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—.�..._ , <br /> ����- � - - —�--_ -�...� <br /> — —= r. - _ � -- -- _. <br /> ; : _ <br /> � 9�r �llo��� . <br /> i . <br />; � UNI�OiilVY�OVENAN7S. Borrower and lender cnv�na�t anti apree as tullowc: <br /> � 1. Pa}1t'Mnt p4 F*finCipd i��d Int�r�t. BW�uwdr SiWlll pt3mpilti poY when due the pnrK'��A1 of �ixl iutYrrst u��lf�U - <br /> ; ndebtedness ev�der�ce��y ux��l�te,prODaYment and lete charpet�i ptorb�d in t1w Notr,wKl iiw y�i�n:I�oO at a.^.�k+tersat <br /> ) pn�ny future Advarxas secwed Cy tha 02eG of 7rust. <br /> ` 2. Fwtidi 1or Twa�nd insun+�c�• Sub�ect to�p Ik�bte I�w o�ta�w�ilQen waiver by Lendar,B�rrower ctwll p•Y to <br /> ! 4en,ier on the day n�ontl►tY irutsllmrnts of principal e�tntereit ere pay�bta under tha Not�,uncil thu Net�ta paid in tull,� <br /> 1 �wn{here�-fund�s-�eq�to one•tweltth of tho y�arly t�xaa and�ssvssmont9 whic�may�itsin prinnty ovur ti�J�:Dard oi <br /> i Tnist.+uid Q�ountl rents on trs Frot��u�iy,ii n�y, wlus G.^.�:w!'ltth ol�+eflrlp nrRmNim inatslimentfl(�r hazsr0 uiauratiCR, p�us <br /> ; on�twelRh of yearly pr�miiun,w►steu+ntxKS ta rtxx[pe�e iruurance,if ar.y olf as re�so��ably estim�ted Initi�lly�rxt front tw�� _ <br /> _ � to timo bV�ender an the�as�a ot essasrmants a- 6ills auJ raasunahto est�mat�:+there�f. <br /> The Funds sha�1 be heid in an instiwtlat the deposits ar accounts af whlch ere inwred ot puaru�teed,by FwiAral nt stats - <br />�.:� aponcy (includinp Lender i}Lender is such�n insiitutianl. Lendar shall epply tha iu�tidi to pay sAld taxes. assassments, _. <br /> r:� inaxanco pren�wms aod g�ai�,i rartits. t�:�r�r�:•not charge for so hc►tding and apptylnQ the Fundcs,4nalyrinq said��count <br /> � a veritying and canpil+ng sald assessrr►e�nts and b�US,untess Lender pays Borrawer i�terest on the Furida aixl�DPticabte law <br />` ' pc�mit�lerxler to meke such e charQa. Borrovr•er�nd Lendor may egree In writing�t the timo ol execution of thia Daud of _ <br /> I Tn�st that interost ar►tha Fund:.s1►all bo p�id to Bcrraw�r.And unless wc:h�yreement is m�do or applicdWo�pw re�uires �uCh <br /> intorost to bop�id L�nder shaU ncit be requlred to pay Borrnwer eny interosf ur eernings on the Funds. Lendar shall give to <br /> ,I Bor�ower,without charp[�s,an a�xxlAl eccaunN� of the Functa shciwing cradits r►d debits to tho Fund&end tho purposo tor <br /> 1 whidlaeahdeb�to tha Fundc was made. Yhn�unds ar9 ptadqnd as addiUonal securiry fa the aume socured by thip Dead <br /> ,� ot TK:n. <br /> li the a�rwunt of th�funds ho{d by LCnder,topather with tha tutu�a manthiy tnstetlmonts of Furufs payable prior to tt►e <br /> ��te��i����;,�nts,;nswe��ce p�ertsiurns�rtd pround rents, shall excaed tht�amount requlred to pay sald taxes, <br /> assossmonts, insurence premiuma and pround ronts as they ta11 dua,wch sxcess she11 be, at Rorrowa's option, either <br /> p�w�►pity r�patd to Borcowo�o�credited to Borrpwer on monthty�nst�tlrnents oi Funds. If the amount of the Furuis h�td by <br /> l.fn�p�stwl!not