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; '�'�- . —�.�... <br /> ' ��; .,s'��., �,, . . _;.��; <br /> � �� • -- '"_ _ <br /> � � - <br /> , , . . .----- _ - <br /> .�;��I i , .. „ <br /> �:, � <br /> =� �� � 92--ioo4�s <br /> -:, <br /> � <br /> � �I TO PROTECT THE SECURITY OF THI6 THUST OEED,TRUSTOR MEpE9Y COYENANTS AND A(�FiEE3 AS FOlLOWB: <br /> 6 r�. 1.MYIENT OF PRINCIPAL ANO INTEREBT.Trustor sAall ptomplly paY when dus th�prinelpN ot and Int�ra�t on Ihe indWt�dness�vldMC�d by <br /> _�. tM Nal�� �nd�II oth�r chary�s and Iwo w pnw�dad In tho Noto.and tlw prlacl�►rl of and IMor�ct on any Futwo Advanas sseund by tIN�Trost Dwd. <br /> -`—_ — - ! 2.��WIANTY OF TITl.E.Trusta ia lawluMy eoii�d and pos�sasad of pood and Indeleaslbte titb and epab ro th�P►opeRy MnDy convsyed ond <br /> ��' — hp th�rlqM to qrant�nd conv�y Ihe Praperly:lhs Prop�rty Is hw and otear of W INnR ub�neumbranc�s araPl liaw now of nowd:pnd Trusta wIN <br /> wOrranl and detend the Hpe to the Propeiry agelnst aN clalme and demando. _: <br /> � ---�,¢";• 3.MAINTHNANCB AIID CO�IPLIANCH WITH LAWB.Troua�hatl kpep the Propsrty in pood repak aiM conditlon phd shell not cammit wa�t�a pwqtlt <br /> - r'=�i fmpNrrtienta Mb►ia�tion ot the Prope�ly and ehall compry wfth tba proviabns of any leasa it Ihls Trwl Deed is on a kaaehotd.No Improvamenl iaw , <br /> °�_"'• �' ar hsrNftu�►ecled upon ths P�ape�shall be altered.remaved a demalisl�ed wlthoul the prfa wtltten conaent 01 Beaeticiaty.Truata shall comply wllh _- <br /> .:,:��,; ,. �I �- <br /> ...,r�,,, �ti a11�rn,ordinanas,rpul�tbns.covenants.conditiopa and restriStrons aHecting Ihe Properly and rwt commfl�auRer a permit any act to be don�In n► <br /> -.�,v�1;;`��" upon qhs Property in vlolatbn of any law,adinance,regulalion.covenaM,condltlon a resirlction.�rusta shatl camptete a restae promptly and in pood _ <br /> � <br /> -=._.:�r.•..�t'•vG;�;�';;�, y when due�a�w��ar aa«�amed.�w mA►.rws <br /> .�.. .,,:,� wakmanlflu manner on Improvertienl on the Rope►ty which may be dwoayed a destroyed wKf pey. <br /> ° - .. =--'3�r�'�' iumish�d th�►afa and for any�Ilaratlono tlwroof. - <br /> _ ��_.=�S.F�„� <br /> _�==��:�,�' 4.III�INIANC�.Trun«,et its expena.w�U meirnaln wUh inaurqra approved by Beneliciary.insuronee with respsct to Ihe lmprovemmts�nd parwnal <br /> �_,_r,����,� ap�y.�����pirope�ty.pgpinst loas Ey hre,Iqhining.tamado,and olher peris end hazards covered by sUndard sxtanded covaraps indors�mMN. _ <br /> ��"7°�""�,��• in�n Mnant�qwl to at Nftt ona hundrW percent(tOq%)of ths(ull replacemonl value thereol and ineurance ap�inal wch olh�r hw��rds�nd 1n wch <br /> - "-"�'�S1+dl';u?, amounw a�Is cuuomully c�rrled by own�r�ond operotws of a�milar properues a aa Benel�c�ary m�y rpulre fa ils protectlon.Trotta wi11 compty wuh <br /> — - - �ueh o1h�r rpulnm�nh w BenNielaiy may Iram tlmato Ume reqwsl fa theprolxlbn by�nsuranee o1!he Intanuof tM nspectlw paAl�s.AlI insurana <br /> ��:�## polleNr nWnt�in�d punumt to IMS Tru�►l�ed�h�u n�m�Trusta nnd 8an�l�awy w Inaur�d.