not extend or postporse the dtte elate of !tie tnonthh inst;tllmenis re£etra~trl 'to in paragraph= 1 sud 2 herea£ or
<br />. ~ change^. the amount of such installments.
<br />I0. Borrower Not Released, Flxteusiott of the t irnc for patymenE, or raaoclifiration of amortiaaation of thc~ stuns
<br />secured by thss llnrtgage granted by I,enc9cr to ani• successor in interest ot" Borrower shall not ,operate to release;
<br />in any manner, tlae liability of the original Bm•rower aril Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to commence proceedings against such successor or reuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br />amortization of the sums secured try this \la•tgage by reason of an}• dera.and made by the original Borrower and
<br />Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />I1. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. any Forbearance by bender in exercising anc right or remedy
<br />hereunder, m• otherwise. afforded b}• applicable la« ,shall not be a rvairer of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br />er remedy- lereunder. The procurement of insurance or the Irayment of taxes or other liens or e}ranges by Lender
<br />shall not be a teaiver of Lender's tight to accelerate the maturit_~- of the indebtedness scoured by this Mortgage.
<br />12, Remedies Cumulative. 311 remedies provided in this Alortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other
<br />right nr comedy umler this Mortgage or utlonicti h} L•te~ or cyuir~~. and ma~~ be exercised couc•urrently, independ-
<br />ently or successiveh•.
<br />~,,;, ~ 13. Successors and Assigns Bowed: Joint cmd Several Liability; Captions. 'Phe t•otenants and agreements
<br />herein cvntained .hall bind, sud ti:e rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successor, nod assigns of Lender
<br />and Borrower, subject- to [he provisions of ~raragr:a('ir 1: hereof..All covenants and afire^m~~nts of Borrotti-cr shall
<br />be joint and sevectl. The captions ;tae} headings ai the paragraphs of this \Cortgage are for convenience only and
<br />~ are not to be used io interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />Q 14. Notice. any notice to Borrower provicicd for ir. thi< \lortgage ;hall he given by ni:tiiing such notice by
<br />certitie+.l mail addressed to 13ort•otc~er at tht Propert}~ .Address stated helots, except for ;un~ r,otre required under
<br />paragraph 18 hereof to be gn~ca to Borrom•r in the utanncr prescriiud by sltplieable ituv. Any notice ;rrovided
<br />~ for in thi:: A[ortgagc• shall he deemed to have been given to Borrower when gil~eu m the nrxnner desiguatr~ !,erein.
<br />15. IJaiform Mortgage; Governing Law: Severability. 'Phis foru~ of uwrtgagc rcnnkrincs conform covr~nants
<br />for national use and non-uniform covenants with Ihuited ~ ariations by iurisdietion to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />rity instrument covering tea! propert}-. "Chic \lortgage stall 6i` governed I:v the lace of the jurisdiction in which
<br />the Property is iocaied. Iu the event that :nn- iuacisinn m~ clause of this \lort-ga~c or the \otc eenflicts with
<br />applicable ;aw, Buell aonftict shall not affect outer ~rrovisiom of thi:: Alortg;.e or the Aor nl.icit can be given
<br />effect without the conflicting provisimt, and to this end the provisions of rite .Aiurtgsge and the \ote are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />IS. Borrower's Copy. borrower shall be furnisheri a contornted cep}~ of tills \lortgage at t.'.:c time of execu-
<br />tion or after reconlatiat hereof.
<br />17. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. Ii a!i cr any fart of the Propt=rt.• or an interest therein is sold
<br />or transferred bI,• Harrower rvithvut Leudr•r'> I;rior writrr~n t•onsem. oxciadutg ±a; the t•reacion of a licit or encum-
<br />brattec subordinate to thro ~lortgale.: b~ the- ereaeior; of :. }~nreita>c• enrrnry security iutemst for househahl appli-
<br />:uaees, le) a tr:.nsfer i;y devise,+fesrr-ut t±r be o}a°ratiou of i:crc~ upon the doatl: ui a ~nuu Lenart or ~d1 the etrant of
<br />any leasehold interest of three tears or IcSS ;tot rontauunr; out ulaion tr, purchase. Lender ma}-, at Leader's option,
<br />declare all the Burns secured t,v rhea ~Iortgagc to E,c uuauedcctri) +fue and payab;t~ lender „tail have waived such
<br />option. to accelerate if, pride tr, t4c sells m transfer, I,cr;drar sari the persatt to .vi;ottr the }'roirert+• is t.o tie sold ar
<br />transferred ruaeh agrecanenr in tvrinng that rlre credo ui such person is s~~tsiacton~ to Lcndr•r au+i that this itterest.
