<br />s' +
<br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indehtedness as hereinhefore provided.
<br />That the Mortgagor is the 6wner of said property in for simple and has goad right and lawful authority to sell and
<br />convey the same and that the same is free an¢ clear of any lien or rnCUmhrance ~. and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said premises against the maims of all persons whmnsoeve r.
<br />Ta pay immerlietely w•lien due and payab:e alt general taxes, special taxes, special ascesstnent, avater charges, .sewer serv-
<br />ice charges, and other taxes and charge:; against said prniurty, and a!I taxes Touted on the debt secured hereby, noel h> furnish fhe
<br />- Mortgage-r.~ npon zeauesF, x%+th the origins( an duplicafe receipts thurefur. The Mortgagor agues th»t there chalk be added in
<br />each monfhty payment required hereu rder nr under the evidence o! dr,bt srrured hereby an am,,,.:nt estimated by the b3ortgagee
<br />to be suffideet to enable the Mortgagee to pay. as they 6<^: eve+• clue, alt taxes, a+sessments. and -imilar charges upon the prem-
<br />i3:-v subject thereto: any deficiency Ix cause of the insufficiency of such additional payment shall he forthwith deposited by the
<br />-..ortgager •zith th+• h4ortgager upon demmxt h. the \lortgage e. Any default under thie paragraph shall be deemed a default in
<br />payment of taxes, aa: es. meets, nr sEmilar charges required hereunder.
<br />The liortgagur agrees that there shall also 1>e edded fu each monthly payment of principal and interact required here-
<br />r.,~ under an amount ectinsated t+y the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enable the Morten„tee to pay, as it becomr_c duc•, the insurance
<br />Premium rn arc insv~.an.e pul:co .lelra Bred to ch tit-. iga c- 4 - defi: 6. nc. he ,1 -Cr ~ ;-h additl, oaf Fan
<br />~+
<br />~ me{it< shall 'or fnrthw•ith deprutt,! by the \4ortga,:or x-rth the \t arrgagx•e u}k":: ri<m.,nd h~ ,h+. \4:. rt,~~,. <...~n. do-fault under :his
<br />paragraph sha1E be dee•m~ j a drfax:lt ir. t!:e payment ,if 7nsu ranee premtums. if the ~ lice or poliei rs drno:ifod arF surh a: tnrmP-
<br />'"'~ ownea or stl risk yr!iciec_ and the drpc>it any insufficient to pa:: th;~ cots re n--mwn:, the yinrtga~er may apply ih,~ drpo ~t to
<br />pay premiums on risws requi n~ti in f+e insured by this mortFa:;e.
<br />Payment made br the 3{ortga,or under t, about parag ra}>hs nzay, at the option of the tiiortgagee, Fre held by rt an.!
<br />~ commie€lert ?. iih other such funds :.r :es own fundsttfe?r the payment •oi such iienu. and until se applied. such payments are hrrt-h-
<br />pfedgxt as srcuntc for the ur.!aa..l halan ~- of the martgagr indebtedness
<br />Ts procure. d-,,... . -. amt maintain for the }k`nrfit o` [he '+tor±agee dunng the life of this mart gage original fxa:cies and
<br />renewals thereof, delisr+d a: bast ? „ da;~s tsetse :hr rnLcm :- a::y <ucir , ,., .. nsunn~ agaira it re and u.ne - --
<br />hazards, casualties, and avntingencies ac the 'a4oztgegrt• rosy require, in an amcur,t equal to [he indebtednec seeu:ed~tryrthis
<br />Mortgage. and in mmparirs icc<=Ptah!.- to the M,•rtgager, with 'seas {~ayahlr rlacse in fan-nr of and in form acceptable to the Slerrga-
<br />gee. In tr:e e. znt any ,<dicc +~ .., and ~,-. ,-s F><•P:.,rte- ter: dac< „f its rxpiratfgr.. the \4,rtgage.• may pttnv re :r,.,urancr „n *4+
<br />imprrn-ements, Pay the i`remiumrt h..r.•icv sad sa.-h ,.. .. shalt hri ,me in:m+-r,:atei-. J::r amt payable with ut[erest at the rate art
<br />fetth in said nets until pa.d and =hail i.<- ,~..i erci `.= .-„~ ::.._ gazo Failure cn t.-~- {,art nt the S4nrtgagar to furnish such renex~als
<br />as are here ~^. required ;rr ?aiin:e n, paa~ a uss ari•. a.^..e' hereu'!7er sha7i. a: th.~ e;,+.inn of the \ioY•gagee, r.~n,htute a default
<br />under the *.erm-: of iht: rr-. r ,r Th :~ .:f .ac o„ _ :all - the ra ent a :efault _e,n- ..sole an ~o~g;nmrn; of the un~
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any sums rrz-!vr~ h ,..r }t<"ngagre= :ra.=a: r- ; r 1::;_ ,:r damage insured agamct mac be rr[amed by the \inrt€akee
<br />and appficnf toward -he , .. ,f the .:rt.t ..errb>" ..~<,..ed, -.r at the optic of the \7crtgahre, such _...: _ erther ~a~hoily or m
<br />pare mac tar paid o r t:.th yS., rte .Y .. -.. h•,ti'rmr ear ?n buftr+-n x- buikJia€s i t},cir nine,. ._r in- a ,
<br />other Purpose or ntairct satisfa: tc.;. ~ne 1' r t, ,_ w •?fxi:ng the :ice :,n t^e mnrtga€e far the t~:%1 at^. .... r, ,; hrre-
<br />by hef+~re =u.^h payment nee tax,k place.