�s 1tNir nspecllv�Inlsrals m�y�pp�u,an6 prwid�Ihat <br /> iiw��'�"� thM�b��lowfe�YaLOn a mOdlf�tlofl wNhOUt u N�s118 day!pnOr wntNn noUlicNlon b Truqes�nd BuMlklary miy praura wch Mwr�In�oeordYlC� ` <br /> ��:,._� vMlh tM pOVlslan�ol p�rapraph 8 hersol-Tructa sha�l delivor to BenNicury IM w1p�nl�l pol�cles ol Insuronc�aed r�nnwai�th�r�ol a m�mo copin ol = <br /> y� - �uch po11cIM rnd r�nwvalt iho�of faUUr�Io lurmsh wch Inwru�c�Gy Truata,a i�wW�as nqunW h�raur��hall.�I lh�optwn ol BM��f�wry. -- <br /> - - r• i,`�,'�IY''... COnstUYt��d�hult. <br /> '�i;..�f° <br /> - " ,.i�ra�r}f B.TA%E�.AiCESiMENTB AND CHAAGEB.Trusta shau WY au rorec.eswssmern�and dher crurpea.�cludinp,w�thout i�m�l�iwn.h�cub�mPcwtbns �- <br /> � �'`�� ,� atlrfbutWNlo IM Property a�d IaawhWd paymenle d pround renb,lf any,bela�Ihe fams become ddinqusM.Trupa ahsll prompliy IurmN►to banwliGuy <br /> .-�;fi,�. - y�t, • r <br /> -,,�r _�,,.T.,,,., �11 ndlc�sol amounp due undar Ihia paragraph,pnd In Ihe ovent Truata ahell meNe peymenl dlrectly.Truatar ehall promptly Iurnlsh lo Benehclary racelpu <br /> - _ `:.,��i��r ` wldenclnp wGh paymente.Truela�haN pay eM taxe�and aessssments wh�ch mpy be lovied upon 8anehc�ary'a IntereN h�roin a upon thlo Trusl Owd �� <br /> """"��r!�=�:dy�.'r.� - wNho41 ripud to any law that may be enectad Impaanp paymam of Ihe whote or any part ihereof upon tho Bineficary. _ <br /> ��. �r .�.,��.:.-,.� = <br /> �- �, '�;-y ' 8.ADDRIONAL LIHNS AND PROTECTION OF BENERICIAR�'S SBCURITY.T�ustor shall make all payrnente af inlerest and prmclpal and paymenis <br /> - ,�,;, ol any othu charpes,laea end aMpensea contrectad lo be pald to eny exisimg a euboequenl lienholder w benetitiery,under any eristinp a auba�quent _ <br /> ,,���_ >, • morly�pe a trutt d�ed before the date they are delfnquent a�n defauU,and promptly pay and dlschwge any and all other liana,cla�ms a charpes whkh _ <br /> i,,., pe <br /> .�.��,,,�,:,_.;_ m�y j�opudize Ih�sacuriry granled hereln.If Tmstor lafls to make any such payment or leils to partam any ol the covananta and agreements contWn�d <br /> � � •�•�1� - in thi�Truq Owd.w 1hu Note reterrea to herem,ar m ony prior a su6aequeni trur,i JueG.a u a�y�c:ian a:�roccco�ne is commeneed r�l+kh mnlnlelly <br /> ,y,_���'Y",� �, aB�Bsr�fiClary's interest in Ihe Property,includmg,bul not Ilmited lo.eminent domein proceedlnps,proceedinga fnvolving e decedent.notice af wle ■''_ <br /> ��,� r�� by Truqee,notlCS of defaNl by Truatee,mo►lgage foreelosure actfon,a if Trustw I�IS to pay Trusta's debte generaAy as they beeome due,then Benelklary, .. <br /> ;,-�; '''' at genNiclpy's optlon and wlthnut notke W or demand upon Trusta ancl withoul releasing Trusta han Yny obllgauon he►eunder,may make wch appearanas, - <br /> ':�� �' dl�bwle�uch wms and take such actb�es Is necessary to protecl 8eneficiary'a Intere�t,lncluding,bul not umited W,dfsburaemsnt of reafonabts attan�y's �- <br /> .�`'� � ����'� '' Iw�.paym�nt,purchase,eonteat or campromice of any encumbrance,cherpe or liee,eMry upon tAe Properly to maka ropalre,a declaratlon of delault _ <br /> ''_•�;�.., ���� .... ; . � under IhfsTruat Deed.ln the event that Trostor ehall�al to procure fnsuranee or to pa�tarea,assessments,or any mher cheryea or to make any payments - <br /> to�ny exlsWty ar sub9equent Ifenhddera or exl6ting a aubsequent beneffcfariea.Benellcfary may p►ocure such Insurance and make cuoh peymen6 but <br /> - `"�� • '��`'�� • , shall not b�oblfpated to da ao.Any