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<br />LOA,y n~i0, ",w5f,~„rdf'r,4adu~E ;;na~~~ S~E+f1Pi1 FT 1r er_iG52~J+~lF:P,I L•^.
<br />! e7`asie ~ ~~~ t: t~:QYi ALL MEN d-f TY.ESE t'a<ESENTS
<br />THaT TIMOTHY S. HORSHAM, a single person,
<br />of the County of Hall and Srora of Nebraska, nortgagon, in consideration of the win of
<br />THIRTY UNE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRID FIFTY AND NO/lOOths--'-----------°(5 31,950.00 }DOLLARS
<br />the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby SELL AND CONVEY ro Srote Federal Savings and Loan AuaciaKon, Beatrice, Nebraska, mortgagee,
<br />the following desuibed real estate situated, in Hail County, State of Nebraska, ro wit:
<br />A Part of Lot Seven (7) of Norwood Subdivision being a part of the West Half of the
<br />Northwest Quarter (W') of Section 10, Township 11., North Range 9 West of the 6th
<br />, P.M., more particularly described as follows: Cos»encing at a point 237.0 feet
<br />East of an iron pin located at a point 33 feet East of the Southwest corner of
<br />said Lot 7, on the North side of Pence Street, which street is on the South side
<br />of said Lot; thence, turning a right angle and running North parallel with the West
<br />line of said Lot 7, for a distance of 150 feet; thence, turning a right angle and
<br />running East parallel with the South line of said Lot 7 for a distance of 75 feet;
<br />thence, turning a right angle and running South parallel with the West line of
<br />Lot 7, a distance of 150 feet to the South line of said Lot; thence, turning a right
<br />angle and running West on the South line of said Lot for a distance of 75 feet to
<br />the place of beginning.
<br />Together with all bui idings, easements, improvements, fixtures w appurtencnces now w hereafter erected thereon, including, ail apparatus, equipment,
<br />fixtures m articles, whether in single units w centrally controlled, used to wpply heat, gas, air condetioning, w¢ror, light, power, refrigeration, ventilation,
<br />dishwashing, disposal, w other services, and any other thing now or hereafter therein w Therein, the furnishing of which by lesson to lessees is customary w
<br />appropriate, including screens, window shades, siwm doors and windows, flow roverengs, sneers doors, in-o-door 6e~, awnings, stoves grid warm hooters (olf
<br />of which era declared to be a part of sold real estate whether physically attached Thereto w not). The Mort9 Jas is hereby subrogated to the rights of all mor-
<br />tgagees, lierholders and owners paid off by the proceeds of the Icon hereby secured. This mortgage consitutes o severity ¢greement wetF. rcspact to the chattels
<br />covered hereby ¢nd with respect to the fixtures otrached to the move described real estate in which mortgagee has an ordinary security interest.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said property, with said buildings, easements, improvemenn, fixtures, appurtenances, apparatus and equipment, unro said
<br />Mortgagee, its succeswrs and assigns forever.
<br />The mortgagors rapraunt and covenant with the mortgagee that they era lawfully seized in fee ample of said promises; that they bins gcod right arK! lawfi I
<br />authority io sell and conveythe same; that they me free and clear tram encumbrances; that there era no autstandirg security interests against any fixturr~; and
<br />that they will warrant and defend the title to said premius against the claims of ell persons, and that there are no outrtartdirg security inlermts az ro any and all
<br />of the vbave described fixtures.
<br />PROVIDED, always mid these presenn me upon express condition: That, Whereas the said ntortgagar have this day executed and delivered to the said
<br />Association, one artai ode i the. abo consttlerat hick usrn th mro esT as p ovidad by said note or any rout ai mod f aatian w extension
<br />thereat, and nt - -eah - - - -- '- pey auv u"i s`'~ ~'~+fiatf~'rr3- - wr a - -po'rrs on the property dascribea uro cashadvmca-
<br />mersts merle by Nse marrgvge tc ix ~« , ar '.f; 1,tF° 3sw'ry purgers at y t befee the :a!..ese arse =mceflat r rh sr.. ~'x..a- ;ISast3-
<br />~'"~'a #-
<br />ad thai the Baia vdvoncaman#, #aga#.3r _- _ - _ ®y.~,;§~_ inn. o€ Yrra said a<iva cemzn#, shell net a=cead the ongin wn# v%the mortgage
<br />arsd, provided further, that nothing herr~n- erg she amounts that droll be secured hereby when advanced to prated the ucwtry
<br />or in aaawdanu with the covenards c«stafrxd hmein) shaii csxsstit~~e tna debt awing to wed Aswceariwt and by wed oars sold mortgagors prwaiss to pey ~d
<br />debt and ;ntez=~ to th= Asnt+~rFC-: in n~zthly i:.~a!Fa~s.~ >= p-ror> ~ %n ~:d oats of -aen ~r< h~zFwith. !.lnlass mai;fiad ar axrs.~d, >ea :;-r-:! ~r~et 3-~s
<br />300 months tram der..
