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1 <br />79-~ )~!)`~~F~ <br />dl Jebts, obligatinm and Iinbllitirs incurrod by reason of say cation taken I,y !hc Mortgagee, as provided in this Paragraph, all <br />of which amounts so paid by the Mortgagee, with interest thermn from the date of each such payment, at the rate of three percent <br />(3~) per annum, shall be payable by the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee nn demand and shall be secured by this Mortgage. <br />4. No building or other structure or improvement, Fiz[ure nr personal property mortgaged herebq shall be removed of <br />J<molisheJ without the prior wr aten constr.[ of the Afnrtgags a. T't:e ?.iortgagnr will :..d makt, per rote or suffer any alteration of <br />or addition to any building or other st rucu¢c nr improvement now nr which may hereafter be erected or installed upon the <br />mortgaged property, or any put the: cof, creep! the improvrmrnts rcquirrd t:: he made pursuant to Paragraph 3 hereof, nor <br />wit[ the Mortgagor usq or pr. n:it n znff<r the use n(, any of the mortga Fr~•I rrr•rtrty !nr anv purpox other than the purpose <br />or purposes for which the same ie nnwrincenJeJ n, Re used, without the prior o:rn4•n consent of the hortgagee. The Mortgagor wilt <br />maintain the mortgaged property in good condition and state- ,.f repair and »~il! nut suffer or permit any waste to any part thereof, and <br />will promptly comply with all the res3uircments of Fcdcral, sate anJ lo:al govrrnmcn ts, car of any departments, divisions or <br />bureaus thereoF, pertaining to such n:upgrtc or ang luxe [hereof. <br />5. The Mortgagor will not voluntas i?y crca re, nr permit nr cu[fcr h, ht crated nr to fxitt. On or against the mortgaged <br />property, or any part thereof, any lien ss:prnnr to nc~ lien of !iris Ainrtgagr, czelusivt of the lien of liens, if any, to which <br />this Afortgage is expressly subject. as s<t forth in the gets ntinn clause ahoy, and will keep and maintain the same Eree lrom <br />the claims of all parties supplying labor or mat rr to lS which will enter into the runstr~~tion or installation of the Improvements. <br />6. (a) Tht Dfartgagor wE!1 4rcp vFl Su;ldings, other structures and impmremrntc, including equipment, now existing or <br />which may hrrcaftec he etccteJ n; instaltcJ can the land mortgage,) hn,i,y, i surcd against Lnc by fire and other hazards, <br />casualties and mntingencicc. in such amnnnts and manner, anJ for such periods. all as may' he required from time to time by <br />the Mortgagor. lrnicss athrrw•ist required by the bfortgagte, aH such insurance .hall Re effected by Sundard Fite and Extended <br />Cuvengr insurance policies. in a... oats not .r. • than necessary to comely .. rth the coinsurance clause percentage of the value <br />=rrut=bit to the location and rha+nrtrr of the rrnperty to be ;r, rc.l !,II sr.,h in.utan<c shall be carried in comp.mies approved <br />b~ the Afnrtgagrt and all polidrs thcrcf, r shat; hr io n+. h form and <hall hate ate,,, hr a !hereto Inns payable clauses in Favor of the <br />Muttgagrc anJ ary other parties as chat! he sstt<fa:t,:ry h. the grc ,11! cash p~~l it ire and aria, hmcnts thereto s}ull, he delivered <br />promptly to the Mortgagee, urt'.rec thn arc rnluircd to he dAivr: cd io the holr!rr o(a lien of a mortgage ar similar inseno- <br />moot in which this bfortgagr i. rznrrss?,~ s.h~rrt, ;~ vhirh l.vtc: e-.rnt rr:ti^.atr, thera:f, s.visfartnrv to the Mnrt¢agre. shalt be <br />delivered promptly to the b?crtga qtr The Dfortgagnr v~ill pay prompt!. when r. z hcrrinaf!tt provided, and soy end alt <br />premiums nn such inzcrance, and in tcrr,~ cast in vhirh ravma;t thrreaf k not r.: `3r from the deposits therefor require) by this <br />Mnrtgagq promptly submit to the Dforigagce for cxa minatinn err; lets a other evidence of su:R payment as shall be satisfaetorq <br />to the hfortga,ece. 