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<br />79-- ~i~4536 <br />pm <br />Utilities 20. Tenant shall pay when due all bills for water, heat, gas and electricity <br />used on the leased premises after date of Tenant's possession and until expiration <br />of term, Unless other•aise specified by Tenant. the source of supply and vendor <br />of each such commodity shall be the local public utility coripnny or municipality <br />commonly serving the area, Landlord shall furnish to the leased premises at all <br />times sufficient gas and water service lines, also sewer lines, all of the capacity <br />initially specified by Tenmit, and electric service lines of the voltnf;e and amperage <br />initially specified by Tenant, all connected to an adequate source of supply or <br />disposal, If Tenrnt shall require additional service line capacity of any of such <br />utilities and if same are available on Landlord's premises, Tenant, at Tenant's <br />expense, shall have the right to the use of same, T~•nant shall pay all bills <br />far sewer rents or sewer charges. <br />Repairs, 11. Ca? Tenant shall make plate glass replacements required by fault <br />Confor- of Tenant except in the case of fire. Tenant shall make all repairs and replacements <br />m;ty to heating and coaling equipment, shall make repairs to the in[eriar of the leased <br />with premises except as provided below. Landlord shall maintain and make all repairs <br />Law io the exterior and structural portions of the building, entranceways to the leased <br />premises, aipes, ducts, vices and conduits leading [o and from the leased premises. <br />°dl~°d °::'l1 ~k° 'll ~d hyca.,ses not the fault of Tenant. cr by <br />.,. a a .ua ~ .. .spares _ __-.- <br />fire, casualty or the elements, ornbyrdry rot ar termites. Landlord shall keep <br />Dasemeta free from water but shall not be liab 1 e far any dam.~~e except upon fail- <br />ure so to da after native. The provisions of this paragraph shall be complied with <br />as required from tip to time. Landlord, at Landlord's sol~° cost and expense, <br />but rat more often than once during the term of this leas, shall replace the <br />compressor, tail and condenser of the heating and coaling equipment <br />(b) TenanC shall comply with the valid requirements of public authoriiiea <br />rEgarding the manner of the conduct of Tenant's business in the leased premises, <br />but as io the leased premises, Landlord shall make all changes ar installations so <br />required, <br />Signs, 12. Tenant may install and operate int?rior and exterior electric and other <br />Ttn- signs, soda fountain mac;~iaery and any other crechanical equipment, and in so doing <br />ant's shall comply with all lawful requirements, There shall he ro signs on the roof of <br />fix- the leased premises without ih~ written approval of both Landlord and Tenant <br />L ureS texcl udi ng Lhe existin3 "Y,ink}• lsi nk ~•" sign). Tenant shall at ai: <br />times have the right to remove all fixtures, machinery, equiprirnt, ap- <br />purtenances and other property furnished or installed by Tenant or Landlord at <br />Tenant's expense, it being expressly understood and agreed that said property shall <br />pat becoaae part of the premises but shall. at all times he and remain the persanal <br />property of Tenant and shall pat be subject to ary Landlord"s lien. Tenant shall have <br />il~e rigi:i, in coaruciion with op,eninf, £or business, to install Grand Opening <br />d£corations an the roof of the building and an liht standards, <br />Sidevelks 13, Landiazd shall not, without Tenant's written consent, grsnt any rights, <br />at'aer than nar2al pedestrian rights, in the sidewa?k ~. ~~~~^~' ti., <br />leased presses to the extent of the full rid t, -;.erecf~an~ within 15 feet of the <br />heu_~ery l;ngs a: t*.a leased premises prajeetes a.rass sold sidewalk <br />Should the entrance to the leased premises or said sidewali.= '•~ t`'=' ~~~t~-nt <br />set forth in this Article ,be obstructed or blocks.'. ^y ~~r rich the consent of Landlord, <br />Tenant sha'sl be entitled to an appropriate and .raartionate abatement in rent, <br />Tl:e far>go_ng shall eat preclu'e persfld'c '!=apptng~"en'er --^wctiors on <br />:be siaevalk adja~rvt to the least 1"rer;ise>. <br />-b- <br />