<br />oaysble on the sums rerured he thi, ilortgaRr stall br st siteli rate a> Lender shill mr;nest. If Lr°nder toss waivad
<br />the option to ac•ederue l~rovrde•d to tiu> patat;r:lph 1: uud ai Iiorrotcer', surressnr ht itxrra•st has esceuked s writ-
<br />ten as,untption a~„menai•nt acrepte+f in x nt,ng i,~ f~cudcr. Loader shall release Bnrr~arr Fruw ail obhkatiurt, under
<br />ibis tinrt.uxnr and fire \atr ~ ~~
<br />=f Linde. ext.. _., t': ~.~e., ,.pL.U...;.. -~e.ti.:t.e Lz.rdt, :;h,,,l ,trlli IIOI'rtnYei nUt2l• .: a; et. ,St..:t; € t 3G=rOrdsttee
<br />;vith };araFrt},', r~ .... .....~, „e ,, .,•, _ .~r,,.tr .i ~ t-tter,i of oat le;.~- ti~an ;lu ri.r.< Front i~.r- ,i:s.t the rwttre is
<br />t .. .
<br />in:ttle i li .t t.1~r. air r,:-n ;-at tl:, -:~nL s. (1_.rtvi ,Itll'. fi LinrrU\l r~t' i. _ r, }~a\ ~t;i'1• -t,tn~ irrlrrr t1' t[}{'
<br />.-~.,:::::. c:::: :-: -::: :: :- :..~:: ::: - ,:-,:-:- :: .......:. ..... ::: .., .. c•..-.:. ~ i:~ a c,~c ~:.[. ~[i. ~.x- _~- _t-,<~Piit~_ _--;'
<br />fnttti'd +~1' ~_ - z~1r3i,i. ii i;=-..._, .
<br />:t:i i ~ _- -._ _.-35--; - t_ -,, e.~ - - ' -'tit- f•tr r,,., .- -
<br />1B. t~lecel~ra[k.- : BerYtcr~gs ;. , ..,., ., , , _ „ , _, r,, lit ...:..:. : ......... t~ ..::~
<br />cm•cuatd ,}r agre•eiuet.[ ;: liarrat+ n, -.- 1l -. rta~ -~~ ne;;ti r~otrnata~ to ;r::1 er Lt :~ dnr ;:ne ~tUtt~ >. .,, ,.
