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t~i~lYs16Rm~i° rwl zsm nNllf r~~t~moupurruralllNa Ru!Isi~a~~~ Rig f,~bn~Nvi~~~ a iuG~ ~~~~Gifs~ i,t ~~irnut~mi. Rowni~ufwluN~s+iNG~tlhenir ey~sa~.~ <br />Nzh,lii~ti~~w"~~ ~M1,i~ipt~'t~lilfRk~IBVf.fGPifN~ni nll~i~°,rsnm il4r~ r~l~lli~andll p~raum~~~~mariu~~~llulultunigf8#iuripteuiwrl4un~~rauiurn'~xi~ir~r~,~,r4aeimanw~~a~raruP~eiriai~tlu~rmik~ri,3~1'wunt~maarm~uy~uwr~IV~. <br />~~,t .r_w_ ~;:~ r y :f*? is ttzrs~t t:;z,•~: '~€;~ .,~F.~'. F x e~-r ~ .:. , e+SeT:-~ ,s: r;-y~ ~nr-.carrzf ;~, f~rft&grrt Y4 ,rte az3d L~ty fe^v~ ~f <br />a gtxa3 titf¢ to tt~ ,~xee~sec s~rsws r,~ttrsey~' t;`is :a 4r, fe_ -•--~ei ~s# 'mac t ~~rr', °~;tp to era ° ;_ <br />t#~,t ta,~ t~ sr ~ =~r~r a ela, fret ar;~ er u~ ~ e~-sfa aE _z~r, ~.c,:eu a;cd t#tat lfrragjgrrr fe~str ~a~~r- <br />ten itrr sasnc ~. ~taartawgee a~aifrxt a#; ;tau; eta!- x- ~- <br />7#ris Mortgage ~ purrs lay ?4;:ttga3ars to se;;urc the ftzferrsants of'r eem~~t ~etd #~;eir;, ar~d t:~ ~~cs tht payt <br />of a roan in the amcwnt of she Ts[at of Paymrnas shrfwr; above, aht:clt 'loan g ,evidert,.Sd 55' a prontbs~sry note bearsrt3 even date <br />herewith and wtsi, It 1 further described abavt. <br />PR(?YIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are upxm the expressed condits<xs, th=<. if the Mor~agOrs shall pay in fnA to the Irlo~rt- <br />gee a;.*~n~or<~ rote r9rrg twen date ?tercet#; it t2:r a-:uvns arz Loth atoms, paaybie ifs ir>stat'arreris according to t1•x ttrtrrs if~xt- <br />of together whit interest as sez foratt zhe:cin, a^d shaT? pay a°' taxes aced as"x'sStT~nts tevird trp4rr said teat t=sstate t~efore same oe- <br />comes del#rquent,and keen Ehe buildiaes rsn said premises irfs~sred fcr a ~m ec~al zc: ttFe indebtedness secrfred hereby, t~s, if <arrv, paY- <br />~ able to the said'~ortgagee, then they paesenzs zn Rte nsrll and void, othezwise to be and remain in full force. <br />!*. <br />THiS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO B£ . AAeD CONTIIYUE TO &E, FROAf TIME TO TlilE, SECL'1ttTY FC2 THE PAYbEEhT <br />- ~ StTCH Sl31fL OR SUMS OF MON£Y AS TH£ MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIfEfE TO TIME tN TH£ FL~'tJRE ADY,s3VC£ TO THE <br />&4£~R!'GA60R, :!-~FD EYil3£.~ICEp HY A SLzPPI.E.M£.*?TsL NOTE OR .'40Ttic, BLrF NOT TO EXC£ED THE TOTAL OF <br />S '~`*2S, ~+~+~, ~~'**...... E}GCEPT FOR AIRY ADVANCES THAT MAY ~ MADE TO PROTECT TH£ SECURITY ~ AC- <br />CORDANC£ -tfi I~I THE TF~tMS OF THLS ?4fOftTGAG£. <br />Addi#anal Terms and Conditions on the reverse of this agreement aie made a part hereaf and incorporated herein, <br />tN WITNESS WHEREOfi, the said Mortgagors-have executed ttsese presents the day and yeaz first above vvritter. <br />s~~ <br />~= <br />r ~~- _ >ss <br />_` tlrr.ttttis3t3 day=pf = 7ULY ~ #9 79 ,before me. the undersigned a Notary Public, duty <br />eotstnissuiued;and qualified for and in said state and county, personalty carne VZ1:tCI~iT A BOUZ3REAU Alva iiARILYN F <br />BOtJDREAU HUSBAND AND WIFE OF EACH OTHER <br />to rise known to be the identical person or persons whose name is or names are affixed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged <br />- tlt~r.~xeon hereof to be-iris, het' or their voluntary act and deed. <br />;~ <br />- 1t9ESfi m h Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. ~ <br />~~a. ARfiIaLD <br />tsENEftlU. P:OTRRY <br />_ ~ ~ ~ L NOTARY 3'U$LIC <br />_ ST#TE OF S~tEBRASttA - - <br />tt~y cmr~on~rii}es day of ~'~/~~~~ , t 9~ . <br />_- '~t?TICE- SFI; OT#,ER SlL)£ FOR Af)DITILrI+~AL ?ER~fS A'aDCO~'131T14!'=S <br />- MEn. k.E. <br />ORIGlNAt <br />~. ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />