not extend or host}acne the due date of th€~ mantftly ?nst.dln?ents referreri to in parte~raphs 1 and "~> hereof or
<br />change the aAmount of such installme+rts.
<br />10. $orrawer Nnt Released, lim~te,rtsican of thu time for payment or nu>difieatior? of arttortiaation of the sumo
<br />secured by this \4ortgetge granted by Leader to era}• successor in inleres# of Borrower shall not itperate to release,
<br />in any manner, the liability of the original Borron-cr and Borrorer's successors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to commence proceedings against such successor m• ?vfuse to extend time far pa}went or otherwise modify
<br />amortization of the sums secured 6y this \lortgage by reason of an}- demand made by the original Borrower and
<br />Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />II. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. .4ny forbearrnce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br />hereunder, ar othettivise afforded by :A}~plicahle Tarr, shall not Le a real: er of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br />or remed~• hereunder. The praeut•ement of insurance m• tlm par•ment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br />shall net be a wairc+r of Lender'; right to accelerate the ?n::turity of the indebtedness secured hp this `Mortgage.
<br />~ 12. Remedies Cumulative. ill remedies provided in :his Alartgage arc distinct and cumulative to any other
<br />- ~ right o.• t•eutedy under this Mortgage or afforded h~• fare nr cquin•. and u?a~• he c>iercised eorcu?•rently, independ-
<br />c~~~}' or successively.
<br />I3. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. `1`he eoven:ents and agreements
<br />~ herein contained shall bind, and the right, i?ereundet -nail inure ta, tltc respectn~c successors and assigns of Lender
<br />and Borrower. subject to the procAS?on~ of paragr.ttrh 1 ~ hereai .111 covenants and agree?ncnt~ of Borrower shall
<br />be joint and several. The rtptioua and hendingo of the paragraphs of this A[orrgsge arc for conr-enience only and
<br />~ are not to be used to interpret or de8re the precisions hereof.
<br />~ I4. Notice. _1ny notice to Bot•rorcer prociric,i for in this Alortgage steal( be :;iccu 6}~ malting such notice by
<br />certified mail addressed to Burrower ut the Property address stated bclore. except for anc ^,itirn required under
<br />paragraph 78 hereof to he given to Borrower in the manner prescribed by appticahic lau- Am• Holier, provided
<br />for fir. this Mortgage .hall he deemed to har'r been aicen to Borrorer when given in the manner rlesi~uah•,t herein.
<br />I5. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. "Chic 2aty! of mortgage combines unifor?u cireenante
<br />for uational use and non-uniform covenants with limits,! rnriatiorts b}- jurisdiction to constitute a uniform ,;.•cu-
<br />city instrument covering real property. This Mortgage shall he governed by the late of the jurisdiction u? rehich
<br />the Property is lncated. In the event riser env provision or clause of ibis \fortguge or the Note conflicts with
<br />. applicable late, sue6 cauHict shall not affect other provision. of t!?is Mortgage m• the Note which can be given
<br />effect n•ithaut the conflicting provision. and to this end uhe provisions of the \Iartgnge :md the Note are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />i&. Borrower's Copy. I?ornncer shall he furnished a cur-formed cop~• of this ilortgsfie at the time of execu-
<br />tion or after recordation hereof.
