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<br /> ��drA.rO�.,�G�° —_'�"
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<br /> ��. �a) �n�ow�Npl RN�sMd.Exbnslon oi th�tlnN ta p�ym�nt or modlllcatlon ol�moAl�atbn ot tlN wms Ncund 0!►IRM _
<br /> �� �� r, D�ed of Trust pranqd b�►Ltnd�►to�ny succ�aa In IntKat of 8onow�r�u not op�►�t�W nlpwt.In any rt�nrnr,th�II�bN1l�r =-:_
<br /> ��� oT tM aipinal Bonow�r�nd BorrowK's wcc�sfors In Int�ns�Lsnd�r thill�ol b�nqub6d to comm�nao proeNdinp��p�lnsl ��:.
<br /> ---- weh wcc�so+o��MusNo�xt�nd tlm�lor p�ymmt or oth�wla modiy�mortlr�Uon ot tM sum�Maw�d by fhh ONd of Trusl ---
<br /> ,� --;„.` py��on of�ny dMnand� m�d�by the orlpinal Borrower�nd Bonowe'�succu�on In Interesl --_.-
<br /> :�, _ �b� ��ntl�'�paw�n,WltAout dlecdnp the IIab111q ol�ny othw pwwn Ilabk(ar ttw payrt►pnt ot any obtt�adon haefn __
<br /> - -x m�nUoned,and without�fl�cdnp th�B�n or ch�r��ol thls M�d of Trust upon any portfon 01 the Prop�Ay nat th�n a tMntolo�� -
<br /> - --_������_`� �c rdeusd u aecwity lor ihs full amount ol all unpNd oblipadom,Lend�r may,f�om dm�to tlme and without nodcs(f)rN��nY ---
<br /> 'm'�:�r�ri" penon so IIabN,(ii)extond th�msturity or aiter any of Ih�prms o f any�uc h o Wipa don s.(li1)prant other Indu l p�nca.(Iv)relais� °�_-
<br /> ��•=:';�, "- - or reconvay.or caws W be relpwd or recanvayed at any tfms at Lsnder's opGon�ny p�rcN.partbn or�II of the Property -----
<br /> , �A?e:_:
<br /> (�)take or relwfe any other or addidonal�ecuriy for any ob1l�aUon Mnin m�►tloned,or(vi)mak�compaitlom or otlNa _
<br /> ��'�.-..��� °� �rnnpements with debton in rel�tlon thereto. .—
<br /> -�—�"=Ja;.�.��:_ (e) Furb�ane�by L�nd�r Not�Wah�r.Any lorbearance by Lender in exereisfn0 any riyht w�emsdy hsreunda,Cr __---
<br /> ���--��Y��o-
<br /> otherwiss�Horded by applic�ble law, �hall not be p waivor W or preclude the exercfse o1 any such ripht or remody.TAe !�•.�
<br /> -� •-�'�'y�� � I procuremant ot Ineurance or the peyment ol fexes or other Nam or char�ef by I.�nd6r�hall not bo�wafver ol l.ond�r's ripAt to _
<br />__ `��`�'`�`=��>° accNerata the maturity of the Indebtednesa cecured by thia Deed of Trwl. --
<br /> ��•, The eovenants and apreemonte heroin cora•
<br /> �.•;. �'4 f .�;.� (� Buce�s�ors�nd As�tOm Bound:Joln1�nd Sw�ral I.I�MAyr:CaPtlon�• —
<br /> - �,,;�►,! tain�d shall bind.�nd the riphts hereu�der�haU I�ure to,the rospoedva sucesasors and awi�ns o1 Lendar and Truatar.AN _ �
<br /> _��;�E covenenb and aprsam�nfs ol Trustor shall be Joint and several.The captlons and haadinps ot tha paraprephs of thi�M�d d
<br /> Tnut are for convenienc�only and ere not ro be used to Interpret of en"notlee of default he eunder and a copy of an nWir.e =
<br />--__ -- ���'��r (e) ppuMt tar Notlqs.Ths potties hereby requeat thst a coPY Y Y --
<br /> ---�- ��` �y �� • of sale hareunder be moiled to each party to lhia Deed ol Trust at the addresa set lorth above In tha manner preecribe0 by �.
<br /> Y �=-'°" t app8cable law.Exc�pt fa any other nodce required under applicable lew to be�iven In another manner,any notice pravidmd __'
<br /> i '�'�"• " to►In this Deed of Truat�hall be yiven by malling euch notice by certifled mail addressed W the other paAiea,at the addr�sel -
<br />--P�r-.•;,..:
<br />==='—���..,"`.;, , ' lorth above.Any notice provWed for in thfa Deed of Trust shall be eifeCtive upon mallinp In the manner desipnatad h�dn. If, �..��;
<br /> —' °-�''"`` � T�ustor is mwe than one penan,notice aent to the addreae eet forth above shall ba�odce to all such peraonn.
<br />';;�'�y3 �a=�:. (q Insp�cllon.Lender mey meke or cause to be made reaaonable entriRS upan and Inspectlons ot the Property,provld�d __
<br /> ;; ,r.• •� '*�. .,�
<br /> -_-_ —___,.,..,.� � .. Met Lend�r shall qlve Trustor noUco p►lor ro Any such intpecdon specllyfnp reatonable cauae theretor ralatad to Lender r
<br /> �i:+'kr�� IMerest In the Property. �u''
<br /> �:• A'w%j,�•,-;: (p) R�eonvyr�nc�.Upon peyment of ell sums secured by lhis Deed of Trust,Lende�ohall requeat Trustee to reconvey thm
<br /> ���,`_,... �..t. —...
