?9-~ C~~5
<br />And Ehe said first party hereby expressly covenants and agretts: (1} To pay the said Note and interest
<br />in full on the days the same shall severally become due; (2} Neither to commit nor permit waste on the said
<br />premises, and to put and keep the said real estate, buildings, and improvements in goat repair; (3} "fo pay all
<br />taxes and assessments on the said real estate before delinquency and mttil the said \ote is fully paid; (4) To
<br />pay all taxes and assessments upon this Alortgage and the debt secured thereby, together with any other
<br />taxes and assessments which may 6e levied or assessed, under the Laws of Nebraska, against the said second
<br />party, or the legal holder of the said tiote oft account of ibis indebtedness; (~} To prceum, keep in force, and
<br />deliver to the said second party ]wlicies o[ insurance against loss b}' fire suet tornado, in such atuounts and
<br />insurance companies as the said second party shall select, and as shall Le at all times satisfactory to it, covering
<br />the buildings which now are or map hereafter be erected on the said premises, making the loss, if any, payable
<br />to the said second party or its assigns, anti every such contract of insurance effected by the said parties of the
<br />first par[ or for their benefit shall be primarily subject to appropriation by the said second party fur the
<br />ltayment of said indebtedness. Failure to so maintain such insurance shall authorize the second party, or its
<br />assigns, at its or their option, to effect and maintain such insurance at the expense of the said first party, and
<br />the firs[ party agrees to repay all Bruns so }laid, with interest at l 1 percent, and such sump so paid by the second
<br />pttrtp, with interest at 11 percent, shall he secured by this M1'tortgag'e; (fi) That the said second party or the
<br />osvuer of the said Note mac make such repairs, pap such taxes, and pap and remove any lien from the said
<br />premises, upon failure of the first party to do so and all mone}•s so advanced with interest at the rate of it
<br />percent per annum tlterc'lan, from elate of pa}•ntcnt, shall 6e repaid by the Betel first part}', upon demand, and
<br />' gli~li M c"._..`u_i h., rh:< ;n{lent,ire,
<br />And it is further mutualip covenanted and agreed that in the event of the passage, after the date of th6
<br />itortgagr, of any law rirdttcting anp tier. thereon from the value of land for the purfx_rse of taxation, ar changktg
<br />in env else the is+r. nuc in force for the taxation of mortgages or debts secured by mortgage or the manner
<br />of the cullrction of aay ouch rases, su as to afTect this \lortgage, the whole of the principal sum secured by this
<br />\4ort};age, together with the interest der thrrcun, shall, at the option of the said party of the setonr,l taitet,
<br />with+:nt notice, become inaucdiatel} dtte :uul payable.
<br />And the ;aid first party farther agrees that if rlef:wit be made in the paynteni of any of said interest, ur
<br />an} part thereof, ur of any intrust thrrr•rtn, ur of ,aid \ute, nr an} part thereof, or of any interest therrf,n,
<br />or iu the performana• of any of the covenants ht•rein contained, Uteu, or at anc time thereafter during the
<br />continuance of such rleiault, the ;:rid Rote, sari nxntr}s paid and advanced, shall, at the option oC the legal
<br />holder thereof, become at once due and collectible, and shall hear interest at the rate of 11 percent per annum
<br />front the date of default, crud this iuclrnture may he tureelused to satisfy the amount of file debt, inehtding
<br />advances, iuterest.:uul cost-+; ur the srruud parh•, it, ,uctrs;or, or assigns, may foreclta:;r only as to the smn
<br />Est titer. without injur}' a. this Slortgare, or the rlisplaermert or htlpainn4tsrt of the fien thereof.
<br />And itt the event of the fcrreclusure ui this \lortg3f;r, the• said first t_.art} cne•,-netts and serve-. ti, I~}: xh~=
<br />cast of extending the ahstraet of title {rout the date of recording tllf \Itirtga};e to the date of (sting shit, and
<br />npgtt tat!lire f?t flit aatd nest 1:artY tU d,5 r+, all i:it)nrY eft advaElCef! lr\' the scei.lnrl pant ttiill hi'3r tnt(relt at
<br />the rate ref t I ltereent Ix•r anruun ti!ruert ;art shall t>< sr~urrtt 6v this indenture.
<br />!t is {nether nuttuail}' covenanted and n};rrrd that. the !keels of ihr seconl part, its successor, soot assigns,
<br />shall :u their option Ix• subrot;atcri to the lieu.:dthuttgtt relrasrQ of record, of au}~ prior cucuudrraucr, mechanic's,
<br />vender's, ur other hen un said premises lktid out nt the proceeds of ihr luau srcurral hrrehp.
<br />An. it is further agreed that in rrse ref a default in the payment of the said principal tiotr or interest,
<br />or any 1>.3rt thereof, as it shalt mature, or in rase of {aihrre to keep err perform any of the cavett.°rnts ur agrretuents
<br />contained itt this imlennlu, there the srernid port}, its successors tv assigns, shall hr and in 6rrr;rr uuthurizrd
<br />:Ind ern}lowered to take imme+liate }xtssessiun ut the said premises hereby conveyed and al! crops thereon, or
<br />to called the rents therrtrum, and app!} the pttxrrils tlsrrr•of to the iraynKnts of the debt herehr sectrrecl.
<br />A atldititmai :mcl collateral security for thlpulrnt of dtc Aotr and indrrhtrcLless herrhnt>rirrrc desribtKl,
<br />dte said parties of the first part hereby assign to tltc° sat<i party of the Bernal Ikut, its successors or .rssik~ris, alt
<br />the prakits, revetutes, royahies, right., :nrrl Lr_nefit, acertri~ [rz theist urrc!er alt vii. r,..:~4_ cs mineral lti;~es urt Betel
<br />premises, This .~c'anut~~nt ter ter..,t.,~.ta ....<1 t.~~ez€; E u..tt ~.:;t vE;id at~;;t the r2'~,sc of to .: , r~,rc~rit;r.
<br />Arid it is further agrrrcl that in case am- suit to hrpttn to foreclose this iudtxtptrr, the tour[ in which such
<br />action shalt hr brought, ar any lodge of such Court, either in term tinsr ar iu vacation, is hereby authurizrcl,
<br />open application therefor, to appoint a keeeiver to t:zke posse_csian of ihr slid preutisrs and a{l crops ihexrtron,
<br />or to collect the rents therrGam, mx! to do and perform sttch other acts as [nay be required by the order of
<br />the Court Working the appoinutteut ;and the first lastly hereby consents ro the appointrnent ui a Keceiver rtlxtn
<br />the praluction of this indenture, without other evidence.
<br />