'f he ilfortga gcc mats obtain and pay the premium nn (hut !dealt hr under nn obligation to do so) every kind OE <br />inzunnce rtquited herby if ehe a..,:•unt n( such per-mium fins not hero deposited at required by this Mortgage, in which evrn[ <br />else Mortgagor will pay to the Mer!gagcc curry prca:ium en raid by the Mc+rtgs Rte <br />(b) in the event of loss rz damage to the mortga grd prctperiy the \fnrtgagnr will ,tier to the Martgagee immediate notice <br />thcrcof by m=il, aad the Afartgagec may make anJ fib proof of Inn if not made otherv~isr promptly by nr nn behalf of the <br />Mar, eagor. Fa rh insunnte c.-:mnanp issu [ng any such policy is hereby .uah.,ri;o? and dirratd to make parmrnt herernder for <br />such loss direalY to the Afnrtgagrq instead of to the i•lnr!gagnr and tlrr b?nregacrt i:aintlr, csnlrcc the ammmt n( Inss is Pty- <br />a61e first to the holder of a lien under a mottgagr of similar instru n.rnr ro whf,h this Afortga gt is expressly suR~ecr and tine <br />insurance pen, cods or any part therntf is recdvrd by the Tffsrt ga qtr m.rv- Rr applinl by the Mortgagee, at its opti~.+n, tither <br />in raiuttien of the indebtrdne<s !:ruby xtu;ed, or to tRe rrstnratu,n ~ c repair of N;c mortgaged property damaged. in <br />rite error r•f forrclasure of this Mortgage, or of tsar transfer of alto to t!r~ .::.,rrgagrd prnprrq in extinguishment of such indebb <br />edness, all right, title aad tote: est .'f the Mortgages in and m cuter w.h irssunnce policy then in force. subject to the rights <br />an,l interest of fhe hold:r n{ any such r:inr lirn, shalt prix to the gn rater a, goir;ng Gtlc to the mor'.gagcd property together with <br />sasR policy and appropri:!e aszigamrnt of such right, title and intrrc~t .. I:i•.h cha71 he nude by the Mortgagor. <br />7. (a) in order more ful?c to prntea the srturity of this Dlortexgr. :'~r linrtgagor shalt depot.! with the Mortgagee to- <br />gNhcr w•hR, and in additiem to. ! pxrment of printipai ar.i tole. e.t m•,a!hir ,: a. rnunt of the Note secured herebq, until <br />the Note is paid in full. an amnunt,of ,.u:ney equal to the total am.nun: :d (ii gr,.und cents, if e. r- next txtnming due, (ii) the <br />premiums nest hrcaming .lac car. the 1 ~lirics cf rite aad all orhrr has. rd insnraa:e rcqu~rrd Ry t!: \in; tga gt witR respect to fist <br />mottgagtd pmrtriy, (iri) taxc s. acsrsc:r.rntx. water :art and a!Fzr g:,+er.^.mee+nF charges n .; becoming due on the mnrtgtgcw <br />property (all tF.c ?nzrgc,ing a•nountz ,s estim.:!cd Rp tRc Mortga qtc and set fnrt6 r. writtro ~~. r:ti;r ot" such estimate by the <br />Mnrtgagrt tea the Mari_a;apo: fr+:m time ~ .:r-r), kss a:i ameunte that ,- c alrndv ha••r aRrrn p...? the rrfar, divided i•y the number <br />of talrndar months to lapse 6efnrr :•ne tz)rnuz mnntR prior to the date when such Ftuasd rents premiums. Iazrs. tisess- <br />;tc5 :n.. atRer gnvcrn:r.rniai ,Praeger its^nti, rip, watt Rc•c•vnc !ar and payable It anv amount crfr. red to in <br />rHaxs (i)•(hraugh fist) hereof is