be suifiCient to puy taxes,assessmenis,insurance premiums snd ground rents as thex t�ll due. Borrower <br /> Stlill�(3Ay t0�EfldCf 8fly 8�110W1t twCCSSOry t0 Rl�k�11p th�dC�IC�f1GY Witril(130 dAy9�fW11«111 dAL9 IIQZICO IS fl187DS�dy LQIIdCt <br /> to Borrower roqueFtinp payment thereof. - <br /> U�pori payrr�R m futl of a11 sums sewred by this Qeed of Trust,lendor shaQ ptomptly reTund to Boirower any Funds held <br /> by Lerider. It undfrr paragrat►h 18 herenf tF►e ProRarty is sald or the Propx�ty is othe�wise acauired by Lender.LendOr ShsU <br /> sppty,no tater thsn immei�atG'.y prior to the sa�e a1 the Property or its ecquis'uwn by Londer.and Funds held by Lendu at <br /> the cime of epptication as�c�c�t aga�nst the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />_ 3, AppYc�n a/p�ym�o4y, Unless epplicaWa kw provides otherwise,at!paymarus rec�ivad by lende:undcr tha Nota <br /> and par aphs 1 and 2 hereof st►aIl be applied bY Lencler first in payment,of emounts payab:e to Lend��by 6orrower under <br /> u:_� r�i 2 haeof,then to interest paYable on the Note,ther►to the pt�nGpal of tha Note.and ihen im eruerest ond principal <br /> o�n a�ny Futu�e Advances. <br /> - 4. Cf�sp�:L.iw. Borrowers sha11 paV a11 taxes,assessments and ott�charyes,tines ond irr�as�i►x�,c�ttributabte to <br /> the Property which may attain�priority owr this Deed of Tn,st,and kasehotd payments or�:o�+nd a�ants,if any, in the <br />_a ���y�pd�p�egrt�ph 2 hereof or,ifi notpaid in such manner,by Borrower�naking yr�nt.wt�€n dau,ditxtty <br />-� m thepayee thereof. Borrower sraU prompttY tumish to Le�nde►all noiices o1 amounts due u�tltis paraDraph ;.nd i�the <br /> ere�t BoRawer shall make payme�t dlrectly.Borrower st�'u piomptly furnish to Le�der neceipts evidx��cinp sucfi�p�y meK►ts. <br />_; Bonowe►st►d1 promptty discharge any lien which has priatity over this Oeed of Tnu4;provlded,that 8orrower sh�ll not be - <br /> Pe�uired to dsCttiarge any suCh lien so long�s Borrower shall agree i�writing to the payment of tl�obtigstan securcd by <br /> � sucr lien ir:a m�iwxr acceptsble to Lender.o�shaU in 9ood faith coniest wch Gen by,ar defen@�e�n4orceme�t of wch Iten <br />- ;ri,{�1p�c ead„�s whici�operate to prevent the eniorcement of the lien ar to�feitwe ot the Prq�e�xY or a�y psR the�eof. <br />-�# 5, Hasaid Nwrsia. 6orrower shaU ketp tt�e imµovements nc�+K exlsi+rtg os he�e�+her erected on the Ptope�ty is�su�ed <br />-� xga'�nst loss by 1ira,hdzords included within the term'ext�ed covera�e',an�x�'�•aYhet haxuds u lender rnay t�qui�a <br />_� ar�d in such amounts arxf fa such periods ss 4er�der may rEIIutre;provided,that LenBar sttiall not reQuire thai the amaunt ot <br /> — wch cove�spe exCeed.that amax�t of coverl�e roquirt:t!to t�aY 1he sums$ecured by this Deed o1 Tnut. <br />_,_ TFrs;r�suru�ce cart�er provadiry the iruurance shall be chosen by Bc�rrower sub�ect to appro�a'.'t�f.enQer;provided,that <br />-� svch spproval shau�ot be unreasa�abhr w;ihhe!!1. All prtmiums on i�,ra�e pot�c�es sha11 rr�.a�ir+the rtwx�er pr�vlded <br /> _ �de�Darapraph 2 heteof ot,if oot psid in surh manrrcr.bY Sorrowu malc�;c4�OsYment.