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<br /> { . In the event of s totat uking of the PropertY.the proceeds slull be eppl��d io t►►e sums securod by th�s qeod af Trust,
<br /> � wiit►th� axccs�.it an�. De�d ta Bo+r�wir. In th��vu�t af a pardal t�klnp ot Itie Propeny.uNess 8orrower�nd Lender
<br /> s Mh...�,:.A��..�wntinn.tiw��stwA�pG�+��t0 ttw sums securec�(!Y�h!s���o�T�ust su:.�a��aortian nt the proc�ed�
<br /> q+�equ�tv th�t pr�.�rt+on whlch thi�rount of t�M�t��;'�to�IiY da e°f t�k�inp�with the~:yb�li nc�,ol tha{uocea:�
<br /> � t�ku�p G►ir�tothw lak nwuket va3ua ot th�i pro�ertY Tw+
<br /> p�id to Bartowsr.
<br /> �f the Wp�uty��baeidaned ay Barrower,or if,�tter not�ca by Lender to Borrower lh�t tha condem�ar otfers to ma e
<br /> � �n aw�rd ar�tit�a cla��n for dnme�pe,B�rr�wlyr thes iocoidps,it LnLr►�der e o�t on 3a+t��to rest�o�rat�or repa►+�of thi
<br /> � mriiad, L�:�k: :s authorized ta ccllect��x!�pP r�t P
<br /> _; Plo�arty nr to the tums secured by thl�l�eed of T
<br /> _•: � UNass Lender�nd kiorrowdr atharwisc aqrfle in writinfl }ny�►eh opptication of pracoeds to princlpai st�sll nat extend
<br /> a postpa�e tl�dw doto oP tiw mwuhiy inctaikna�ts retured to ira para���phs f auxl 7 hateot ar Ctunpe ihe amamt of wcA
<br />." � inttol�m�nts.
<br />- � 1 0. 6 a e o w:i P�u L I t.S�:a�. E x t e n si on al t1►e dme tor payment or madifir.atla�uf amortlzation ot tha sums secured
<br /> by[hla De6c1 d Tn�&t UrerK�d tly Lendor to arty u�ccassot in intarest o t B orrowor s lw l l r►o t o p a r a t e t o r e l u as e,i n a n y m a r x i a:.
<br /> � .` the Uabilit y of the onQ�nul Borrowa� �nd Borrower's �uCCassorc �nterest. LaruJar s h A ll not b8 requlred to commenc:a
<br /> proCeedinq9 oqa(nst suCh sucCa95or or re fu�e t o e x t e n d t i m a t o r p a y m e n t o r o t h a r w i&o m o dit y amorti2etion ol the sums
<br /> secivad by ttus L�d of Tnut bV�easan cf any�umwxl mwde by the oripinal Barrowor and Borrower's su�cessors in interast.
<br /> 11, Farbaranc�by l�Nlot a WWva. Any forhe�r�nco hy Lendn�In exercisin{�any rlgt�t ar remody hereunder,or
<br /> otharwi&o allorded bV aPP�bte�W 5����t bo e waivor o f or prec tu do t t x z ex a r c l s o o f an y such ri ght or�emed r. Thts
<br /> p�oCUtOment ot N�suance oi i�re�►+yr��o�i af :axc�nr ether Nens or cher�e4 dy I.ondor s1�1!nai be�wa�ver af leodar s riptu
<br /> ' to acca{etata the maturify af the indebtednASS secured by this Daod af Trust.
<br />,v�.� �2, K��ydi�Cumt+1+t1��. All remattlos provlded In thts Dood of Tn�st ato di&tinct end cumulatiue to any othsr right
<br /> ar �emn�y undar this Daed of tmst or affardod by law a equiry, aad maY be oxarcised concutre�ity, indnpondently a�
<br />`,� � �13�VSt���. ua�and pssign�Bowkt; ,lot�t and S�var�t 1.Dnbp�ty:CapUoau. Tt�e co�enants ant!ag�eements herein
<br /> x c�tained s�uY pind,t,nd ihe riphts horoundnr shall inure to,the respective successors and ass,gru of lendor and Borrower,
<br /> wbpect to the provis+ons ot pvsgraph 17 heceo�• AN cove+tiants arxl ag�oaments u}Borrower s�a1i�e jnint and saveral. Tho
<br /> - c�ptions an�headu�s of the p4rapruphs of this DeeO of T�ust are fa convenic�+�ca on1V arxl Are not to be used to i�tarpret
<br /> _ or define theprovis,a►s hereof.
<br />" 14. Notk�. Excapt for any notice requlred under applicable law to be giveo�in enathar manner, (a)�y �tice to
<br />:�� Borrowa prorl6ad for in th�s dee�of Tn,st sha�l be plven by m�ilu'�g such notice by certifie�d mni!eddreued to Borrower at
<br /> the Prope�ty Address or at su:.h other�ddrass es Bwrower ma�08s1gnate by notiCe to Lsnder ss provide�herei�►,and(C)
<br /> 8ny nptice to lender shaU be pireen by ceKitied mail,retum rece�t requestad. to Lender's a�i�rass stated herain or to such
<br />�:� other�dd�esf a�s Lender mey deslflrtate by notice to Borrower as provided hereln. Any�otice provide0 for in this Deed of
<br />- Tn,st sl�ll De deemed to hava been piven to Borrower or Lender wheo given in the manner des'ignated hrrei�.
