,f WI"~C ptlNlf INI~'~'If~iAifil€1b~!~ II,~;:~pH*If'I+t;fIlC dt{~I~b".~GI'li fYiftt,l[pHa ~Ifu'd~Fll''d'~ hit":u~filiak'~iIIV;
<br />.
<br />- s ~
<br />"I'":,atY ttiar'~~ vrt't~ f flew kt~'^aX+tlt 1hY'~'r^r~="?~ ~~." ~ ,~
<br />T'rit its- Mr>rtgag~ s'# re+rsf-z _ _- .n fry. :~ ram s~^ ~-r - _:. - a;~<
<br />C rr.rc y .:;? xap~ at ~ thaN the a1~5e iv If~rt arm cI?s: raf acs :gin oa ++u~ret~ararsar- az~ ttaii *+4r~r',x»[-;r >.:: x r -i and ~trnrtf t3i._•
<br />! tat#g # , said F~ ~~rwi t~s sf a~ wtiasr~ -
<br />Tn perry iaeae fia3tfy ~hiea due and payable all ;exteral lazes, aperia3 tazn, t3rrc%a7 a~~.+r. s•ntz. -~-a~r rt.trg: ~, :,«~Yr .,~r4•.
<br />ice etnargc++i. rand other fa~eea and r argue against sarst irapgrty, aed ati ssn Prie-r3 rr_ +f~r ~ia##rt .><-c-u red ;-.azet } a:~: t:, furre:3s: ;?-
<br />Moridagec, ;rEfi.+n requc=t, :.nth rise ongtnef or dvpficste re+cripts thrriefr r. 'I`3u- _`.fn*tgaXor a.,n.e.; i.:xa' ?h.r»~ xhat: be ast~ier: ;r,
<br />ear_-h monthly pavmarnt required I~rr-oru~r Fxr usrctes t:~;r- ~, .ae:,:-r• +if .=2,? ~-crrr~'? h..e..c- err, amsF.ur,. r:;.atwt iv dire :fry-rim -
<br />ta he xuStc.~at to rca/ris tlfe MorLtcaCte t=~ pay. ere they tf-o:=:ae d•~. atI lairs. assrs+:rrents- sari a:m~Ias charges ug»n the preen
<br />ices suhjz:'t LI-,ereto_ any defirignr; t'~cause +, '.I:g in-=i~ici,:ne-~ <<g ;r'h aud;fiora? p=-_.~-:its :h..!i Ir fortx=~:sth rppr~ir~ ky '.f
<br />More-Sabor ;.ittt t`se '.4or~aaen u - n ?:k.~;a nr5 h~ rIr ~{ -ate h_5 '2 f ,.,,ir'~ «r;_ ;ors¥ra;:l~ hate "tag ,1zr;:,,yr; a '!else?t t
<br />~paymerit cif taxes, as9estmrnt, rr si m:far charges requ>red rare ..ndr. r- •~
<br />The MS or t,*a:,=,r a$ret~; thes there shai3 afsri :re actied Yo ..ac's: m;.nihl}~ ;.ays:+~nt ~.: f:rinc;;a2 and interest rcyuiteri (sere-
<br />- •rx:er are anx.;unt ,#,rrrs#rc' by [isa linrtgagc-+• a - t-_ 4W~c. r- ., -+. i e th. i -Y[a u- --ey- a: - +.gc m --ve, it ° are~rarr*•
<br />premium m any insurance pe,iicy d Iivercd a the Mrr's,tgcE hr descierc ' au,. he a fftcternc} ofich addnaona2 pa}
<br />meats +Szall be farthwtih defx~sited h}' the Mortgagor nth the "~Sortgag,:e utr,-. ,.ems-art b} L"he Slartgag~ Any delay! varier th±n
<br />.~ paragraP,`, staait lee deemed a default an the pay r-c. nt of insuran p e^zivz^ If the pr- a y or i+alu-ags deer -ited are sack a, trerrse-
<br />owners or a2! nsk p+Narie=;, anti the dHpo+it: a ~::ffrcacnt ±r, .r r <„t-r> pram: r^ he :torgagee ma-- aptly the dgtx sit to
<br />~ pay premiums on risks required to be insu r«KI by this mrrtgaKe
<br />Paymenfs made bt' the ticrtgaK'u under the above paragraphs may, at the +; t.ion of the 34ortKagge, be held by ;t and
<br />comrr=i:ogled with ottaer such funds or its r,u r, funds for the payment of such items. and until 3G apptiW, such payments are hereby
