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!�'vi�!?�;`� u;2.i�=.�' �$t�'�r� ��.;:.;t, i�r't,`',,r �_� �_n w��_ <br /> . `�� . . I Q��;. Y . f . _ . <br /> I�: � .:,� •'i F,,, - ���.�.�,..,.•.---�------'"b'----- r-.,,... _ <br /> I • , :t; � T � <br /> - , .,� � .� <br /> , c'..r'-r- _ - ,�.��.. <br /> , •, : 1 . <br /> ��1 9z--10037:_i - <br /> `'•-��, _--�� TpGETyEIt WITtI ull�hc improvcments now or horeaAer enactad on,�he{xoNeny, uad nll casement�.oppurtenwncca, _-____ <br /> - �nd fixlures now ar hereaGer a put of the propeny. All replaccmantF and atldNinna xhalt�laio Me rnvcrcd by Ihis 5ecurfry <br /> =�.,' �r • lnu�ment. All of the foregoing is referred tu in chis Sccud�y Inurumanl a�thn'Pr�nY." <br /> " BORROWER COVENANTS ttwt Burmwcr is luwfully Fci�ed af tha c�ipta hsreby ccMVCyed aiul ha.r the riBhi tu gr�nt <br /> a4������+����K alld COIiVC the und�hat the Pro n is unencumbercd,escept fi��a�t�:umbrunces ot recurd. Burrower wwrunu and �..,. <br /> !;'. �-�''��''�°�•',. will defend gene��ii c tiUe to the Prope�ity agoiow wll claim�and damand�.subjccl w any encumbcarKrs of record. �- ._ <br /> '�,;� .,. <br /> — .����.� �� THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifimn envenpniN �'�x na�ionul u�e nnd non-uniform cove� wi�h ,�_ __ <br /> �,,,.• 8mited variations by judsdlc[ion acons�i�u�e a uniFarm recu�i�y in�rumant cme�ing real propeny � <br /> - '� '-" ' UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and Lendcr cavdnam�nd agn�as followR: �-'=° <br /> .� �``% •.�r'�' 1. Paytneot o�lh'inciptl and Intercst:Prep�ymaat wnd I.Ata Cbarges. Borrower shs+ll promptly pay when duc�hc �=N <br /> iF- :�.•�..;::�° " _.�z�.-- <br /> ;� ,; _�:... . , �iP�1 of und interest an the debt evidenced by the Nata and any propAymen�And late charges due undrr the Notc. ��__ <br /> 2. Funds for 7lrxes and lasu�nce. Subject to up�liGahla Iaw or to a w�itten woiver by Lender.Borrowcr shull p�y to � ,;,,,,f,�, <br /> ��''��"'�"' l.ender on the day monthly payments ere due undur tha�Vota,until,the Nute is puid in full,a sum C'Fund.s"1 for.(w)yeiuly .;w;. -- <br /> :.�!+��,. �.: - ,• _ <br /> - ""° - •�•° , taxes and assessments which may attain priorily ovcr this Sacurity indtrum�nt ati u li�n on thc Property;lb)ycurly lea�chold <br /> 4 _ Q.i I—'__ <br /> pay�nents or ground renls on �ha Roperty. if any: (cl yearlv har,urd or pn�perty insuraoce premiums; (d) yearly Ilc�od <br /> ��• � .,. ° insurance premiums, if any: (e) yeady mangago insamace pt�smmiums, if Any: And(�uny sums payable by Barrawer to <br />:;`"�„_,.��., � m __ _ <br />;.<i�:, Lender,in occordance with thc provisi�m of puragrAph 8�in lipu,of the payment of moAgage insurance premiums. These �_. <br /> .�� � �"3 '� ; •i� items are caUed"Escrow Items." Lender any tima.callpct and hold FLnds in nn nmount not to exceed thc rtwaimum _ <br /> ���IiI���'�� amount a lender for a federally related mnrtgage Inun may require for Borrowerk e5crow accaunt under the federel Real � __p, <br /> �;;�-��,��.�. � Fstate Seplement RocedurBS Mt of 1974 as amandad imm,time ro time,l2 U.S.C.�2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unless unothcr F.�.=_ <br /> "??.!�--�'-_._ , .---•-�,. " law that applies to 1he Funcls sets a tesser amount, 11!r>a,l.ender may,at nny time.collect and hold Fundc in an nmount not lo _ <br />-:i;����;,,:, <br />=;:�,a.��i exceed the Iesser amaunt. Lender may estimWa th� emount of Fundg due an the basis af currcmt data and reasonable �:- � <br /> :;a`�. ;� �{�� ' • estimates of expendiwres of futur�a Escroa'�tams ar otharwise in acrordance with applicuble law. �__�__ <br /> '� ', ., <br /> The Funds shall be hcld in an inrxituiion whnsc deposits sue insurcd 6y a federal pgency, instrumentnlity,or enti�y ��- <br /> • ` °' ' (inc lu d ing L.en d er.i f L e n d o r i s s u c fi 4n instilutioN ur in an y Federal Home Laan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay Y,��•Y��' <br /> `;��:`. � �' � the Exrow Items. Lender may nnt rhsv�c Burtower for halding and applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow � <br /> •�"�' ° account. or verif in the Escrow Iwms, unless Lender puys Barrower interest on the Funds and applicable law perrnits "��� <br /> y��' W:: '- Lender to make such a charge. However,l.ender mAy tequire HoROwer to pay a one-time chnrge fbr an independent real `- <br /> -- estnte lox reparting service used by l.ender in connectian with Ihis laan,unless applicable Ipw provides otherwise. Unless an _ <br /> - �' '""��' •� agreement is made or applicable la�v requires interest to bc paid,l.endcr shall not be required to pay Borrower any inrerest or ��-:�,°"� <br /> " eurnings on�he Funds. Borrower and Lender may agrec in wri�ing,however,thut Interes[shall be paid on 1he FUnds. Lendcr �_�`�'�� <br /> � shall give to Bnrrower.without charge,an annuAl accoun�ing of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the �°-" <br />:''1 ��: ' purpose for which each debit to 1he FLndc was made. The Funds arc pledged as additional security for all sums secured by �� <br /> ... <br /> ,`.