<br />To prumpdy repair. resmre o; rrbudd .: m- .•~.idi.ag> .,. impma-ements now or ;, reatn•z ou the pr xhich may he"
<br />come damn€~ t?r deslmyrd; to Icrr;? said pre:n,srs it d :vnditi.~.n and repair ani ?ree• frc,m any mxhaniees 1: n ,~r nt her lien or
<br />claim of lien m'ai expre~iy suta,rdinatrd to the ,err. ??ereof ~ r,:,t to suffer ,~r Fk'rmit any unlawful use of r.•r any ntu sauce fo rxrst an
<br />said pxpeny nor in permit waFe or. said premis~•s. n.. .., d.: any either a wherrb~: the pxrpertt hereby conva•yed shall iaecome
<br />lee valuab;=. xr to diminish o senate its ?-al ar 6 - - -r...r - m.-~aon .~, act. .: :r~.mrly x_th sli regvrements of law with ;espert
<br />to rite mortgaged premier : an'rthe use thereof.
<br />TrraY s.>vuld rte preenr:e-s .,r t {:.3r*. ther-.?f k*• ta:.r. .:an:aFa-d r a-... a.. .tolrr :mi,: ,-. ,rot :, aandrmra[tan
<br />Proceeding. ar tinder the right of eminent domain, „r ,n any other manner. flee \f,.rtgager shall t+e rntrtir.i rto alt arompensatintss,
<br />awards, and any oi°ner payment ar relief therefor ant shall be entitled. at ifs option: to rnmtnence, appear in and prosecute in its
<br />a T name an}' action or prtaceeding. ?+r ti. rnsFe an} rc,marrttrise :;r settlement ir: t~~nnection xith >uch akmg .,r damage. AR such
<br />cmmpeosafian, awards, datnag<~•s, right of nelson and prcw~eeds are hereby assigned to ±he ~4wtgagee, wtto map, alter deducting
<br />ihesefr»m all its experzsES. release any moneys so rereiy~sd by it or apply tine same or. any indebtedness secured }u•reby. The kfart- ,
<br />gtK,[ar agteee to ezea:te such further assigan:enis ,"vf any r;~mpensation. axards, damages, and rtghis n# action and proceeds as the
<br />IWnr[sattce rrraY reQatm. ..
<br />That in ease of failure to perform any ~;f th+• cz,a tenet. hert:n. ter ~4nrtgagre may dam, :?n the S9 <,ri€agnr's M,half e.en-thing -
<br />ao ccn-enantcti; that t:be Mut•igagee inay alu~ de any set :- ;nay .:rrrr .t<-~r•>.ara- t., pr fret the Jien t:xrer-•C. the: tt,r \lnrt€agor will -
<br />rtgray upaa detested any mvaeys paid nr disbursed by the ~tortzagr-c for any of the attave pu rPoses, and such moneys together with -
<br />intererf theteoa st the cafe prcn:ded in said ease shall hr.-ome s?< much arvlztimtaf indebtedness hereby secured and maY ~ ir,- -
<br />s
<br />rladed is any decree farecluseng this martsagt' and t<~ pa:v nut of the rr~nC er pnace•t•ds crf sale of aid premises it not olherw~rac _
<br />paid; that it shat; not be aMiga:ory upon Lye \iortga3ee to Inquire into :he a"alidity of any lien. encumbrances. ur claim in ad- ,~
<br />- vsxtt~ng tartaeye as a'tlare auiboriaeti• 'x>::::_uthi:-t; laernn ttnta:ned ttsal# •>F rrasuurd as t-ryuinttg the bicrf3aggrr to ad>=arrre any
<br />atoneys far any such VurPost ear to do y art hereunder. and that 'y4ortgagt+ shall ra.t inrvr any personak liability herause of ent
<br />f~tY if essay do ar omit w do hereundrr~r
<br />Irt the event u{ i}te default by Murigagut is ttce payment of an}~ installment. as required t+y ttre Note seA.ured hereh}•. or
<br />in tiu Prrftxmaaee t# the trbtigatiurr in this mortgat;a or in uhe nafe soured thereby. the \-4ortgagee sl-alt be entitled to declare the
<br />derot zcured botchy due sari Paya62e without notice, and the Marigagee shah t+e entitled at ds option, witt:avi notice either by itself
<br />ar try a rezQiver to be app~nted 6p the court t4serent- and without regard io the adequacy of any sorority for the indebtedness se.
<br />crtreu htv~ri-, to enter trpott and tale fr.'rs5csgian cif the mortgaged premises. and to mtlert and receive the rents, :sues and profits
<br />- Lberetd. and apply the same, less costs of operation steel cr:l3ertion. upon the intfehtedress secured lay fists mortgage: said rents,
<br />lasses and profits b+`inb hereb}' sasisrred to the `rinrigapre as furttrer rrruritc for the payment of all indebted eras srrureri hrreby.
<br />The \4or[gagee strait have the power to appoint any agent or agent it may desire for the pu rposi• of ra-pairing said Prem-
<br />• sea; ruptiret t}rt acme; callerFaE fhe rents, revenues and itterune, and it may pay auY of said income ail ezPetles recurred in rent-
<br />itrQ and ~ ~+r& the same and of ~a9Serting tlfe rentals fhernfrom- The ba[ancr remaining. if any. shall br• applied toward the
<br />r6e of the mattLa=e indehtedaesa This trsaignmrnt is fu terminate acrd become null and void upon reteav- of this mortgage.
<br />~~
<br />
<br />