<br />- pledg>t! as security for the unpaid balance rd the mortgage indebtedness. - -
<br />To procure, daBser tu. ar;d maintain for tha Len=fit of the Rlartgagee during the Life of this moKgage nriginai pulir es and
<br />r~newa?s tiaereof, delivere.-3 at least tr-n days before the ex(,irati*>n of any such ;+n!ieie5, insuring against fire and other insu rahke
<br />hazards, casualties, and contingencies as the Mortgagee may require, in an amount egnat to the iMlebtedness etx•urcy? by this
<br />Mortgage. and in companies accgp*ahte to the Mortgagee, with i+*ss payable clause in fa•:ar of and in farm acceptable to t}..,~ ~ I,;Kga-
<br />- -- to the- e_ent any policy i. not renewcx2 .--- _r Mfare ten days o£ it_ a raf i.,n, :1,e ?,frartgagee m .-,._.e ....,_.....,.. ... t!~
<br />improvements, pay the premium therefor, ant; such .mum shall Ix>c:•,mr i,-nmediately r3ue and pa}abve fi•iih~-mferrst at the ra. ~c•t
<br />forth in said note until paid an+Y ,halt br aecu and by this mortgage. Failure on the }dart of the '.4tortgagrr to furnish such rent~.a als
<br />as are herein :agate,-d or failu rr- to pay any .ems a,tvanced hereunder shall, at the. optinr, of the Mortgagee, cr.nstit ate a tie-fault
<br />under the terms of `. %ais martgaKe. Thg dr=li.ery o{ such Ixlicies ,hail, in the event of default. constitu#e an assignmen! of iF.g un-
<br />earnerf premium.
<br />Any stiTns rxeiveci by the Mortgagee by reasnr: of loss or damage insured against may be retaine:i by the Sinrigagee
<br />and applied toward the payment u( the debt hereby secured. ur, at fha option of the Mortgagee, such sums either wholly or in
<br />part may be paid over to the Mortgagor to be used to repair such buildings or to build-»ew buildings ra their t*lace or far any
<br />ether purpose or object satisfactory to khe Mortgagee without aflectinK the lien on the mortgage for the fu3l amount sgcu reel here-
<br />by before such payment ever took place.
<br />To promptly repair, restore or rebuild any buildings or improvements now or hereafter un the premises which may be-
<br />come damaged or destroyed; to keep said premises in good rnndition and repair and free from any mechanic's lien er other Lien or
<br />claim of :ten rut expressly sutwrd ~aatra !a the lien hereof: not [o suffer or permit any unlawful use of or any nuisance to exist nn
<br />said property nor to permit waste cn said premises. nor to do any otieer act whereby fhe property hereby conveyed shall become
<br />less valuable, nor to diminish or impair its value by any ac. or omission to act-. to cnmplc with ail requiremenL-+ of law with respect
<br />to the mortgaged Premises and the use thereof.