amowts dis0ursed by 8enoffclary pursuaM ta this Paragraph 6 ahall become adGNlonol Indebtednesa of Trusta secured __ <br /> I�`j '' ` �`� ::r' ' by thb TNSt Deed. Such amounla ehell be payable upon notice hom Benel�ciary to Trustor requeeling peyment tAereof,and�hell bear Interast from Ihe _ <br /> • `"'�"" �'"'"�"" " dnte ot ditbu►aement at th�rate payaWe hom time to time on outsland�ng prnclpal untler the Note unless peyrnent M Interest at such rate would be eoMrery � <br /> ` ;�"�;•{• n^:''� � to appNcabls law,in whlch event Such pmounts shall bear interest et Ihe h�ghast rate permisslDle under appllCaMe law.Ndhlny tontalned m tMs ParapYph � <br /> '_�:, 6�hall raqulre Benetklary to Incur any expense or lake any actwn hereunder. <br /> i �,. <br /> .�'. ar+l''t. :.: +r.:.,` _ <br /> _ c:,,: , ,,;,r;;,.:.- 7.ASSI3NN8NT OF RHNTS.8enelk�ary shall have the rlght,pqwer and aulMnty during Ihe conllnuance ol thl6 Troot D�ed to coMect the ren18,luues __ <br /> _ ''•ti�'Y'��:•,<�'�•� wW puf W of Ihe Prope►ry and of any personal property�aated Ihereon xnlh or wdhoul taking poasesalon o11he property aBected hereby,end Tru�stor � <br /> �L'.i::'� .t•.;:.;i` ''+, � <br /> `,;,., .. i�i:„•,��.,,�•;;�,;.a�,l;`,'., h�reby abtolutey and Uneondldonelly essiqna all such rents,issues and profite lo Benelk�ary.Beneflaa�y.however,hereby toneenle to the Trustor'8 <br /> ,�;•i�; <br /> � �. ��ar Str ` ' ";�r• � colleetbn and retentlon o f suc h renls,lssues a n d pro t�ls as i h ey a c cr u e a n d b e c o m e p a y a6le so bn g as Truatar Is not,et such tlme,In de ault wit reepect r <br /> .�..11..� d . <br /> -°� �� �+����- t0 peymanl ot any ind9b�edness 86CUred hereby,or 1�Ihe perlormance of any agreemenl he�eunder.Upon any such default,8enellclary may at any tlms. .6,. <br /> - • ��� Nther In pnon,by agent,a by a reCelver ta be eppolnled by a court,wdhout notice and wdhout regard to the adequecy of eny seCUrlty fw Ihe IndebtodnBaJ C.. <br /> � '����+t''��{' � hereby secured,(a)enter upon and take possesslon of the Property a any part thereot,and�Its own name sue far or olhenv�se collect aueh renls,1lauea <br />_ ,_�f .• <br /> and profite,includlrig Ihose pasf due and unpab.and Apply Ihe same,less costs and expenses ol operalion and cdiection,Including reasoneble attorney's _ <br /> '��,t.�};,1,;�.;; ° INa,upon eny Indeblodness secured hereby,and m such ader as Bene6ciary may determme:(b►perlorm euch ects of repalr or protectlon es mey be � <br /> • - ,,, ;;'`�r,�.,,,?' - . ., n8G¢pary pr proper to consetve Ih�e va1u9 of Ihe Property;(c)le9se the same ar any part Ihoreof la auch•eNal,term,and upon cuch condplona�a Ita = <br /> :� .r'! �� judyment may dklate.or termfnale a adJust the terms and condN�ona of exlslmy leases.Unless T�uelor and Benelkiary thereof epree otherwi�a In wrlllnp. � <br /> ' � '��' � � on appllatlon ot�ents,issuea a profits to any mdeWedness secured hereby shall nol exlend or poslpone Ihe due date of the fnalallment peymenit As _, <br /> . y <br /> � • ' ' �'��"'•+ provlded In sald promissory noto or change the Hmount ol such mstallmenls.The entenng upon and tak�ng possesslon of thQ Property,Iha Coll�ctlon �� <br /> of aueh renta,iasues and pralits,and the appl�tatlon thereol as abresa�d.ahall