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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />together x~ih ail tenemrnts, hereditamenis and appurtznanczs belonging thereto <br />TO HAVE .AND TO HCLD the atmve described Premises with ail the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging including <br />-., all rents, iss•,tes and profits thereof vnia Morteagee, fnrevzt. And Mortgagor hereby covenants that Mortgagor is well and truly sei2ed of <br />a good title to the premises above eonveyeit in the law. in fze simple, and has good right and lawful authority to convey the same, and <br />_ ~ 1'iai the title se conrzvzd is clear, free and unincvmhzred zx,:ept a~ othzrhisz nettd and that Mortgagor wi11 forever warrant and de- <br />e^~ fend v;z sa.*nz to Mortgagee against al; claims ufiats:,ever. <br />~ This Aiortgagz i; given b}~ Mengagos to >ecure thz pzrf:~....ance of each agrezmrnt contained herein, and Eo sacure Ehe paymrnt <br />of a loan in thz amount of the Total of Payments shown. abort, whi,;h loan being evidenced by a ptotrdssoty note bearing even date <br />trerewith and which is further described above. <br />PROVIDED 4i_wAYS. and thzsz presents are up+m thz exprrsszd c. ndition, that if the \l.+rtgag[?2shali pay to fuJ.l [o the Mort- <br />gagee a prraniicon•note bearing evrn date herewith in the amount +et forth ahov~, payable in installments according to the terms there- <br />.vf toge4'ter with in*.ere_.t ac set forth therein, and shall pa}~ all taxes anti assessments levied vpau said real estate before the saute be- <br />rttm°s deiiny,tent,and kzzr t1:z t,uildings on laid p~erti>e~ insurzd f ~>; a sum equal t.? the indebtedness secured hereby, loss, if gnu, pay- <br />ablz to the said Mortgagee, thrn ihzsz presents tc? hz null android, otherwisz to bz and amain in full fore. <br />THIS MORTGAGE iS ALSO TO BE. AND CONTlNtiE TO BE, FRO!! TIME TO TIME, SECURITY FOR TH£ PAYMENT <br />OF Sl,'CH SL?M OR SLLMS OF M0N£1' AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TL1fE TD TLME I\ THE FL'LURE ADVANCE TO THE <br />M0RTG:IG0R, A.~ID EVIDENCED BY A SlaYPL£MENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BL'T NOT TO EXCEED THE TOTAL. OF <br />S "}#~`}?, 54?,40**~ ..EXCEPT FOR A;VY ADVANCES TIiAT M.AY BE MADE TO PROTE[T TIC SEC47RITY .19 AC- <br />CORDANCE WITH THE TERLIS OF TH1S MORTGAGE. <br />Addialonal Tzrms anal C ndinans on die tz;zr>z .~f ;1-:ii ae:zrn:et:i art made a part hereof and in«+rpor red herein. <br />L*: NTTN£SS tt'I-IEREOF, the sai3 .4tongagar ha.e executed the>: presents the day and year fnt above written, ~ <br />.? ~ ' , <br />---~__, lv~cr' Morig'~g <br />' ~: <br />~~ ' <br />~or - <br />~, <br />STATE QF 1dEBRASKA ) <br />1 SS <br />C{3iJNT4' OF "}' t <br />~~ ~ dad' of .iL?vt l9 79 , befsare roe, the underagned a 11Jotan• Public, duly <br />~ gad quaiitied for and in said sbtz and county, pezsnrtally carne HICHARiS Et1GE*lE GREE:iWALT AidD MARGIE <br />6Nti GREEEikAT,T, HOSBAND Ah'D 1.TiFE OF EACH OTIiER <br />taxae'";Eaava to be rite itkatiryl prawn nr Petsans arlsnse Warne is or name< are affixed [o the foregoing instrument and acknowledged <br />tkt tateei[tis[n thereof E:rJae hss, #[rr ar titrir voluntary arr arnl deed. <br />Witness my hand an3 Notarial Seal the stay and year last abova written. <br />rirtat~t o st'~t.x / <br />~ r~eim ew r[a t. tttp <br />ARY PYjBLIC <br />My coaaatssioa expdres the day of _~ / t' , 19~. <br />NOTICE: SEE OTHER SID ~ OR ADDiT10'vAL TF1L4iS AtiDf0\DITIO'`S <br />NEB. 2.£_ <br />~RIGLt~IA+ <br />