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� �., � . , - - <br /> � . , _._ - -- <br /> i - .._. - - - <br />;,:_ • <br /> - 92-- i�t�0��� <br /> a u�.n►..han w.Mn�.d w e�ia�.�nb Tr�o.w,nd�r anr s.w►+�y now a n«..rt..n.w br e«��.nr«rn,ew�rwan�w�an��+.� <br /> a.uNy«NCnn a uNm may�n�n.k absowi�alsaNan a.u►min..Mo�.m.dr n.rNn cad�rr�a uvon«ns�wKt wr•ueMS or eiwMNRiwp Mt wMM,e.a <br /> to bo�xduslw ot any oth�r remedy h�rMn a by law provld�d d pMnNltad.but�ach thau bs CumuWiw and tM11�b0 M.rddJflAn�b��wrr o11Mr rM�Md�r <br /> - ---=g" plwn hsr�urWrr or now a herwtlK e.�sunp nt low a in qu�tp or by aaha�.EvMy powrr a r«nedy pro�rldsA umk►fAh T�retQw�d.M7ru1�a�Y <br /> -��a-� a to MA�Ich�qt�ol them nwy b�otherw�w►bdad�m�Y E��x�c�s�d.concumntly or irW�p��nW,Mom.Gmn ta tlmn�nd at Ntan as may'b�dNnNd <br /> aD�df�nt by TnutM a B�I�c4vy and�iNwr W th�m rt►aY Pu►sw inconihant r�mdl�s.Nothfrq hsnkl.sbW�IM eafldnWd•M O�dileiWip B�e�Mci�ry <br /> -_-���-�-� ��=� hom teekinp a deflclency ludqn+Mt agah+st tne Trostar!o th��r1�nt wch actbn is P�►mitt�d blr�'• _ <br /> ---- t t.TRAl1�FEA 0!'THE Pi1QPERTYi A��llMPTION. 11�II a�ny p�rl W tM P►ap�rtY a Int�ast tNe��Nt q�soid a��tditlwr�d a a1M�rwIN oonwy�d <br /> - ::ta�;�� b!'Tru�ttx wiUaut 8Kwlk�ia7�a pr+or writlon cons�nt.�xelu6inp(�)the eralion ot a INn a�cumEranc�wbord�n�t�to iMs Trvs�0»d.(b)a UM+sN► <br /> h1r op�ratla�ol Vw upon Ih�r dspA of a T�us�who b�jahl t�nant a(c)�hr pant W arry Is�tNw�d MarM�of tMN(3)Y�an a Nis whleh dow�ol <br /> ---_� eonWn an opUOn W P�+rChMr.weh�Ction h�baaeh of IMa aq►MrMnt.and B�MIkiuN m�y��t BMMficIYY'�aMb^.dltlan W IM sum�aCUnd b�t <br /> --__-_,^;,� 111is Truit DMf!t0 b�fnMrwd�aOMy dw and paYoblo.povW�d.Iwther.thl�Trutt DMd mq►.�I BM�NICfary's oWIwA b�tI1Clarld Imn�dWMy dW/nd <br /> p�yabl�.N(t�Truator�s a Pi��►P and Ny�nter�st n th�pa►trnrshM�s sdd a�s�Ipn�d bY�^Y m�aas whala�wr.a(2)if iM Trwla 1��oorpaation <br />--- __ -��.�. �nd�t►and�r of tM majaiq otxk ow�wrfh�p�ntavst u�th�caPaaUon occur�.a th�Trutta oorP«atan map�a M any lam wllh MwtMr carPorWan <br /> --� p�ntity.BeMfkiary sh�l hav�wa�vad wth oplan lo accNMat�IP.pla lo IM s�M,Ira�tar a conwyW�c�,B«�Ada►Y snd tIN pM�b whom IIN <br /> --- - RopMty u to b�sold a UanslMrW rsath�eNn�nl m vm�In�IMI ttw crMN d such p�ran w N11ahCtory 10 0«+.�� uw u+��«�+�wy.a. <br /> --- — on Ilr wms wcu+�d b1r Ihrs Trust O�W�hsu bo a�weh i�u 8�fk►uy�tl ipw�l - <br /> 12.AtxELERATIOM UPON DHI`AIl�T:NEMEOIEi�YALE.TM IaAun by Ih�Trusta,lo mak�anY paym�nt a to p�lam ny of IIN tMn+s uid ca�tlaM <br /> = ol[hM Ttuq O��d.a IM lNmt�rtd condAwna o11M Not�.or any ra�Mwat�.modditalwn�w��t�nswn�IlNtrof.a�n.�Mw..a�,�.r.p.