<br />79--~~~3561
<br />9. Upon ary failure by the Mortgagor to comply with nr perfnrrn any of the terms, cnvrnants nr conditions of tbit Mort•
<br />gage requiring the payment of an}• amount of money by the Afortgagtr, ether than the principal amount of the loan evidenced by
<br />the Notq interest and other aha rf;es, as provided iu the Nt.lr, the Aic~rtgagn• may as its option make such payment. Every
<br />payment so made 6y [ne Afortgager (including era sonabie attorney's fees incurred thereby), with interest thereen from the date
<br />of such payment, at the tart of six pen rot (6 ^'r) per annum, except any p-: yrnent (ur which a di(ferrnf talc nF inirrest is
<br />specified herein, shall be payable by the Afortgagor m the Afortgagec on demon) and shall be xcured by this A4xtgagc. This
<br />Afortgagc with respect to any smh amount and Ihr int<resl thereon, si,ail aonstiRrte a lien nn the mortgaged property prior to
<br />any other lien attaching of accruing •uhsrgnent h. the lien of this Murtga qe.
<br />10. The Afortgagec, by any of its agents nr rrprrsenwtivrs, shall have the right to inspect the mortgaged property from time
<br />to time at any reasonable hour of the Jay. Should du mortgaged property, or any part thereof, at anq time require inspertion,
<br />repair, cart or attention of any kin) or nature not provide) by this ASrntgagt as dcttrmincd by the Afortgagec in its sole dis-
<br />cretion, the Afortgagtr nuy, after n,rtice to the Afurfga GOr, enter nr cause cyst ry to : r male upon, the mortgage) property, and
<br />inspect, repair, protect, care fur nr maintain sua4 property, as lhr hturtgapec :nay m•its sole discretion deem necessary, and may
<br />pay all amounts of money therefor, as the Martgagee may in its sole discreton deem necessary.
<br />lf. The principal am:runf awing na the Notr tegrthrr with interest tbrtrnn and ail odor charges, as therein provided,
<br />and a^ ochre amounts of money owing by the Mortgagor to the Afnrtgagrc pursuant to and secured or intended to be secured
<br />by this Afortgagq shall immrdiatcly became due and payable without notice nr demand upon the appointment of a rtceiver or
<br />liquidatoc, whether voluntary or invelur.tup, for the Afortgagur oc any of Qu property of the Afnrtgagar, nr upon the filing of
<br />a pNitien by or against the Afortgagor under the provisions e( any State in<nlvrn<y law, or under the provisions of the Banb
<br />ruptcy Act of [898, as amended, or span the making by the Mortgagor of an assignment (nr the hrnefit of the Mortgagor's creditors.
<br />TFta Mortgagee is authoriz<J to dcdrrr, at its option, all or any part of wah indchtnlnrss immn?iatcly due and payable upon Che
<br />happening of any of .rho- following rvcntr.
<br />(a) Failure to pay the amount of any inst.almeat of principal and interest, or other charge, payable on the Nate, which shall
<br />have become due, prior to the due Jate at ih< next such installment;
<br />(b) Dlonperformance by the Ainrt Capra of any covenant, agreement, term ar condition of this Mortgage, or of the Note
<br />(caps as at!:rrw ;x provrdtd in subdis ision (a) hereof) or n( any other agreement herrtekrce, herewith ar hereafter made
<br />by the Mortgagor with the Afortgagct in conrtrrtinn with such indebtedness;
<br />(e) Frilure of the Ahatgsgor to ned;arm. ans cav<nant, agctcmrat, From or cs;a;{4ina in an° :°••-..___• creating a hen upon
<br />the mortgaged propr. ty, o: any part thereof, which shalt have priority over the lien u( this Mortgage;
<br />(d) Tht Afartgagtc's discostty of the Mortgagnr s failure in anv sppit,ation of the Mortgagor to fhr Atartgaga co diulose
<br />any fait JcemeJ bq the Mortgagee to be mNCria i, nr of cite making therein or in any n£ the agreements entered into
<br />by tl:r Afortgager with fhr Afertgagcr (includmq, but net limited tq the Nnte and this Mortgage) of any misrepreseo-
<br />iatinn by, on behalf cf, or for the benrfn ni, d:e Afortgagor;
<br />(e) The safe, bast n: other tnnskr of anv ksn.i nr nature of the mnrtgaq<d proptrtp, nr any parr thrrraf, withau•. the prior
<br />written Conroe of the Afortgagte;
<br />(f) Zhe enactment sf ;e: the date of this Atortgzgr of any law of the Sfax of Nebraska Jrduciing from the value of
<br />fhr mortgaged property (or aap part thrtc.•f }, for t.4r p_rpose .,f ra xa0oa, any lien thrrrnn, nr ch_ngirg in any wry
<br />its Saws for the taxation of mnrtgagrs c:r Jrbts sr.urcd by nmrtgage for start nr loyal pu:pnsr<, or the manner of collec•
<br />lion of my such tax, z. as a: affect this Mortgagr, an.i if after sc,h rnac'n:cot er change the solder of the Note and this
<br />Mattgage gives w~riLrn meter to fhr Afotigag..a do:larinq the N<•te an.l zll other mdrbtrlness secured 6y this Mortgage