<br /> - •14.1 'AeQuest for NoNce. Trusta md baufic�y requesi that a copy ot any notice of detauli and natice of sate rtvide
<br />-- or exetxrted bl the Tnutee ptuwsnt to tb Provisiwtis h.ereof be sent to tha Tnutor W�i Beneficiuy at their rexpectiva rtwilirq
<br />- addresu�set forth above.'
<br />��� 16. Unitorm Dad of Trust;Qovaninq I.aw:S�wrabiiitll- TI►e torm ot deed of tnut cwnbines uniform covena�ts for
<br /> ryt;onAl use uW non�uniforen covenants wrth limitod variati�ns by 1urisdictron to constitute a uniform security i�stnunr.�it
<br />= cove�;np realprap¢rt�r. 'rhis Dee�104 Trust shatl be governed by the law of th� 'furisdiction in Hhich the P�operty is located.
<br /> �� In the evara tha►t en�pravlsion or ctAUSe of this Qeed of Tnut or the Note�or�`tlicts with epp1'�cable Isw,such co�ftict sha�l
<br /> not�ffect othesprovlslans of this Deed of Trust or the Hote whkh C�n Do giu�n eifact w�thout the confiiCtinp pravisions.
<br /> �� uKl to this end ihe pravisions of the Deed of Tnut and the Note are declarcd to be+severebb.
<br />-� 18. sarowM's CapY. Borcowe�shall bo furnished a conformed coGY of ttre Noie sn�o�this Oeed of trust at the timo
<br /> _�� af exea►tionor atter recardation nereaf.
<br /> ��, Y���f�pr�ty,pss�mption. If sU o�any part�i the property w an inte�est therein is sold ot transte.�8al
<br /> -� by Bwmeve�r w�thout Lender's p-rior wntton consent,excludin� Ia)the creation of e lion ot encumbrance suLatdinate to this
<br /> Deed of Trust. (b)the creatio�of a purch�se+money secumy interest for Iwusehold applisnces, (c1 a trensfer Dy devisa
<br /> � Oescent or Ey opttaila.�of law upan the de�th of a joint tenant or(dt the grs�t oS sny IeasehoW int�est�8 three ye�rs or
<br />-� {�s no�cocx�irtirg�n cypiion top�xct�a �aadc�r m�,at I.er�der's option,dac�srv ell ttw sums secured by t'+�s Oeed of 7nist
<br />-= to be irrunedltdy d+a andpay eabt . �Len�er shW Aave waived s�op2ion to axrelaete it,prior to ths sate ov transter.Lender
<br /> -- �rd theperson to whom the Proyaty is to be sold or transforrei rosch agreemant in wfitinp that the credit of such persa�
<br />'� IS Sitistaciory i0 i.eiRici iiw'ai i�t i:'v«'i!.^..:,.�.F.:i•`•�'�-�'-'J!!:!Y_ ��.^.,<<!�n�nw1 hy rhtc Dead nf Trust stwl!be ai such rate as
<br /> - �end�r sh�ll raquest, If LerK7e�hes waived tha opiiar to accsktate pmvid�d In this �►r�onph 17, and it eorrowers
<br /> � successor In inte�ezt has executed a written assumDtion agrsement accepted in writlnp by Lenda,lender sNa11�e��sse
<br />= Bonower from au obli�ations under this Deed of TNSt and the Note.
<br /> - If Lenda exacisas such optiw�to acceterate,Lender shal!mail Borrox2r notice ot acceleration in accordarx�e with
<br /> - w fi. � �4 hereof. �uch notica shali provide a pertod of rwt 18ss than 30 days frora the date the notice is m�ile�d within
<br /> wer m�y pay the sums dectared due. It�wrower fai(s to paY such sums ptiot to the exyiatio�of suchper+od,
<br /> lender may,wittwut funAer r+o:ica w demand on Borrowa.i�voke any remad�es permiited by para�roph 13 hucof.
<br /> - NON-UNIFCA'M C.£�VBiIANTS. BarowM and Lw�d�e turtiw corana�t�d�prN ar forows:
<br /> 1g, q�qi��ia►;iirn�Ns. Except as p:a�rided in pe►agaph 17 hereof,.upon Bonowe�'s brcact�aP eny covenani or
<br /> egreemer►t ol Borrower in this Oeed of Trust.in.,1u�ing the covenants to piy when due any sums seen�:e�t by this Deed of
<br /> Tnut,le�cler ptior,to acceiaadon shall mail�otice to Barower es provided in pa�sgraph 141xreof s�i4yr:�r�,:11 i the bresch; •
<br /> (2)the action req�rred to are such b�each- l3)a date noc teu than 30 days trom the date tt�rwt�ce�s ma+led to Borrorvsr,
<br /> by which such b�each must be cured;end{4)that faiture to cure wch bre�ch on or betore t�a date s�ecified in the notice
<br /> may result in�coderatior�of the sums seaued by this Oeed of T�ust and sate of the PropeKy. 1'Tk natKe sAall further inform
<br />-- Borrower of the ri�At to reinstate after accel�stion and the righi to bring a couR action to sssert i''�marrexiste�ce of a
<br />�� default or anY other ritiense of Borrower to ecca�aration and sale. If the bre�ch ls not cured on or be.are�!u date specified
<br />-- in the notice,Ler�e��r.Ler�s optio�may deci�:�al1 ot the sums secured by this Deed of T�ust to be�mrnediateiy due a�d
<br /> payatde wlth�ut turthtr demar�and may inva7�e the power of sate s�d any other remec'ies permitted by appticabte 1aw.