��a.m <br /> olh�r Ind�bt�dn�u,prwr or WbMqwnl lo tMr Tiusl M�d.and acw�d by Ih�s prap�rty�a Ih�d�alh ol orn a ma�Tiuston shW��brwch and <br /> --,•----- - -- '- dNaW o11hU TruN DMd and IIN Brn�tklary m�y Wc�c+n A Mlaull�nd may d�elu�all wmt Neund hK�by�mmsdWNy dw and psyaW��nd 11» <br /> ° wM�hW t�yr�uppn beCqn�duQ and pay�ible w�lhout pretenlmeM.d�maod.Protost a natww ol��q klnd.Providod. Trustor tha11 Naw any ststutory - <br /> ,,,d_�,� �Ipht ta cw�Ihe d�llull b�fqre any nolko of dolrult and d«nand lor�al�may W d�6v�ed to th�Truat�e.TMrsafter,BwMlicury may dNnrr to TrustN � <br /> -`° �writl�n deetuation of d�feull and d�mand tor wl�. Trusla aynss arb heraby q�ants tIW tM TrustN sha0 h�w IM iw�►d wN W tM Prop�rty and <br /> - -��'�����, 118�fleluy dKWes the PropQ►ry Is to be sold it�hap doposlt wi!h Trusteo th�a Trust Doed and the Note a not�s and an�othly documanU wld�nclnp _ <br /> � �=��=� - �x p�n diturM wcund hMeby,on4 shall dHwe►�o Tru�ee a w►itl�n ndice ol dolault and MectWn to cauie th�p�oprty to b�iold.and Ttu�tM,In tum. <br /> _s�.,. <br /> "'�' , thap pr�pin a afmqar eotiee In Ihe fam roquued by law,wh�ah ehaW be duly hled fa rxad by rostw• _ <br /> -- w:s:.,� - <br /> ',�';�,;+i ` p) Ak�r tha lapse ol such dme as may be reqWred by law Iollawing the racadation of Notice of Delaull,and Notke ol D�fautl and Notke of _ <br /> � - --- 8aN having Doen given as requlred by law,Truelee.without demand on Trusta.ahell sell t n.��Notla of Stl ,i Y publla ouctbn - <br /> ---- paresls and in such qrdar aa Ttu�taa may deurmin�a1 tho data and th�tlrtN and plaCe das�p ouct <br /> -- -- - aceordinp to bw. <br /> -��y�;�--� (b) Whan Trustee eePa pureuanl to the powers heraln,TfY8Ie8 6h811 8{f�l�l lh9�OC6@d9 01!hB EYIB t0 pByRIM1 Of lh9 COS[6�Ild�MP9AS�5 O} _ <br /> ''��� exerclsiny Ihe power of sak and of the aale,InCluding,wllhout limilatian.apaney'e tees and Ihe payment d TruaUe't Fees inCWnd,whkh <br /> ^... --^ .� T�u�teeY Foea ahaN nm in the agpreyaln a.�erenl iha toltowiny amCanw 43.!ed u�on 1h�em�x�m aecured hsnby and rem�lninp unpald at <br /> _�!�- �-;-�`'`a the tlme�Cheduted 1pr 4alo:5 parcentum an tlw balance Ihereol:and then t0 the 4ems in subparpflrapA(e)In th�ad�r IA�ra atated. <br /> :. ��.�,�i.;_ . <br /> t��,�_'��;.�.�.,. (o) Atter paying Ihe Item�specllied In subperaqaph(b).11 the sala Is by Truatee.a II ths sala Io punuant to judiclal Ionclowr�.tM p►a�Ws _ <br /> '-�;:r; of wlo ahell be apPhotl fn the lollowing ordor: _ <br /> ±'� __.-,c'.-�.�.•,,. - <br /> � �F'^���,w (1)Cost of any evidence a1 utle procu�ed in conrwcUon w�th suoh oale and of eny rewnuo Uanslir fw rpulred to bv pald: _ <br /> :�r#::,(;;�,:��� (2)All oblpetlW�s e�tCUred by Ihls Troel Deid: <br /> �����;;;;�,�;,�;, , (3)Junfa truet deeds,morlgeges.or other Ilenhotdere; __ <br /> ;�;a`$�3r:;',,����� � (�)The remalnder,it Ihe person leyally enUtleO thereto. _ <br /> -`_' '+}.!k-;i'.