2L Future Advances. Upon request of Borrower, Lender, at Lnnder's option, prior to release of this
<br />Mortgage, may make Future Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon, shall
<br />be secured by this Mortgage when evidenced by promissory notes stating that said pates are secured hereby
<br />except that the inter°est rate on the e?!ntire unpaid balance and the term of the original loan, to the exl;ent
<br />permitted by ;aw, may he adjusted as the parties hereto may agree. At no time shall the principal amount
<br />of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage, not including sums advanced in accordance herewith to pro-
<br />tect the security of this R•fortgage, exceed the original amount of the Note plus US ~___-_.r11A_..._..........
<br />PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that prepayments of principal, as provided for in paragraph 22 that. follows are
<br />returned to Borrower or are made absolute non-withdrawable principal prepayments prior io advancing
<br />sums as permitted within this paragraph.
<br />22..°ravings Fund. Borrower may make prepayments of pri~lcipal on any installment due date or
<br />inmrediately preceding said date to be effective on the due date following and prepayment shall be applied
<br />to installments last to become due under this mortgage. Upon request of the undersigned or either of
<br />them, provided a default does not exist and they or one of them are the owners of the mortgaged property,
<br />the lender agrees to furnish to the undersigned or either of them One hundred (140) percent of such prin-
<br />cipal prepayments and shall pay said amount requested by either party to the party making such request
<br />for said princtipal prepayments, unless advancement is prohibited by the regulations of chartering and super-
<br />visary authcrities then in effect or unfPSS one of the undersigned has requested, in writing, that said funds
<br />' not be disbursed, in which ease it will require both signatures of the undersigned before a disbursement
<br />can be made or until otherwise advised in writing by the party making the request for nondisbursement
<br />of said funds. Ail such advancements shall be secured by this mortgage in the same manner and effect as
<br />if no prepayments had been made.
<br />23. Ralea$e. I?pop payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall discharge this
<br />Mort~Nge. without charge to Borrower. Borrower shall pay all costs of recordation, if any.
<br />Modi6eatioa Upon request of borrower, lender, at lender's option, has conditionally waived the
<br />~ r~+EiremE"rtts as set forth in paragraph ?~2 "Funds for Taxes and Insurance" of the Uniform Covenants
<br />of said mart a _ - •L•.: :.._ L :_ __.Y~__L ~.,
<br />g gN provided Gnat. the borrower complies write iris resNViisiul.,ty aS set ~~:t„ ,.: Esaaasaayaa ,>:
<br />and #S of the Uniform Covenants acknowledging that the lender has conditionally waived his option under
<br />paragraph ~ 2. A breech of this covenant will then actava*.e paragraph# 1£+ "Acerleratian; Remedies."
<br />d~iat~_ -- ~de~d:E;rgfle p Bot'rower acl~:~wledges that lender, at lender's ^ption, leas st^ck~n from Chia =.,artbagEs
<br />xrl~itrurnent paragraph # 21 "Future Advances" and by so doing, the borrower acknowledges that said para-
<br />graph is nail and void, and has no effect in this mortgage instrument.
<br />IN Wr9`Nk-s~ ~txkaxuE, the Borrower has executed this A~1or~igage.
<br />F~l(o~yd ible t Bortawer
<br />Donna Jean iblett -Borrower
<br />I'roparty Address -- -- -- -------322---Eas.t..-4r;h.....Gzand Island, .I3ebra_gka 6.8.8©I --_- -- .--
<br />.~4TA'Fls cr Nr,ttaASx,~ .- .,,.Ball. .... ...... ....County ss:
<br />On this I~ day of h'uyl~~'~ - l97.'i;.., before me, the undersigned, a 1`'otar}•
<br />Politic in and frr wail {'aunt}•, lx:x-.;really dime . Floyd. RiblptC and .1?anna_..T~an-_ Rib2~tt, _.,. , ...,.
<br />-.. t111Eib311tj... 3{td. °3.~~2 ~ .......- -. - _
<br />_.
<br />peraanally known to me tc be the identical tter±ons wh~~ names are atli>ied to the at~?ve u>?d foregoln
<br />instrument, as mortgagors, and each acknowledged said instrument tc be his or her voluntary act and decd.
<br />VVitnass m}• hard sn:1 notarial seal at .Grand Island. 1VE:llzaska - thr date last aIx>ve written.
<br />~~
<br />• 6EMEtaH 1NnARY-3;tISM MHea~4 ~ n
<br />My t:orut*~issrvn rxpirrs: ~ ~•d~"...:..t.r, C,.~.~--'
<br />GaNNtE S. BAt.ES Notary Public
<br />My Caeun. Pap. Oa 11. 198x
<br />S`l'ATE OF
<br />County
<br />i
<br />i- sc.
<br />;_., Entered on numerical index and filed for record in the Register etf Deeds OH"icc of said County the
<br />''£! day of _... _ _ 111......, at . u'rlock and minutes - ... _ M.,
<br />~,~ _ _. _
<br />and recorded in Book . ......_ ....._.... of I4lortgeges at page ._. - _-... ., as Instrument Igo.
<br />- r
<br />Reg. of Deeds
<br />O
<br />~ ~ ~ ~ By - ...... ..... _- ......._ . .. .... ... . . . .. .Deputy
<br />-,1
<br />GK? ~ arc °- a~
<br />~ 1.fD ~ ~ ~ `.~' ,.-, ~ Wh€tl =re *~rded to be returned to the
<br />y ~!~ t
<br />rP ~ ~tnlb ~~ ~ ~s N _ tx.i Mailing Add,eas Phone
<br />t7(k~5 Na. Cetner .~ t<it~n f"~- ~' ~.E1. Bwc 5204, Lincoln. Ne. 68505 475-0521
<br />C=j~i01 So. 42nd ~ ~naha ~... .0. Box 6273, Omaha, Ne. 68106 554-8000
<br />[] 1811 blast 2nd ~, ~rand~iland 811 West 2nd St., Grand laland, Ne. 6$801 3844433
<br />v
<br />d
<br />1-
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<br />L>7
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