<br />hlortgogon further agree ro pay, befwm delirpuancy, the wins secured hereby, and a41 trues and charges of ovary china^.ter assessed or now dun, under
<br />the laws of Nebraska, upon sold real estate, and upon this mortgage or the note w debt ucwed hmeby; to keep the buildings upon said promius Inwred for fin
<br />and extended coverage in some company at companies occeptabie to mortgagee fm an amount not less than the volua of the building, as detemtened by the mor-
<br />tgagee or the unpaid balance of the loon, whichever is lea; to keep ail improvements in good repair and <ondif ion, without waste d~~riny the life of this mwtyaga;
<br />and to permit mortgagee w~ its agent to enter upon said pemius to axvmine the condition of said improvements in order ro ensure compliance herewith.
<br />Should 6efault ba mods in payment of tie win severed haraby, w any part tt,ereot, and said default continue far sixty (d0) days, « should sold ensur«sce
<br />nest be promptly effected, w tuxes or assessments oat be paid before delinquency, w default in any of the temp of the note for which th 1, mortgage is ucurety,
<br />ar said property sold or tronsFened by dead, contract, apti«r, ecument, a otherw<:-., wit`.~n:t ~rov¢! o£ o supp!ementa! applic¢tiv t, ,.., ~ of then row=
<br />fgage and rho debt evidenced thereby, by the Associorim, or in cox of failure ro fly oaurve and be governed by the provisions wsd candaions of the Charter,
<br />sy-Laws of said Assaciaticn, and rules and regulations of Tha Federal Sovengs and Lunn System, « iF insured by mortgage inwrance corporations, to pay in odd-
<br />ifion at the option of the Association, the pre ms for said in rancor, w ttu discover, by the Associorim, w it atticen, that «, of the staramants wntaened
<br />en the appliwtian for the loon executed 6y mMgJOrs are false, or if a tar. lien, odditiorsal marfgaga, maehani cs lien, w mbar eneu:nbranra is filed of record
<br />svhlch impows u lien against the above described real prate, then the whole of sold indebtedness remaining unpaid shall ar rho option at rho said Asu<imion,
<br />become due and payable without nutlet, time being Hse stance of this contract,
<br />Should mortgagor Fail to keep the bui ldengz insured, as herein agreed, or fail to pay real estate tones and special azussments on the sold rnortgagad pro-
<br />perty tsafora dalirx{usney, mortgagee may aitrat said hmssancr, par tsars and inwraner pemiuns, and o; s„ t poynronn, »irh intrust ai provided in rho firm
<br />mortgage note ucured by this mortgage, shnil ba o Tian upon soil premises and secured heroby.
<br />The mortgagor hereby relinquish all homestead and mmitaf righn of every kind in and m the said promises.
<br />Fw the purpose of tumeshing further security for the debt unwed hereby, the moreg¢gors hereby assign, harofsx and set over to the moregagee, to be c, plied
<br />toward the payment of the nMe and all othm sums ucursd hereby, in case of a default in the perform«s<e of any of the terms and conditions of Phis mortgage or
<br />the said flare, all the rents, revenues, artd income to be darivad from the nwrtgogad premius during wch time as rho mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid;
<br />and#ha-rswrtgrgae shot) Nora power ro appoint any aganf, w agents, it may desire fur the purpose of repairing said premises and of renrezg the some and collect-
<br />ing tfie rents, revenues, and income, raid it m~ -pay oaf of sold incpne all expemes of repairing said premises and necessary commissiwsz, and expenses incurred
<br />in renting and managing Nte same, and dcollecting rentals thmefrom; the balance remaining if any, tube applied toward the dischmge of said mortgv.3e indebfed-
<br />nea. Mortgages ihall account For rents actually colledad and not for Ilse rents! value of veld premises.
<br />!f the indebtedness zacured hereby by guaranteed w inwred under the $mvicemen's Readiustmant Act, os amended, such Act and Regulations stored there-
<br />under and in effsct an the date hereof sited gavem the right, duties and fiabilitiea of the parties hmero, and any provisions of this w otfier instruments executed
<br />in casnacrian with said indebtedness which me inaonsistaM with sold Act m Reguia€iors era hereby amended to conForm thereto.
<br />The farms used ro designate any of the parties herein shall be deemed to include the hairs, representatives, successors end assigns of said parties, and the
<br />imm "Mortgagor" shah afro Include any Lawful owrm, hofdm or plastgor of any indebtedness securod hereby.
<br />L-g Rev. 7-73 (tumble)
<br />