�;„� - <br /> =-i3f����'�`�- t3.APPOINTINENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE.Beneficiary may.lrom Ume to lime,by e wrinen Inatrument execuhd erb ackrawledped by B�neficiary. _ <br /> '��'�!�, maI1W to Ttuetor and recorded In the tounty or countles in which Ihe Properly Is IoCaled and by otherwlse Complyfngwith Ih�povl8i0nS O�11»YpWlcab�e - <br /> ;;,���.-�_ Ipwa of Ihe Slate of Nebraska subatdule a successor or succeeeors to the Trustee named hereln or actlnq herQUnder. _ <br /> '�`��� 14.INBPFCTIONS.Benetle�ary,or rts agenta,represe�tellves or employees,ara authori�ed to enter et eny reasoneble time upon a in aoy paA ot Ihe _ <br /> � �'�`�f prop�rty la the purpose ot inspecting Ihe same and for�he purpose ot perfOrming any of Ihe 9cts It Is authorizefl to perfam�unda►thY twrtn of tha Truct DMd. -. <br /> ''�_�'_`�.a. -- <br /> ::-`-�:,_-� -�` - <br /> a�• Yrr tb.OPTION TQ fORECLOBURE.Upon Ihe occurrence d any breach ontl upon the declarAlbn ol delault herounder,&nefldory elwll h�va tha opt _ <br /> �.��;.,; to fq�cloee Ihla Trust Oeed m the manner prov�ded by law for the larecloaure of mortgagea on real properly. <br /> :�.. ". <br /> �:,"'^+-�•' 18.RGREBEAiiANCB BY BENERICIARY OR 7RU8TEE NOT A WAIVER.Any forebearance by Benellc►ary a True�ee In�xercbinp eny rlpht or remedy <br /> -y�rF<� hereunder,a otherwise alforded by applkable law,ehell not Ixa a warver ol or preWude Ihe exerclse of eny such rqht a remedy.Llkewl�e,ths walver <br /> ��"':� . ' by Banellctary or Truetee ot any delaull ol Trusia under this Truet Dead shall not be daemed to ba a walver of any dhq�a s�mllar ddaulu wbtpuently <br /> ���`�,'' :�. '.:,., aCCUrrinq. ° <br /> � 77.BBNEFICIARY'8 POWERS.W�thoul affecung a releasing Ihe uabulty ol Ihe Truala or any other pereon Ilable for Ihe payment of any obllyation _ <br /> h9►aln m0ntl0fled,Bnd without a1feCUng the lien or cherge of thia Truat Ueed upOn any pOttlon af Ihe Prop@rty.B6eelicliry mYy,hOrt1 tfine to tlltle and <br /> ��'! _ <br /> wlthout nOtke at the request of one or more Truslors.(�)release any person liable,(�1)exlend a renew Iho maturlty a alter any of tM terms o�a�ry auCh <br /> � '� �� • ? obllpadonll,pB)gtent other Indulgences.(�v)release a retonvey,or cause to be released or reconveyed el any Ilme alBenellClory'e optlon any parcel _ <br /> r ' " a aN of the Properly,(v)take or release any other or addiUOnal securdy for any obUgaUOn herem mentfoned.