<br />17. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. li all or sr?v part at the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br />or trunsferrcd try Borrower witiAaut Lender'; racier written consent, exrhuling jai the creation of a lien or encum-
<br />larance suitarciinate to this .llortgagc. Iht the rreatio:? ui n I,urcltasc mane}• security- interest for hattsehold sppli-
<br />ances, let a transfer by dc~'ise, descent- or by operasuun ui law upon ittr death ai a feint tenant or (dl the grant of
<br />any leasehold interest of tlu•ee years or less not cantainiug a^ option to purcltasc, bender may. at~ Lender's option,
<br />declare all the su:_s srrured by this Mortgage to be inuuediateh• clue and payable- I_euder ,hall havr rvsh'ed such
<br />option to necele:'ate if, prtm• to the sale or transfer. Lender :u?~i th<• person to tcl-corn the 1'ropert-}" i to be soil or
<br />tru??sfermei reach agree<uent in writing that the credit of such ;person i-s;,nti,ia~tor~~ t,~ l.rr.~irr earl that the interest
<br />payable on the sums securr,l by this Mortgage shall be at surf r;uc as Lender .=hall reyucst. If Lender has waited
<br />£he option to acc•elerste provided in this paragraph f" anti ?f Borrower's successor in interest has executed a w•rit-
<br />Ecn ac,:•+umpt,oti ugreen5ent tAecepted in writing 6y Lender. Lrnde•r snail rcirase Burrorrcr frrnu all ahiigations under
<br />this \iorigagc and the tote.
<br />I[ Leader exercise+ strc-I? optiar. to aceeieratc, Lerdol shall ,::ail T3orrower notn•e of aei•e>it:raCiati u? nceardanee
<br />;tt-. : -; ...~,:, iY .ere.,. ...<.: nur,rr .,h,r.~ ~ un „1,~ ., t c.,~.,. „,,.-~ h ~ ....:. :... ...:.. .: ....:....• ;.` ":. ...
<br />_ tuatli, witt;:r wl.ich Burrows>r nt:.} I~icc tti,~ ,um, : , ia?c,i ,iu,~. I! kiorruw+_>r f;t~r>, t,+ p:_~• =ur•}: >uur, }trtor~to thf
<br />+_tpsr t. t nr -~- -:.-l- 7.- ~7. >:t . ". Pt :.:?: e:~:" ... ,. ...... I' ~ „~ n. n: , t :
<br />- _ .. .. - - Zi .~ i-,t,._
<br />• nat~ 1 ny par3g,r~rti; ik L,
<br />fit,,. i ,.,, .- - ~.z_zt~. I~irrt 1 ..t t 1 ,tr{r•
<br />1$. Acceieratie~n; Fesnedias I~.?,-t -> i:rn .fie-.i ,~~ ;-tt.~,?..?E ?, .::e•e.i. t:,,o;: B,er,.,,\c-., !>rt•aeti of t.t:t
<br />rin'entiut nr agr,>cuirnt of itnrrux'or ni iia~ Atoi~ty;at:.•. uu•!u,i~nr; the rucct:at:?> t,• t,;ty- e~h,•n due au}• sums ,r-rur7„
<br />ht itll> \lortga;c, I ~41itr ~' prtUl' hl ;u'rr~I,~t:,Uun ,IC}h IIr,,II IiVI Ire t„ But'1'oKrP ti pro r'Uirrt ?a pa toss i':rl,lt I-} l,r; cull
<br />specifyt6g,; Ili tl,c breath. ~2~ the ;attar er,~utn•,1 to cw,~ .urh hrea,•h. +a~r-r <t:ao. no? ii•ss than thirty does
<br />item the,hth~ th~~ not?rc ?- u?attr~l to Bnrronor, I,v ,rlarli >urL hrcncii uwst by rurr,i, nrni ~ Ii ?lrat lsth?rc rt+ cure
<br />,ucir breach on or hcf,nr the bate .pe,v4e,i ut the Holier ;trcu' rc-utt !u :ACCetrru?tan o! ??:.~ ~rr,:w ~t•rut•eal ttr this
<br />Slortt;age and sale ui t1u• Property'- li uu• breach ?~ nor rure•:i un ur briore the d:An• .prr?tleri ?ia ti,c rtatict~, Lender
<br />at Ltm?.era ~1'ttirn tmic dePiaY'r ;iii o? tiu~ suiu> ze!'urp,i i,r' ti??. Martgut;t~ lu he iu?ore'+itxt[rtr ,1ttr anti {tavaLle
<br />N'Ithtlnt tllfti,Pr ~ir'illill,d :And teal' lurer'I~h e• [Ittr \I„ri ~;t:,r~ i:y' p1'„Cri"1111 Lt~n,lt'1' ~h;dl i~!' .'e!f It{t°,1 l,5 Callt (`(
<br />in Hoch pt•uccediug. all t•s{~t•n~,`~ , , ?~:rrri,xurr. ?m•ha:l??1a' L,?? ?„~? I:r.nt..t ?a. ,...= o,` :la,•t;c.....;rr ,•vr,enrt•.