�+hen�,.e,.�t4ctty to the Luix�nce <br /> - ��AY�insunrxepoGcies and renewats thereof shaU be in torm acceptabfe to Lendes�.*�shatl inchide s sta�da�d rtwrtpWe <br /> eisuse in iavor or anv u.�wni ri.---ie`��'v La�,o:. ::.:.a'...~:»;.!!l�.:_�t!�r.;!�:a E„r-ea.n.r,.+w�:.�wne�►we�w,�i�e ttwenf_ . <br /> = and Bortower st�N�omptty fu�n�'s�i ta Le�xfer eq rer�ewat naiicss ar:d a!I:�,.:.i�is af psid pr�n:srns. In tl�e event nf bss, <br />-� Borrow¢r sts�M�tve pronnpt notk.e to the ins�u�nce csrrier snd Lender. LeMer may msQe proof of tosc if noi made pro+r�pth► . <br />— by Borrow�r. <br />_� Untess Lex►ier and Borrower othemise ag�ee io writing,insurance�oceeds shaU be apptied ta re..�*oration or reps(r ot . <br /> the property Qsmaged,providr.d such restorstla�w repair is ecorwmically feasible and tha security of this aeed ot Trust is <br />_= not thorcby impaired. li such restastion or rtpai�is not ecawmtcaUy leasibl�o+if the secudty ef this Deed of i'NSt would <br /> - be imp�ired,the ir�xance proceeds sheN be applied to the sums secured by tfws Qeed of Trust, with the excess,if�ny,psid <br /> - to Borcower. If the Prope�ty is sbsndo►�ed�Y Borrower,ar if Barrower isits to r�p�to Lerber within 30 days irom the <br /> - dste notice is rttWed by Lender to Borrowet that the ins�u�oce carrier ofters to settb a clsim fa insunnce benefits,Lender <br /> - is authorized to�a0ect end�appty the insur�.,a,e proceeds at LeMers opfion either ta resto�atien or ce,paw of the PtopeRy or <br /> to the sums saalr.ed by tNs Deed of Tn��. <br /> Unless I,er�.ier u�d Borrower otherwise agree in writ'u�g any such�pplicstion of xeeds to�vi�clpal sh�U not extend <br /> - a postpa�e the dx date of the rtwntFely ir�stawne�xs referred to inparsgraphs t and 2�eof or cltiar►ge the amou�t oi wch <br /> - an�ts, ff under para9rsph 18 heroot the RropErfy is ecquWed by_Lender,atl right.title and iMaest oi Bwrowe�io�nd <br /> to a�y insunnce pol�cies and in end to the proceeds the�eof result�np irom damspe to the Pro�ty prior to the sab or <br /> _ tcquixitbn shsY pass to Lcnder to the extent of the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust imm�distell►prior to wch sab or <br />-- aCQuisition. <br /> = 8. P�n�+�nd�nr�o�of Prop�rty:LsisNwld�:Cundo�r��:Plaan�d Unit DarNop»�nts. Bonowe�shs!! <br /> y� keep thep�ry in gorn�3 repair and shall not cammit wsste or permit"unpaume�t of deterioratiore ot the Property u�d st�a0 <br />- com Iy with t�e pr�Y��os of any lesse if this Deed af Trust is on a leasehotd. ff this Deed of Tnut is ort a u�it in a <br /> cor�ominium or a pler���t devetopme�t, 6arower st�au pe�form au of Bo�rower's obtigations undu thc��tatan a <br />� covsn�►ts creatin� or ��cemi�g the condominium or plaru►ed unit devebpmear„ t�e by-lsws and re9utat�ons of the <br />-� �o�bo�w�i�xn orW�r�ed u�t Seveiopment.end cautituent documeots. If a condarntirm�or ptanned unit�lev�1pp�nt nd� <br />— is executed Dlv Borrower and recorded togethe�with this Deed of Tnut,the cove�arts and agreer.ner►is�f sucf�rider sha8 <br /> be wxorpo�ataE ir�to and sFaY ame�xi and supptemer►t the covena�ts arx!spreert�nts of this Oeed oE Trust ss i(tAe rid�ware <br /> �' a pgtt hereof. <br />---- 7. Protactlon of LwK1rr's S�ity. It Borrower faAs tope�form the covenants ar.