(vl)maNe setllements a Wher arranyements _ <br /> . „ wlth Truetor In relellon Ihereto Ail T�ustora ahall be�antly end severalty obhgated and bound by Ihe actlons ol the 8lnelklory or any one a mori Truetot <br /> , ' as ttated in Ihis pwagraph. <br /> ' ' 18.A7TORNEY REES.CO8T3 AND E1tPENSES.ine Benel�c�ary ot lhis T�usl Deed�s entll�ed to Ihe peyment of ettonwy's lees.cosle end expenass _ <br /> • aa provlded In thle Trust Deed,excepl as otherw�se proh�bded by law _ <br /> ' 19.RFCONVEYANCE 8Y THUSTEE.Upon wniten request ol Benel�ciary and upon peyment by Trustar ol Truslee's lees.Truatee ah�ll reconvey to <br /> . Truetar,o►the pereon or persona legally anmlod theretn,v�nlhout warraMy.any porUan of the Property then held hereunder Recdals In euCh reCOnveyanCe <br /> ' � ,. ol any metters or lects shall be cunclusrvo proai al tha Irulhlulnoss tnereo�-Tha grantee�n eny reconveyenep may bo destribed as the perwn a parsons _ <br />— � •• . <br /> lepolly entitkd Ihereto" - <br />— " •� 20.NOTICEB.Ezcepl�a not�ces,damamis rvyuosls o�other commun�cat�ons requued under applicable law to be grven�n another menner,whenever <br /> .. "' BeneflCfary.Truator or Trustee gives or servee,any nm�co I�neluding.wilhoul limdabon,not�Ce of default and notlee of saiel. demands,requests a other <br /> •+�� . Communicahon v�nlh respect lo Ihis irust Drr�1.each such notir.e,demand,request or olher communicalion shall be m rwd�ng and shall bo eHeclrve only <br /> ,_ 1��,;a,���;,�_ d the seme la dehvered by peisonal service ur c:m�ded by cerldied mad,postage prepa�d.add�essed to the eddress as set farlh et Ihe begmrnng of Ihis <br /> . . .. .. .-- '.._�__........�....�..t...e....�...mnil�nn In Iha o1Hpf Di1tV hBfB10.83 8ble881d.8 1101�C6 0I <br /> .__—__,. 1 T►UEI O@Bd Afl�/pe►[y 1118y AI eny IimB Cnanyu��o nmi�aao�w �....�...............�..,...._....e' ' „ . : <br /> �t ;,; � ��' ^ WCh Ch8ng8.Any notic�hereunder shali ha d«emed lo havo been qwan lo Trustor o�Bf�nehc�ary.whpn grveo m Ihe ma�ner d9�gnaled herein � <br /> � � ,.�. 21_REOUEST fOR NOTICE.T�usror:md[3enehc�ary horohy requost a copy ot any noUCe ol delaulL and a copyof any nalke ot sele Ihereunder,be <br /> � m611etl t0 eech person who�s e parly hereto at Ihe3 eddress for sueh perspn sel torth m the I�ret parag�uph ot thPo Trusl Deed <br /> 22.OOVEANiNO LAW. 7h�s Trusl peed sha�l bd governad by Ihe laws of Ihe State o�Nebraska <br /> �, 23.BUCCHSSaRS AND ASSI(iNS. This Trusi Deod. and a��tcrms.cond�twns and oM�gc�Uans herein,apply to and mure to Ihe beneht of and bmds <br /> "a all p8�ti6S herelo,theu�seew.pwsonal repreSKnt.rt�ves.successors and assigns The term Benef�ciary"shall mean Ihr own@r end <br /> hOIdB►W the Note.whether ar not nemod as Hena��wary here�n. <br /> .' ° I <br /> f ' <br /> { <br /> I <br /> '. <br /> .� 1 <br />