<br />CGhPit«4WATi G'~^~d G~f tv1~O;RTrSa"iGE At'JhG E,Ci,~~l1'Y FrG'~G~le f;t,flEr'u7
<br />tdhenmvmr rhm contexm Ihm~reaiF regu7uz, raferanaa Earairci. mode to rhm planar niumbarc rchollt be undmxs~,h .d as .nc4,d ~ng! rhm a(nqu6 r, r.,, x~ n~ - I r :. ~ 3--->~ ~~
<br />sk tt lx undantaod as denoting 4he alural.
<br />This martgnge m._, at fhe cptian cf the said marrgogea to za-Id, in whale a ;n. part, cr may be as;:yned to a <wpwo*icr. veatcd cr av, .ar~ry c r' e uni«ec
<br />Stases Government or as ers insirvmentality of the United States Gosarrment as provided by the !aws of thr United Sfa*es.
<br />tf my action w proceeding be commenced to Fweciose this mortgage w to ~ollsct the debt severed hereby io which a<tior, ar proceeding the hoidmr of this
<br />mortgnge iz made o party w in which it becomes necrossary #o uphold or defend rF.e limn cf this mwtgoge, ati wins paid by the holder of this mortgage fw the er.-
<br />pense of any iitigmion to prav_cute w defend rhm rigF.ts w:d lien created by this mortgage shalt be paid by the mortgagors, together with interest thareen ar the
<br />rote of eleven per cent (11Yo) per wmum, and any such sum arsd the interest thereon shad be o lien on said mortgaged premises, prior to any right or title to, in-
<br />terest in~w claim upon, said premises attaching a Darning subsequent to }he lim of this mortgage, vex shall be deemed to be ucured by this mortgage and nine.
<br />In any ecfion w proceeding to fwealose this mortgage w to cover w collect the debt secured thereby, the prav,s:ons of low respec ing the re_every of casts, (
<br />disbursements and allowances shah prevail undfected by this covenant.
<br />"This mar: gage is also to be and continue to be from time ro time, security fw the paymenF of :vch sum or sums of money as the rrortgogee may From time to ~
<br />Lima in the future advance to the mortgagor, wtd evidenced by a supplemental note or notes, but the total indebtedness sa<ured by this mortgagor shall not exceed
<br />one hundre6 twenty (120) per cent of the amount now owing, except far any advances that may be modr fo protect the ucutify in o<corstance with the terms of
<br />this mortgage.
<br />NOW, if the sold mortgagors shall comply with all the terms and conditions of this gage, and the note ucured hereby, then this obiigotior, is to be
<br />void; otherwise to be and remaining in full face and effect. ~ ,7 a
<br />~~~ ~--~t~r g
<br />Dared August 7, 2979 ~ ~
<br />COUNTY OF Hall ) ~
<br />On At1$IIE;t 7 19 79, before me, the subscriber, a Notary Public duly commissioned and qualified for and residing in said
<br />County, Personally appeared the above named Timothy B. Horsham, a single person, ~
<br />- knows fa rx me fdenricai person described in and who executed thr foregoing instrument as grantor, ,and i32 l+aS severalty
<br />acknowledged said instrvment to Ex ~1~5 voluntary act and deed.
<br />IN WITNfSS WHEREOF, i hove hermuneo set m hand and Notarial Seat at Gtand I818rid in said County the day and year ~-
<br />- ~ last above written. /f _
<br />~ // _ ~,(} ~j NOTARY PUBLIC
<br />_ ~ MyCammisioss Expires / j r1--' ~
<br />- -~ (this space for additional real estate description; addendum to mortgcge ar additioml ocknowladgment.)
<br />s ~_ _
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<br />_ _ ~ _ g~g
<br />is 3
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<br />-Stag. of Nebraska ) ~
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<br />Ens«ed an Nunwriswt IsWez and filed fa record A.D., 19 at o'clock M
<br />~_
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<br />~ acrd +ocardad in Boats of Mort
<br />_ a - 9a84z. Pia
<br />t
<br />g~
<br />s - Recorder
<br />When Re<wrted Return to
<br />Box i30
<br />Bamtr~u, Nebraska 6831v
<br />