<br />to be due and payaf,lr, hc.wsc n{ any suah cnac:meM or change, mrnedintcly upon the expiration of thing (30) days
<br />efte: such notice-
<br />The Mortgagor's failure to cacrcisr any of its rfg§ts rte:eunder aha^ not a,•mtitutr a waiver thucof. All the events in this Pera-
<br />gnph a::umr.-acrd upon the haspratng .•- an7 of which fhr Note shall bnu:rr. nr may bt Jcrlared to bt, immediately due aad
<br />ryyahlt, arc ,n the Aiuttgal;r .ailr.7 -rt Cora _f Jcfau';-"
<br />f2 The Ma; tgagce may L•.m ::.,x to time .ore each default under any ruv rn ant ar a,r<o-use in any instrument cxnting a
<br />lien upon ihr mortgaged property, ar any put d:trcof, whith shall h_ve prin;i*.v rate tht fir.: of this Martgagt m such extent
<br />as Uu Martgagee racy rec!asivtly drtcmine. and each amount paid (iF ary) by tear Mc,rtgagre to cure any such default shalt be paid
<br />by the AS atigagor to fhr Ma::gzger, and ihr Afortgager shall also bnamt suhrngatcd to wt+attcer rights [he holder a( the prior
<br />flee might ha+r uadcr sorb instrument
<br />S3. (s} A(tez the happrning r•F any default hrreundrr, fhr Mortgagor shat! upon demand of the Mortgagee surcender possn-
<br />sitm of the mortgaged p: operty to fhr Atnrtgag<t, and the Afortgagec may octet such pmprrty, and kt ihr sxme and a.Uett a{I the
<br />rents e?terdram whirh at,- Jur ,a ;., hraumr dot. and apply the ur•te, a&rs lu yment of all rharges and exper•ces, oa atcount of
<br />i?it i.•tdcbtedntss hereby sr. ~: ed, and wit suah rents and all leases existing at the time of snch de(a u!t ue htreby assigned to the
<br />MotlEagec as further srrronty «.,r fhr pa:;nrnt of the indrhtrdntss sciurc.i hrrr(,y; ar:d the Afettgagre may also disposzas, by the
<br />uswl summary procrrdings, oar ', n,.nt .lcfaoh:ng is tsc payment of any erns to the Mortgagee.
<br />(b) to the event chat the M,:agag,"r ..ccupirs fhr morttaFrd nruprrt} ur any part thereof, fhr Mortgagor agrees to sn:rmder
<br />pvsscssion of su,h ?-rupr•ty to t;rz AL+ttgagtr iu::ar-..'iatr;y zftr. a.^.y such drfa-„It hereunder, and sf the Mortgagor remains in pos-
<br />acssiun a([tr coos ,±. iaua. suah ps>c".,:+,n shall hem to-rant ai the Mnrt~a ~;r and t"ne Ma:tgagnr shall pay in advance, upon
<br />drnurxi br the Af.;ngagrc. ss a era s::.^..:Slc movably rantai l,:r the ptcm+s<s uo. upirJ by ti+t Mortgagor- an amount a! tease equivalent
<br />to nor-twelfth of the ag};:r; acv cf ts< twri,r maarhl} ina,limcacs p •i+!t :a th.~ aurrcnt ca ire '.ar gear, plus the artwl amount Of
<br />der ana4af q;.ru.,J erne, :i - - t,cr, ss-ns•nrntz, Eater ntes, ntfier n:us crnn:rnnl charges and insurance premiums payable in
<br />carsnrcticn w;th are tuenF_geJ property s.luring such pc;, and upur, sir !allure ni tfu Mnrtgagot In pay such monthly rental,
<br />test Mortgagor n,a}. alu: fir disf-.~sscssc3 by tLe usual summary pracerdings appliaahle to rraant>. This <ovenart shall become
<br />cffecerve iamcd;act?y =pan t:^,r Fa;=p, a;ng of nay such drfau(t, az dttrrmincJ sn the s,~-!e dsscrrti •n of the Martgagee, who shaft
<br />g:vr noti.r a( sue!: Jrterr..:ra:,on t.• tf.c Ai:agage:; zed in the cn-e of torn !nacre and the af"'ttinemrnS of a rr elver of She trots,
<br />the wi-.lnia coverunt sha21 ins;r t^ •!;~ benria of such re-e.rr..
<br />1~. Tiu M.~rtgagte m any un~•n to f.nca Saz. thin Mortgage shal4 be rmitlrJ in fhr appumtms vt of a rrctivtr without notice,
<br />ar a ln~tttr of right :nJ ->;t,:oat trgar, r~ the >aiue of rise mortgagt.f pn,f.rt ry, ut the svl ve n,y ur insnhcn.r of the Mortgagor
<br />ar other party fiattle far thr•paynscnt of the No[r and other indr(eteJnas ,,, urc,l by dos Mortgagr
<br />[5. The Mangagut, wfthrn sere {L""~} Jags up,+n request to person or within twenty (:0) days open request by mail, will
<br />furnish promptly a w:rtttn statement ir. form satisfxUrv !n test Mortgagee, signed by fhr Mortgagor and duly ackhuwlpdged, of
<br />fhr• arrtouot tfsen ow-ing on the Nutt artd other tndehtednets secured by this Mortgage, and w•hethet any offsets or defenses
<br />exist against such iadcStednrss ar aey p.,rt thctrxsf
<br />16. The Mortgagor will give immediate notice by rsgisterrd or rertif+ed mail to the Mortgagee of any fire, damage or other
<br />tawalty affuting the mortgaged property, or of any conteeyartce, Iratufrr or Chang, in ownership of such property, or any part
<br />theteaf.
<br />33. Notice and dernartd ar request reap be made in o ~•°ng zed may be served in person or by mail.
<br />3$. !n cast of a (omclosurt ufe of Litt mortgaga,a property it may be sa4d in ant parcel -
<br />f9. The Mortgagor wilt not assign ti:e trots, if any, in whole or in part, from fhr mortgaged property, or any part thereof,
<br />without the prior writtea consent of the Atartyragtr.
<br />