<br />ur this \hrrtgugc. Lu•~- ,.t,.r r„ :,, ~~r;r- -~-~-~ •:~ai' r~e•ul nntu•r to ikrrro~tor as prun~icrl m p;nat,r,t{~i. !I is<~_:~ot
<br />specifyut;;: iti the- Lre- „- ,.'t - _.t.,. _ ,_, ~ to ctt;r~ etaci~ Lre:ult. ~;ir ;t'-..+-, not its tt~:ru ti;tq~ d~e~s
<br />trout the date the nrai. t,;:ui~. .~, li,. i, .., r'-t~,..,~r-~- Irr:telt ntitst br tared, cu..: r
<br />4 th.t_ t.uln.c hr rare
<br />r nCll bleach t)n ~~- t_=,i~~i _ ,.ti ;~.!f. , ,.,t .:_tlt ~~ i..~t1 +e-.i~! ;rt :t~,~e•i, !~xt It ~l; ~~1 -+7a"•- -+•,~Ilt ~•,; InF (il,.~
<br />lortgage sail sak• of ta. Nn;periv fi !..<~ I :, _r,.:... r ~ u!~r~-.i ar, , ~ heiore tl.~- dart .pcr•ttir i v. ,.. .,otter°, Lender
<br />at. l.crnjeik opiiim nta} drri,ere ail <. .n .u~u• >. ~ute~+i !:~ tir~~ liurt;;_r~r t,~ ire uunae,l,rG;t ri= _ ,.arc! ,ravrihlc
<br />without furthcrcle>tnaud an~l;uu~ it r ~irsc ti~v- ilt~rr utir• i,c __„iir.,ri pr r~r r,bn;, I rn,i,r ! all i.o r:rnirr to collect
<br />nr such proceecliug alV ,~,r~•u,c -, itrn~+ - --_ . -•4n1tn,, nru ~.,rt ~. ..-. tr. r~ o, tr,-..,:, ~,. r. ;de•nr.•
<br />atbstracts and tiff: rcports-
<br />I8. BprfnWOi a Rlabt to dS~tat~, ti'or4l~at l;,t:~r!ebn~ I! _ui!'! .+ eu~: cirrxt!Dt; ref rite ±ttnt~ _. ettredt by vlej~
<br />i4lnrt~8~e, BorrnWer slt..~ t.._... ti... .~i., !.•... .. ....... t .ti.; ~ L. 7.. : i ~ ~.. . r.a uu ~r E;tiC;c r .-
<br />er3ntbTlued at ;lay trine }rri(ir Lt3 erttry nt a jndy;ineitt itt},reili E. 'iti~ A1nY(~;7t F,r' ,li [ irlt Borrotcr'r pays lender r9lt
<br />soma which would he then due under this ~Inrt~;age. the late .uerl notes atetn•ing Fntun~ 3dvanees. if any, Bari no
<br />tlceolaraGon occurred; fbl Borrower cure- all Iveacire. „i tlttr other cocrnants er agreements of Bornawer cart
<br />taineq in ibis ioa~tgagc, lcI Borrower pat}-= `til tell--unrrirr exprtues ntetu'rerl by letidr•r xt rnfonvnt; tlm <•ovettartta
<br />and agrecm>'nts of Borrower contained ftt tbi.> Afortga:;x• sari ttc eniorctng Lr•ndr•r'.; r~nterii~r ..= t,rrrvi;{.;el in para-
<br />graph 18 hereof, including, but not limiter! to, rensnnabk ntturney's fees . and i d t }torrorver take. uncle actu,n us
<br />Lend>?r may a'easonahly require to si-sure that tht• lien :rf thi_; ~lortgagc. f.a~ndc~r's intt•rr•tit in the Yropt:rt<< aur,I
<br />Borr'ower's obligation to pay the smr~ secured hr Ntis Atortgat;e shall euntinuc unimpaired. !'iron such paynu•nt
<br />and cure by Borrower, this \lortgage and the obligations securers hr•rchy .hall remain in Fuli Force amt effect as if
<br />no aeeeleratitart had occurred.
<br />30. Att:Efgnrnent of Rents: ~,?pofntmeat of Receiver: Lender in Possession. 3s additional security here-
<br />under, Barmwer hereby assigns 6o Lender fhe rents of the Proper!}•, provided that Borrower shall, prior to acceler-
<br />ation under paragraph I$ hereof or abandonment of the Property, have the right to collect anti retain such rents
<br />as thay become due and payable.
<br />Upon aeceieraiion under paragraph 18 hereof or shrutdonment ot" the Nroperty. I,rrtcier, in person, by agent
<br />or f>y judicially appointed reeelver shall he entitled to inter upon, take possession rtl ;uui manage the Nrapc+rty
<br />and to collect the rents taf the Property, inchading titosc past due all rents collected b~ Lender or the receiver
<br />shall be applied firsf t.o payment of the costs of managcutem of the Yropr=rty and eolleetion of root.. inrludin};, but
<br />not limiters to, nreiver`s fees, premiums on mreivcr's Goads and rrasonahle atturncv's ices. curl then to tho sung
<br />secured by this Mortgage. Lender and the receiver shall hr liable to account Dole '' ,those rents achmlly received
<br />