<br />obstructs sad title ?trports
<br />1S. Borrawer'n Ri~tht to Reinstate. Autrr rt llaand?n~ l ~-~~t,•,~- ,.. _.. ..a?tr;; of the -._,?ns >ecurt,i ht tt?;.v
<br />viorteage, Borrower ,teal; h:tts~ tl::• r nt,r t, ?.,. ,;i.„„_ - }.-,.-... h:~ . , ~„
<br />.? .., -.. i..~.. .. ~,,... .. _ ._. iiu, err finis curt };ti{[r dt4-
<br />continued at zuty lilac {trout w curry uS a iurtgttseut eni~tt•znAt thrs Alortt;age ?t tar Borrawrr pati. Lender nil
<br />sums whidt would ~; thee? clot under this= Alo?2Ea~e, the, \cete ;tu~i notes securtnyt F•utnn° .1dr°nnces, if any°, had no
<br />aecelerntion occureed; rte{ Barroxec cures a(i t±rearlte, t., star „ttt,•~~ cr:r~rn;A??ts or : rtti>nr;r--!.< of Borrower con,
<br />L.`32ncti In FEHS ~ZU~fT,B~, t2i ti [Yet-i t!`~r pat--. ,ttt rea~.r-ietit }t !, {I.- __ n:t ut, t.t i:.' t,f'?Hie=r ?i: e`i}iet tY•i?tt; tI?H ri3l'i'niifit.<
<br />and $gr~t~eui~: e7I Barrow': cont,3..nNtfi itt this llot• e .7:ct u:..,t.rr.-,-.~ ;.. ni t 'e§vr,i,c- n:- pats'itlod in }rara-
<br />graph IS hereof, including, teat not Iitnitecl tn, masonahlc nt?oracv> fie?>w- :curl Cdr Borrower takes such action as
<br />Lender may reasoaatrly requiee to azure that tt?e Iicn of tI?s \furtkage. I.rrn7.•r`. i3ttr`reE-,t fir: the Propnrty> and
<br />Borrower`s obligation to pay the sums secured try this Atrsrtgagr .hull rontituu• unuupatrtvi. i?pen such paytxent
<br />and cure by Borrower, this1Mortgage and rite obligations sect?curl hereby,hull rcutun? nt fall turret rind rttoct as if
<br />ne acceleration had occurred.
<br />~0. Assiamasz~t of Rusts= -gFpain~eai of Receiver; Lender in Possession. :1; additional security here-
<br />ursder, flormwer hereby asaigtts to Lender rite rents of the Property. precidc,l that Borrarrer .hall, prior to acceler-
<br />ataon under paragraph i$ hereof ar abandonment of the Property, Itsr•c the right to collect sad retain such rents
<br />as they t>eeonte due and payable.
<br />Ctpott acceteratiors under paragraph 1$ 6errof or abandonment of the Property. tender, in person, by agent
<br />or by judicially air}minted receiver shall he entitled to enter upon, take puxcssion of ,md wanage the Property
<br />and to aoliect the rents of the Property, including those tutst due.:11! rents i'otterie•ti by Lender or the reccivcr
<br />sha}I be alrpl'ted fir€t, to pnymdnt of the costs of uaanagetncnt of the Prapcrtr an,i collection of ten?.., includin};, teat
<br />not limited to, receiver`s fees, premiums on rcceh•ct's bon,i.:And reasonable attornec`~ fete sad then ro the suu?s
<br />secured by this AMortgage. Lender ?An<i tl?c' rereicer shall br liable to account Hale ° ~r those r,'ut. artualh- n eciced
<br />