<br /> �_�-`�•�.' =.;;. � Properry end�hell eur�ender this Deed ot TNSt and all notes evldencinp Indebtedness secured by Mis Deed of Trustro Truepee. �,_:
<br /> ��:;�•,
<br /> _•-� Trualee thsll reconvey Ihe Property wlthaul warranly and wlthaut�charpe to the person or peroons leyally entltkd thereta �,...
<br />- ' T►u�tor�hall pay aN coate of recordadon.Ilany. —._.
<br /> �a� �, r. �A�'„ �.
<br /> "����±�-_- � �hf p�� p��•$e���Agr�wn�n4 As addlponal �ecurity tor the payment o1 the Nota,T�uator hereby�rinb
<br /> .._.Ni-- ��l,zA'';)/j�e� �..� •
<br />_ �•r�t>��:;.•� Lender under the Nebratka Uniform Commerciel Code a securlty interast In ell flxtures,equipmen4 and other persona p�opany _
<br /> �1��`�'�������" used in conneCpon with the real eatate or improvements located Moreon,end not othe�wlse declared or deemed to be e peR d ��,
<br /> ����1!•��';c;.� . —
<br /> , �• • „� . the real eetate eecured he►eby.Thls Inatrument shell be conetrued as a 9ecurity Agreement under eald Code,and Ihq Lender
<br /> '�' .'I �`�• shall have ali the riqhts and remedles ol a 6ecured party under sald Code In addNion to the ri�hb and remedlea created und6t
<br /> i, ; ,. .o=. �.,.,..
<br /> r:;. ; __�.
<br /> ,,� .:; and aCCOrded the lender pursuent to thia Deed of Truah,provfded lhat Lender's rfghts and remedles under this parayraph lhall
<br /> ;�.s•t�; '��� " . ` • be cumutative wlth,and In no way a Iimlmtlon on.Lender's rlyhts and remadies under any other aecurly apreemenf�ignad by �__
<br /> ' ;. -�;':`,;:�;.�.'�,.''i :' 8orrower or Trusror.
<br /> �;,,y;;;�� p) LMns snd Enewnbnnch.Trus tor here by warra�b and re pr�sants that thera is no delault under the provlslons da�y --_
<br /> - ;��•����� •• mo►tpape,deed ol truat lease or purchase contract descrfbiny all or any part of the Proporly,or other contract,Inefrument or ___
<br />.. ;,,,,.�,�.r�,..,,.... epreemant consdtuting e lien or encumbrance egainst au or any pah ot the Property(collecGvely."Uens'y,exfedng as d tM �.
<br /> �_•„».ar_ 1r�: •:•; date ot thia Deed of Trust,end that eny and all exlsting Lfens remaln unmodlfied except as dfaclosed to Lender M Truet4rt �,._.
<br /> , - •-- „ ;�."'� wrltten dlsolo�ure of Ilena and encumbrances provlded lor herein.Truetor shall tlmely peAorm all o}Truator'e obtlgatla�6, �_
<br /> " ` �• il � � covenants,rep►esentatlons end warrantles under any and ell exisltiny end luture Liens,shall promptly forward to LendRr Cop1Ut �_
<br /> '"f•'�}''�•'"'"-"� of all nodcea ol de}auR 4ent In connecUOn wlth any end all exatln�or tuture Lfens,and ahall not wlthout Lenders prior wdtWn
<br /> '� -v : �'tPti'`�'��"'`� ' _
<br /> �.,:,�,,,,.,_ : conaent In any menner modly the provlsfons ol or allow eny luture advances under any exf�tfng or/uture llena. —
<br />�. ,.';,,� :r,.a,� Q) AppNc�don ot P�ynNnb.Unleas otherwlae required by law.sums pafd to Lender hereunder,including without Ilmitetion —_
<br />- • . � peymenla of princlpal and fntereat,fnsurance proceeds,condemnallon proceeds and rents and protlts,ehell be appfled by _
<br /> _`1°'"" � Lander to the amounts due end owing irom Trueror and 8orrower in auch order as Lender fn ib sole dlscreUon deeme deslrable. -._
<br /> �� + " j�a' • (k) 8�Y1/ablUl�t. If eny provlsion o1 ihls Deed of Trust confllcts wlth appllcable law or Is declared fnvaNd or othsnriee �
<br />��4Y1_-`�^+ �'l7:._ ,� .
<br /> _ ;.�-� unenlorceable,such coMllct or Invalfdly ehall not affect the other provlsons ot thia Deed o1 Trust or the Note whlCh cen be �
<br />- " ' s"' glven eflect wlthout the conlllCtlny provlsion,and to thia end Ilw provislons ot this Oeed o1 Tru9t and the Note ara declur�d to be
<br />-`�`.� .� • „ aeverable.
<br /> �
<br />:�.^ � •� � ' • (I) T�rm�.The terma"Trustor"and"8orrower"ahall Include both slnyuler and plural,and when the Trustor nnd Bonoww _
<br />.;,:,','�:. . .�.` `� aro the�ame person(s),those terms as used M this Deed of 7rust shall be Interchangeable. �:
<br /> .•, " ' (m)GorKntnp Law.Thls Deed o1 Truat shall be govamed by t�fe s of the Stete of ka. _
<br /> �,•i.s.'r;�;,. � „ TrustOr hoa executed thla Deed of Trust as of Ihe date wrNten above/ . �
<br /> / �l :��t �� �:'.:
<br /> ' ,. � /
<br /> ,.:;�, :• . � �n�ld C Shull�rTruato�, '/� �
<br />, ' • ' , ��i „�� i i�2 —' •- sr6 G �.-�l �
<br /> � � •u;Yl.'
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