79-- ~ a4~5~
<br />MCiRTGA(:E.
<br />(Nebraska)
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this 1 n !F'p,y day of ,7ti~ 15 ;T
<br />between D«-:rrcl G. ~e?rE:^ts axd Fa+~^i'ria ., . -~e?^rerts, p„zilb2~d 2.nc' ,,r, _°e - - - - _
<br />of the County of g~-'L? and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, and
<br />the h1ETROPOLiTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of the State of New York, with its
<br />principal office located at 1 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y., party of the second part,
<br />~?ITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of - - - - - - -
<br />-------------=Ff)_~:`I'Yk'CtLii'THflIIS.AiTl)- _.. _ __ _ --------Dollars
<br />($ ~ta,0'}!a•QO ), in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain.
<br />sell, rnnvey, and confirm to the said party of the second part and its assigns, the Eoltowing-described real estate,
<br />in the County of ?E~7.1 and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />T?te i",s.st ~~? ac*~es of tha !`Iorthsast ^~~ar';a~ o' Sec+t on 21. `Po~,~tsh_ie ~ Na~^tY:,
<br /><cange 1~ ;v'est of the Sixth ?rrincoal Merzdian. '
<br />'"hiF wortga~;e is ~;ivLn .,a sccc~red - ciefr~ed rn;r;.F~~se ~ane;~ note, rahoi-.
<br />rei?ureaezte fw~?du advancQd bar mortr~agee ±a gzi;;r far Abe ba2arce of the
<br />guzohsse grace L+Li d +,o the grantor faz said la d anti is #a ue ci~e=ned
<br />~,~ giver *~or +„he ntur?:at3e Brice and 'he cant~ua±ian oi' ±1~~ c~r,gi,na_.1 ~sndarts
<br />-Q lien ctn sa.".' o=~emises.
<br />~y ~!~*t? 8~c•tLT~r1 her ~h'. Er MO?'tg~'e '~.$ f ~~-tlZer grar+,~d h~- A. ~.'»'1-~SSG1 Y; -~^y~~}i@n.~.
<br />a^d Sme,..~'••+t~ A.t^~^ee^:sat of e;,en :?.a*.,e here:~it?^, cavexin,~ p~rsoro,l n^ctrerl:~~ ,~,s
<br />~ieart•ibed .in said F±na=tc9.n;~ Sta.tartenj and See?.irity At~-reament.
<br />~t i:t ESCy£"11'.'•B@`» t;fit ~.~~,. 1S`Y'f ~.ti <sn r't:7ri?)$, eat:^tT:.C wat0'L`~Jr 8n,inag, T%i_P.6,
<br />t~rini;lere «nd ail other ir-^iz;ation sgai?mttnt ^annecte;i NYtezewi`h now ar.
<br />herea_frer „2.a.oe:' ax' ins*alleri an said are.~ises µogether. with a21 t~rtter t?nd
<br />waterir,}; rights of ever ':;='n3 «nd ~iescrinti,an s?~11 be cons~r~±ed ~ afs"iYBa
<br />to rlrlti R *t~r~. of tha ?-end, PB±a+e 3inre: n~t}asr~+ rieg~rjhGa.7 ~,a ~;}w}ry~n,. {; ~a ~l'I.
<br />of tht: grav>isiare of this Mart~;W.
<br />TU HAVE AND TO HC9LA the same, with the al>,turtruauces thereto -rek>uging or in anywrisr aIt{trr-
<br />tainit:K, indu<ling any right of homestead and every contingent right or estate thrrriu, auto the said }ratty of Yhr
<br />second part, and its assigns forever; the intention teeing to conv:y an absolute tiilr iu (er to the .aid Itt'>:tni~s.
<br />And the said {warty of the first lx~rt herriry covenants that they are lawhdly seixrd of the .aid prrrnises and
<br />have good right to cuntey the s:uttr; Fhak the said preruises arc [err and dear of all incumhr.nts~•s; and that
<br />the?° viii warrant anti defend the same against the lawful ~taitus of di {tersuus whomsoever.
<br />PRt?VID>~A, HQWEVER, That if the said party of the first part shall pay, or cause to lx I>:tid, to the
<br />acid party of the aecc€.d part, o€tts assigns, the sent of - -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
<br />.. - _ .. _ .. ., _ _ .. - _ _ _ Ft1:;'P',' i~LFfi 'P5fQt7SAI1!? - - - - _ _ _ _ _ •- _ _ _ Ihtltars,
<br />in instalments, the final instalment due....,Ttxly..~.t...~~Q~# ..................
<br />with interest thereon, in lawful stoney at the United titatrs, with rxcltaugr.' on the City of New York, which
<br />shall be legal teadcr for the }~ytnrstt of aR dents attcl does, publfr aad private, at the tintr oC payment, aceorcling
<br />to the. tenor. and effect of the. Promissory Note executed by the said party of the first part, l><aring even date
<br />herewith, and shaii perform all and singular the covenants herein contained ;then the estate hereby granted shall
<br />cease, and this Mortgage shad become nutl and void, and be released at the expense of the said party of the
<br />first part.
<br />