` �. �'`-. `''."�`�. -° ihis Security lnsuvmcni. - <br /> . � If the Funds held by Lender excced the amounts permined ta be hcld by applicablc law. Lender shall account to � �_ <br /> ' �., ,;:° 8orrower for the excess Funds in accordnnce wi�h tha requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by �.-r_:_ <br /> Lender at an time is not sufficient to a thB Exrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Botmwer in writing,and,in �'�`•-"° <br /> . �. y P Y iRr,�:?�- <br /> such case Bortawer shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to muke up�he deficiency. Borrower shnll muke up the _ - <br /> • _,;�?��,- . deficiency in no more than twelve monthly puymonta,A1 L.ender's sale discretion. �-- <br /> `.���� .� Upon pAyment in full of all sums secured by�hie Securiry Inswment,Lender shall promptly refund to Bortower any �;;;_:;�,,,_:- <br /> FLnds held by Lender. If,under parngraph 21,Lender shell acquire or sell tha Prapeny. Lender,prior to the acquisition or �,�-.__, <br /> � ",+�''"� salo of the PropeRy,shall upply any Funds held by Lender at the time af ucquisitian or sule as u credit aguins�tha sums tht��f� <br /> a:��4 ' <br /> ' � secured by ihis Securiry Instrument. �'„�i[,':.: <br /> _ ' 3. ApplicaUon of Payments. Unless applicahla luw provides otharwise, all puyments received by lxnder under �_;�_,Q <br /> .. ._;�;. � paragraphs 1 and 2 shnll be upplied:Grst.�o uny pnspuymant chnrges due undar thz Note; second,tu umouats pnyrble w�der �:_.,-�:-y <br /> ,� • , , pnrngrnph 2;third,to intercst due:founh,to principul duo;and latit,to any late charges due under the Nate. °��- <br /> :� " 4. Charges; Liena Borrower shull pay sU taxes, assessments,churges, fines a�d impositions attributnble lo the +s.�': <br /> � '�`� Propeny which mny uttuin priority over�his Security Instrument,and le�sehold paymems or ground rents,if any. Borrower �".°'�:��' <br /> shull pay these abligutions in the mAnner provided in pnrugruph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower sh�ll pay them on *• <br /> � time direcdy to the person owed paymrnt. Bnrmaer�hull promptly furnish to Lender all nolices of amounts to be pnid under ~�-5:� <br /> , , this parAgraph. If Borrower mnkes these payments directly, Borrower shull promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing <br /> . . . �.,,.,.::a:. <br /> . the paymen�s. ��f_-. <br /> ' , Borrower shall promptly dischpr�e nny lien which has priority over Ihis Securiry Instrumem unles+Borrower:(a)agrees i.'.,5;.'- <br /> ••:L^ in writing to the payment of the oWigation secured by the lien in u manner ucceptable 1u La:nde�;(b)contests in good fafth the �'";� <br /> lien by,or defends ugs�inst enforcement of the lien in, Iegul proccedings which in the Lender'.s opinion operate to �revent the <br />�" '`""�• enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an ngreement sutisfuc�ory ro Lender�ubordinating the lien �T'y,-�' <br /> •. to this Security Instrument. If Gender detennincs thut uny purt of the Propeny is subject to a lien whieh may nttnin priority �.-'•1ti <br /> over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Bortower shall satisfy Ihe lien or take '�' <br /> � � one or more af Ihe actions set forih ubove within 10 duy,of the giving of notice. �}�•� <br /> ° ` S. Ha�rd or Property insurance. Borrower shall kecp thc improvements no��•eai�ting on c�rcufter erec�ed on the <br /> • � Property insured aguinsl fire,hazurds inrluded w•iihin�hc temi "extrnded coverugr"anJ any other hazards,including <br /> floods or flooding,for which Lender reyuircx inwrance. This in,urance ,hall be muintuined in the amoun�s und for Ihe � • <br /> i'� , <br /> . � FaM 3obt 9i90 qr,.�r�:ofe�,.,x�.�� , <br /> ,� ;:i�� . , �, � <br /> , ..� <br /> • i,: <br /> , ' i• <br /> , . , � � ,., , .. <br /> , . ' , j � <br /> f <br /> � ` , + <br /> � _ - <br />