<br />That should the premises or any Park thereof be taken or damaged by reason of any public improvement or cur_demr+.atian
<br />proceeding, or tinder the right of emireni domain, or in any other manner, ibe Mortgagee staaif be entitled to all comperuannns,
<br />~.--a_~, art} jtl:t=r pay-rtsettt or calla( i3:a: ~fo,-. ar:d al:all ~i~ e:';t'~d. at iz= -Phan. t? t;~,~?:,e». gpF_ar a- ~;.d F-„~-s=eta ir-
<br />own name any Vachon or proceeding, or to make any compromise nr setUement in cannectior. with such taking ur damage. Alt such
<br />e~iiip~eiisatio.=i; award:#; tiaritages; -right of -action and proceeds- are !sere`ny assigrtgd mitre ikiortgagets. wtta may, a; ter dedsetisg
<br />irsairirz,trr-sit=-iia-=~e4~~~ ~9~rr-m'ty-rnoneyssa-rc•~it.~firy = r~r apply t3ze~ve -an ~y indeirtursness Feeur..d=iiardi3r=-`I"fie sv#ari=.
<br />gsgor-agrees to a:ecvte such further assignments of any compensation, awards. damages, arrd.righ€s.o€ action and. procekrts as-.the
<br />Mortgagee maY ~'-quire. - - - - -
<br />That in case of failure to perform any of the covenanU herein, the Mortgagee may clo on the Mortgagor's behalf everything
<br />so covenanted; that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem necessary to protect the lien thereof: that tine Mortgagor wilt
<br />-repay-upon demand any moneys paid err disbursed by the Mortgagee for any of the shave purposes. and such moneys together with
<br />intQreBt thereon at the rate prrnvided in said note shat) become so much additional indebtedness hereby secured and may-he in- 4u.
<br />eluded in any tleacee foreclosing this mortgage and be paid out of the rents or proceeds of sale of said- premises -if noT atherwtse-- ~ -
<br />paid; that it shall not 6e abligatary upon the Mortgagee to inquire into the validity of any lien, encumhrancrs. or claim in ad-
<br />vtuu:irig~moneys es above authorized, but nothing herein-contained shall he cronstrued as requiring the Mortgagee to advance any ~
<br />mrtfseya for-any such purpose rror to do say aM hereunder; and that Mortgagee shall not Sncur. any personal liability becatse of any- ,e'b-
<br />thing it may do err omit to do hereunder.
<br />- --In fhe event of.the default by Mortgagor in the payment of any installment, as.required by the Note secured hereby- or € '
<br />in the-performance of the abi'tgation in this mortgage or in the note secured (hereby, the Mortgagee steal; be entitled to declare the --~;
<br />- debt- erg-eut~ hereby-due acrd payable without notice, and the Mortgagee shall be entitled at its option, without notice, either by itself ~ -
<br />-
<br />by a receiver-4o -be -appointed-hy Lhe court thereof, acid without regard to the adequacy a[-any security far the indeh#eitness se-
<br />ar
<br />_
<br />_- . h~•2t3v fir €r!*,er ups ai?.d take-pi ~czsiori =Sf the~rxartgagzd~}rremis~: and- to ca!leet and receive tit -. -m~t_, i=~ p~= a-:d Ii=~~
<br />c' ~ F`
<br />Y3ietesf; and apply the sarthee„T~ casts o[ etteration grad-tvllettion, upon Lhe itid~btectttess secut•~ by this i~rigage; said ri'rtLs:
<br />-- isasktes smd.prafifa lacing here€iy--aa<stgtteef to €he Mortgagee as tiir€Iier secitriky for, the payment a( all indebtedness-secured hereby. - - --
<br />The Mortgagee s#tt¢t1`have~the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose at repairing said pram- -
<br />- -Saes; -eeeting the. seine: rntlectitt~the_ rents, ravenuea and _tncotne, and it may pay out of said income all expenses incurred in rent-
<br />ittg and rnsnaguig the same artd of ~coiSitcting the rentals therefrorn.~ The balance remaining, if any, shall be applied toward the
<br />- _ --diachsege id the mortgage itxlelit+tdnesa. This assignment is-to terminate sled become null and void upon release of this mortgage.
<br />
<br />