not wawe a cure any defau4 or nWlce ol delault herounder a InvalWate � <br /> '' eny eCt dane pursuant lo such noUce. Tn�slar also assigna to 9ene��c�ary,as lurther securdy lor the perlormance ol Ihe obligations seCUred herehy,all = <br /> '' prepYW reMs and all momea which may have heen or may he�ealter be deposiled wdh said Trustor by any lessee ol the Pioperly,to aecure Ihe payment F <br /> `��4�• - of any renlor damayes,or upan delault In t he perfo�manCe o1 any ot the p�nvis�ons hereol.Trustor agrees to deNva�such renls and depos�ts to 8enehc�ary. �•• <br /> �'`��_ ,; , a • Delivery O�wnUen nohce of Benellciary's eaerc�se al the nghts granted here�n.Io any tenant occupy�og sa�d p►emises shall ba euMlcienl to reqWri QaW _ <br /> IYnaM to pey rent to Ihe Benehuary unUl luriher nd�ce _ <br /> - ,� � 8-CONDBAINATION.II Idle to any part of Iho Property shall be tnken m condemnation proceeWngs,by nght of eminent domam or s�mdar acUon,or p <br /> s11a11 be sdd under Ihreet of condomnaUOn, ell uwarUs. dnmages and proceeds are hereby ass�gned and shall be paid to Benel�Ciary who shall apply ' <br /> � � � 6uCh eward6,damepes and pruceeds lo the aum securod by thrs Trust Daed.wdh Ihe excess.���d lo irustor.If Trustor recerves any not�ce or � <br /> other MfamaUOn regerd�ng such aehons c�r p�a;ond�ng�,Lus�or shall ywe prompt wnnen noUCe Ihoreot�o Benehc�ary BeneOC�ary shall be � <br /> . . Ils optWn,b cummence,appear m and p�osec We m�e,otivn name any such nct�on or piocBetlmgs anA shall be enhlled lo rtwke any comprom�ee or 56ttlemBnt � <br /> In COnn6Clqn wdh eny SuCh AcUOn nr proceeAings <br /> . f <br /> F?�,,,,,�.. 9.FUTURE ADVANCEB. Upon requesl ul In�stur. Benef�eiary al Oenchc�;�ry':;opuon,pnor to reeonvoyancB uf the Property lo Trustor,mny m8kp <br /> �..,�te'r:"�stic�fn_s luwraedvncea lo Trustor-Such Iu1ure odvanws,w�Ih�ntciest thereon,shau be secured by Ihis Trust Deed whe�ev�denced by piomissory notes steUng � <br /> � ' y - Ihat aeld notes are secured he�nby.provided Ihat nl no t�mu shall the Secured p�mapai and�uture advances,not inciudmg sums aovanceo�o p�o�ect - <br /> � • Ihe secunty. exeeed Iwo hundred pa�cent 1200°'v1 u�Ihe a�y�nal pnoupal amounts securad hereby ` <br /> i <br /> 10.RLYEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE.Truste�e and E3e��e�ic�aiy.and each of thom.sha�l be ent�tled to enforce paymenl and perform�nce o�any mdebtedness � <br /> • a ob11pa1Wns secured h.+reby and to�xerc�se au nyhis and uowars undor Ih�s Trust Deed or under any other agreement executed�n connecl�on herewllh <br /> , Or any Iawe t�ow or herea�ter�n lorce. notwdhslandmg some or all ol thv;uch mdebledness an�f obligations setured hereby may how or hereaher be ( <br /> Othenv�se58CUred,whelher by deed,pledge.hen.ass�gnment or otherwise Nedhar IhQ n�cepinnce of Ihis Trust Deed nor its en�orcement <br /> ��',�°' wAelher brCOUrlBCUOn or pursua�t la the pawer of sale or ulhor powars hurein conl�metl.shall prg�uditf or�n any mnnner affect Truste0�s a�Beneh�ia�y's <br /> '�^`�;• dpht to reaNZe upon or enfurce any othe�secmdy now ur herealter he�d by irusteo or Bane6uary,il be�ng ag�eed Ihat Truatee a�d Banehciary,and each t <br /> :i.: <br /> . . , . I <br /> r <br /> E. <br /> t <br /> , <br />