and coHact-
<br />tng the rents, rovenue, roll income, and 31 may pay out of said income ntl expenses of rspoirirg will premises and neaeswry commfuima, and expenses tncurrad
<br />-in nnYutg atd nxxtoging NH sarrter and-of eel Featisg rentals thanfrom; the bolmce remaining If any, to be 4pptied toward the discharge of said mortgage indrbtad-
<br />nest. Mortgagee shall gccaunt for rants actually callscted roll oat for the rental value of will premises.
<br />IF the indabtedr»n wwrod hereby ba guaraNeed w Imured under the Servecemen's Readjustment Act, os amended, such Act and Ragulorions iswad thae-
<br />vrtdet and to e(fec! m the dots Mrreof dtali gowm ihs right, duties roll liabilttie of the parties hereto, roll any provisions of this or other instrumanh executed
<br />in CanfMCtian with will indebtedness which ore Imm~sistttnt with wtd Act w Ra9ulwims aro hereby amended to cmfwm thereto.
<br />The tame used to desigrtata any of the ponies harehs shall ba' to include the hair*_, reprazentgNvas, success;rs anc assigns eF said parties, xd the
<br />farm "Mottg~a° shell a!x iraluda any (osvfu! aassar, holder err p:a:gar a my indabradrass secured hereby.
<br />L-4 Rav. 7-75 {tumble}
<br />