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� E . t . . "' . . � ... � ' 2 •,R. <br /> �+�� �0��� ` <br /> S. B�rd ssr Pmperty Insurance• Borrower shall �eep the impmvemenu now aaisting or hereafter erzcted on tt� <br /> Property insured against toss b�fue.haTands inctuded within the term "exteaded coverage' ar.d am+other harards. in.^tudir� �_ <br /> ftoads or flooding,fas which Lender requires insumnce.This insuranoe shall be mai�tained in the amaunts anc!for the�eriods _ <br /> -� that Lender teguires. The insuranoe carrier providin�the insusa�ce s[tali be chosen by Borrower subject to l.endcr's approv:tl <br /> wr�ic�shaIl aot 6e anreasonably withhetd. If�o:rov�er fsits to rnaintais cavrrage destnb�afwve. Lend�r may< at i.endQr's N <br /> option.obtain Euvera�e to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordance arith parag�-agh 7. <br /> ' pll �ncnra�policies and reaewals shatl be acceptable to Lender and shall inctu�e a standard mortt;age c�ause_ Lx�tder <br /> st�sll have the ri�t to hold the paGcies aud renewc�ls.If Lender cequ9res.Borrower shull promptty give to Lender all receipts of I�. <br /> paid premiums and t�eIIewal Qotices.In the ev�t of loss.Barrower sball give prompt ciatice to the insuranse carrier and Lender. -- <br /> �`. Lender may make pinof of loss if not made pmmptly by Borrower. __ <br /> -` Unless Leader aad Borrower othanvisa agree in writing,insurance prooe�s sha1l 6e applied to reswration os repais of i�e �_ <br /> Property damaged,if the resYazation or repair is ecouomicallY feasibte and Lender s securty is Rot tessene�.If the restoration or <br /> repair is not e�anQmically t�sible or F�.nder's sa�v:,�ir.{wou2d be lessened,the insurance prcc�ds shall be applied to Wc susrs <br />. secaned by tlris Security Ir��t�uzaea�w@etF�;c_*��:�+ due. with any excess paid.ta�arr.cfs�r. If Borrower abasdons th� <br /> Property. or does aot anscv�x���thin 30 a�a:;r��+m Lender that the insUrance c�uriPr hus offered to settle a claim,thea <br /> ����y �}�p,� �iav�c:�-Tee pra�s, L,enaet-�y nse the pmceeds to repair or re.tace the Property or to pay sw-ns <br />