�t ag�eements contai�ed in tt�s Oeed <br />=; cP Trost,or if sny action a r^xeeding is commenced�hich materisUy tfiects Lerd.�:�'s interest in the Prope�y,inciuding <br /> = tny[riot�rniied to.eminerst�.'msin,ituatve�cy. Code eni.,acemeM,or srt��gertnnts vr Proceedin9s irtvOlvinp�6inlctupt o� <br />� decedent,then Lender at P.rtndePs option,upon notice ta 8on�we►,may make such appesr�ncES,dlsbuts+s such sums end <br />_�� take such artia�as is.�ecessa�r to p:o��,t Lcnder's interest,inctudin$, bui r►ot limited to, disburse�ment of raso�bte <br />— attorney's fees ued entry upor�the Rroperty to make repaWS. If lender requ�red mortgage iriw�ance as a condition of mak'�ng <br /> ° ttb tan socx,�!by tiie�eed of Trust,�cxrower sh�t pay tt�premiu���►s required to me'�niain such insucsnca in eNacc untii <br /> � wch time as che requirert�ent for such insuraoce tertninates in accordance wrth BoROwer s sno Eendar's wriiie���qr�� ��w <br />_= or applicahte law. Borrov�er shsU paY the amounc o1 all mortyape irwuance premiums in the mar� Drovided wider <br /> - paragraph 2 hereof. <br /> -.� Any amounts disbursed bY Lender pwsuar►t to this paragrsph 1, with interest thereon, shstl become additionsl <br /> �° widebtedness of Bortower seaxed by this Dad of Tnut. lJ��iess Borrower rnd Lender ayree to other temu of payment,such <br />-� amounts sholl be payabte upon notice from Ltisder to Borrower requestinp.payme�t hereof,end shsll besr interest tram the <br /> ' date nf disbursemerx et the rate payable from time to twne on a,tst�n�ing prrictpal under the Note unbss peyma�t of ir�teresi <br />_�= at such rate wa,W be co�trary to sppticable law,in which event such smounas st►ail bear interest �t the hiphest rate <br /> :; permissibte under applicsDle Isw. NotFw�p contained in this pataptaph 7 a1wU require L.�r�der to irxur any expense or take <br /> �;' any ection hereunder. <br /> g. Ywpctlon. Lender may make or ca�ue tv be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property,p�ovlded <br /> . thst�erber shal grve Borrower notice pna to a�y ruch K►spectan spac�fyinp resson�ble csuse theretore retated ta Lender's <br /> intereu in the Property. <br /> 9, Cond�mn�tion. The proceeds of any award o�claim far Oamapes,d'uect or caueQuential,in conneCCwn with a�y <br /> cpndertxv��iha t�wg of tM Property.or Gart thereof,a fa convayance in Iieu of cor�Aenv►ation.are hersby�ssipned <br /> CONSTRUCTlON SECUAITY INTCAEST <br /> Tha Apww�M s�tK�c an oblipkion wl�ith 1M Ttwbr- <br /> GC tOpi81i61 2 Dw%a w�cwnd Iw fMe pwvo:c d �«g i�o`�wNS <br /> � en il» R�al E�aw i� wbieA M» Cow�tryeeiw S�a+rN� <br /> 1wi�r�t u fl�wn. <br />