<br />_.'� Le�shaY be entitted to collect all reasonabte costs ac,c���anses incurred in purs4+r�ti�e remedies provided i��t�e
<br />�� paus�,apt► 18, incluCin�/,but not timited to,reasonebb atta�a s fees.
<br /> N the powe�of sate is invoked,Tnutee st►all teCOrd a noC�af default in esch county in�i'�Ch the PropeRY or sortw pan
<br /> thereot is 1oar.�a�,t shaA mail coples of such notice in the ma��nar prescriDed by opplicabte t�•w 2o Borrower and to the other
<br />--_� persons prr.sat,E�df�s�pp4cabks law. After the lapse of such t+me as may be�equired by a�icable law,vrustee shall give
<br /> `"�� p�abfic notica of sae b the persw►s er�d in the ma�x�e►prescribed by applicable Ww. Tnutce.without Cemand on Borrowet
<br />''��� st�a11 sell the Propeny at pubtic auctian to the highest tzdcer at the tune end ptace arx!vx3er the ter.ns des+goated in ihe
<br /> notice of sab in one or more pa�cels and in such or6es aS Tru.��ee may determine. Trustee!'n�y pos4pone sste of all ot a�y
<br /> :�� penceL ok tha PropertY bypubtic announcement at tAe cirr�e an�dacs of arW paeviousl�sct�ed sa:e. Lender ar Lenders
<br /> nae m�y_puchase the Property�t any sate.
<br /> �� �reca.pt of payment of the price biQ.Yrostee shaQ detiver to the purehaser Tnutee's deed conveying the Property
<br />.•';� sob, roatats irt the Tn,stee's deed shau be p►ima!acie evidence of the tn,th of the statements made therei�. Tn,stee
<br /> sriati appiy the proceeds of the satu in the fe'(o�r+�i:�ader.(a)4o aA reaso�ab�c cosis ac�.d expenses of ihe sak,lnckid'+ng.
<br /> �-- but not lirsuted to.Trustee's fees ot not mo�e than 9b of tiie gross seie a�ce.tzasoa►a;�a o.'tc.'='�js!.�:..�cc::s
<br /> '�a, of titk eviEence;(b1 to aU sums securod by thls Dced of Trust;ancJ lcl the excess,if s�y,to ths persan or persons teyalty
<br /> eruicled thereto.
<br /> :`;� 19. Barow�s Rightto RM�tat�. Notwithstanding Lenders acceteration o1 the sums secured by this Oeed of Tnut,
<br /> :� Borrower sh�N heve the right to haveany proceedings begun bY Lender to eniorce the Deed of Tnut discontinued at any time
<br />,_:�� pnor to the e�rlid to ocau ot(�)the fifth day before the sate o4 the Property p�usuant to the power of sak contai+�ed in the
<br /> Deed of Tnut C�)e�y of a judgment enforcing ths DeEd of Tnist if: ta)Borrower pays Lender all s�.+ms which wouW be tt�en
<br />,�� Oue under this Deed of Trosi, the IVote and notes securing Future Advu�ces,if any, had.no accekratio�occurred: (bl
<br /> � gorrowu cures aN breacl�es ot any other covenants or agreements of Borrower contai�►ed in t�ws Deed of Tnut:(c) Borrower
<br /> pays aN ressorwbb e�enses i�curred bY Lender and Tnucee entorcing the covenants and ag�eements of Bwrower cootaineG
<br /> m thi�Oeed of Tnut snd in enforcing I.enders and Tnutee's remedies as provided in paragraph 18 hereof,inciuding,but not
<br /> NmiteO to,re�sor�bie�tto�neY's tees;uuf(dl6onower takes wch action os LenOer may reaso�ably reQuke ta assure ttut
<br /> the tien of this Deed ot Tnut, lender's iruerest in the Proper�y and Borrower's obtigatior�to pay tt�e sums seaued by ihic
<br /> Deed of Trust styN�oMin+e un:rtWa+red. Upon such payme�t and cure by Sorrower,this Deed of Trust and the o04yations
<br /> f�pu�d heretiy sMl1�erryin in fuu torce and ettect ss�f no acceleration h�d occu�red.
<br /> Tlwt Aprw�rN s�tw� a� oblqMion wldtA ►M Trvsto
<br /> cc toa tw�si 3 �iw. �w����'►c.� ��c w,�!
<br /> �a...��.9rr«�.
<br />