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<br />15. A.ll. d~re]'.li!,ng fronts' and otitier bu'i,ldi.rcug, fronts shal'1 b~~ set back at <br />least thirty {30) feet from the front lot line o£ each lot in said subdivision. <br />No dwelling or afher building shall be located nearer to ar_y aide lot line than <br />fifteea {15} feet. Ail dwellings and buildings shall be set no closer to a rear <br />Iot line than twenty-five (25) feet. <br />16. No building or structure shall be moved on any lot in this sub- <br />. division until external design plans thereof have been approved by at least <br />eighty ($0) percent of the lot owners in said subdivision. <br />17. The purchaser of a lot in the said subdivision shall construct <br />his home within two years after purchasing the lot ;:.d the exterior of the house <br />shall be completed within eight months from the start of construction. <br />" 18. No fence, side, rear, or front, shall be constructed of barbed <br />wire, woven wire (not chain length), of creosote treated material above ground, <br />or any un~ ightly material or lumber, <br />19. All installations or water systems and disposal systems must comply <br />with and meet the standards by legal and valid governing statutes, ordi- <br />nances or regulations. <br />20. These covenants, restrictions and conditions are to run with the <br />land and shall be binding on all persons and all parties claiming ownership of <br />= said lots until April 1989, at which time said Covenants, Restrictions, and Con- <br />z <br />ditions shall be automatically extended for successive geriods of ten {10) years: <br />- unless changed or modified by a vote of a majority of the ten owners of lots in <br />- said subdivision. <br />21. As long as lot sixteen {i6) will be used as a detention-cell tiie <br />maintenance and tax, if any, shall be an equal expense and responsibility of each <br />lot owner in said subdivision. One lot owner shall be choosen by the majority <br />of lot owners in said subdivision to make sure detention cell is properly main- <br />1 <br />tained. This person shall have authority to use any measures necessary to collect <br />assessments and assure proper maintenance. <br />22. if any owner of any lot, or their heirs, or assigns, shall violate <br />or attempt to violate any of the Covenants, Restrictions and Cunditions herein set <br />forth, it shall be lawful for any other persor. or persona owning any real estate <br />in said addition to prosecute such proceedings at law or in equity against the <br />person or persons violating or attempting to violate any such Covenants, Restrictions <br />and Candi:tibn$ and to prevent him, her or them. from so doing or to recover damages <br />for such violations. <br />