require) to br dc; nsitcd by the Mortgag,u .,ndrr a m; rtgage or similar instrumrnt Mving <br />priority over the Lrn of this Moe. g.agc she ~S artgaFnr shall make the dcposas myuirrd Rr this Paragnph i only in the event of the <br />tr. urination of such ohitga±s..q under the nor r„nrt{:nge ar simi6r insu r.mrnr TAr hfortga got rha?; giv< prompt rctice in rrit- <br />ing to tl:r 1.lnrigaget of ihr or::arcnrr of the last~mrn4r.rrd r.vnt..1t1 sr.;l: am, ;:nn :n drpositcd with !hr Mortgagee shall bt <br />Rdd Ry the bSnrt gager, car any agrni drsiznatr.l hs it. in trust to }m ucc.l nniq ba t6.r payment of .;:th ground rcmq premiums, <br />tarts, sssess rotors. wrier ntrs and other g ~. rn^rnUf rha; ges. \n intrresr shall he payah)c by the Alortgagte on any scam so <br />dtpoaitcd. <br />(b) All zmnunts acquired to be sly; ~sitcd within the A{artgagee month!q in accordance ..-ith Paragnph 7(.) hereo{, and tdar <br />a--aaus,: of printipa3 and torrent to to p,;d rarR morth nn a: count of the Nr>tr. shall he a Idr.3 rngrrhet, and the aggrtga to amauat <br />';rrt:.? shall Ix .paid bs, ti:r M:~trgaaor t.•. teat Mettgagcr in a smg?r payment to tx ai-plied by the Mortgagee on actnuni of the <br />inJrhtcdarzs ai the Mort carer furs:ar.! it the`i~ntr and this Mortgage (to the ertrnt that monies are avai6blc from !fie <br />:mount so dtpasitrd), in ihr .-.:der, tsar p ,:v ssir~n of P-c Nosc to the motets rv not»-ithstanding, as fn!I.;ws-: <br />FIRST, to rise late charges. i, m,. .r'rrrd r~ is tlrr \ote; <br />- SECQND. to aht amomi± r.s su;F: gzcand arnrs, i€ arsy, fire and o±Rer hatarJ insurance prcmiumt, taco, assessments, rater <br />rates an.? ntisrr governmrna) rR:rges zrga: is e-,a, to i+e paid under r#:e pr:.visinnc of this Mortgage, in whatever sequrnce !fie <br />Mortgagor qny estlusively deter mice; <br />TFfiRD,.to intcresi lase ssn the Nnie; and <br />Fi.IiFRTFi. the :emuadrr, ao ihr p,sncr,al du s-n t.~ id~t. <br />Any drfiriency in the amount of any such aggregate mnnthlp payment shall. unless paid br the Mortgagor prior to the due date of <br />the nest such dtposit payable, tanustu+.c ar ;vent rat default under this Mortgage. <br />(z) Any ezcrs funds that ma 4sr urumuLtrd by rrnsne of the drpnc;tc required under Paragraph 7(a) hereof, remaining <br />dscr paymrnt of else amounts drxr;bcd~in !tauter (i). (ii) and (ii,) thcrcof, shall l+t trrJiteJ to suhcequrnt IQprftj yr monthly <br />amounts o[ the same nature requitr:l tc br priJ iherrundet. if any such amount shall rzcecd the estimate therefar, [he Mortgagor <br />shat! forthwith pay to the Mortgagee the amount of such dctirienrq upon written natter by the Mortgagee of the amount thereof. <br />Failure to du so before the due date raf such amount shall br an rv. • r:f default under this Mortgage. If the mortgaged prop- <br />erty is sold under forcrlosure or is athrrw•se atquired by the Mortgagee, after default by the Mortgegor, any remaining <br />batanct of the accumulations under Paragnph 7(a) hereof, shall bt credited in the prinfipal amount owing on the Note as of the <br />date of romrrmscenaaent of forcctosure proctediogs for the mortgaged property, car ss of the date the mortgaged property is <br />otherwise so ttgn'ued. <br />8. The improvements and all plsns and specifintions thcrt(ar shat! rnmply with all applinble municipal ordinances, regu- <br />lations, and rules msdt or promulgated by lawful anthntity, end upon their complctinn shall comply therewith. <br />